Explain the challenges facing California’s criminal justice system and develop solutions

  • Explain the challenges facing California’s criminal justice system and develop solutions

Question 1

Using the California Politics textbook, explain why California’s prisons are overcrowded and “bursting at the seams.” Also, discuss two reasons that the California Politics textbook gives to explain why they are chronically underfunded.

Tip: Be sure to separate the reasons for the overcrowding from descriptions of overcrowding. For example, stating that California’s prisons are overcrowded because there are hundreds of thousands of people in them is a description of the problem, but not an explanation for why that situation exists.

Your answer to Question 1 should be at least 250 words in length. When you reference a specific argument, please cite the page number where the argument was made.

Question 2

What, if anything, do you believe the California government could do to most effectively solve this problem?

Your answer to Question 2 should be at least 100 words long. After providing your answer to Question 2, please find one classmate with whom you agree or disagree in whole or in part. Address his or her argument. Explain why you agree or disagree and/or what you believe the argument is missing. (If you do agree with the poster, be sure that you still “add something” to the discussion, as opposed to simply restating his or her argument. Avoid simply restating the arguments you made in your post.)

Jobless Claims Fall Sharply

Jobless Claims Fall Sharply to 684,000, 4Q GDP Revised Upward

Read the article “Jobless Claims Fall Sharply to 684,000, 4Q GDP Revised Upward” by Tim Smart.
The article is uploaded!

    • In a word document or a pdf file, submit the following:
    • (20 points) A detailed summary of the article (5-6 sentences ONLY).
    • (30 points) Using the information provided in the article, identify the current state of the US economy on a business cycle diagram. Identify whether the US economy is at a peak, trough, recession, or expansion. Explain your answer using the concepts we learned in Chapters 9, 11, and 17.
    • (50 points) Read the following quote and answer questions about it:

“Both reports come on the one-year anniversary of the passage of the CARES Act, the first of
three coronavirus relief packages passed by Congress, the latest of which is now sending
$1,400 checks to Americans. All told, about $5 trillion in fiscal stimulus has been added to
the U.S. economy in the past 12 months as well…”

  • (20 points) What type of policy are the CARES Act and relief packages passed by Congress? What is the goal of these policies? Explain in detail using concepts learned in Chapters 21 to 23.
  • (30 points) Using aggregate demand and aggregate supply diagrams, show the before and after effects of COVID-19, and the effect of the stimulus packages on the US economy. In a paragraph, explain why the curve(s) shifted.
  1. For extra credit points, answer the following questions:
    • (5 points) Let’s say Congress asked you for help. What other policy would you suggest to get the US economy back or close to its full-employment level (besides what is already mentioned in this assignment)? Explain in detail using the concepts we learned this semester.

Applying Supply and Demand:  Real World Examples

Applying Supply and Demand:  Real World Examples

For this assignment you will find a news article (not a blog, not Wikipedia, not an opinion article, a news article) that IMPLICITLY (not directly) describes a change in supply, demand or both in a real world market.  The learning objective is to understand how supply and demand impacts markets and prices.Begin by downloading and studying:

Assignment History

  • Find a news article on the Internet that IMPLICITLY describes a shift in the supply curve or in the demand curve. In other words, the article MUST NOT directly say which graph to use.  For example, inappropriate articles would be the ones with titles like “demand is short”, “excess supply”, “high demand”, and so on.  Instead, the titles must be about changes in prices and/or sales (watch video below for more guidance).  The article must be recent (within the last six months), and MUST NOT be from an encyclopedia or reference website that discusses demand and supply. DO NOT use blogs.  Use well-established business web sites like “google.com”, or “yahoo.com”.
  • The best articles are about changes in the price and/or sales of a particular product. You then have the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of supply and demand shifts as you explain the changes in price and quantity experienced by the product you choose.
  • RECOMMENDATION: READ THE SAMPLE PROJECT: Under the Getting Started link.
  • Summarize the article.  Do not quote the article, but explain it as if you were telling someone about it. If you do use direct quotes or paraphrases, remember that citations and references are required.
  • Explain which graph in our collection – A, B, C, or D – illustrates the shift that you identify by describing the change in price and the change in equilibrium quantity (remember the difference between a change in quantity and a change in the position of the curve – these are described in the documents linked above).
  • Some articles may describe a situation where both curves shift.  This is not common but it is possible.
  • Do use paragraphs in your post. And do remain focused on what is in the article.
  • Provide a full URL link to the article along with an APA-formatted reference to the article at the bottom of your submission.
  • Important: This is a Microeconomic course. Do not choose an article discussing Macroeconomic issues: Inflation, unemployment, trade deficit, government budget deficit, etc.

