Leadership and Organizational Performance: Is It Essential in Healthcare Systems Improvement?

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read the following:

Health care organizations are constantly evolving to meet industry and patient expectations. Leadership should inspire and provide a vision regarding expectations, specifically what the organization is trying to achieve in terms of positive health care outcomes for their patients. As a leader in the health care delivery system it is vitally important to communicate a clear and concise vision. However, it is also important for leadership to be flexible and demonstrate the ability to make necessary adjustments; in other words, leaders must possess the ability to change their leadership styles as situations within and outside of the industry evolve. Management within the health care delivery system will provide structure, implement processes, and ensure that materials are provided for their staff to perform at an optimal level. Managers need to provide concise and clear instructions as they are tasked with ensuring that industry standards are maintained; therefore, managers should possess exceptional communication skills.

In this discussion, you will evaluate leadership roles and management responsibilities in a health care setting. In your initial post, address the following:

  • Describe the differences between a manager and a leader, including the functional activities of each role in the health care environment.
  • Discuss the key leadership traits fundamental for health care organizational effectiveness.
  • Explain what it takes to be an effective and, ultimately, a successful leader or manager.
  • Finally, in light of health care reforms, an ever-changing economy, and an increased need for services, describe two pressing barriers and challenges associated with health care leadership.

Your initial post must be at least 250 words and must use at least one credible source to support your discussion content. The supporting resource can be one of the required or recommended resources provided in this course. The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. All referenced materials must include citations and references in APA format. Please see directions for including APA Style elements on these Writing Center pages: APA: Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) and Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.).

adolescent idealism and criticism

adolescent idealism and criticism

Discuss adolescent idealism, criticism, personal fable and imaginary audience. Give examples of each from your own adolescence. In addition, please discuss the emerging adulthood transition. What is/was your transition like? Can adolescent idealism, criticism, personal fable and imaginary audience cognitive distortions continue to affect people’s judgments and decision-making during the emerging adults period? Do the above cognitive distortions and immature behavior continue during early adulthood (20- 29 years)? Support your discussion with research from your readings in the book or other research from reputable sources.

Remember the criteria for the discussions:

  • 150-200 word original post

Valve_ New Employee Handbook 

There are three (3) parts required for this.

Step 1: Read the Handbook  Valve_NewEmployeeHandbook (its a link)

 Step 2: Answer the following questions

Step 3: Submit your Answer Sheet in D2L by March 11 at 11.59 pm

Answer the following Questions:

  1. In your own words, summarize in 5 to 6 sentences the VALVE’s corporate structure “from Human resource’s perspective”. (5 marks)

Note: Valve has hundreds of employees but no managers or bosses at all.

  1. What strategic issues should HR management in VALVE be most concerned with? (4 marks)
  2. How would you characterize Valve’s organizational structure? Is it completely unique, or could it be characterized as a multidivisional, matrix, or functional structure? (3 marks)
  3. What recommendations would you make in your given organization in terms of executing workforce strategy for the VALVE? (8 marks)

Decentralized operations provide unique challenges for organization-wide management

Decentralized operations provide unique challenges for organization-wide management. A key cost figure for decentralized operations is transfer pricing across divisions. A transfer price can be based on cost, market-based, variable, or negotiated prices. Attention to behavioral aspects of managing the organization is critical to overall performance.

The key financial measures of performance include return on investment (ROI), residual income (RI), and economic value added (EVA). Please review the material on performance metrics on pages 393-403, including the discussion of invested capital, asset allocation to division, and gross versus net value of assets to prepare for the discussion questions. See the “Summary Problems for Your Review” on page 404 of the text for an example of ROI and EVA analyses with a solution set. Then complete Problem 10-43 on page 425 for these three financial measures. (A 2-page response is required.)



Using the organization that your professor has approved, synthesize the organization’s readiness for change. Evaluate whether or not to implement your new program, policy, practice, or procedure.


Write a 4–6-page paper in which you:

  1. Describe the company in terms of industry, size, number of employees, and history.
  2. Analyze in detail the current HR practice, policy, process, or procedure that you believe should be changed.
  3. Formulate three valid reasons for the proposed change based on current change management theories.
  4. Appraise the diagnostic tools that you can use to determine an organization’s readiness for change. Propose two diagnostic tools that you can utilize to determine if the organization is ready for change. Defend why you believe the diagnostic tools selected are the best choice for diagnosing change in the organization.
  5. Using one of the diagnostic tools you selected, assess the organization’s readiness for change:
    • Provide results of the diagnostic analysis.
    • Explain the result
    • 6.Interpret whether or not the organization is ready for change. Substantiate your conclusion by referencing current change management theories.

HR programs

HR programs

Selecting a Company


Choose an organization with which you are familiar or one in which you have an interest. Research and analyze the organization’s human resource management programs, policies, procedures, or initiatives. Evaluate their effectiveness and select a program, policy, procedure or initiative which you believe needs to be changed.

Write a one-page paper in which you:

  1. Assess the current human resource programs, policies, procedures, or initiatives in terms of effectiveness.
  2. Hypothesize the changes that require improvement.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Hypothesize which of an organization’s human resource management programs, policies, procedures, or initiatives require improvement

Non-Verbal Communication in Intercultural Business Negotiations 


Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 3Chapter 10, and Chapter 11 from your textbook; the Week 4 Weekly Lecture; and the articles Non-Verbal Communication in Intercultural Business Negotiations and How the Diversity of Values Matters in Intercultural Communication.

Your boss wants to send out a brief company email welcoming employees who recently transferred from the Hong Kong branch to your department. These employees, all of whom are Hong Kong natives, speak English, but your boss asks you to review his message for clarity. Using a minimum of one scholarly and/or credible source from the library, what would you suggest your boss change in the following email message and why? Is this message audience centered? Why or why not? How would you redraft this message for clarity?

“I wanted to welcome you ASAP to our little family here in the States. It’s high time we shook hands in person and not just across the sea. I’m pleased as punch about getting to know you all, and I for one will do my level best to sell you on America.”

strategic approach to performance management

Prepare a 8- to 10-slide presentation of your team’s strategic approach to performance management that addresses the following:

  • Explain the pros and cons of five performance appraisal methods.
  • Evaluate the differences between performance management and disciplinary issues. Provide one example of each and describe the possible outcomes. Why does it make a difference in managing performance?
  • Describe types of rater errors that can occur during performance review conversations.
  • Present three examples of how an organization can prepare managers for the performance review.
  • Compare formal and informal appraisal processes. Explain why both components are important to the performance management process.
  • Create recommendations for organizations to implement a performance management approach to the appraisal process.

Include detailed speaker notes.

language and power; freedom and security; and health and wealth



Over the past couple weeks, you have read about and discussed three social issues: language and powerfreedom and security; and health and wealth. For this assignment, you will summarize and respond to the readings related to one of the social issues covered in weeks 2-4.


Select one of the social issues covered in 2-4. The possible issues are: language and powerfreedom and security, and health and wealth. Consider which issue interests you the most or about which you have a clear, strong perspective; ideally you will continue to work with this issue throughout the remainder of the course assignments.

Now choose two of the readings selections related to that social issue. For each of those two readings,

  • write a 1-2 paragraph summary of the reading selection.
  • write a 1-2 paragraph response to the reading selection.


  • First present the 1-2 paragraph summary and the 1-2 paragraph response for your first reading selection. Then, present the 1-2 paragraph summary and the 1-2 paragraph response for your second reading selection.
  • Be sure that your paragraphs follow the guidelines for paragraph structure.
  • Review the sub-module on Summarizing and Responding to Readings for a sample summary-response paper.

Grammar and Mechanics

  • Your paper should be written with consideration for the conventions of academic writing, with attention to the following:
    • punctuation: for example, use of commas, colons, and apostrophes.
    • word-level considerations: for example, capitalization, spelling, verb tense, and usage.
    • sentence-level considerations: for example, sentence boundaries, subject-verb agreement, and pronoun-antecedent agreement.
  • Take time to proofread after you’ve written your essay. Think about your own writing habits you might want to change (like using “text-speak” or sentence fragments) and watch out for those. Reading your paper aloud is a good way to catch any mistakes.

