Describe the governing board according to statute and policy.

Topic: Santa Barbara Community College

For this question, complete the following:

  1. 1. Describe the governing board according to statute and policy.
  2. 2. Appraise the most recent accreditation discussion on the governing board.
  3. 3. Summarize your observations of the board meeting you observed.
    1.   1. Include any observation of specific roles played by any member of the board, administrators, faculty, staff, or students.
    2.   2. Include relationship of board members with each other and the CEO.
      1.  1. Discuss the way board members interacted with each other, the CEO, speakers, or the audience.
      2.  2. Discuss the role of the chair and how that person conducted the meeting.
      3.  3. State if there was any evidence of a rogue trustee as described in O’Banion’s articles from the attachment below. If so, what examples can you give of the rogue trustee’s behavior in the board meeting, or in other situations?
    3.  3. Include the discussion and agenda items. Were they important to the mission of the college discussed at the board meeting?
    4.  4. Include the role the CEO played at the meeting.
    5.  5. Include the role, if any, the constituent groups played.
  4.  4. Provide the critical issues impacting politics or governance of the institution.
  5.  5. Provide any model programs or efforts being made to improve politics, governance, campus culture, climate, or communications.

how community colleges have changed since the early years and how they are now more than ever in the spotlight.

how community colleges have changed since the early years and how they are now more than ever in the spotlight.

Use attachment to help with answer.

College: Santa Barbara Community College

In Reed’s 2017 article, “Community Colleges, Shared Governance, and Democracy,” several questions are discussed about community colleges. In the article, the author mentions how community colleges have changed since the early years and how they are now more than ever in the spotlight.

In your answer, discuss how the questions outlined in this article and how these might impact the culture, climate, organizational structure, and governance of the community college you are most familiar with.

  • How have these changes changed the culture, climate, and role of faculty, staff, and students in governance at your institution?

Reminder: Length does not equal strength. Effective posts are brief and to the point. Consider your post to be an executive brief and keep it under 500 words, if possible.

you will synthesize the information about indoor environments

The AssignmentReview what each of these age groups seeks developmentally. From there, you will synthesize the information about indoor environments, including the perspective that outdoor environments are an extension of the indoor environment, to discuss opportunities in the outdoor environment for mobile and non-mobile infants, toddlers, and twos.  For example, in the lecture, you learned that non-mobile infants watch and listen to the world around them. One thing a teacher can do is to seek out opportunities for children to watch whirligigs spinning or hear a wind chime ringing as the wind blows. You will come up with your own (10) ideas for opportunities for each age group.This table was adapted from Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers, and TwosNon-mobile infantsMobile InfantsToddlersTwo-year-oldsExample: Notice, looking at, and listening to what is around themExample: Crawl, pull to standing, cruise, and walkExample: Increase social interactionsExample: Engage in more complex social interactions

  1. You will use the table to provide an outdoor learning experience, opportunity, or material for each age group. An example has been provided in the introduction. You will provide one per age group (non-mobile infant, mobile infant, toddler, and two-year-old). As you contemplate each age group, you must also keep in mind any child care rules, best practices, and other considerations impacting environments for young children. You should cite your sources to support your activity.
  2. You will write a summary of each activity for each age group and justify how your activity is developmentally appropriate and supports early learning. You will cite your sources.
  3. Finally, you will submit the chart above (copy and paste it into a word document and the summary of each activity for each age group.

Grading Criteria Module 8 Intentional Outdoor Expereinces for Young Children Assignment Rubric.docx Module 8 Intentional Outdoor Expereinces for Young Children Assignment Rubric.docx – Alternative Formats

To Submit

Using an instructor-approved word processor (for example, Microsoft Word), save the document with a filename that includes your last name and first initial and the assignment title. Example: Brown C Module 2 Essay. Submit the document through the assignment link.You will need to submit your completed chart and your summary of each activity for each age group.

Evaluate a Quantitative Study

Final Project, Part II: Evaluate a Quantitative Study

For Part II of your final project, you will comprehensively evaluate an article of your choice that reports on a quantitative study. (Remember, a quantitative study uses numbers as data.) Locate an article in the professional literature that addresses a topic you are interested in. Remember to use the Area of Interest interactive (Links to an external site.) to guide you in the selection process. The article you select should describe a quantitative study and should have all or most of the expected sections, either with their own headings or embedded in the article: Introduction, Literature Review, Methods, Results, and Discussion.

