topic related to chapters covered in The American Yawp

You will use some of the following critical thinking skills in this process:

  1. Choosing an appropriate topic, limiting the topic.
  2. Gathering information, summarizing sources.
  3. Analyzing and evaluating sources.
  4. Defining key terms.
  5. Synthesizing information, comparing and contrasting sources.
  6. Testing a thesis, making a historical argument, using refutation.
  7. Amassing support for a position.
  8. Documenting sources.

Because this may be a longer paper than you have written before and a complex process is involved, it is recommended that you complete this paper using the following steps:

  1. Choose a topic related to chapters covered in The American Yawp, (Chapters 16-30) that you would truly like to explore and that you are willing to spend some time on. Your chosen topic should be focused. Pose a question that you really want to answer. You may want to begin with more than one topic in mind.
  2. Do some preliminary reading on the topic(s). You may begin with the textbook, then further explore the information available. Refine your topic. Summarize your topic, your interest in the topic, the questions you want to answer, and a hypothesis you want to test.
  3. Gather information from a variety of sources. Use a minimum of four sources for your paper, and at least one must be a primary source.
    • Primary sources are contemporary to the times under investigation.
    • An example of a secondary source is our textbook, though the textbook also contains excerpts of primary sources, which you may use as a source in your paper.
  4. Outline the results of your research and the plan for your paper (you are not required to submit the outline).
  5. Write the final draft and be sure to include a Works Cited List, and use the correct MLA documentation style.

For some reason the absolute necessity of in text citing sources used in a research paper (on both directly quoted AND paraphrased material) either isn’t getting taught anymore or (and this one is my personal theory) it just isn’t sinking in anymore.  You MUST both in text cite your sources AND provide an MLA style bibliography at the end. Failing to do either/both is a form of plagiarism, whether you mean it that way or not, and it will be treated as such so please just make sure to take care of business and in text cite those sources as you go while writing the paper, and include that MLA style references/bibliography at the end of the paper. 

Grade Rubric

INTRODUCTION & THESIS: Includes a clear thesis statement, an assertion or position. The topic is original and manageable in a short research paper. /15

FOCUS AND DEVELOPMENT: Body of the essay focuses on this thesis and develops it fully, recognizing the complexity of issues and refuting arguments in opposition to the thesis. /20

SUPPORT AND SYNTHESIS: Uses sufficient and relevant evidence to support the thesis (and primary points), including facts, inferences, and judgments. Quotes, summarizes, and paraphrases accurately and effectively–appropriately introducing and explaining each quote. /25

RESOURCES: Shows a clear understanding of the sources; has evaluated each source and used it appropriately. Uses a wide variety of sources reflecting significant research. /10

CONVENTIONS: Uses MLA format correctly; includes internal citations and a Works Cited list; is free of errors. /15

CORRECTNESS AND STYLE: Introduces the topic in an interesting way; shows critical thinking and depth of understanding; uses appropriate tone; shows sophistication in language usage and sentence structure. /15

TOTAL: /100

The elements of moral philosophy

Week 4 Assignment: Greater Good Analysis

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapters 7, 8
  • Lesson
  • Minimum of 2 scholarly sources (in addition to the textbook)

EBOOK uploaded below: Rachels, S., & Rachels, J. (2019). The elements of moral philosophy (9th ed.).

For this week’s assignment respond to one of the following options, and include Option 1, 2, or 3 as part of your heading.

Option 1: The first option is to name and describe in detail a key specific and recent healthcare technology. What are at least two key moral problems this technology creates? What are the proper moral guidelines for dealing with it in your view? Compare your approach to what an utilitarian and ethical egoist would say (each independently).

Option 2: In the second option, name and describe in detail a key specific and recent social technology. What are at least two key moral problems this technology creates? What are the proper moral guidelines for dealing with it in your view? Compare your moral approach to what an utilitarian and social contract ethicist would say (each independently).

Option 3: John Doe, Patient One, is in the late-stage of kidney disease. If he does not receive a new kidney, then he is predicted to die within a week. Doe is 45, single, and has no children. Doctors theorize that Doe damaged his kidney by not following a low-salt diet. Doe inherited one million dollars and is known for giving money to charity. Without a transplant, he will probably be forced to spend all his money searching for a kidney outside of the usual legal channels.  Patient Two is Jane Doe (no relation to John). Patient Two is a mother of two children (ages 21 and 24). She is divorced and 55 years old. She developed kidney problems due to eating a high-fat and high-sugar diet. If she does not receive a kidney within one month, doctors believe she will die.  Patient Three is an orphan. This orphan lives in a state facility. She was born with a genetic condition that constantly damages her kidney. The only known approach to her condition is to provide her with a kidney transplant every so often. She is 11 and has already undergone two kidney transplants. She will perish in two months if she does not receive another transplant.