NOTE: This research assignment is 5% of your course grade. In Week 3 there is similar assignment that is 15% of your course grade. The difference is so that you can learn how to properly complete the research assignment in Week 1. Thus, in Week 3 the expectations for your work will be higher than in Week 1. Be sure to carefully review any instructor feedback on your Week 1 research assignment and to apply that to your Week 3 research assignment work.


Levels of Achievement


Poor work

Partial work

Good work

Article quality

(10 points)

Article selected is not appropriate (no current news, self-implied graph in title, encyclopedia)

(0 points)

Article is partially acceptable: old, too broad (macro), partial self-implied graph in title

(5 points)

Proper article selected (current news, title refers to changes in price or sales)

(10 points)

Specific graph reference

(10 points)

No specific graph reference (A, B, C, or D)

(0 points)

Graph is implied but it’s not named or identified

(5 points)

A specific graph (A, B, C or D) is selected

(10 points)

Appropriate graph reference

(40 points)

Graph is selected, but it’s not appropriate or consistent with the article being used

(0 points)

Graph selected is not appropriate but arguments used are

(20 points)

Student selects an appropriate graph

(40 points)

Graph justification

(40 points)

No justification of graph (s)

(0 points)

Weak arguments justifying graph (s)

(20 points)

Student justifies graph(s) properly

To receive full credit, your submission must be at least 250 words long.

Explain and illustrate the short-run effect of a temporary oil price shock on macroeconomic equilibrium using the AD-AS model

In our analysis of Ch.10, we studied the aggregate demand (AD) and aggregate supply (AS) model in the context of recessions, expansions and supply shocks on economic activity. In addition, in Ch.12, we discussed the role of monetary policy on economic activity. As a result, the different type of ‘shocks’ that affect economic activity bare consequences on the level of inflation and output. Central banks, such as the RBA, can simultaneously pursue “stabilising prices” (i.e., maintaining a targeted level of inflation) and “stabilising economic activity” (i.e., economic activity remaining at its potential level). However, not all shocks to the economy are equal. In response to this, economists/policymakers can either achieve price stability or economic stability, but not both. This trade-off ultimately poses a dilemma for central banks with dual mandates such as price stability and economic activity. On the other hand, New-Keynesian theory suggests that there is no trade-off between price stability and maintaining economic activity – something called the “divine coincidence”. Recall the long-run potential macroeconomic equilibrium condition where the economy is at long-run macroeconomic equilibrium (point 1); output (or real GDP) is at its potential level at ???? ???? ; and inflation (or the price level) is at its target rate (set by the central bank) at ???? �

Question 1 [3 marks total]. While evidence shows that the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) impacted firms (small to large), it is generally accepted (and shown by empirical studies) that the GFC predominantly impacted on households/consumer spending (i.e., on aggregate demand). Assume this is the case. Also assume that there is no fiscal policy response from the government.

a. Explain and illustrate the short-run effect of the GFC on macroeconomic equilibrium using the AD-AS model. [0.5 marks]

b. Explain and illustrate the adjustment process to back to long-run equilibrium based on the following

i. Self-correcting mechanism (i.e., with no policy response). [1 mark]

ii. Active stabilisation response (i.e., with policy response). [1.5 marks]

Question 2 [3 marks total]. The last several decades has seen a significant amount of human capital entering Australia from foreign nations ranging from low-skilled to high skilled labour and seen as an important factor of the rate of invention and innovation within an economy. Imposing restrictions on skilled immigration policy may deteriorate the overall level of human capital given it is an integral part of production, and hence output. COVID19 has also shown the restrictive effects of the movement of human capital across countries. Assume there is no fiscal policy response from the government for the following questions.

a. Explain and illustrate the short-run effect of the Australian Government imposing a strict ban on human capital entering Australia, by significantly reducing the number of skilled immigrants entering the nation over the next 20 years on macroeconomic equilibrium using the AD-AS model. [0.5 marks]

b. Explain and illustrate the adjustment process to back to long-run equilibrium based on the following:

i. Self-correcting mechanism (i.e., with no policy response). [1 mark]

ii. Active stabilisation response (i.e., with policy response). [1.5 marks]

Question 3 [3 marks total]. Oil price shocks have been a reoccurring phenomenon over the last fifty years, causing significant fluctuations in the price of oil. Examples of oil price  Page 4 of 4 shocks include the early 1970s caused by the OPEC oil embargo, the early 1990s caused by the Gulf War, and the Arab Spring during the early 2010s. Oil-importing nations like Australia are significantly affected by rising oil prices. Nonetheless, evidence has shown that oil price shocks are a temporary phenomenon and eventually, prices decline. Assume that there is no fiscal policy response from the government in relation to an oil price shock.