In writing your evaluation of the article, you will use Section 5.7 in your text. Do not simply tell what is in the article, but evaluate it using the questions in your text. Explain and justify your evaluation based on specific examples from the article.

Your paper should be 2100-2800 words in length (not counting the title, abstract, and reference pages) and comprehensively evaluate an article of a quantitative study. Use proper APA formatting and good writing and organization in your evaluation paper.

The following questions may help you in evaluating your articles, though you do not have to follow this format exactly.

i. Evaluate the Introduction and Literature Review.

o Do the researchers present an adequate rationale for conducting the study? Explain.

o What is the significance of the study?  What difference will it make to the field?

o Is the literature review thorough and comprehensive?

o Do the researchers demonstrate any potential biases in the literature review?

o Are all-important concepts clearly defined by the researchers?

o Do the researchers clearly describe previous methods that are relevant to understanding the purpose for conducting this study?

ii. Evaluate the Purpose Statement and Hypothesis.

o Does the article clearly state the purpose statement?

o What is the purpose statement as expressed in the article?

o Is the purpose statement clearly based on the argument developed in the literature review?

o Are the variables of interest (i.e. independent and dependent) clearly identified in the purpose statement?

o What type of hypothesis is presented (alternative nondirectional, alternative directional, or null hypothesis)?

o Do the investigators provide a clear rationale for the direction of their hypothesis, based on the literature review?

o Is the hypothesis testable and falsifiable?

o Is the hypothesis stated with brevity and clarity?

iii. Evaluate the Methods Section.

o What type of sampling method is used?  Is that appropriate?

o Are relevant demographic characteristics of the sample clearly identified?

o Do the methods of sample selection used by the researchers provide a good representative sample, based on the population?

o Are there any apparent biases in selection of the sample?

o Is the sample size large enough for the study proposed?

o Is a particular quantitative research design used (e.g. true experimental, quasi-experimental, etc.)? If so, what is it?

o Is the research design consistent with the purpose and hypothesis presented in the introduction?

o Are the independent variables clearly defined so that they can be replicated using the information provided in the procedures section?

o What are some of the potential threats to internal validity?  How are they threats?

o What are some of the potential threats to external validity?  How are they threats?

o Is there a clear and adequate description of the instrument (data collection measures) used?

o What types of measures were used in the study (direct observation, behavioral measures, self-report, etc.)?

o What are some of the potential problems or limitations with the types of measures used?

o To what extent are the instruments standardized, and what types of standardized scoring were used?

o Does the instrument appear to be appropriate for the sample?

o Is the reliability of the instrument reported?  Is the reliability adequate?

o What types of validity are reported for the instrument used?  Is the validity adequate?

iv. Evaluate the Results Section.

o What descriptive statistics were used?  Do the researchers adequately describe the sample?

o What types of inferential statistics were used? Are the inferential statistics used adequate to answer the research hypotheses or questions?

o Is the analysis method clearly described?

v. Evaluate the Discussion Section.

o Do the researchers clearly restate the purpose and research questions?

o Do the researchers clearly discuss the implications of the findings and how they relate to theories, other findings, and actual practice?

o Do the researchers identify potential limitations of the study and the results?

o Do the researchers identify possible directions for future research?

vi. Remaining Questions.

o What aspects of quantitative methods do you still find challenging?

o Was there any information in the above list that you were not able to find in the article you chose?

In addition to your 2100-2800 word paper, upload a PDF copy of the article to the Dropbox.


Why do students need to learn information literacy?

Information Literacy and You [WLO: 2] [CLO: 1]


Accessibility Statement: If you have a disability that impacts your ability to successfully participate in this or any other course activity, please provide your instructor with your authorized Accommodation Request form from the Office of Student Access and Wellness so that he/she can discuss and arrange an alternative plan with you.


  • Make a list of the different components of information literacy covered in your textbook.
  • Consider how each of these components affect your daily life and your chosen career.  Pay particular attention to the information literacy skills that employers expect from their employees.
  • Review your TATIL exam report and consider how the information provided there relates to the information you read in Module 1 of your textbook.  Think about how you can implement your personal recommendations from the report.


