
Required Readings

Bartol, C. R., & Bartol, A. (2017). Criminal behavior: A psychological approach (11th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall
Chapter 7, “Psychopathy” (pp. 178-210)

Heilbrun, K., Marczyk, G. R., & DeMatteo, D. (2002). Forensic mental health assessment: A casebook. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Chapter 5, “Case 1: Competence to Be Sentenced” (pp. 85–95)

Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2014c). Psychopathy [Video file]. Retrieved from
Dr. Scott Duncan discusses psychopathy and how it relates to the study of criminal behavior. Consider how the measurement of psychopathy originated and the characteristics measured.

Note:  The approximate length of this media piece is 16 minutes.

Accessible player –Downloads–Download Video w/CCDownload AudioDownload Transcript

Discussion: Psychopathy

Psychopathy is an important and complex topic of study in criminal behavior, especially as the definitions associated with psychopathy and associated terms are not concrete. As students of criminal behavior, you are likely to encounter multiple definitions and uses of the word psychopath, as well as terms that are sometimes substituted for it, such as criminal psychopath, antisocial personality disorder, and dissocial psychopaths. Bartol and Bartol (2017) explain that the “true” psychopath, also known as the criminal psychopath, focuses on individuals who engage in repetitive antisocial or criminal behavior. Antisocial personality disorder is similar to the criminal psychopath, however, it only includes behavioral indicators and disregards the neurological and cognitive aspects. Bartol and Bartol (2017) continue to clarify that the dissocial psychopaths are known for their aggressive, antisocial behavior, which they have learned from their subculture (p. 179).

Behaviors associated with psychopathic personalities include: repeat offenses (both violent and nonviolent) without concern for consequences, manipulation that is often charming in nature, and strong resistance to treatment. Psychopathy does not appear as a mental disorder in the DSM-IV-TR (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV Text Revision), but it is closely related to antisocial personality disorder, which is a diagnostic category in the DSM-IV-TR. This nuance promotes continued debate about whether psychopathy should be classified as a mental disorder—a debate that has extreme significance because how psychopathy is classified has important consequences for both perpetrators and victims of crime.

By Day 3

Post an explanation of whether or not you think psychopathy should be classified as a mental disorder. Justify your position using specific examples. Then, describe at least one implication of classifying psychopathy as a mental disorder.

Note: Put your position for or against in the first line of your post. You will be asked to respond to a colleague who argued the opposite position you did.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the resources.

Briefly discuss and suggest to methods of implementing evidence-based practices

According to the Council on Social Work Education, Competency 4: Engage In Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice:

Social workers understand quantitative and qualitative research methods and their respective roles in advancing a science of social work and in evaluating their practice. Social workers know the principles of logic, scientific inquiry, and culturally informed and ethical approaches to building knowledge. Social workers understand that evidence that informs practice derives from multi-disciplinary sources and multiple ways of knowing. They also understand the processes for translating research findings into effective practice. Social workers:

  • Use practice experience and theory to inform scientific inquiry and research;
  • Apply critical thinking to engage in analysis of quantitative and qualitative research methods and research findings; and
  • Use and translate research evidence to inform and improve practice, policy, and service delivery.

This assignment is intended to help students demonstrate the behavioral components of this competency in their field education.

To Prepare: Meet with your Field Instructor. During the meeting, you are expected to assess the population(s) served by the agency. After meeting with the Field Instructor, conduct extensive research regarding the agency’s client population. You will be expected to use at least 5 peer-reviewed resources. The purpose of the research is to discover “evidenced based practices” that are most effective while working with clients served within the population. If the agency serves more than one population, select one sub-population within the agency to conduct the review.

The Assignment: Create a 10-12 slide PowerPoint Presentation, where you will explain the following:

  1. Population researched
  2. Best evidenced based practices modalities used to engage the population
  3. Current modalities used in the agency
  4. Briefly discuss and suggest to methods of implementing evidence-based practices in the agency
  5. Analyze the findings from the articles you researched

Examine how human service professionals are addressing the issues identified with the aging population in the article.

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapter 7: Gerontology: Human Services with Older Adults. In addition, find an article within the University of Arizona Global Campus Library or from the Recommended Resources listed for this course addressing the current issue of the aging adult. The aging population has issues such as being a parenting grandparent, depression, elder abuse, exposure to ageism, dementia (and levels of care), what constitutes successful aging, non-traditional and traditional retirement, aging and healthcare costs, and substance abuse in aging.

