Stress as a component of workplace efficiency.

Week 4 Brainstorming Discussions

Must post first.

Topic: Stress as a component of workplace efficiency.

The CEO of VMI is a confessed workaholic. In a recent HR interview with Chinn, he lays out his personal conflict of demanding employees to work long hours as he does. He also is conflicted with the need to be open for business all the time due to its international markets. He is aware that his own Chinese cultural heritage influences his work practices. In China, the issue of personal time is not a concern. Workers do what is expected of them. Chinn knows this is not true in many western companies and especially in the southern states of America. As the newest set of management employees, Chinn wants you to examine this issue and make recommendations on how to deal with conflicting cultural expectations. What demands should VMI place upon its employees?

Stress at the workplace is a constant problem especially since technology has placed the worker in a 24/7 work environment. Use the articles listed below and your required learning materials from our week 4-course content to address this specifically for the circumstances of VMI.

Why Work stress is Bad for Your Relationships

Whither the Ping-pong Table? Which Perks Matter Most to Employees

What is the future of office spaces? 


1. By FRIDAY, complete the following:

Preparation: It is necessary to read the articles listed above as well as those in your classroom materials. This assignment cannot be completed without required learning materials, in particular the articles on cultural values and Geert Hofstede’s website.

Orientation/perspective: Continuing on with our scenario, you are a newly-hired manager not yet placed into a permanent assignment. Since week 1, you and Chinn have been talking about your vision for VMI’s future as given in last week’s assignments. Ultimately, you are convinced that the future VMI needs to be cognizant of the changing workplace while embarking upon VMI’s further international expansion, all under the umbrella of developing a learning organization culture to support this.

Deliverable: Once prepared, you will create a 2-page single-spaced report for President Chinn on the topic of the new modern workplace. In this report, include the following:

  • Chinn has a sense of cultural differences between his own heritage and that of VMI. Explain to him your understanding of these differences and how these may be underlying his observations.
  • Share with him your knowledge of workplace stress: its effects upon the employee, the idea of work and family life balance, differing cultural and generational views on this, and ways that organizations address it.
  • Enlighten him as to the difference of an engaged vs. ‘happy’ employee, with that difference expressed in effects upon specific types of performance and commitment. (As we have had readings explaining engagement every week, you need to express your own understanding of this and not paraphrase an article).
  • Your explanations should indicate that you understand typical pitfalls, misunderstandings, and misperceptions in cross-cultural communications and age-cohort attitudes.
  • With an understanding of the above, include specific and clear recommendations of addressing this within VMI.

The above are not distinct questions to be answered. Rather, you are to formulate your own report (2 pages, single-spaced), structuring your own points in a conversation with your reader (Chinn) that convinces him of its importance. Your report should incorporate key concerns and knowledge that has been expressed in our readings this week while also tying in your knowledge gained from past weeks (all cited). In order to accomplish this, your report must be focused on VMI’s situation, the type of work they perform, and how to carry forward their excellence and familial culture. Do not pitch ideas from sources that do not apply to VMI’s circumstances.

You must use course material to support your initial and final reports as well as APA in-text citations with a reference list.

You must start a thread before you can read and reply to other threads

During an economic recession, discuss how management’s or a union’s bargaining power might be affected.

During an economic recession, discuss how management’s or a union’s bargaining power might be affected.

Discussion #1

During an economic recession, discuss how management’s or a union’s bargaining power might be affected. Give an appropriate business example to illustrate what you mean, support it with at least one reference.

Please interact with  classmates.

Discussion #2

Locate and briefly summarize a case decision where an employer or union was found guilty of bad faith bargaining (or not!). Briefly summarize the decision and explain whether you agree or disagree with the outcome.

Make sure to post the URL and the full APA reference.

Please interact with classmates.

Discussion #3

We are at the mid-point in our course!

Please provide feedback on how you are progressing toward the learning outcomes stated for the course. Share, in addition, a tip or recommendation you have for the rest of the class for staying focused, organized and successful for the rest of the course.

You don’t need to interact and you don’t need a reference.