a. Explain and illustrate the short-run effect of a temporary oil price shock on macroeconomic equilibrium using the AD-AS model. [0.5 marks]

b. Explain and illustrate the adjustment process to back to long-run equilibrium based on the following:

i. Self-correcting mechanism (i.e., with no policy response). [1 mark]

ii. Active stabilisation response (i.e., with policy response). [Hint: there could be two active stabilisation polices here]. [1.5 marks]

Question 4 Based on your answers in part (b) for Q1, Q2, and Q3, does the ‘divine coincidence’ hold? [1 mark]

Virtual Teams Individual report

Virtual Teams Individual report:

Virtual teams become increasingly common in today’s business environment. Please conduct your your own research, reflect on your own experience – where appropriate and answer the following questions:

1. Please identify the main challenges when working in Virtual Teams and discuss the most effective ways to increase engagement and involvement levels and support high performance in such teams. Please provide examples and use appropriate in text citations to support your answers.

2. How Covid – 19 crisis affected virtual teams’ collaboration? What are the skills needed today for leaders to lead and motivate cross cultural and virtual teams?

Deadline: Wednesday 12 May, 14:00 CEST

Word Limit: 2000

Both questions carry equal marks Suitable Reference System: Harvard

Credit will be given for evidence of:

· Library/Internet based research. Try to use a mixture of resources – books, articles as well as the internet.


· Understanding of the issues raised by the questions.

· Concise and clear presentation. Acknowledge any quotes, ideas or arguments that are not your own using the Harvard system. Include a list of references.

· Originality and a critical and questioning approach. It is important to be objective and to support statements with evidence.

· A logical structure and well-argued conclusion.

Employ ethical principles in the decision-making process.

Employ ethical principles in the decision-making process.

Assignment Details:

1 page and a half length

Assignment Objectives

Employ ethical principles in the decision-making process.

Consider the following scenario:

You are shopping in the grocery store when you see a woman with a baby start stealing jars of baby food.

Using the ethical decision-making model that you have been introduced to this in this course, respond to the following questions:

  • What are the circumstances (facts)?
  • What actions do you have available (alternatives)?
  • What have you decided to do? (choice)
  • What do you expect the outcome to be?

Individual Project Rubric

The Individual Project (IP) Grading Rubric is a scoring tool that represents the performance expectations for the IP. This Individual Project Grading Rubric is divided into components that provide a clear description of what should be included within each component of the IP. It’s the roadmap that can help you in the development of your IP.

ExpectationPoints PossiblePoints EarnedCommentsAssignment-Specific: Identify relevant facts and circumstances of the case.


Assignment-Specific: Summarize available alternatives.


Assignment-Specific: Identify the choice that was made.


Organization: Assignment presents information logically and is clearly relevant to discussion topic.


Professional Language: Assignment contains accurate grammar, spelling, and punctuation with few or no errors.


Total Points


Total Points Earned

Motivation and Performance Management

Motivation and Performance Management

For this assignment, use the same company you researched in the assignment, What Makes _ McKinsey and Company  ____ the Best Place to Work and Why?.( McKinsey and Company  )

Write a 2–3 page paper in which you:

  1. Describe the difference between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Determine how both job satisfaction and organizational commitment relate to employee performance at your selected company.
  2. Evaluate your selected company in light of both motivational theory and performance management principles to determine if it is a place you would like to work.
  3. Use at least three quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not quality as academic resources.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Determine how motivational theory and performance management principles are related to employee performance at a given company.

In what ways did the documents that helped create the Constitution and found our nation, shape the government we have today?

**** This is a 8th grader assignment, therefore, nothing to elaborate please.

In the previous tasks, you’ve analyzed three early documents that influenced the creation of the Constitution and the decisions about how the national government would be structured. Now, your task is to construct a response to the central historical question using evidence from the sources to defend your claim:

In what ways did the documents that helped create the Constitution and found our nation, shape the government we have today?

In your response please use information from the documents in this module and your understanding of how the United States government is structured (think of the three branches of government at the national level–SOL 6a) and how it relates to the people. You should review the rubric below before crafting your response to ensure you know what to include. It might also be helpful to review the rubric prior to submitting to ensure it includes all the necessary elements.

You can type your final response into the text entry box below or upload the response in a Microsoft Word document.


