You are interested in looking beyond a single group and attempt to determine the implication of a group’s performance on a population of interest


Part 1

You are interested in looking beyond a single group and attempt to determine the implication of a group’s performance on a population of interest. The group can be described both in terms of its makeup—such as males and females, new employees and old employees, and so forth—and the scores in the group that represent some aspect of performance by the members of the group. The terminology used for the above are terms such as independent and dependent variables. Remember that variables have to be clearly definable and measurable. Remember that variables have more than one value or level. For example, the variable of SEX has both Male and Female, or the possible choices on a Likert scale are from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest).

Provide an example of a scenario that uses the following types of variables:

  • 1 independent variable and 1 dependent variable
  • 2 independent variables and 1 dependent variable

Note: IV and DVs do not mean nominal, ordinal, or scale variables.

Part 2

When comparing two groups of subjects in a study, there are two kinds of variance (between groups and within groups). What does each represent? Be sure to discuss this answer in terms of variance and not research design.

Part 3

An executive is looking at the job performance resulting from two different manufacturing processes and finds that the mean performance of process A is 83.2 and the mean performance of process B is 80.5. Why can the executive not automatically assume that process A will consistently outperform process B? Use what you know about the two kinds of variance from the preceding part to explain your answer to this question.

choose a peer-reviewed article to reviewchoose a peer-reviewed article to review

Many people today believe that U.S. executives are paid too much while others believe that the size of their compensation packages are justified. For this assignment, choose a peer-reviewed article to review.. The article must be at least three pages long, and no more than 3 years old. Write a two-page review of the article that includes the following information:

Briefly introduce and summarize the article.

Identify the author’s main points.

Who is the author’s intended audience?

What types of executive compensation were addressed in the article?

How does the article apply to this course?

Does it support the information in your textbook?

How could the author expand on the main points?

After reviewing the article and the information in your textbook, state whether you think executive compensation is justified or is out of hand.

Give at least three points to justify your argument.

Please utilize at least two sources, one of which must be the article.  Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed. Your persuasive essay should be a minimum of two pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages.

Discuss the social construction of oppression and discrimination.

Discuss the social construction of oppression and discrimination.

complete a 2-3 page paper addressing the following:

culture: African American culture

1. Discuss the social construction of oppression and discrimination.

2. How have acts of oppression and discrimination affected your culture historically.

3. Based on your social construction of oppression and discrimination and your culture, analyze the psychological effects that each may have on your culture.

4. As a social work practitioner, discuss the knowledge and skills that are needed to effectively intervene and address the issues of oppresion and discrimination. Your answer should discuss all three levels of practice (micro, mezzo, and macro).

Poem: Hades Welcome His Bride.

Poem: Hades Welcome His Bride.

Write an essay in which you show how and why the speaker experiences a conflict between particular ways of looking or being. Also look at how the speaker’s attitude toward, or thoughts about, something or how our vision of the speaker’s character changes over the course of a poem. Be sure to clearly identify the speaker’s conflict and what changed during the poem.

Your postings will be reviewed according to the following criteria:

  • Be sure that your thesis is explicit and supported with one to two quotations from the literature.
  • Do not write in first or second person.
  • Following the rules of Standard English. Please proofread your writing before clicking the ‘submit’ button!
  • When you include a quotation from the literature in your mini-essay, please place an in-text citation (also called a parenthetical citation) immediately after you close the quotation marks and before you place a period at the end of your sentence. That way, anyone in the class (including me!) can easily find the quotation in the literature if necessary. If you’re not sure what to place inside the parentheses, there is instruction in the textbook in Chapter 34- Quotation, Citation, and Documentation. 
  • When you include in-text citations, there must be a Works Cited listing at the bottom of your post.
  • Be sure to follow the “Quote Sandwich” when you insert quotations.

Scream from the Shadows, Setsu Shigematsu

  • In Scream from the Shadows, Setsu Shigematsu writes of the philosophies and solidarity practices of the ribu movement: “By recognizing the subject’s constitution in a system of historical and structural violence, such a feminist ethics would recognize that the eruption of counterviolence becomes recognizable only through its break with the normalized (and often nonvisible) conditions of state violence” (170). According to your reading and understanding of the violence of the URA/JRA uprisings and ūman ribu, what are the conditions that Shigematsu is describing? Describe why “critical solidarity,” which often meant being in solidarity with violence, was crucial to their goals.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s story ‘Birdsong”

1.What are your thoughtful reactions to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s story ‘Birdsong”, Follow her use of language to indicate character predicament, her use of symbolism, and the story’s comment on gender relations in modern Lagos, Nigeria. Do you see any similarities  between the character’s predicament and the situation of women in the modern USA? Any differences?