In your paper,

  • Summarize the article.
  • Discuss the service delivery explored in the article.
  • Examine how human service professionals are addressing the issues identified with the aging population in the article.
  • Analyze the recommendations for service delivery as outlined in the article.

The Article Review: Current Issues in Aging paper

  • Must be three to four double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) based on an article from 2011 to present and formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.) resource.
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper (bold and with a space between the title and the rest of the information)
    • Student’s name, followed by institution name (“University of Arizona Global Campus”)
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted

For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.).

influences of either Georg Simmel or Max Weber.

Describe the key influences of either Georg Simmel or Max Weber.

How is money, or the lack of money, applicable to the role of distance.

I need these two question answered and Use appropriate references and citations in assignments where required and according to the ASA academic style. Please make sure The post is accurate, original, and relevant, teaches us something new of academic value (beyond material provided in the assigned text), provides sociological analysis, and is well written. Ten point comments add to the overall class discussion and stimulates additional thought about the issue under discussion. The post must be at least 325 words (in the text of the post) in length and include a minimum of at least one properly cited academic reference (academic book or journal article other than the assigned materials). This reference should be a recent publication. Be sure to use the ASA format when citing references in-text and end of text (Bibliography) Also each question is 325 words each.

Enacting Communication Change

Week 3 Course Project: Part 3 – Enacting Communication Change

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Review all chapters and use as needed
  • Lesson
  • EBOOK: McLean Scott, (2018). Exploring Interpersonal Communication (2nd ed.) Boston, MA: Flatworld
  • Link (Word doc): Week 3 CCC TemplatePreview the document (Use this template to complete the assignment.)

Week 3 CCC Template: Part 3 – Enacting Communication Change

Title Page

Part 1: Begging of the Week

(Paragraph on opportunities)

Part 2: Middle of the Week 

(Paragraph on the implementation)

Part 3: End of the Week

3A. Topic Selection Reflection

(Paragraph on text and materials used)

3B. Implementation Analysis: Satisfaction

(Paragraph on implementation)

3C. Implementation Analysis: Dissatisfaction

(Paragraph on what didn’t work)

3D. Implementation Analysis: Additional Changes

(Paragraph on what comes next)


(Multiple citations all in APA format)

Introduction: Communication Change Challenge (CCC)
This is your week to put into action what you have been learning regarding the communication challenge that you would like to change. You have put a plan in place, and now you will be implementing that plan. The goal is a successful change.

Project Timeline
The following is a breakdown of what will be covered in each part of the project:



Week 1

Selecting a communication goal and conducting research

Week 2

Describing communication pattern, analyzing goal, and developing a plan

Week 3

Implementation of the plan and evaluation of your progress

Part 1: Beginning of the Week (1 paragraph)
For this CCC, you should have chosen a person with whom you share regular communication. So, you should have a few occasions this week to apply your plan. Under this heading for your submission, write down what you project will be your opportunities to implement your plan. You need to be on the look-out for when you will be putting your plan into place.

Part 2: Middle of the Week (1-2 paragraphs)
In this section, you will describe the setting and people involved in your exchange that was your implementation of your CCC plan. Include enough details so that the process of the exchange is understood.

Part 3: End of the Week
Under this heading, you will have the opportunity to reflect on the process that you went through for your Communication Change Challenge. Use the following sub-section headings for your responses (see template). You will evaluate the impact of the project as it relates to interpersonal communication and the course objectives (COs). It is important here that you clearly demonstrate your understanding of the course concepts through application to your course project.

Remember that your patterns for communicating interpersonally have been developed over many years. Therefore, you should be neither surprised nor discouraged to find that changing your interpersonal communication behavior takes time. In order for you to take this project to its fullest potential, you may need to continue to modify, implement, and reinforce these new behaviors for far longer than the duration of the project. It is possible, however, to modify the way you communicate because the payoff is improvement to our communication and relationship outcomes. Changing interpersonal communication for the better is worth the effort.

3A. Topic Selection Reflection (1 paragraph)
What course material did you use to help guide your particular communication change? Cite the information you found helpful as you write your paragraph summary of texts used.

3B. Implementation Analysis: Satisfaction (1 paragraph)
Consider the implementation of your new approach to communication and share which of your communication changes particularly pleased you?

3C. Implementation Analysis: Dissatisfaction (1 paragraph)
Consider the implementation of your new approach to communication and share which of your communication changes particularly displeased you.

3D. Implementation Analysis: Additional Changes (1 paragraph)
Consider the implementation of your new approach to communication and share which of your communication changes you still want to work on.

Note: For each section, be detailed and specific. You need to use several course materials from different chapters, course outcomes, videos, assessments, articles, etc. Your course project evaluation will be graded for comprehensive content, analysis evaluation, application of the course material, organization, and so forth. Please consider its weight when you place value on its importance to your final course grade.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

  • Length: 2-3 pages (not including title page or references page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page
  • References page (minimum of 2 citations from course materials)

Example Citation for Lesson

Online Lesson In-Text Citation
Chamberlain University (2020) stated . . .

Conclude your paraphrase with (Chamberlain University, 2020).

Online Lesson Reference

Chamberlain University. (2020). SPCH277. Week 3: Effective communication [Online lesson]. Downers Grove, IL: Adtalem.


Length: Meets length requirement

Part 1: Projection: Excellent identification and description of opportunities to implement plan.

Part 2: Implementation: Excellent description of the implementation of the plan including setting and people.

3A. Topic Selection Reflection: Reflection shows a strong connection of the topic to the course materials with specific examples.

3B. Implementation Analysis: Satisfaction: Analysis exhibits thoughtful and deep reflection of behavior implementation satisfaction and connection to course material.

3C. Implementation Analysis: Dissatisfaction: Analysis exhibits thoughtful and deep reflection of behavior implementation dissatisfaction and connection to course material.

3D. Implementation Analysis: Additional Changes: Analysis exhibits thoughtful and deep reflection of additional behavior changes and connection to course material.

Writing: Mechanics & Usage: The writing is free of errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that would detract from a clear reading of the paper.

APA: Citation and Reference Formatting: All references include complete bibliographic information for sources using APA style.

Exploring Interpersonal Communication

Week 3 Discussion: Conflict Management

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 10; review Chapter 3
  • Lesson
  • Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook/lesson)
  • EBOOK: McLean Scott, (2018). Exploring Interpersonal Communication (2nd ed.) Boston, MA: Flatworld

Initial Post Instructions

For the initial post, share with the class a time when you had to address (or were involved with) conflict in a work setting. Then, address the following, using the provided headings to format your post:

  • Conflict Setting
    • Describe the setting, the people involved, the emotions experienced, and the outcome.
  • Insight
    • Provide insight into how the situation could have been handled better by referencing the textbook and an outside source.
  • References
    • Place your two APA citations in this section.

Writing Requirements

  • Minimum of 2 posts (1 initial & 1 follow-up)
  • Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside scholarly source)
  • APA format for in-text citations and list of references


Initial Post Content: Addresses all aspects of the initial discussion question(s), applying experiences, knowledge, and understanding regarding all weekly concepts.

Evidence & Sources: Integrates evidence to support discussion from assigned readings** OR online lessons, AND at least one outside scholarly source.*** Sources are credited.*

Professional Communication: Presents information using clear and concise language in an organized manner (minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation).


*Credited means stating where the information came from (specific article, text, or lesson). Examples: our text discusses…., The information from our lesson states…, Smith (2010) claimed that…, Mary Manners (personal communication, November 2017)…

**Assigned readings are those listed on the syllabus or assignments page as required reading. This may include text readings, required articles, or required websites.

***Scholarly source – per APA Guidelines, only scholarly sources should be used in assignments. These include peer-reviewed publications, government reports, or sources written by a professional or scholar in the field. Wikipedia, Wikis, .com websites or blogs should not be used as anyone can add information to these sites. For the discussions, reputable internet sources such as websites by government agencies (.gov) and respected organizations (.org) can be counted as scholarly sources. Outside sources do not include assigned required readings.

Repeated Measures ANOVA

Weekly Discussion 2

Article Critique: Repeated Measures ANOVA

The readings for this week focus on the concepts of basic ANOVAs,  including one-way and repeated measures ANOVA. In this discussion we  will apply those concepts to the review and critique of a research  article. For information on how to critique a research article, see the  Coughlan et al. (2007) and UIS (n.d.) guides listed in the Required  Readings for this week.

Read the following article.

  • Lee, M., & Johnson, T. E. (2008). Understanding the effects of  team cognition associated with complex engineering tasks: Dynamics of  shared mental models, Task-SMM, and Team-SMM. Performance Improvement  Quarterly, 21 (3), 73-95. doi: 10.1002/piq.20032

In the body of your posting, include an overview of the following topics:

  • Research question – List the research question for the study.
  • Hypotheses – List the statistical notation and written explanations for the null and alternative hypotheses for the study.
  • Methods and Study Design – Describe the basic methods used, including the variables, sampling methods, data collection, etc.
  • Data Analysis – Summarize the statistical tests conducted, the  results obtained from each test, and conclusions regarding the  hypotheses.
  • Critique – Critique the results of the study, paying specific  attention to the appropriateness of the analyses conducted, any biases  or assumptions that were made, practical significance of the results,  and recommendations for improving upon the study (methods or analyses). •  Summary – Provide a brief summary of the study’s findings in 2-3  sentences. Do not use any numbers or statistical terms, but provide a  review that would make sense to someone who has not studied research  methods or statistics.

Down syndrome or other genetic disorder


Using the planning table provided   below, you will create a case study on a parenting topic of interest to you.   Throughout the course you will conduct research on this topic, culminating in   a Parenting Action Plan that proposes solutions to resolve your case.

Step 1: Select a scenario that may   be a cause for concern in parents.

You may use the list below or   identify a scenario of your own with the permission of the instructor. Write   your scenario of interest into the planning table provided below.

List of Scenarios

  • Sleeping        arrangements for newborn
  • Immunizations        for children
  • Bedwetting
  • Breastfeeding        older children
  • Special        needs, such as:
  • Down        syndrome or other genetic disorder
  • Learning        disabilities
  • Autism
  • Attention        deficit with hyperactivity disorder
  • Physical-motor        disability
  • Language        delay, speech, related issues
  • Teen        pregnancy
  • Alcohol        and substance abuse in teens
  • Relationship        problems in teens, dating, inappropriate, and/or risk-taking behavior
  • Mental        health issues (e.g. depression, anxiety, psychotic disorders)
  • Behavioral        issues in younger children
  • Behavioral        issues in teens
  • Parental        conflict and argument
  • Military        deployment
  • Grandparents        raising grandchildren
  • Adoption/foster        parenting
  • Racial        and cultural issues in parenting -Tiger moms, immigrant children, LGBTQ,        biracial identity, religion
  • Older        child parenting and emerging adulthood (age 18-21)
  • Use        of media-cellphones, tablets, etc.
  • Impact        of domestic violence
  • Bullying,        cyberbullying
  • Stepfamilies
  • Impact        of divorce
  • Choosing        daycare, preschool
  • Healthy        diet, eating disorders
  • College/postsecondary        readiness

Step 2: Select an age group to   which the scenario applies.

After picking your scenario,   select an age group (see planning table below) that you would be interested   in learning more about. For example, if you are interested in “choosing   daycare” as a topic, are you interested in daycare for infants, toddlers, or school-aged   children? Note that your scenario may not make sense for some age groups. For   example, you probably would not be interested in learning about daycare   options for an 18-year-old.

Step 3: Select a socioeconomic   status for your scenario.

Determine whether your scenario   will apply to a family of lower, middle or upper socioeconomic status (SES)   (see planning table below). SES can profoundly impact access to resources   which, in turn, can impact outcomes. It is important to know what services   are available and who can access them.

Step 4: Family composition.

Using the planning table below,   identify at least two details about the composition of the family. Who is   living in the home? How many generations live in the home? What is the   marital status of the parents? Are there siblings? Family composition can be   a source of strength as well as a source of stress. Use this section to flesh   out the details of the family in your scenario.

Step 5: Identify the type of issue   in your scenario.

Use the planning table to identify   the type of issue(s) present in your scenario. Check all that you think could   apply. This will help you to figure out where you can find information on   your topic. For example, if you are dealing with a topic like behavioral   issues that emerge in a child after military deployment of a parent, you   might start looking for research in psychology journals that deal with   military families, like “Military Family Therapy.”

Step 6: Identify possible sites of   impact for addressing your scenario.

Using the planning table, identify   possible sites of impact for your scenario. For example, if you are   interested in “choosing daycare,” you would probably select “daycare” as a   site of impact, but you might also select “home” if you are interested in how   daycare impacts behavior in the home. You might also select “school,” if you   think the quality of daycare has an impact on academic performance.

Step 7: Identify potential   solutions to address your scenario.

Using the planning table, check   off the potential solution(s) that could form the basis of your parenting   action plan.

Instructions: Choose   and write down your topic and ideas about: The topic/title, why you think it   is important, and where you think you will look for resources.

Use the Planning Table below   to create your chosen topic. Each section of the table below may be used to   narrow down the specifics of your research paper. Each section will help to   get you thinking about the aspects of your action plan. In the example below,   the sections of the table appear in parenthesis to exemplify how these   sections relate to your topic choice. Please note that these sections form a   part of the final paper write up, and as such can be used while writing up   your final paper.

AFP Part 1: Planning Table



(write     your chosen

scenario     below)


  • Birth-3 yrs
  • 3-10 yrs
  • 10-13 yrs
  • 14-18 yrs
  • 18-21 yrs


  • lower
  • middle
  • upper


(include     at least 2 of these details)

  • Parental involvement?
  • Single, married, divorced?
  • Siblings?
  • Who is living in the home?
  • Employment status of parents?
  • Other?



  • Schoolwork or Homework Issue
  • Behavioral Issue
  • Social Issue
  • Physical/Emotional Issue
  • Other:________


  • Home
  • School
  • Daycare
  • Parent Workplace
  • Public Spaces (e.g. playground, retail, grocery          store, etc.)
  • Other:__________


  • Home Plan
  • School Strategy
  • Community Support Groups
  • Behavioral Health Plan
  • Medical/Health Plan
  • Special Programs/Supports
  • Other:_______

STEP 8: Crafting your parenting   case study.

Write a parenting case study that   incorporates all of the information in the planning table (Steps 1-6). Your   case study should be 1-2 paragraphs in length. You may want to add details   now or as your research progresses to make your case study more interesting.


The current case study involves a   child with significant learning disabilities who is 8 years old and from a   middle-class socioeconomic status background. The child has a 10-year-old   sister with no known learning disabilities or behavioral issues. Parents   recently separated, but both parents are actively involved with the children.   A parenting action plan will be developed to address the child’s problems   with schoolwork. I will discuss the case in the context of home and school   (i.e. sites of impact), providing solutions that may include a home plan to   address the parental separation as well as special programs in school and   community supports (i.e. potential solutions).

Your Parenting Case Study will be   evaluated according to the following rubric:


Criteria Met

Criteria Partially Met

Criteria Not Met


Scenario Selected




Age group








Family composition (>2     details identified)





Type of Problem




Site of Impact




Potential Solution(s) Selected




Well-written and interesting     case scenario




Bottom of Form

The Petrakis Family

A logic model is a tool that can be used in planning a program. Using a logic model, social workers can systematically analyze a proposed new program and how the various elements involved in a program relate to each other. At the program level, social workers consider the range of problems and needs that members of a particular population present. Furthermore, at the program level, the logic model establishes the connection between the resources needed for the program, the planned interventions, the anticipated outcomes, and ways of measuring success. The logic model provides a clear picture of the program for all stakeholders involved.

To prepare for this Assignment, review the case study of the Petrakis family, located in this week’s resources. Conduct research to locate information on an evidence-based program for caregivers like Helen Petrakis that will help you understand her needs as someone who is a caregiver for multiple generations of her family. You can use the NREPP registry. Use this information to generate two logic models for a support group that might help Helen manage her stress and anxiety.

First, consider the practice level. Focus on Helen’s needs and interventions that would address those needs and lead to improved outcomes. Then consider the support group on a new program level. Think about the resources that would be required to implement such a program (inputs) and about how you can measure the outcomes.

Submit the following:

  • A completed practice-level logic model outline (table) from the Week 7 Assignment handout
  • A completed program logic model outline (table) in the Week 7 Assignment Handout
  • Introduction
  • 2–3 paragraphs that elaborate on your practice-level logic model outline. Describe the activities that would take place in the support group sessions that would address needs and lead to improved outcomes
  • 2–3 paragraphs that elaborate on your program-level logic model and address the following:
    • Decisions that would need to be made about characteristics of group membership
    • Group activities
  • Short- and long-term outcomes
    • Ways to measure the outcomes
  • Conclusion

Read the following section:  “The Petrakis Family”

Define and identify the four nation gangs that operate in the United States.

Define and identify the four nation gangs that operate in the United States.

Provide the history of Asian gangs in America.

I need these two question answered and Use appropriate references and citations in assignments where required and according to the ASA academic style. Please make sure The post is accurate, original, and relevant, teaches us something new of academic value (beyond material provided in the assigned text), provides sociological analysis, and is well written. Ten point comments add to the overall class discussion and stimulates additional thought about the issue under discussion. The post must be at least 325 words (in the text of the post) in length and include a minimum of at least one properly cited academic reference (academic book or journal article other than the assigned materials). This reference should be a recent publication. Be sure to use the ASA format when citing references in-text and end of text (Bibliography) Also each question is 325 words each.