1. Use only the documents in this module that you’ve read Document A,B,C as evidence for your claim.

-Charters of the VA Company of London (task 1 document A)

-Declaration of Independence (task 2 document B)

-Articles of Confederation (task 3 document C )

2. Think about and review the structure and powers of our national government–three branches of government and what each branch does  (SOL 6a notes) to help you answer the question.

3. Take an idea from each document to include as evidence for your claim.

i.e.: Articles of Confederation— there was only the legislative body (congress). With the U.S. Constitution, there are 3 branches of government and each has it’s own powers/responsibilities.

Look at the rubric, try your best. Once again, your response is scored according to the rubric given, it is not a grade.

**** This is a 8th grader assignment, therefore, nothing to elaborate please.

Texas Legislative Branch, Redistricting, Campaigns and Elections under Federalism


Reflective Writing: Texas Legislative Branch, Redistricting, Campaigns and Elections under Federalism

Requirements and Completion Instructions

When completing your essay, you must provide in-text citations for any work that is directly quoted or paraphrased.  When writing your essay, respond to the prompt thoroughly, and completely.

Your response should be your own thoughts and analysis. Citations may be formatted in APA, MLA or Chicago style, as long as they are consistent throughout. Research and resources should be incorporated with scholarly application. I.e. used as examples or evidence to support your analysis. Make sure to use complete sentences, and proper grammar. Your response to the prompt should focus on analyzing the information you gather and use to complete the constitutional chart through application. Incorporate the information you gathered by using it to provide examples and support for your response to the prompt.

Your analysis and essay must be at least 2 pages, in length. This does not include the bibliography. The bibliography should be incorporated, on a separate page, unless you are using Footnotes. You will upload your essay, and bibliography together, as a single file, to the designated link, in Eagle Online. File submissions accepted include .pdf, .doc, .dpcx files.  Any other files, submitted, such as pages etc. will not be reviewed, and will automatically receive a grade of a zero, without re-submission.

My expectations of a complete assignment are that information is organized clearly and in detail with specific examples.  Quality is preferred to quantity.


Copy and paste the link below, to access and stream the movie The Big Buy: How Tom Delay Stole Congress, free online. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6rzv (Links to an external site.)

ADDITIONAL LINK IF NEEDED https://vimeo.com/235850615 (Links to an external site.)

Choose from one of the prompts below, to respond to

  1. Thinking about federalism and the how power is distributed between multiple levels of government, including the federal and state level, identify current federal and Texas laws that regulate elections, such as those that provide for determining electoral processes, eligibility to participate in an election, selection methods, winning requirements, candidate qualifications, determining when and where election is held. Discuss inconsistencies and provide some possible examples to explain the potential effects these could have on electoral outcomes, of who is deemed winner, and ultimately achieving democratic representation of the appropriate people (constituents) who will be electorally linked and impacted by the winner of a political office.
  2. In your own opinion, is re-redistricting, before the decennial census, a crime, based on statutory and constitutional law? Or, given the nature and number of state level elections, across a wide geography made up of an extremely demographically heterogenous population, make it democratically necessary that re-mapping between census’s be a reserved power of the states, in order to maximize representative democracy. How could the remapping of Texas be applied to example and explain the state’s Don’t Mess With Texas, age old attitude, and individualistic political culture.
  3. How could you defend an argument that re-redistricting was not illegal, and how could you defend the argument that re-redistricting violated the Voting Rights Act. Despite, the Texas remapping controversy, should the federal judicial system be involved, in what Justice Felix Frankfurter called the “political thicket” of partisan redistricting?  Especially, since the power to redistrict is a power reserved to for the state, and its people. If political gerrymandering is a problem, should its resolve be left to the voters, state by state, and jurisdiction by jurisdiction, or to the federal government (i.e. oversight, regulation, intervention, law…what do you think).

prepare a policy memo

prepare a policy memo

Part A.Policy Table Exercise: you will prepare a table that details your selected policy problem, the decision-making group considering the problem, two to three proposed solutions for addressing it, and your assessment of those alternatives using selected criteria. An example of a Policy Table will be provided on iLearn. (10 points)

Part B.Final Policy Memo: You will then prepare a policy memo including the key steps in the policy process. The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of the policy making process and to conduct critical analysis of a specific policy area affecting children and youth. Your policy memo should:

1. Who decides?: describe the governmental body considering the issue –including its membership, decision-making authority and any timelines (if applicable)

2. The problem: outline the problem, its causes, and key issues

3. Solutions: describe two to three proposed or potential solutions

4. Assessment: assess each proposal against specified criteria(i.e. cost, impact, equity and political feasibility), and

5. Recommendations: make recommendations and conclusions

Part A is attached: