you think is very important for today’s American national government to address and discuss background


Length, grammar/spelling/sentence structure, content, sources, citations, and most importantly, creative/analytical thinking, will determine your grade towards this term paper; I particularly look for how well you demonstrate critical thought towards your topic.  Options for topics are the following so choose just ONE!

* Research a specific public policy issue (examples: trade, health care, domestic programs, taxes, foreign affairs with particular country, etc. – anything pertinent in the national news) that you think is very important for today’s American national government to address and discuss background, pros/cons, etc. while backing up any of your own arguments with strong evidence.


* Select a major political philosopher in history (e.g. Aristotle, DeTocqueville, Locke, Montesquieu, etc.) and provide your own account of how they have contributed to America’s political development and perhaps still influence some American political thought or processes today whether it’s how American institutions were setup/behave, political culture/beliefs, or any other related topic that might particularly concern American politics today.  Do not just focus on their historical roots, etc. but more on contribution to American political thought.


* The country’s current political/cultural status as observed by one of our nation’s Founders (your choice; e.g. Jefferson, Franklin, or 50+ others) written in their voice – tie in their background, any quotes, stances on pertinent issues (e.g. federalism, role of government), etc.


* A thought piece on a pre-approved (by instructor) government-themed movie or documentary that will entail further research on its veracity along with your own analysis/creative critique on various (sub)topics portrayed or discussed.

Organizing a Union in a Workplace Assignment

2-3 Short Paper: Organizing a Union in a WorkplaceAssignmentTask: Submit to complete this assignment

Develop a flow chart or step-by-step list of the key steps employees must take to form unions. Explain how the union-organizing process works differently in the public sector compared to the private sector. Describe the roles of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) compared to the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA).

Summarize who can join a union and who is excluded; how unions are formed (referencing your flow chart/step-by-step guide above); and why they are formed (citing three or more statistical reasons).

For additional details, please refer to the Short Paper and Case Study Rubric document.

What is one reason you believe arbitration has become such a popular alternative to the court system? 

What is one reason you believe arbitration has become such a popular alternative to the court system?

1. You are the new union representative leading a team in its negotiations with, Sunny Side Up an international solar energy corporation,  You are aware that, historically, over 90% of disputes regarding an existing agreement between labor and management are resolved by arbitration (rather than the courts); the decision to use arbitration rather than the courts must be included in any contract to be binding.

What is one reason you believe arbitration has become such a popular alternative to the court system?

2. You have three children in public schools, two in grade school and one in middle school.   The Legislature is debating whether the state’s public school teachers should be considered “essential employees” and not allowed to strike but rather to submit any dispute to binding arbitration.   What is your position on this issue?


CHAPTER 19: Let me begin by saying that the commenting professor is obviously distressed by the Janus decision.   And I should underline that partisanship on the Supreme Court is pervasive, affecting all cases except those decisions with little or no connection to political issues.  Regardless of the professor’s viewpoint, do you agree or disagree with the Janus decision.

synopsis of how culture impacts HR management in a global organization

As the newly promoted vice president of human resources (HR), you are an influential member of the decision-making team that will select a country for global expansion.

For this assignment, follow the instructions below.

Develop a chart to compare and contrast the cultures of two specific countries to which your organization is looking to expand. The two countries must be on different continents, and you must use a minimum of 10 criteria from established cultural frameworks.

Write a 500-word synopsis of how culture impacts HR management in a global organization.

Identify two employment laws for each of the two countries you are considering for expansion.

Explain the significance of the laws and how they differ from U.S. laws or laws in your state.

Evaluate how each law could affect your hiring process and/or organization in general.

Identify which of the two countries you will recommend for the global expansion of your organization. Write a 500-word synopsis in which you summarize why you selected that country.

Explain how this choice will benefit your organization.

Finally, develop a hiring strategy for the new location, taking into consideration what you have learned about the country’s laws and culture.

You must use at least three sources to support your project. All sources must be properly cited. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment.

Leadership Philosophy Paper

Submit the Outline for your Leadership Philosophy Paper (Signature Assignment) here. Start by creating an outline for your essay. As you get started, reflect on your growth and accomplishments relative to leadership. How you organize your outline is up to you; however, the following questions must be addressed:

  • How is leadership defined?
  • What is the importance of leadership?
  • What are your values?
  • What are your priorities?

For your Signature Assignment, you will write an essay on your Philosophy of Leadership. The objective of this assignment is for you to demonstrate essential research, writing, and analytical skills to be utilized in future professional and academic endeavors (SLO3). Prior to submitting your Final Draft in Week 14, you will submit an Outline this week and a First Draft in Week 11.

Length and Required Sources for the FINAL DRAFT: 600 – 800 words (roughly 2 – 3 pages double spaced 12 point Times New Roman font). Cite a minimum of 3 sources.

Most organizations have some sort of vision or mission statement that guides its members and focuses their work. These statements help keep the organization on track and pointed toward clearly articulated goals. A written leadership philosophy achieves the same thing on a personal level: it lets people around you know what you expect, what you value, and how you’ll act. Additionally, it acts as a compass to help keep you, the leader, on course. In essence, your leadership philosophy will make public your understanding of who you are as a leader.

As a student of leadership studies, it is important for you to be familiar with leadership theories and acquainted the work of leadership scholars. Demonstrate your familiarity with these scholars and their theories by citing their work in your Leadership Philosophy Paper. Here are a few examples of how this can be done… use the work of leadership scholars to support:

  • Your definition of leadership.
  • Your assertions of the importance of leadership.
  • The importance and effectiveness of the leadership skills and traits you exhibit
  • The need for a clearly articulated vision
  • The importance of goals

Is it or is it not in the best interest of the people to have unelected officials in these positions of power?