You must start a thread before you can read and reply to other threads

The defendant in State v. Cunningham

The defendant in State v. Cunningham, the owner, and administrator of a residential care facility housed thirty to thirty-seven mentally ill, mentally retarded, and senior residents. The Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals conducted various surveys at the defendant’s facility between October 1989 and May 1990. All of the surveys except one resulted in a fifty-dollar daily fine assessed against the defendant for violations of the regulations.

On August 16, 1990, a grand jury filed an indictment charging the defendant with several counts of wanton neglect of a resident in violation of the Iowa Code section 726.7 (1989), which provides, “A person commits wanton neglect of a resident of a healthcare facility when the person knowingly acts in a manner likely to be injurious to the physical, mental, or moral welfare of a resident of a healthcare facility. . . . Wanton neglect of a resident of a healthcare facility is a serious misdemeanor.”

The district court held that the defendant had knowledge of the dangerous conditions that existed in the healthcare facility but willfully and consciously refused to provide or to exercise adequate supervision to remedy or attempt to remedy the dangerous conditions. The residents were exposed to physical dangers and unhealthy and unsanitary physical conditions and were grossly deprived of the much-needed medical care and personal attention.

The conditions were likely to and did cause injury to the physical and mental well-being of the facility’s residents. The defendant was found guilty on five counts of wanton neglect. The district court sentenced the defendant to one year in jail for each of the five counts, to run concurrently. The district court suspended all but two days of the defendant’s sentence and ordered him to pay $200 for each count, plus a surcharge and costs, and to perform community service. A motion for a new trial was denied, and the defendant appealed.

The Iowa Court of Appeals held that there was substantial evidence to support a finding that the defendant was responsible for not properly maintaining the nursing facility, which led to prosecution for wanton neglect of the facility’s residents. The defendant was found guilty of knowingly acting in a manner likely to be injurious to the physical or mental welfare of the facility’s residents by creating, directing, or maintaining hazardous conditions and unsafe practices.

The facility was not properly maintained (for example, findings included broken glass in patients’ rooms, excessive hot water in faucets, dried feces on public bathroom walls and grab bars, insufficient towels and linens, cockroaches and worms in the food preparation area, no soap available in the kitchen, and at one point, only one bar of soap and one container of shampoo found in the entire facility). Dietary facilities were unsanitary and inadequate to meet the dietary needs of the residents. There were inadequate staffing patterns and supervision in the facility, and improper dosages of medications were administered to the residents.

The defendant argued that he or she did not “create” the unsafe conditions at the facility. The court of appeals disagreed. The statute does not require that the defendant create the conditions at the facility to sustain a conviction. The defendant was the administrator of the facility and responsible for the conditions that existed.

Please address the following questions drawing support from your course resources and credible scholarly resources cited in APA format:

1. Analyze this case from the perspective of the four ethical theories presented throughout the course—consequential ethics, utilitarian ethics, deontological ethics, and nonconsequential ethics.

2. Discuss how ethics and the law are intertwined in this case.

3. Present your assessment of the court’s finding and whether it was just.


Discretionary Benefit White Paper


Deliverable 1 – Discretionary Benefit White Paper


Analyze total rewards policies and procedures for federal law compliance.


You are the Director of Compensation and Benefits of a publicly traded organization. Yesterday, the Chief HR Officer confided to you that she is concerned about the increasing difficulties the company is having in retaining high-performing millennial employees. She intends to present a proposal to the CEO and COO outlining a new total rewards system to increase retention among this employee group. Part of the proposal will include recommendations for a revised offering of discretionary benefits. She has heard about a new benefit offering in other companies – student loan repayment. However, she does not know any specifics about this potential benefit. In order to finalize the new total rewards mix, she needs to have a clear understanding of the potential advantages and disadvantages of offering this discretionary benefit to all employees.The Chief HR Officer has tasked you with preparing a white paper that details specifics about a student loan repayment benefit, as well as potential advantages and disadvantages for the company offering such a benefit to all employees.


Prepare a white paper for the Chief HR Officer that:

  • Describes a student loan repayment program as a discretionary benefit.
  • Compares different forms of the discretionary benefit and how their policies and procedures comply with federal law.
  • Discusses legal ramifications of a student loan repayment benefit in regards to taxation and retirement (use IRS website to obtain this information – see below).
  • Argues the advantages and disadvantages of such a discretionary benefit to both the employee and to the company.
  • Provides recommendation to the chief HR officer to either include or exclude this benefit from the proposed total rewards system; include reasoning for the recommendation.
  • Provides attribution for credible sources used in the white paper.

Comparative Pay Analysis

Deliverable 4 – Comparative Pay Analysis


Perform total rewards market research and benchmarking techniques.


You are the HR Director for a small chain of weight loss clinics in Trenton, New Jersey. The physician, who owns these clinics, wants to expand and open two new clinics in Orlando, Florida. He has chosen Florida because he expects operating costs, including salaries and benefits, to be lower in Florida than New Jersey. Each clinic will require the following new staff to be hired: one nurse practitioner, one nutritionist, one office manager, one administrative assistant, and four medical assistants.The physician/owner has asked you to prepare a proposed budget that details the salaries of the new staff in Orlando, Florida. He expects to see a comparison of the costs of the new staff with the corresponding staff in Trenton, NJ at the existing clinics, which has the same number of staff and job roles as the new clinics will have in Florida.


Prepare a comparative analysis of benchmark salaries in a budget that:

  • Identifies the pay rate for each job in recommended market data sources – nurse practitioner, nutritionist, office manager, administrative assistant, and medical assistants in both locations (Trenton and Orlando).
    • Provides information on how many data sources used and how those sources were assessed for quality of data.
  • Creates a table showing the average pay rate for each job in both locations.
  • Determines which geographical area has higher salaries, and explains the difference in salaries and the factors that contribute.
  • Determines which of the five positions has the higher rate of pay, and explains the higher pay rates and the factors that contribute to this difference.
  • Describes the occupational outlook for each position and the affect these outlooks have on pay rates.
  • Provides attribution for credible sources used in the comparative pay analysis.

Executive Presence and Communication Skills


Executive Presence and Communication Skills

Your executive presence and communication abilities have grown by leaps and bounds this term. Outside of this course, you have so many opportunities to expand both of these skillsets. You can enhance your personal brand by maintaining an active blog, for instance. You can also demonstrate your skills at work by hosting workshops on skill development. Considering the course materials for this week, reflect on your own skills. Use the prompts below to organize your thoughts:

  • Reflecting on your first video in the course, what changes did you make for Assignment 3 to improve your executive presence?
  • What have you learned this term about how you communicate in the workplace? Include both positive and negative aspects of your communication style.
  • Going forward, what steps will you take to expand your communication skills and executive presence?

Post your initial response by Wednesday, midnight of your time zone, and reply to at least 2 of your classmates’ initial posts by Sunday, midnight of your time zone.​

1st response

Laquita Mitchell RE: Week 10 DiscussionCOLLAPSE

Hi Professor and Class,

In Assignment 1, I was extremely nervous, but with Assignment 3, I relaxed more and enjoyed my presentation. I was speaking on a topic that I am familiar with, which helped me to relax also. I also felt confident delivering a strong message while being relatable and telling a story that would resonate with the audience. For Assignment 1, I was also more concerned about not exceeding the time limit. Even though I had to forward the PowerPoint manually, I am not too close to the camera. In Assignment 1, I was too close to the camera, so my hand movements were not clear. Before taking this class, I struggled with my confidence level, and one of the things I wanted to improve was my confidence. Having to submit videos coupled with the presentations I attend at work; has helped me become more comfortable speaking with groups of people.

I have learned to lead by example and to speak with honesty and be authentic. Since we are all working remotely, I will call an employee that I have not had the opportunity to get to know and generate small conversations, to get to know them. We also have zoom meetings that we call Watercooler talk, which is randomly selected employees that are grouped, and we ask questions that would help us get to know one another on a personal level. It is crucial to have eye contact and to be present. I am always present at meetings and on time. Most importantly, I must continue to be deliberate. I will give more thought to the things that I say and do instead of speaking freely without understanding the consequences.

The steps that I will take to expand my communication skills and executive presence will be to continue working on my confidence and gain as much knowledge as I can. I will also continue to get to know my teammates and move myself to the next level.

2nd Response

12 days agoMaria Reyes RE: Week 10 DiscussionCOLLAPSE

Executive Presence and Communication Skills

Improving my Executive Presence

Executive presence is one of the most important attributes one can have as an individual and a leader. It involves the ability to display a managed and confident image that warrants admiration from other people. Most people with executive presence attributes and excellent communication skills are considered outstanding leaders that can handle different situations (Carrion, 2021). Improving my executive presence required a few changes and considerations. To begin with, I changed my headshot and background image because I realized that first impressions matter when it comes to enhancing my executive presence. Since many people will be looking at my LinkedIn profile, I have to ensure that I have the right information. For example, I provided my background, character, and reasons for being passionate about the things I do. The headshot and background image is vital in presenting a first impression that improves my executive presence.

Another thing that I resorted to changing in assignment three was my narrative. Previously, I had not defined my narrative, which meant my executive presence was somehow weak. Defining one’s narrative is important because it provides people with an overview of who I am and my background information. I also considered writing this narrative in the first person as a strategy of humanizing myself, which keeps the audience active. Executive presence can be enhanced by exploring the narrative, which is in the ‘about section.’ In this sense, these two changes were necessary for assignment three to improve my executive presence.

Communication in the Workplace Lessons

I have learned several things regarding how I communicate in the workplace, including my positive and negative communication styles. First, I learned that effective communication in the workplace is important because it defines the outcome of different situations. Communicating poorly can impact the team members and even hinder the successful execution of tasks. Secondly, I learned that leaders play a significant role in workplace communication. During a crisis, the leaders are expected to develop a solution that solves the present issues effectively. Failure to communicate during a crisis or a change in the workplace may impact the working force negatively. Thus, communication must be effective at all times.

One positive aspect of my communication style is that I engage people when communicating. Instead of doing all the talking, I allow people to talk and contribute to the conversation. In other words, I have collaborative tendencies, which are good competencies for communicating with other people. Secondly, I also display logical reasoning when communicating with other people. Logical reasoning during communication is important because it helps avoid bias. Nonetheless, I also display negative elements in my communication style. For example, I tend to be very defensive when talking about certain things in the workplace. Defensiveness in communication presents an engagement challenge because I may brush off things other members have to say. I am working on this negative aspect to ensure I become a better communicator in the workplace.

Expanding Communication Skills and Executive Presence

Going forward, I intend to take several steps towards expanding my communication skills and executive presence. For example, I intend to engage other people with high energy levels. Engaging with people intensely allows me to develop my communication skills and executive presence because it helps me learn how to be confident, steady, and strong during communication (Joshi, 2019). Furthermore, analyzing how I show up to meetings and other places that require communication will help me prepare for how to communicate.


Carrion, E. (2021, January 24). How to Build your Executive Presence on LinkedIn. Retrieved 22 February 2021 from

Joshi, M. (2019, September 10). Five Ways to Develop your Executive Presence. Retrieved 22 February 2021 from

Additional information


Take a deep breath and let it out. We are in Week 10, our last week, and all of your major assignments have been submitted. So, let’s relax, reflect, and enjoy our last week of learning together in this class.

You might enjoy this article as you prepare your topic:

“3 Areas You Need to Focus on to get “Executive Presence”” – Look at how this includes two things we have done a ton of work on this term – Communication and Confidence.

In your initial posting, please address:

  • Reflecting on your first video in the course, what changes did you make for Assignment 3 to improve your executive presence?
  • What have you learned this term about how you communicate in the workplace? Include both positive and negative aspects of your communication style.
  • Going forward, what steps will you take to expand your communication skills and executive presence?


Total Rewards Statement and Communication Plan

Deliverable 5 – Total Rewards Statement and Communication Plan


Evaluate the relationship between total rewards systems and employee engagement and motivation.


You are the VP of HR for a medium-sized credit card processing company of 1,000 employees. Recent results from an employee engagement survey indicate that the majority of employees in your company do not understand the full component and value of direct and indirect compensation received; as a result, engagement levels are not as high as desired. The CEO has asked you to provide a recommendation on how the organization can become more transparent about compensation and rewards with employees. You have decided to prepare an example of an annual total rewards statement for employees, as well as a communication plan for the total rewards statement.


Part One – Total Rewards StatementCreate an example of a total rewards statement with headings for each topic for an individual employee that:

  • Describes base salary.
  • Explains bonuses.
  • Details vacation, paid time off, other forms of paid leave.
  • Discusses mandated benefits.
  • Summarizes employer contributions to a 401(k) retirement account.
  • Indicates job-related training to improve employee engagement and motivation.
  • Lists at least three other discretionary benefits.

Part Two – Written Communication PlanCreate a written communication plan to be used to introduce the total rewards statement to employees that:

  • Illustrates the communication channel.
  • Assigns responsibility for who in the organization will communicate the launch of this initiative.
  • Generates key messaging to be used in the communication to generate employee engagement and motivation.
  • Specifies the audience of the communication.
  • Designs the project plan for issuing total rewards statements with significant dates in the plan.
  • Includes attribution for credible sources used in the statement and communication plan.

increase motivation within your company

proposal that is intended to increase motivation within your company

Throughout this course, we are going to build a proposal that is intended to increase motivation within your company. Several topics will be analyzed in preparing this proposal to ensure that it will be successful upon implementation. Topics that will be addressed include company culture, motivation, economics, managerial accounting, decision making, and risk management. We will work through these issues as they relate to your idea for a new policy and end with a final proposal to the executives to gain approval.

Assignment 1:

Throughout the first two weeks, you have read about the importance of motivating employees within a company as well as how this is an economically wise decision. The first step in this project is to come up with your idea as to how you are going to increase motivation within the company (it can be a real or fictional company). I want you to explain the idea, and present research to support the importance of motivation (how it benefits both the company and the employee) as well as support for your idea specifically.

This does not need to be written as a formal research paper, but all research provided does need to be cited in APA format. You may write in the first person because you are presenting your own ideas. You do not need to provide an abstract, but you do need an APA formatted title page and reference page. Your paper should be a minimum of 2 pages (approx. 700 words) not including the title and reference.

management theory/principle



Assignment Title: The five key management theory/principle milestones over time.
Based on your readings and research, develop a timeline of five key management theory/principle milestones over time. Please address the following questions for each of the milestones you elect to include on your timeline:

  • Why was this milestone significant for the period of time it was created? What was going on in the world of work that allowed the environment to know the time was right for this particular milestone?
  • Which theorist “fathered” the principle? What were the signs of the time which led the theorist to develop the management concept?
  • What are the highlights and limitations of the theory/principle?


  • The assignment should be between 5-7 pages which include the cover page and reference page.
  • Your paper should include an introduction and conclusion that summarize the contents of the entire paper.
  • Your paper should be written in proper APA format.
  • References: A minimum of two references are required for this assignment. You may use your textbook as a reference in addition to the two references.

propose a compensation survey that will help to determine the organization’s pay structure

propose a compensation survey that will help to determine the organization’s pay structure

For the purpose of this assignment, imagine that you are employed as a compensation specialist by an organization that provides warehousing and distribution services across the United States. Your company also recently expanded operations into Canada.

As a growing multinational enterprise, managers are concerned with keeping up with industry standards to maintain a competitive edge. You have been asked by your human resources (HR) director to develop a PowerPoint presentation for your corporation’s board of directors in which you will propose a compensation survey that will help to determine the organization’s pay structure. In your presentation, you should explain to the board why a compensation survey is needed, how it will be conducted, and how it will help determine a pay structure of your choice for the organization.

Discuss how international growth will play a role in this. Your presentation should consist of at least 10 slides, not counting the title slide and reference slide(s). You are required to enhance the presentation by adding speaker notes to explain the information on each slide. Be sure to cite and reference any sources used, including your textbook, using APA formatting.