Evaluate the degree to which Americans hold task-based versus relationship-based style of business in China.

Evaluate the degree to which Americans hold task-based versus relationship-based style of business in China.

In this assignment, you will take the role of mentor to Judith and evaluate her experiences and behaviors.

Write a memo of least 525 words providing feedback to Judith on the scenario and Judith’s performance. Address the following in your memo:

• Summarize some of the cultural mistakes Judith made during the meeting that illustrated a lack of knowledge about China.

• Explain the cultural dimension differences of individualism and collectivism evident during the visit.

• Evaluate the degree to which Americans hold task-based versus relationship-based style of business in China.

• Recommend how Judith and Bo could build and maintain a cross-cultural work relationship by establishing trust and empathy.

• Evaluate in a conclusion paragraph how to improve cross-cultural communication

supply chain management scenario analysis

supply chain management scenario analysis

Scenario Analysis- Describe the current situation with the given case study, what is they current capabilities within supply chain management and details the opportunities with future growth of the company.


Supply chain strategies – Define how the case study could establish a global supply chain, making reference to a supply chain theory such as Porters, SCOR and the impact on the company structure. The strategies must include references to the advantages and disadvantages to supply chain outsourcing, risk management, competitors analysis, impact of future technologies in sharing information throughout the supply chain. With the different split of potential markets and manufacturing locations, please find provide different strategies which could affect the supply of parts from manufacturing to the end customer.


Conclusion and recommendations – Provide a clear set of recommendations defining your ideas how to establish a supply chain, based off your academic research.


Academic Rigour – Your assignment should clearly include the academic insight, i.e. the concepts and the supporting references involved, indicated in the report and listed in the references and bibliography

Best practices in Project Delivery for a regional transport provider

Best practices in Project Delivery for a regional transport provider

You are required to deliver a 2500 word report on “Best practices in Project Delivery for a regional transport provider” This report should detail the approach you will take to deliver the project at LOCLBus and will detail best practice in Project Management, including, but not limited to:

  • Balancing cost, time and quality
  • Stakeholder involvement
  • Risk Management
  • Team structure between the companies
  • Plan for strong communications with the selected supplier
  • Supplier choice and management
  • Project management process and methods to be used

You will also additionally need to include, the following:

  1. A Risk Register
  2. A Project Plan using the tasks that have been outlined in the internal document included in the case study (and any extra steps you think are needed) – this can be in any software you want, but will need to show tasks, task order and dates along with a total project length.  You can assume the project starts on 1st Sept 2020
  3. A Stakeholder Matrix
  4. Project charter – one page maximum

This document will need to include references to academic works where appropriate, and any industry bodies (Axelos, PMI etc).

Weighting: 100%

Word Count: 3000 Words (2500 report plus 500 words equivalent project documentation)

Implementation of agile methodology in retail domain. 

Research Topic: Implementation of agile methodology in retail domain.

· PART1: Review the following guidance for APA citation and formatting and complete the examples assignment below:

HU Library APA Citation and Format

Purdue OWL APA In-Text Citations: The Basics 

Purdue OWL APA Style Reference Format

· PART 2: Provide a reference list of all sources used.

· PART 3: Provide a short outline of your paper

· Note that your Mandatory Approval Form for GRAD 699 or PMGT 699 is also due this week.


Paraphrasing What Researchers Say

Provide two examples from your research paraphrasing what authors mean in your own words. Provide both the original statement(s) and the paraphrased versions. Include appropriate APA in-text citations. Template suggestions:


· X acknowledges that __________.

· X agrees that __________.

· X argues that __________.

· X believes that __________.

· X denies/does not deny that _____.

· X claims that __________.


Agreement and Consensus

Provide two examples from your research where more than one author concurs or supports a certain claim. Provide both the original statement(s) and the paraphrased versions. Include appropriate APA in-text citations.  Template suggestions:

· In discussions of risk management, X and Y agree __________.

· The assertion that agile project management is frequently not appropriate for construction projects is believed by X, Y and Z.

· X asserts that quality assurance should be evaluated through all project phases. Similarly, Y posits that quality control should be revisited at least two times in the execution phases.

Ongoing Debates

Provide two examples from your research where more than one author disagrees or proposes an opposite view of another researcher. Provide both the original statement(s) and the paraphrased versions. Include appropriate APA in-text citations. Template suggestions:

· In discussions of X, one controversial issue has been __________.

· On the one hand, __________ argues __________ while __________ contends __________.

· Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of __________. Whereas some are convinced that __________, others maintain that __________.

Establishing Why Claims Matter

Provide two examples from your research explaining the importance of certain claims. Provide both the original statement(s) and the paraphrased versions. Include appropriate APA in-text citations. Template suggestions:

· X matters/is important because __________.

· Ultimately, what is at stake is __________.

· These findings have important consequences for the broader domain of _______.

· These conclusions will have significant applications in ________ as well as ____


(List all references used above in APA format. A minimum of five sources should be cited)



Introduction (3-5 statements about the context of your research)

Problem Statement (1-5 sentences explaining the problem you are researching) 

Literature Review Outline (Review of the major themes that emerged from your literate research)

  • Introduction (3-5 sentences explaining the overall      topic, its importance to project management and how the literature review      is organized – i.e. sequential, topical, methodological, theoretical, etc.)
  • Body      (3-5 bullet statements of themes      identified. Optional to include sub-bullets of research studies and      findings)
    • Theme 1
    • Theme 2
    • Theme 3
  • Conclusion      (3-5 sentences providing an      evaluation/critique of the existing literature – i.e. contributions to the      field, strengths/weaknesses, gaps, next steps)

Note: Please refer all the PDF documents for reference and  you need to work the document named “A5.1 Synthesizing Research 2019” and I attached it

Develop a timeline that provides the key elements in the organization’s history


Remember that an unexpected crisis occurring within a planned change has no obvious precipitating causes. That does not mean there were no causes, just that these were sufficiently subtle they weren’t recognizable by the firm’s leadership or personnel.

Review the peer-reviewed and professional literature for a planned change that was not successful and resulted in the organization ceasing to do business in its prior form. Identify a well-known organization that has experienced this history and research what was discovered after the organization dissolved or was purchased.

Develop a timeline that provides the key elements in the organization’s history. Use visual effects such as a poster with PowerPoint, or any program you select, including Word. Be sure to include the following:

  • Provide the history of the organization to the point of change and beyond in the timeline.
  • Explain the planned change in which the unexpected crisis occurred.
  • Indicate when the organization ceased to operate in its original form.
  • Indicate when the firm reorganized and proceeded to grow.
  • Provide a summary page with cited support and references that explains why and how each key step in the company occurred.

Support your assignment with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages APA 7 format

Challenges in the Business Environment

Challenges in the Business Environment


Changing, or even stating, a company’s values can be a long and arduous process, but it often pales in comparison to the effort it takes to make sure they are honored, implemented and projected. In this assignment, you evaluate how well your chosen company from the first assignment has done in “walking the talk” and responding to a social issue.


Review your chosen company’s mission and values statements as well as other sources that provide insight into the company’s values with regard to social responsibility. Pick two of their primary values and research how the company manifests those values. Simple examples might be the commitment to workplace diversity or ecological sustainability.


Create a 3–5-minute (approximately 6–8 slides) PowerPoint presentation that evaluates how well the company embodies its issue-related values. Your presentation should contain detailed speaker’s notes that flesh out and support main points, ideas, or conclusions and have supporting citations.

  1. Summarize your chosen company’s Supplier Responsibility information.
  2. In your own words, explain how each aspect of your Supplier Code of Conduct is committed to ethical business practices and social responsibility.
  3. Discuss your company’s stance on each of the following areas:
    • Empowering Workers.
    • Labor and Human Rights.
    • Health and Safety.
    • The Environment.
    • Accountability.
  4. Identify the key ways that your company’s Code of Conduct has changed since last year.
  5. Examine the manner in which your company’s Supplier Code of Conduct helps the organization operate as a socially responsible organization.
  6. In this week’s discussion, you consider assembling a team to write a supplier code of conduct. Recommend the stakeholders roles (4–5) needed on the team and how each supports the project.

***Use the previous paper to refer back to*****

Manage Your Health Inc Case Study

A project plan is a document created at the beginning of the project lifecycle that gives stakeholders and everyone else involved a clear idea of what the project will entail in terms of effort, time, cost, and anticipated results.

The methodology or approach the project manager plans to use to manage the project must be identified before the project plan can be created. Choosing a methodology is important because a methodology provides the framework—that is, an overall process and suggested documents and deliverables—that will guide project development from beginning to end. Some project methodologies are more appropriate for some types of projects than for others.

Read attached – Manage Your Health Inc Case Study

Complete the assignment below.

Consider the differences between Agile and waterfall.

Select 1 methodology to use for a project plan for this initiative.