All three patients are at the same hospital. The hospital only has one kidney to give out. The orphan’s birth parents were known to be of a religion that is opposed to organ donation. The other patients come from religions that do not oppose organ donation. Who should get the kidney?  Why should that candidate receive it over the others? Devise a course of social action and a solution for this case by using the ethics of egoism and then utilitarianism to a key moral conflict involving health care in this case. Appraise the interests of diverse populations (in terms of ethnicity, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc.) and how they relate to the case.

For all the options:

Cite the textbook and incorporate outside sources, including citations.

You should not be using any text you used in a discussion board or assignment for this class or any previous class.

You will submit all of the following:

  • A written report that presents one of the options above (Be sure to give equal time to each element.)
  • An oral presentation that summarizes the report and examines the ethical ideas beyond the particulars of each case.
  • The link or a scan of the article mentioning the health technology, social technology, or case you are reporting on. If you made up the case, please indicate that in your report.

You should not be using any text you used in a discussion board or assignment for this class or any previous class.

Cite the textbook and incorporate outside sources, including citations.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

  • Length: 3-4 pages (not including title page or references page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page
  • References page (minimum of 2 scholarly sources)

Presentation Requirements

  • Length: 2-3 minutes

For the oral presentation, you need to have a minimum of six slides with an in-text citation on at least one and a reference on the sixth slide. It is also useful to add some graphic images as well.


Oral Presentation: 30.0 pts

Oral presentation is clear, organized, and well-rehearsed. It thoroughly summarizes the report and examines the ethical ideas beyond the particulars of each case.

Assignment Content: 40.0 pts

Addresses all aspects of the questions, applying professional knowledge, and research regarding weekly concepts.

Professional Communication: 10.0 pts

Presents information using clear and concise language in an organized manner (minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation).

Source Integration: 10.0 pts

Paper includes reference to 2 scholarly sources and properly integrates the sources.

APA Format: 10.0 pts

Paper meets all source requirements, and is properly formatted in APA style throughout (i.e. title page, spacing, font, in-text citations, and references.)

Discuss all the various ways you can consider culture (personal, geographic, organizational, etc.).

Discuss all the various ways you can consider culture (personal, geographic, organizational, etc.).

Who we are today is in large part defined by our cultures, societal connections, customs, and morals we learned as children. In our life journey we continually redefine our identities as we encounter more experiences and more people.

For this discussion post, discuss the concept of “culture.” Include the following:

  1. How would you define “culture”? Discuss all the various ways you can consider culture (personal, geographic, organizational, etc.).
  2. With which cultures do you most identify? What are the internal and external characteristics of your culture(s)?
  3. What cultural norms did you learn as a child? What stereotypes are connected to those cultures?

Lifespan Course Presentation – Stages of Child Development

Lifespan Course Presentation – Stages of Child Development

Picture This: You land a great job in a fabulous hospital that has just built a state-of-the-art maternity ward.  You are given the task to develop a power point presentation to educate new parents about childhood development.  This presentation will focus on the main themes surrounding physical, cognitive, and social development, as well as skills and risks that occur throughout various stages of childhood.   

The presentation is due Wednesday of Week 4.  This deadline is firm due to the amount of grading time required.  To submit your assignment, click on the title “Week 4 Assignment: Lifespan Course Presentation.” Here is what your final presentation should include:

  • Part 1 –  The First Two Years:  At least 5 slides made up of the following
    1. Highlight Physical Development
    2. Highlight Cognitive Development
    3. Highlight Social Development
    4. Highlight Skills the Child will Develop
    5. Highlight Major Risks
  • Part 2 –  Early Childhood, Ages 2 to 6: At least 5 slides made up of the following
    1. Highlight Physical Development
    2. Highlight Cognitive Development
    3. Highlight Social Development
    4. Highlight Skills the Child will Develop
    5. Highlight Major Risks
  • Part 3 –  Middle Childhood, Ages 7 to 12: At least 5 slides made up of the following
    1. Highlight Physical Development
    2. Highlight Cognitive Development
    3. Highlight Social Development
    4. Highlight Skills the Child will Develop
    5. Highlight Major Risks
  • Part 4 –  Adolescence, Ages 13 to 18: At least 5 slides made up of the following
    1. Highlight Physical Development
    2. Highlight Cognitive Development
    3. Highlight Social Development
    4. Highlight Skills the Child will Develop
    5. Highlight Major Risks

This presentation is worth 20% of your grade.

Here are the steps to upload your power point.  Follow these steps: click on Course Presentation to submit your final powerpoint presentation on Stages of Child Development, which was created using powerpoint and saved to your computer as “Lifespan Course Presentation”.  This document will then be uploaded by clicking on “Browse my Computer”.

Grading Grid

Item Description


Part 1 – The first two years 15%

Part 2 – Early childhood, ages 2 to 6 15%

Part 3 – Middle childhood, ages 7 to 12 15%

Part 4 – Adolescence, ages 13 to 18 15%

Following order of presentation – please follow the above order 10%

Creativity and graphics 10%

Written content 10%

APA Format, including 1-3 cited sources, correct spelling and grammar 10%

Total 100%

important and controversial current issue in public policy.

Consider any important and controversial current issue in public policy. Write an exploratory research paper that describes your own search for a personal answer to how to resolve this issue. Begin by sharing with the reader why this particular issue is important to you based on what you’ve experienced in your life and a reflection on where you stood on this public policy issue before you began your research, and why. (Being confused or uncertain is OK!) Then write a first-person, reflective narrative of your thinking process as you investigated this issue by researching the public policy literature, talking with classmates, coworkers, and friends and drawing on your own personal experiences, memories, and observations. Write about how this public policy issue has been handled and how you think it should be handled differently.

Your narrative should include a summary of a few public policy articles (targeting either academic researchers or public policy practitioners), followed by your own intellectual wrestling with each article’s theories/ideas. By the end of your paper, summarize how your ideas evolved during your process of research and reflection. The quality of your exploration and thinking processes will significantly influence your grade. In other words, your goal is not to take a stand on this public policy issue, but to provide a nuanced report of your cognitive process of wrestling with it.

Locke’s view of human nature and Hobbes’ view differ?

Locke’s view of human nature and Hobbes’ view differ?

Explain Locke’s view of human nature.

Explain Locke’s view of human nature. Use details from the textbook to support your description. Explain Hobbes’s view of human nature, again using details from the textbook to support your description. How do Locke’s view of human nature and Hobbes’ view differ? Which do you think is more accurate? Explain, and defend your answer.

Write a professional memorandum outlining


This is a continuation of the Disciplinary Assignment Part 1. Students read the following journal articles found in the Reading and Study section of Module/Week 7.

Judge, Lisa A. (November 2005). Disclosing Officer Untruthfulness to the Defense: Is a Liars Squad Coming to Your Town?. The Police Chief, 72(11).

Serpas, Ronal, & Hagar, Michael. (August 2010). The Untruthful Employee: Is Termination the Only Response?.  The Police Chief, LXXVII(8).

Copyrights held by the International Association of Chiefs of Police, 515 North Washington Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 USA.


Since 1963, a series of United States Supreme Court case decisions have clarified that in criminal cases, prosecutors must disclose to the defense evidence favorable to the defendant. This includes information that may be used to impeach the credibility of government witnesses, including law enforcement officers. These decisions mean that police officers who have documented histories of lying in official matters are liabilities to their agencies, and these histories may render them unable to testify credibly.

With this in mind, you are the Chief of Police of a municipality. Your Deputy Chief of Police advises you that one of your officers was investigated for inappropriate use of one of the computers in the patrol division. As a result of this internal investigation, it was determined that the officer used this computer to search pornographic web sites. When confronted with this allegation, the officer denied any knowledge of this incident. Upon further investigation, the computer crimes analyst determined that the officer’s logon password was used to enter the unauthorized web sites. The officer then admitted to his wrongdoing and stated it would never happen again. This officer has been with your organization for 15 years, and the only other disciplinary action taken against him was for being involved in an at fault traffic accident 10 years ago. As the Chief of Police, you must decide how you will handle this situation?

Write a professional memorandum outlining and explaining how you will handle this situation. What recommendations would you make? 

Use the references listed below to assist and support you in your decision.

You must have at least 2.5 pages and should attach these new pages to Part 1, for a total of 5 pages. Therefore, in Module/Week 7 you will submit the entire Disciplinary Assignment with a title page, and a reference page citing the cases you used, and any outside references.

  • Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83      (1963)
  • Giglio v. United States, 405 U. S.      150 (1972)
  • United States v. Agurs, 427 U. S.      97 (1976)
  • Kyles v. Whitley, 514 U. S. 419      (1995)
  • United States v. Bagley, 473 U. S.      667 (1985)

The Disciplinary Assignment Part 2 is to be submitted by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module

“Great Composers and Color Analysis”

HUM 112: World Cultures II: Discussion  question Wk 7,

Week 7 DiscussionCOLLAPSEOverall Rating:

“Great Composers and Color Analysis” Please respond to one (1) of the following, using sources under the Explore heading as the basis of your response:

Please respond in a primary posting of at least 200 words. In addition, please make a substantive comment of at least 100 words to at least one [1] of your classmates. Subsequent comments may be shorter.

  • Determine whether you prefer Debussy or Mahler after listening to works by each at the Websites below or in this week’s Music Folder and after reading about them. Explain the reasons for your preference. Here we find musical composers inspired by poetry and by philosophy. Identify one (1) element within a work that you find interesting or intriguing by either composer, with regard to the manner in which the work is performed or conducted. Describe the types of things that inspire you to creativity.
  • Describe two (2) color paintings by different artists (selected from the list or sources in the Explore section below) that you believe represent the following quote by Kandinsky on the subject of color in art. Justify your response. From Concerning the Spiritual in Art: “If you let your eye stray over a palette of colors, you experience two things. In the first place you receive a purely physical effect, namely the eye itself is enchanted by the beauty and other qualities of color. […] These are physical sensations, limited in duration. They are superficial, too, and leave no lasting impression behind if the soul remains closed. And so we come to the second result of looking at colors: their psychological effect. They produce a correspondent spiritual vibration, and it is only as a step towards this spiritual vibration that the physical impression is of importance. … Generally speaking, color directly influences the soul.” – Wassily Kandinsky. Discuss these ideas for the use of color and its impact in our own times, such as its effect for advertising and sales, or its impact in the workplace and home.


Debussy and Mahler

Kandinsky on Color

COM 101: Effective Communication Skills, wk 7:

Week 7 DiscussionCOLLAPSEOverall Rating:

  • “Revising and Presenting Your Writing” Please respond to the following:
  • You are under a tight deadline to submit a report to your manager. You are cutting it very close and consider submitting your report without revising your writing in order to meet the deadline. Then you remember what your English professor taught you about the importance of revising your work.
    • Identify three (3) areas of evaluation you consider to be most important in communicating effectively and preventing misunderstandings through revision within your writing.

no plag, follow instructions, payment exact.

elements of negligence and apply them

elements of negligence and apply them

A strength and conditioning coach for ABC University was instructing a basketball player on the proper technique to lift weights. In the middle of the instruction the coach’s cell phone went off and he left the weight room to take the call. While the player continued to lift weights, a dumbbell fell on his chest causing serious injuries.

The player sued the coach and ABC University alleging negligence. Will he recover against the coach? ABC University?

A. List and explain each of the elements of negligence and apply them to the facts of this case (point them out in the facts).

B. Describe at least two defenses that the stadium has and two that the concessionaire has.

C. Who wins and why?

Be sure to: 1) identify the legal source of the issue; 2) use and define the legal words/phases that apply; 3) include a minimum of two [2] internet references; 4) properly cite and reference all sources using APA format

Also must be between 250-300 words

discuss how multiculturalism and diversity impact the application of those philosophical approaches by the criminal justice groups

discuss how multiculturalism and diversity impact the application of those philosophical approaches by the criminal justice groups

Regardless of the philosophical approach one embraces with regard to the criminal justice system (due process vs. crime control, consensus or conflict model, or individual rights vs. public order), the police, courts, and correctional components must operate within a multicultural society; a society that embraces lifestyle diversity.

Beginning with the material conveyed in the assigned reading and presentation, discuss how multiculturalism and diversity impact the application of those philosophical approaches by the criminal justice groups (police, courts, and correctional) charged with achieving justice. Expand upon the provided material with scholarly research to support your position. Finally, integrate within your discussion the impact of a Judeo-Christian viewpoint on the implementation of criminal justice to today’s society.