Sources and Documentation

  • You are required to use two sources for this assignment. Your sources should be selected from the assigned course readings on your selected issue (language and power; freedom and security; health and wealth).
  • Since your sources are from assigned course readings, you do not need to include formal citations. However, you should demonstrate basic attribution. This means you should reference the article titles and authors in your summary-response. For example:

In the reading selection, “Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work,” Jean Anyon discusses how American schools are set up to fully educate students from upper-class backgrounds and to give a limited education to students from lower-class backgrounds.

Format and Length

  • You should submit your summary-response for both readings in a single document/file.
  • Your paper should include a header consisting of your name and the assignment name and a title that reflects your specific essay focus. (See example below.)
  • Your paper should be typed, double-spaced and in 11 or 12-point font.
  • Your summary and response for each of the reading selections should be a minimum of two paragraphs (about 400-500 words) in length. This means that your total document will be 4-8 paragraphs (about 800-1000 words) in length.
  • Review the sub-module on Summarizing and Responding to Readings for a sample summary-response paper.

Facts and Opinions on Health and Wealth

Week 4 Topic 1: Facts and Opinions on Health and Wealth

Contains unread posts

In this discussion, you will share your perspective on health and wealth, and you will examine the perspectives of your classmates.

Initial Post (due by 11:59 p.m. on Friday)

Reflect on the assigned readings for this week and the connection between health and wealth.

Assigned Readings:

Purnell, J. Q. (2015). Financial health is public health. In L. Choi, D. Erickson, K. Griffin, A. Levere, & E. Seidman (Eds.), What It’s Worth: Strengthening the Financial Futures of Families, Communities, and the Nation (pp. 163-171). Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. http://www.strongfinancialfuture.org/essays/financial-health-is-public-health/

Clay, R. A. (2001, October). Wealth secures health. Monitor on Psychology, 32(9), p. 78. http://www.apa.org/monitor/oct01/wealthhealth.aspx

Saplosky, R.M. (2018). The health-wealth gap. Scientific American, 319(5), pp. 62-67. http://ezproxy.umgc.edu/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=edb&AN=132271091&site=eds-live&scope=site

Then, write 2-3 paragraphs where you:

(1) give your perspective on the relationship between health and wealth

(2) support your perspective with facts and/or opinions

(3) explain how your core values affect your perspective on health and wealth

(4) demonstrate the grammar and writing skills covered in the previous weeks

Peer Response (due by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday)

Respond to at least one of your classmates and discuss the effectiveness of her/his support. Here are a few things you might consider when writing your response:

  • Is the support relevant? Why or why not?
  • Are the facts verifiable? If so, how? If not, why not?
  • Are the opinions well-reasoned? If so, how? If not, why not?
  • What insight on facts and opinions have you gained from reading about your classmate’s post?
  • What insight might you offer your classmate regarding using facts and opinions to support ideas?

22Unread for topic Week 4 Topic 1: Facts and Opinions on Health and Wealth:(2)View profile card for Shelby BedrossShelby Bedross5 hours ago

Week 4 Topic 2: Writing Concise Sentences

Contains unread posts

In this discussion, you will work on writing concise sentences.

Initial Post (due by 11:59 p.m. on Friday)

Select a sentence from any of your own prior writing that could be made more concise. This could be writing you have submitted or posted in discussions in this class or it could be from another context.

  • Post the original sentence.
  • Revise the sentence to make it more concise. Be sure to indicate your revisions in bold type.
  • Using what you have learned about the functions of commas, demonstrate informed and deliberate choices about comma use in your revised sentence.
  • Demonstrate the grammar and writing skills covered in previous weeks.

Peer Response (due by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday)

Review the original and revised sentence of at least one classmate and comment on the effectiveness of the revisions. Here are a few things you might consider when writing your response:

  • Do the revisions make the original sentence more concise? If so, how? If not, suggest an alternative revision.
  • Does the revised sentence accurately capture the meaning of the original sentence? If not, mention why and/or suggest an alternative revision.
  • What insight about concise writing have you gained by reviewing your classmate’s post?
  • What insight might you offer your classmate regarding concise writing?