 Is it or is it not in the best interest of the people to have unelected officials in these positions of power?

Unelected Officials

One branch of the American government, Congress, is made up of individuals elected by the people. Another branch of our government, the Presidency, is held by an elected official, but the majority of the members of the Presidential Cabinet are appointed to their positions (with the approval of Congress). The third branch of the government, the Judiciary, is made up of individuals who were all chosen by a President (though approved by Congress). Is it or is it not in the best interest of the people to have unelected officials in these positions of power?

·  Write a 500-750 word, APA style paper, exploring the distribution of power in the American federal government, and whether or not you believe it can effectively represent the will and the interests of the people it is meant to serve.

·  In your paper, explain your position and include the opposing position along with your rebuttal (of that opposing position).

·  Note: A rebuttal is a form of evidence that is presented to contradict other evidence that has been presented by an adverse party.

·  Include a title page and 3-5 references.  (not Wikipedia).

Research Paper which will provide an in-depth and detailed chronological history of homeland security before it was considered homeland security.

Research Paper which will provide an in-depth and detailed chronological history of homeland security before it was considered homeland security.

The student will complete a Research Paper which will provide an in-depth and detailed chronological history of homeland security before it was considered homeland security. In other words, describe what use to be in place for homeland security from the founding of the country up to when it became about civil defense. This section might be brief. Then cover the civil defense period in more detail. Finally, cover the period from 9/11 forward. Another way of viewing this timeline is from the founding to WWII, then post WWII to 9/11, then forward. Be sure to discuss emergency management (mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery issues) and homeland security (same as emergency management subtopics but also national security strategies, intelligence, counterterrorism, etc.). There is much to be covered in each time period: legal framework, policy development, Acts, laws, Preparedness directives, executive orders, and case law, etc. Consider the founding fathers and their documents as well. Consider Biblical foundations as well. The student will write at minimum a 5-full page research-oriented paper in current APA format.

How serious is the current threat of nuclear weapons being acquired and used in a terrorist attack and why?

How serious is the current threat of nuclear weapons being acquired and used in a terrorist attack and why?


1.  Discussion Questions: How serious is the current threat of nuclear weapons being acquired and used in a terrorist attack and why? What lessons can we learn from this reading assignment? Include this as part of the conclusion for your posting.

2.  Discussion Questions: Describe U.S. intelligence oversight and if you think it is a sufficient process. If not, how should it be changed? Other than issues surrounding privacy and individual freedoms (addressed next week), describe some ethical considerations concerning gathering domestic intelligence and performing intelligence activities within the homeland.

What are the capabilities and limitations of domestic intelligence efforts in supporting the homeland security enterprise?

Drawing upon resource material provided and that discovered while conducting your own research, answer the following:

  1. What are the capabilities and limitations of domestic intelligence efforts in supporting the homeland security enterprise?
  2. Do you feel that the U.S. is appropriately structured and resourced to adequately provide timely, accurate and actionable domestic intelligence to support the entire spectrum of intelligence users (customers) from the Federal government down to state and local agencies (both now and into the future)?

This paper should provide an examination of the various elements that comprise U.S. domestic intelligence efforts (from local law enforcement to national intelligence agencies) and how those entities contribute to the supporting the homeland security enterprise in collaboratively protecting American Citizens. In crafting your paper, it would be good to remember the lessons learned from the 9/11 Commission on the difficulties of getting various agencies from all three levels of government to collaborate as well as intelligence sharing lessons/recommendations. Also, address the capability of the homeland security enterprise to adequately identify and address future challenges. In developing your response, you should address challenges of providing for homeland security while maintaining civil liberties as well as emerging trends and patterns such as homegrown terrorism and the proliferation of communication encryption technologies.

Note: As mentioned earlier in this course, remember that “homeland security” is made up of much more than just DHS. That agency is only one part of a larger Homeland Security Enterprise that includes [DHS] Departmental leaders and components [the 7 field agencies including USCG, CBP, ICE, USSS, etc], state, local, tribal, territorial and private sector partners and others, as well as many other essential federal agencies that play a role in HLS, such as the very important DOJ where the FBI is the lead agency for countering terrorism in the US (not DHS). Of importance in this paper is the role of the FBI as both a federal law enforcement arm, as well as its role as a domestic focused intelligence organization.

Technical Requirements:

  • Your paper must be at a minimum of 5-7 pages (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).
  • Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content.
  • Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.
  • Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.
  • Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.
  • All submissions will be graded using the assignment rubric.

What was the original intent for redistricting the specified area in the first place?

For this assessment, you will visit this link from the Texas Tribune: , read these articles: AND , and then answer the following questions:

·  What is redistricting?  What is gerrymandering?  How do both of these play into campaigns and elections?

·  What was the original intent for redistricting the specified area in the first place?

·  Was the redrawn district representative of the original intent and what have the courts had to say about this issue?

·  As a citizen or resident of Texas, what do you think of the politicizing of districts in an effort to garner votes from specific types of people (race, ethnicity, gender, political party affiliation, etc)?

·  What are your over all thoughts and impressions about this issue? Should the politicians be taken completely out of the redistricting procedure, in an effort to maintain a bit more fairness or is the current system working?  Why or why not?

This assignment must follow MLA guidelines, be typed in Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, and be a minimum of 500 words with a works cited page.  The works cited are not included in the minimum word count. Any sources provided in the assignment prompt MUST be used within your paper and cited in your works cited.  Other sources used must be cited as well.