  • Explain your understanding of information literacy. Choose three example concepts or skills from Module 1 of your course textbook and explain how these concepts illustrate your understanding. Be sure to cite your course textbook.
  • Explain how these concepts apply to you as a college student. Why do students need to learn information literacy?
  • Explain why these concepts apply to your personal or professional life and how you will apply them.

Your initial post must be at least 350 words and address all of the prompt’s elements.

You must cite and reference any sources that you use in your posts, including your textbook or any other sources of information that you use. Please refer to the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center’s Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) and Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) for help with citing and referencing your sources.

What similarities or legacy do you see of the educational policies implemented during the 1983-1993 reform period to today’s reforms?

What similarities or legacy do you see of the educational policies implemented during the 1983-1993 reform period to today’s reforms?





Purpose: After reading Tyack & Cuban: Tinkering Toward Utopia, Chapters 3 and 4, and Spring: The Politics of American Education, Chapters 1, please answer the following questions:

Chapter 3
What similarities or legacy do you see of the educational policies implemented during the 1983-1993 reform period to today’s reforms? How are they similar? Who were the stakeholders involved in the decisions back then and today?

In the reforms described in chapter 4, the authors explore ways in which they have impacted the grammar of schooling and how they shape the modern school system (Provide a specific example of such reform in today’s school system). What, in your opinion, is the most significant of the reforms described in this chapter, and why?

The Politics of American Education- Chapter 1
Joel Spring explains on chapter 1 that there are three questions in politics of education that shape how decisions are made. Select a current issue in education and analyze it through the lenses of how the three questions influence (for better or worse) the decision-making of your selected issue.

  • attachment

Ethical Parameters Paper 

Ethical Parameters Paper

Assignment Content

  1. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that describes the potentially important ethical considerations of beneficence, autonomy, and justice for a study (either a study you used for a previous assignment in this course or your proposed dissertation study).

    Review the instructions for accessing the IRB Application via IRBNet as a resource to address field requirements. Use the point of view of an IRB reviewer, and discuss the ethical dynamics of decisions you have made, even if they are not yet final decisions, related to the:

    • Choice and definition of the case
    • Choice of theoretical framework
    • Choice of types and sources of evidence
    • Choice of questions to ask or details to observe
    • Choice of data collection techniques and schedules
    • Choice of data analysis methods
    • Choice of methods to maximize trustworthiness
    • Choice of methods to safeguard anonymity and confidentiality and to minimize any negative effects of your investigation
    • Consider the implications in each of these areas for the case as a whole, for individual members of the case, for the field of inquiry, and for the eventual audience.

      Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Document Analysis Paper

Document Analysis Paper [due Mon]

Assignment Content

  1. Choose a construct or process, such as motivation, empowerment, isolation, goal-setting, problem-solving, and so forth, using your Wk 5 TV observation and your interview data set from Wk 6 as possible sources of context.

    Find an archive of transactional documents that contain evidence of your chosen construct. Transactional documents may include minutes of meetings, conference programs, a collection of organizational mission statements, the evolution of a product, and so forth, but not scholarly articles.

    Conduct an analysis of the documents of which you have chosen to obtain a deeper understanding, as well as the meaning of the construct that evolves from the documents.

    Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word paper documenting your analysis that includes:

    • A description of the construct
    • A description of the document set you used
    • A description of the sampling method you used to choose a few documents to review
    • A description of the data analysis approach you used
    • The steps in your data analysis
    • The results of your analysis

Describe some of the strategies implemented by the U.S. government to improve the U.S. economy during the Great Depression (1929-1941)?

. Describe some of the strategies implemented by the U.S. government to improve the U.S. economy during the Great Depression (1929-1941)? Provide specific examples of President Roosevelt’s New Deal programs or legislations. What drug law reforms were made during this era and why? What economic programs did the U.S. government undertake during the 1930s to improve the economy and conditions among people? Provide statistics to support your answer.

2. What factors influenced the U.S. government to enter the war against Japan, Germany, and Italy in December, 1941? What type of fanatical warfare did the Japanese rely upon and how did the U.S. plan to counter this? What measures did the U.S. military take to knock Japan out of the war in 1945? How did the U.S. economy improve as a result of involvement in World War II? Provide statistics to support your answer.

3. Describe some of the social conditions found among many U.S. women during the 1950s. What physical and social pressures did many women during the 1950s encounter? What information and insight did feminist author, Betty Friedan, provide in The Feminine Mystique that described women’s roles in U.S. society? Draw a few comparisons between the employment status of women during the 1950s and during the current 2000s. Name several historical factors which influenced employment statuses between U.S. men and U.S. women between the 1950s and 2000s. Provide statistics to support your answer.

4. Describe some examples of segregation between skin-color groups within the U.S. southeastern states during the 1950s. What efforts were made to desegregate southeastern states among civil rights organizations? Describe the differences between the civil rights efforts of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. What sort of statements did these two men use in their speeches to further their causes? Provide statistics to support your answer.

5. Define the term ‘counterculture’. What specific circumstances related to the Kennedy assassination, the Vietnam War, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Watergate scandal influenced counterculture movements during the 1960s and 1970s? Provide any relevant statistics that influenced these movements. Provide statistics to support your answer.

6. Outline three main factors which maintained the Cold War between the U.S. and Soviet Union between 1945 and 1991. What were the differences in the U.S. and Soviet economies? What conditions influenced the end of the Cold War in the late 1980s and early 1990s?

Writing Instructions:
Writing Instructions:
1. Choose 1 of the 6 essay questions to answer.
2. Write 3-5 pages to explain your position.
3. Paragraphs in this assignment need at least 5 sentences.
4. Type and double-space your answers.
5. Use at least two sources to support your answer. (The textbook and/or notes from class may be used as references). Do not use Wikipedia.
6. Use parenthetical citation format within your essay anytime you use one of your sources.
7. Use MLA or APA format.
8. Provide a work cited page in addition to your 3-5 pages essay.

APA Citation examples
APA style includes the author(s) and the year of publication.
The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 helped influence anti-slavery attitudes in the North due to its stated policy that slavery was prohibited in new states north of the Ohio River (Brands, Breen, Williams, and Gross, 2012).
The Articles of Confederation was replaced with the U.S. Constitution in part because the federal government lacked the central authority and tax collecting initiative needed to stabilize the infant nation (19th Century Urbanization notes, 2015).
Any quotation or statistics taken from a book or article must include author’s name, publication year, and page number.

MLA Citation examples

MLA style includes the page number(s) and the author(s).

Romantic poetry is characterized by the “spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” (Wordsworth 263).

Wordsworth extensively explored the role of emotion in the creative process (263).
Multiple authors from a source:

After using a source with multiple authors more than once, you are able to shorten the citation by writing the first author’s name and then “et al”. This is a Latin term meaning “and others”. The page number should follow after a comma.

Example: Example: 17th and 18th century New England women were presented with greater financial opportunities through involvement in poultry sales (Brands et al., 2012).

What was the Iran-Contra Scandal, and what effect did it have on U.S. and Middle East relations?

answer size is provided for single spaced writing. so do not write it in double spaced.

3rd book link:

From the Readings (20 points)

BOTH of the following questions will appear on the exam, of which you will need to address ONE. Your response to the question you choose will be worth 20 points. You must reference (either by document name or authors name) and discuss at least two sources from your textbooks. Your response should be between 3/4s and 1 page single spaced.

1. How effective was the environmental “greening” movement under Nixon? How did the movement change under future presidents?

2. “America From Reconstruction to Rebellion” argues that President Reagan should not get credit for ending the Cold War. Do you agree that the Soviet Union dissolved due to internal pressures? Or was it because of Reagan’s “Star Wars” program?


Major Essay (50 points)

TWO of the following questions will appear on the exam. You will need to pick ONE and answer it thoroughly for a total of 50 points. Make sure you address ALL aspects of the question. Additionally, you need to write in essay form, with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Do not write one long paragraph.   This should be 1 ¼ of a page if single spaced.

1. What was the Iran-Contra Scandal, and what effect did it have on U.S. and Middle East relations?

2. What were Bill Clinton’s economic policies? Give at least four examples. Explain their difference, if any, from previous ruling U.S. economic theories. What effect did his policies have on the future?