Create a simplified project plan such as the examples listed in the “Tips” section below. Include, at least, the following criteria:

  • Name of task
  • Duration
  • Predecessors
  • Notes

After completing your simplified project plan, write a 175-word paragraph and complete the following:

  • Define which methodology, Agile or waterfall, is most appropriate for this project. Why? Cite at least 2 sources to support your rationale.
  • Describe the following roles for this project: project manager, project sponsor, business analyst, and scrum master or program manager.

You may create your simplified project plan using Microsoft® Excel® or another software application of your choice.

  • Research additional project plan examples online.
  • Consider the application characteristics and requirements when building your project plan. For example, the app will require a search feature so employees can search for available programs, will require security to protect personal information, etc., which will help with the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). Note: This information will be helpful in the Wk 2 – Apply: Work Breakdown Structure assignment.
  • Read the 2 linked examples of project plans implemented as Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheets: Example Plan A and Example Plan B. Use these as guides in creating your own draft project plan. Notice the differences between these 2 examples in terms of length (overall and task length), structure of the work breakdown (iterative vs. non-iterative), and methodology.

Capstone paper  about Business Administration

Urgent . Can you write a 15 pages Capstone paper  about Business Administration including cover page and bibliography page. APA format.

Requirement……..Students will create an applied project based on an administration/management issue relevant to their currrent (or former) workplace or profession.  It should be an examination of an issue that is relevant to operational practice and performance which has a potential solution.  From that perspective, the paper should be prepared as if it was an internal consulting report to be presented to the organization’s decision makers.  This project should include components from every ADM course the student took in the program i.e, “in my Labor Relations course we studied the importance of negotiation, arbitration and mediation in negotiations.  One potential solution to this situation would be to involve a mediator.”  The paper is a minimum of 15 pages with at least five (5 – plus) scholarly references from peer reviewed sources.

Courses Taken: Administrative Theory Practices, Services Marketing, Alternative Dispute Resolutions, Leadership Development, Recruitment and Selection, Quality and Productivity, and Human Resources Management

What steps must you take prior to calling a realtor and what must you be mindful of relative to negotiating during the searching and purchasing process?


  • You have applied for a job in the Washington DC area. You live in Southwestern VA where the cost of living is lower. You and your family of five are excited about relocating. You are happy with the salary that is being offered, but you have concerns over the relocation assistance that the firm is providing. They will provide job placement assistance for your spouse, but are offering very little regarding helping you sell your current home as well as purchasing a new home. You are now at an impasse. Identify what you can propose to get around this impasse.
  • Maybe you want to purchase your dream home. Maybe you want a house on a Caribbean island. Maybe you want a second home to escape to for the winter months. How do you make it become a reality? What must you be mindful of? What must you take into consideration? What steps must you take prior to calling a realtor and what must you be mindful of relative to negotiating during the searching and purchasing process? Etc, etc…
  • Respond to at least one of your classmates with length, content, and substance.
  • Respond to any and all questions asked by your fellow students and the professor.

 A Streetcar Named Desire as a prose narrative from Stella’s perspective

The Assignment (Wide Sargasso Sea’s of Jane Eyre BOOK)

For this assignment, you will write a creative piece which takes the perspective of a character or persona other than the main character or persona of a text, taking Wide Sargasso Sea’s revision of Jane Eyre as an extended example. You may also choose to narrate a portion of a text that is not covered in the original, such as a portion of the eight years when Jane is at Lowood.

If you are struggling with coming up with ideas, try focusing on a particular scene from one of our texts and imagining it from a perspective other than the one from which it is being narrated.

Don’t feel limited by genre; for instance, you might choose to re-write a section of A Streetcar Named Desire as a prose narrative from Stella’s perspective. Or you could rewrite “The Raven” as a poem from the raven’s perspective. Writing a longer poem or series of shorter poems is acceptable and encouraged, though you will need to work with me to determine the equivalent to the required word count.

You are not required to write in the same style as the original text and my general goal is not to hinder your creativity in any way. Please check with me if you have questions about your ideas.

Finally, you must write a 500-word reflection on the process of rewriting the text. What did you learn? What were the difficulties you faced? How did the rewriting enhance or change your view of the original text?


Word count: 1000-1500 words, plus a 500-word reflection

Percentage of course grade: 20% (200 points); creative portion is 150 points, reflection is 50

Submission format: .docx upload to Canvas

Margins: 1” all around

Spacing: Double

Font: Times New Roman or Garamond, size 12