2. “The sex life of African Girls’ by Selasi  unlike “Birdsong which uses the first person “I” is told in second  person. Why do you think Selasi used the second person to tell the story of a young girl’s dawning realization of the disturbing undercurrents around her? what do you think this story has to say about gender roles in middle class Accra? What do you make of the last line of the story

culture relationship book


The main goal for writing this paper is analyze a popular culturerelationship book, using both personal and academic expertise to critique the claims made in the book.  In doing this, communication graduate students will demonstrate how to read various information sources, identify key features of each, critique and analyze these in a logical and orderly way, recognize overlaps with other materials, and then take a stand of their own.   Finally the practice of professional writing is a process, and this assignment adds to this process of practice and incremental improvement.

Basics for the Paper:

• 3-4 pages double spaced, 12 pt. font, standard margins• Professional objective writing style (“Based on evidence A, this means that…”) as opposed to subjective writing style (i.e., “I believe that…” “In my experience…”) • Title page  (title, name, school, date)• Properly cited paper and reference page in APA or MLA format (+3 academic sources)

Steps for Completion:

1. Acquire a pop-culture/self-help book that you haven’t read already.   Examples of books in recent history that fit this mold would be “Women are from Mars, men are from Venus,”  “He’s not that into you,”  “Coping with Difficult People.” Acquire professor’s approval for your selected text (DUE NEXT WEEK)2. Read the entire book, taking notes on aspects (i.e., ideas, arguments, examples) that jump out at you as significant or relevant to class, relational communication field or research, personal reasons, etc.3. Draft #1:   Organize your paper into three sections:  Overview of the book, three main points, and Conclusion/Summary.   NOTE:  Content in each section below represents ideas for what to write about, not necessarily a strict list of requirements.a. Overview:  This section should introduce the book and your critique, as well as give us a peek at the general relational ground the book covers, how it informs the reader (i.e., advice, description), and perhaps information about the writer.  It should ultimately convey the structure for the following section.b. Three Main Points:  Based on what you read, what jumps out at you as the most important aspects of the reading as they relate your experience of these ideas, the readings we do in this class, overlapping theory, or big picture society stuff?   Remember this is a communication class, so keep in mind the overall thrust should be about what your book and its points say about communication lessons/behavior/messages.c. Conclusion/Summary:  Pull it together…what do these three points (above) say in general about how the text informs not only a general “mainstream America” audience, but also relational/interpersonal/general communication scholars?  Is it garbage?  Informed garbage?  The new modern relationship handbook?  The next great American novel?  4. Draft #2:  After you have sufficiently walked away and thought about your ideas as they stand, rewrite, reject and reintroduce, or revise your previous draft.  Consider how ideas flow together, how you summarize the collection of points you make, and how you are using other academic sources or quotes within the primary book to support your points.  If a paragraph seems flimsy or on the other hand too cumbersome, consider what you want to say and if you are saying it with enough substance or too much.  Think about how paragraphs lead into each other.5. Final Draft #3:  After you have walked away again, read the paper for grammar, punctuation, quotation, or other writing issues.   Double check your use of objective vs. subjective writing (if you are confused or having trouble with this, read any of our assigned articles for ideas; they all use objective writing).  Double check your cited sources and your reference page, and ensure you’ve used proper format.  Correct tense confusion, passive vs. active voice mistakes, etc.6. Staple the paper in the upper-left hand corner of the paper.  Exhale.  Turn it in!

Final Checklist (before Turn-in):

o Page limit met (do not count title page and reference list toward page count)o Correct text size, color, spacing and formatting used o Writing structure reflects the three sections (Overview, Main Points, Conclusion)o Three academic sources have been used “in-text” to support claims in a substantive way, and also are not on our class reading list (you have found them independently)o Paragraphs are mostly between 3 and 6 sentences long.  o Evidence, in the form of citations and quotations, is accurately and completely cited according to APA or MLA style.o Reference page reflects APA or MLA style, and features everything you cite in the paper.o Staple in the upper right hand corner;  Pages are in the correct order.o Double check the entire document before you hand it in.  Everything should reflect your final and complete effort on the paper.

Dr. Beck’s Suggestions & Helpful Tips:

• Take clear (not excessive) notes as you read, with the goal of helping yourself to organize the paper later on.  When you are immersed in a text/source sometimes a connection to a theory, example, or another source is most clear at that particularmoment.  Don’t lose the moment!• Each of us knows how long it takes to write papers, but I’m asking you to write something “three drafts” worthy.  If you turn in a “one draft” worthy paper it will most likely show.  Put in the time and you will have a higher quality product (which is the bar for graduate level work).

Execution Methods

1. Go to the web site of the American Civil Liberties Union (click here). Click “Issues” from the banner.

2. Under your issue, select one and only one of the “current issues” and expand it using the “More +” button. For example, under the first issue, Capital Punishment, the “current issues” are:

Execution Methods
Innocence and the Death Penalty
Mental Illness and the Death Penalty
Prosecutorial Misconduct and Capital Punishment
Racial Disparities and the Death Penalty

Select one and only of the “current issues” categorized under any one of the main “issues” headings.

This is only to show you an example. Don’t limit yourself to Capital Punishment, but choose from the many available topics.

Do not choose Reforming Police. We are writing on that  topic on one of the discussion boards.

Also, please do not choose abortion policy. It’s an important topic, but off limits for this assignment.

3. Read several articles (at least 4) from your chosen area of the web site.

4. Based on these several articles, write a 600-word paper in essay form which a) summarizes the issue, b) explains the position the ACLU takes on this issue and the work the organization has undertaken, and c) argues whether or not you believe the ACLU is on the right side of the issue.

5. Copy and paste your essay from your document into the text window. Please do not attempt to upload a file or post a link. Check your formatting and correct it as needed before submitting.

What is a negligence tort and what factors establish liability relating to negligence?


Using the case attached and at least two outside sources explain:

  1. What is a negligence tort and what factors establish liability relating to negligence?
  2. What is the public duty doctrine and how does it effect the obligations of public employees to the individuals with whom they come into contact?
  3. What does this case tell us about negligence related the State’s obligation to train its employees.
  4. What general defense(s) could be available to the deputies in this case had they been sued by the plaintiff in Federal Court for a claim of violating her Fourth Amendment rights.
    • This should not be a rehashing of the facts to determine liability, just a discussion of what defense(s) are generally available in such a suit.
    • 5. Conclusion- did you agree with the courts decision yes or no and please explain why as this is your opinion.

Your paper should be double spaces, 1″ margins, and thoroughly address the issues in the instructions above.  The reader should not need to have read the case of have any advanced understanding of the law to understand the basic principles and applicability of those principles once you’ve explained them in the paper.  There is no minimum or maximum page requirement.  So long as it is thorough and understandable by a “layman,” a shorter concise paper is welcome.

:  Do you agree with corporations having 1st Amendment rights? 

Please read the fact pattern below and answer the following questions:

Sandra owns a landscaping company that has over 100 employees.  She hired Sam, a Muslim, who told her during the interview process that per his faith, he would need to pause for prayer potentially several times a day depending on the schedule.  Sandra, who espoused a policy of diversity, told him it wouldn’t be an issue.  After the US Supreme Court decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, 573 U.S. 682 (2014), she decided to stop paying for any kind of birth control through the health insurance she offered her employees. She then started thinking about other ways in which religion impacted her business.  After talking with her husband, she decided to tell Sam he could no longer pray during the workday, as it probably was disruptive to business and bothered the other employees (although no one had ever mentioned it).  She issued Sam a letter informing him that under her religious freedom rights as a business owner, she would not allow Muslim prayer during the workday.  The next day she got a certified letter from Sam’s lawyer telling her that she was violating his rights and unless she allowed him to continue to pray, she would be subject to a lawsuit.


Note that the 1st Amendment protects you from the government, not private individuals.  Also, what is the law that gives 1st Amendment rights to corporations?  You will want to find that as well (it’s mentioned in the Hobby Lobby case).  Here’s something to start your research on the rights of individuals in the workplace.

As the lawyer, tell us what your arguments would be for your client.  Once you have done so, you may make your personal commentary on this issue.  Here are some things to consider:  Do you agree with corporations having 1st Amendment rights?  Why or why not?  Do you think that corporations should be able to impose the religious beliefs of the owners on the employees and not be subject to restrictions like Title VII?  What if Sam was a Scientologist?  What if Sam was a member of a religion created by his cousin?  How do you know if a religious practice is protected?