Was the Civil War Civil?

Times New Roman, Double-Spaced, ~800–1,000 words, Chicago Style Format

For this paper, use the readings from Weeks 6-11, as well as reputable outside sources, to answer the following prompt:

Was the Civil War Civil?

Much of the conflict between the Union and Confederate forces came from individuals that consider themselves American, linking their history to the Thirteen Colonies and the American Constitution. Most of the men (and the few women) who took a part of the war effort were more similar than not. Yet, as we discussed, political, social, economic, and moral motives greatly differed from region to region. The victory in the Civil War would redefine what it meant or who could be considered to be an American. Thus, with the great differences in principles, especially with the enslavement of People of African Descent, the stakes of the war was large. So, in short, were the battles and the rhetoric of the war a simple disagreement of legal principles or did the war exposed deeper issues about American Society?

I highly suggest utilizing the sources of Module 7: Oct. 5 – Oct. 11 alongside other course materials to show multiple perspectives of the war  (attached PDFs)


To receive a high grade:

·  Develop an Introduction that:

o  Explains the basis of the paper – BACKGROUND TO YOUR THESIS

§  Address the time, place, and topic you are writing about

o  Directly answer the prompt with a strong sentence at the end of this paragraph – THESIS

§  State your argument for the essay

§  Provide an overview of how you will organize your thoughts and sources

§  Connects all plot points of the paper

§  Highlight key details that will be discussed in the paper

·  Write body paragraphs should organize around the main idea included the topic sentence. The following sentences should refer to evidence to support that main idea. – EACH BODY PARAGRAPH SHOULD ADDRESS A SINGLE TOPIC

o  Each paragraph should show an in-depth analysis of the evidence provided – USE EVIDENCE AND CITATIONS


·  Make a conclusion that summarizes the essay’s ideas and suggest connections to course themes


o  What are some lasting consequences of the arguments and ideas discussed

·  Respect Spelling, Grammar, Citations Rules

o  Times New Roman, Double-Spaced, Chicago Format


·  Since this is a history course, we will use the Chicago Manual of Style. The following links are perfect to learn the format:

o  https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/home.html (Links to an external site.)

https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/chicago_manual_17th_edition/cmos_formatting_and_style_guide/chicago_manual_of_style_17th_edition.html (Links to an external site.)

·  Outside sources may be used to help answer the prompt. These sources are restricted to academic articles and monographs. If you are not sure if potential sources qualify for this paper, please reach out AT LEAST TWO DAYS BEFORE THE DUE DATE!

o  Acceptable sources can be found through databases like JStor https://www.jstor.org/ (Links to an external site.) and Project Muse https://muse.jhu.edu/ (Links to an external site.)

§  Use https://login.ezproxy.fiu.edu/login (Links to an external site.) to access library resources remotely

o  Unacceptable sources are cable news websites, websites that synthesize but do not provide sources, blogging sites, etc.


Explain the causes of the Great Depression and describe how the New Deal programs helped or hurt economic recovery for the country and individual Americans.

Explain the causes of the Great Depression and describe how the New Deal programs helped or hurt economic recovery for the country and individual Americans.

Complete the question below and submit your word document to Turnitin.  You are allowed to use your textbook and reader – BUT make sure that you document ALL of the information used from those sources.

Basic Directions:

Minimum of 800 words and no maximum word length  – but make sure that you answer the question asked.

Essay must be typed in double spaced in Time New Roman font

Essay must be double spaced.

Document the sources you use with by MLA or APA format – listing a works cited page or putting quotes around sentences is NOT enough documentation.

You can only use a maximum of 3 direct quotes throughout your essay – these quotes can only be 2 sentences in length.


Explain the causes of the Great Depression and describe how the New Deal programs helped or hurt economic recovery for the country and individual Americans.  Provide 4 specific examples of the causes for the Great Depression and 4 specific New Deal programs that sought to solve these causes.  You can use programs from either the first or second New Deal in your essay.

The following content is

what were the objectives of English, French, and Dutch colonization? 

what were the objectives of English, French, and Dutch colonization?

Cultural and economic worlds continue to collide. Through your reading from FOR THE PEOPLE A HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES WITH SOURCES Fourth Edition, though, you come to understand the contrast between the colonization of South America and North America. Focusing on North American colonization, what were the objectives of English, French, and Dutch colonization?

In what ways did those objectives affect the Indigenous population; and why, instead of using that population, did the English colonists begin to import slaves from Africa? Explain your answer with specific examples from your assigned reading and media.

What impact did the First World War have on the US?

Essay should be a minimum of 5 paragraphs, but be sure to thoroughly address the prompt and provide specific examples. NO PLAGIARISM!!!!  Discuss the historical context generally, but must provide clear examples from lecture/powerpoints and the reading.Below you will find the following attached to find context.

Here the main prompt:

What impact did the First World War have on the US? How did it impact business, labor, and immigration? How did it impact women? How did it affect American foreign policy? Make sure to discuss why America got involved in the war and the changes it brought to the daily lives of Americans.

Analyze the evolution of social media standards and practices and how it relates to the potential need for regulation of social media, along with ethical concerns.


Analyze the evolution of social media standards and practices and how it relates to the potential need for regulation of social media, along with ethical concerns.


Many people get all or most of their news from social media. For this project, we are going to be analyzing the content of several social media sites from major news sources, paying particular attention to social media standards, practices, and regulation.

Where do you get your news? Start by going to one major news site’s FACEBOOK page (CNN, MSNBC, FOX, etc.) Try another different news site’s TWITTER feed, and third choose another social media site such as Reddit, Pinterest, or another (preferably one you use, if there is one).

Analyze the sites in a 3-5 page total paper. In your analysis, be sure to include the following:

  • General introduction to your thoughts on the social media you studied
  • Several social media practices you observed (e.g., what gets the most interaction?)
  • Examples of regulation of social media and discussion of such regulation (Is it good, bad, or indifferent? How could circumstances change the situation?)
  • Analysis of ethical concerns (e.g., can you see examples of bias?)
  • What is the culture of each site – how do users seem to respond to questionable items? (Is racism or open mocking ignored or pursued?)
  • Conclusion of your findings

I need this paper revised. it wasn’t done properly. Below is the feedback from thee instructor. i need all of the areas to be passing.

NEEDS FIXED   Introduction: 1 No Pass

You failed to provide a general introduction into which 3 news outlets on which 3 social media sites you reviewed and were sharing your general thoughts on. For instance,

Fox News on Facebook, CNN on Instagram, and MSNBC on Twitter

(these are examples which would show you will share information in your paper about 3 news outlets on 3 different social media platforms.)

NEEDS REVISED Social Media Practices: 2 Competence

You briefly mentioned general categories of interactions. What is getting the most interaction on the news outlet’s social media platforms specifically?

Be sure to identify and thoroughly analyze several social media practices from each of the news outlet’s sites

NEEDS REVISED  Regulation: 2 Competence

You gave examples of regulation, in general. But, what regulation are for the news site’s platforms? Facebook requires users to be 13 years old. What about fake profiles? What about the pictures allowed on Instagram? What are the terms and conditions? Be specific with several (3 or more) good examples of social media regulation and an insightful analysis of impact.

Are they good? Bad? Indifferent? How could circumstances change the situation of regulation?

NEEDS FIXED   Ethical Concerns: 1 No Pass

You failed to analyze ethical concerns for the news sites themselves. You don’t believe any of the news sites show bias? Be sure to share several (3 or more) ethical concerns and analyze them thoroughly.

NEEDS FIXED  Culture: 1 No pass

You failed to identify specific users’ responses to questionable items on a page. In order to move to mastery, you should thoughtfully and completely consider the culture of each site (the 3 separate news outlets on separate social media platforms) such as is racism or open mocking of other’s views ignored or stopped? How do users respond to questionable items posted? Do they shame posts that are unacceptable?

NEEDS REVISED  Conclusion: 2 Competence

You gave a bit of a conclusion. In order to move to mastery be sure to be thorough and insightful when summing up the information from the news outlets social media sites.

What is a Sentient Being?

Directions: You may write your paper on Agent Smith in The Matrix or any other android or robot from a film (Cyborgs and others may qualify) . If not Agent Smith, I would approve any of the following: “David” from A.I., “Tron” or “Master Control” from Tron, “Sonny” from I, Robot, “Data” from Star Trek: The Next Generation, “Hal” from 2001, any replicant from Blade Runner, or “The Terminator” from Terminator 2. (Contact me if some other character or film interests you.)

Discuss the claim that even though Agent Smith is a program, he is a Sentient Being with mental states*. You will need to address the views of Paul Churchland, John Searle, functionalism, and Rene Descartes as well as answer for yourself. Begin with a brief introduction but number and address the five parts separately.

1.  Dualism: What exactly would Tron (Character Disney movie “Tron”) need according to Descartes’ theory of Substance Dualism? From the film do you think Tron meets Descartes’ criteria? Explain.

2. Identity Theory: In spite of some criticisms of it, Searle is an advocate of the Identity theory. Is Tron (Character Disney movie “Tron”) a “person” according to Searle? Why or why not?

3. Functionalism: What would a functionalist say about Tron’s (Character from  Disney movie “Tron”) personhood?

4. Eliminative Materialism: Does Churchland allow for Tron (Character from Disney movie “Tron”) to have “mental states”? Is Tron “one of us” according to Churchland’s theory? Explain.

5. You: Which view most closely corresponds to yours? Is Tron (Character from Disney movie “Tron”) a person according to you?

*Note: The Philosophers in Part may have different definitions in mind for the word “mental state”. Being clear on their respective definitions may go a long ways toward answering these questions. Some terms you may want to discuss (but are not required to): personhood, sentience, artificial, consciousness, intelligence, mentality, “one of us”.

Some Philosophical Questions about Robots in general and Smith’s program in particular:

· Philosophy of Mind: Do Robots have qualia? (see Ultimate Questions for a definition) Do they have minds? Are they sentient beings?

· Ethics and Freedom: Are they persons? Do they have rights? Are they morally responsible for what they do? Do they have free will?

Our Analysis Paper is primarily concerned with questions pertaining to the Philosophy of mind. Ethics will overlap with our issue but you need not consider the moral questions in this paper. You will be attempting to interpret whether 4 philosophical theorists (Churchland, Searle, a functionalist and Descartes) have room for Smith as a person. You should also include your view.

What is a Sentient Being? What is a Person? There are no universally agreed answers to these questions. But there are several philosophical theories that attempt to answer these questions. In one Star Trek (The Next Generation) episode, the Android Data is put on trial to see if he has intelligence, self-awareness, and consciousness. In effect, this is their definition of a “sentient being”. This is not a bad attempt for a television program but should we accept this? How do we test for our criteria?

All four of the philosophical positions we are considering have different criteria and it is up to us to discover what the criteria are as well as to apply the criteria to the case of Smith. We, of course, have opinions about personhood as well. For instance, it is typically considered permissible to step on an insect but it is not permissible to injure a cocker spaniel. If we agree with this, then we are advocating a position about ethical status and perhaps even personhood. Of course, attitudes vary greatly in regards to eating or experimenting on other animals. Ethical issues permeate this metaphysical issue but, again, you need not focus on this aspect

Use the two ethical theories Rawls Theory of Justice and Utilitarianism

Use the two ethical theories Rawls Theory of Justice and Utilitarianism

Use the two ethical theories Rawls Theory of Justice and Utilitarianism to explain why so much of humanity still lives in poverty and discuss how the existence/persistence of global poverty is endorsed by each theory’s central tenets.

Summarize each theory (Rawls Theory of Justice and Utilitarianism) and explain the connections (or disconnections?) between the theory and the existence/persistence of global poverty.  Considering these three reasons: minimum wage, investing in affordable, high-quality childcare and early education. To enhance the argument. 

  1. Do you consider poverty to be a valid global ethical concern? Is it an issue that “we are all concerned about” as Widdows posits in her introduction (Widdows, 1)? Or do you think poverty is a local issue or an issue to be addressed by people who are poor?
  2. What ethical frameworks support your answer? Highlight elements of ethical theories that support your position on whether or not poverty is a valid global ethical concern.
  3. Describe any personal, core beliefs that affect your own views on global poverty. Where did these beliefs come from?
  4. Connect your beliefs to the ethical framework(s) that most resonate for you. Highlight elements of theories that best support your personal beliefs.

Describe the organizational structure and hierarchy.


The Organization

[WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 2, 3]

Submit an academic paper using APA style and formatting that is 1,750 to 2,450 words long and covers the following topics:

First section: Write an original description of your organization that encompasses the mission, values, and purpose that you might find on the “About Us” page of the website, but in terms that are more practical. The language should be descriptive and from an insider’s point of view rather than persuasive, which is the approach that information on organization websites often takes. What is the purpose of the organization? What does it produce? What services does it provide? What audience does it appeal to or serve?

Second section: Describe the organizational structure and hierarchy. Who are the key leaders? What do each of the different divisions or departments do? How do different employees, departments or divisions work together? What communications strategies does the organization employ? If possible, diagram the decision-making and/or communication hierarchies.

Third section: Describe the organizational culture. What are the demographics and, if relevant, psychographics of the employees or volunteers? How do they relate to each other and to management? Do they communicate well with one another? Identify the strengths and weaknesses in the organizational culture.

Fourth section: Describe whether your company will follow a Social Entrepreneurship or traditional entrepreneurship model.

Fifth section: The focus of this course is social networking and social media. If there are problems or issues within the organization that might be solved using social media strategies, begin to examine them here.


Keyes, J. (2013). Enterprise 2.0: Social networking tools to transform your organization. CRC Press.



Bacq, S., & Janssen, F. (2011). The multiple faces of social entrepreneurship: A review of definitional issues based on geographical and thematic criteria. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 23(5-6), 373-403.

  • The full-text version of this article is available through the EBSCOhost database in the Ashford University Library

Boyd, D. (2010). Streams of content, limited attention: The flow of information through social media. EDUCAUSE Review, 45(5), 26–28. http://www.educause.edu/ero

Trentin, G. (2009). Using a wiki to evaluate individual contribution to a collaborative learning projectJournal of Computer Assisted Learning, 25(1), 43–55. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2729.2008.00276.x

Zeyen, A., Beckmann, M., Mueller, S., Dees, J. G., Khanin, D., Krueger, N., Zacharakis, A. (2013). Social entrepreneurship and broader theories: Shedding new light on the ‘bigger picture’. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 4(1), 88-107. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

xplain scientific cognitivism and how proponents of such a view would explain our aesthetic appreciation of the Grand Canyon


– Explain the Idea, Address the prompt in the Q, Talk about the argument or any other supporting question, ALL IN YOUR OWN WORDS. 

– DO NOT use Quotes!!!

– Be sure to answer all portions of the prompt!

– Each question answer should be elaborated

– Chapters 5-8

1. Explain what a paradox is and then explain the particular issues the paradox of fiction highlights. List the three premises of the paradox of fiction. Describe one of the responses to the paradox covered in class and identify which premise it targets. Be sure to fully explain the response! Do you agree with the response you explained? Why or why not?

2. What is the issue that the moralist and autonomist disagree about? Explain what the general position of the moralist is and then explain the general position of the autonomist. Describe one particular moderate moralist view and give an example of when a work would be deemed to be immoral on that specific account. Be sure to fully explain view! Do you agree with the moralist or the autonomist, and why?

3. What is cultural appropriation? Name at least two different kinds of appropriation and give a description of each along with an original example of each (ones not found in the book or lecture). Identify and explain the two conditions when cultural appropriation causes problems that James O. Young discusses. What is the distinction Young makes between reasonable and unreasonable offense? Give an example of each.

4. Explain at least two ways that it was argued that experiencing nature is different than experiencing works of art. Why must we treat natural objects different than artworks? Explain scientific cognitivism and how proponents of such a view would explain our aesthetic appreciation of the Grand Canyon (be specific!). How would a proponent of one of the non-cognitivist theories presented (specify which theory) respond to the scientific cognitivist in this specific example? Do you agree with the scientific cognitivist, or the non-cognitivist, and why?

Contact offense against child

Locate current crime statistics in your area(TEXAS)  for one of the offenses:

  • Contact offense against child
  • Non-contact offense against a child
  • Contact offense against an adult
  • Non-contact offense against an adult

Write a 525- to 700-word paper on the specific type of offense.

Include the following:

  • Research this type of offense. What are the typical motivators for the offender?
  • Describe the characteristics of offenders who typically commit the selected offense.
  • Describe the victim’s profile (as connected to an offender’s victim pool). Include common reactions of a victim related to a sexual offense.
  • Describe the different types of laws related to the selected offense and how the offense is normally prosecuted.
  • Describe the effectiveness of statutes and laws in reducing the occurrence of sex crimes.

Sources required a minimum 2 sources.

Format any citations in your paper consistent with APA guidelines.