Develop a strategic framework to increase the competitive advantage of a business

In this Assignment, you will culminate two course outcomes related to strategic planning to enter international markets:

MT460-4: Develop a strategic framework to increase the competitive advantage of a business.

PC-2.2: Formulate innovative solutions for identified initiatives.

Your professor will provide a list of industries, parent companies and international markets for you to choose from complete this Assignment. You will choose one parent company from the list and you will assume the role of General Manager for a subsidiary (business unit) of this company. Assume you are in charge of developing the strategy for your business unit selling products in various countries around the world. One of the issues you face is whether to employ a multidomestic strategy, a global strategy, or a transnational strategy. Making such a complex business decision can be challenging, but as a management strategist, your leadership and business acumen will help direct the company down the right path. In a five-page business strategy report, use persuasive writing techniques to convince corporate leadership to fund an expansion initiative into a new international market that you have identified. Complete this Assignment by meeting the following criteria:

  • Your chosen company is comprised of various business units. Choose one popular business unit (subsidiary) and make it your focus for this Assignment. Identify the product and provide a thorough synopsis on the current state of the business unit in the international marketplace by conducting      extensive research.
    • Identify the markets in which the business unit currently operates.
    • Report on the financial health of the business unit by reviewing annual reports and quarterly financial statements.
    • Analyze the vision, mission, and value statements of the company. Explain and critique each statement. Explain the pro’s and con’s of each statement, and note any recommended improvements based on research.
  • Within your chosen business unit, identify a product line and conduct extensive research on the product line to become familiar with it.
    • Provide a brief synopsis of your chosen product line.
    • Provide details, noting important factors like the brand, product features and benefits, and other important marketing factors. Be thorough.
  • Conduct  research on your chosen international market.
    • Explain why you chose this market, and explain the strategic options the company has for entering this market.
    • Explain why there is a need for your chosen product in your chosen international market.
    • Use a minimum of two analysis tools to understand your chosen market and the  opportunities that exist for your business unit and parent company.
    • Explain the pro’s and con’s of entering your chosen international market.
  • Based  on an analysis of your chosen business unit, would a multidomestic strategy, a global strategy, or a transnational strategy be most  appropriate if your company plans on expanding into this new market?   Explain.
  • Generally forecast the necessary resources your business unit will need to enter      your chosen market (finances, capital assets, labor, logistics, etc.).
  • Develop SMART goals that will drive your business unit to successfully enter your chosen international market.
  • Determine if there are strategic advantages to global sourcing, production, and logistics of the products in your chosen business unit in relation to your chosen strategy?
  • Is an alliance, joint venture, acquisition, or merger with foreign companies  necessary from your chosen business unit to enter a foreign market? Explain.
  • Identify and explain the value chain relationships between your chosen business  unit and other business units within your chosen company.
    • Explain how diversification strategies can produce cross-business strategic fit capable of delivering competitive advantage for your business unit.
    • Evaluate your company’s diversification strategy.
  • Use creative desktop publishing skills to create the title page and layout of your business report.
  • Use a minimum of three peer-reviewed academic research resources (library resources,      textbooks, books) to help substantiate your strategic framework.
  • Apply  proper APA style referencing format.
  • Be sure to use headings and subheadings to create a flow of ideas and topics      within your writing.
  • Write in third person to develop your business report.

Developing an International Business Plan on Tesla  company

— Developing an International Business Plan on Tesla  company —

Required research paper with covering below info in paper, at-least 7 papers :

Building on the global industry comparative analysis you did in Project 1, develop a business

plan for your organization to operate in a new country. Analyze the new country first as a site for

certain value-chain activities, and second as a market for your organization’s products. Note that

the term products will refer to products, services, or a combination of the two.

Your business plan should include a marketing strategy and an entry strategy. Also, take into

consideration the requirements of accounting and finance. Develop market share estimates and

revenue projections using historical data from your organization in the United States and your

own research into market size, pricing, and unit sales for the industry in the selected country.

Estimate the investment required for relocating one or more activities of your organization’s

value chain from the United States to the selected country. Also, estimate the time needed for

your organization to break even. Provide the assumptions behind your projections and

assessments of both short-term and long-term risks.

Be sure to give yourself adequate time for each of the following 7 steps of this project:

1. Choose a local alliance partner and an entry strategy

2. Determine the organization’s degree of fit with the country

3. Discuss a marketing strategy

4. Assess the characteristics of your organization’s potential customers in the country

5. Assess your organization’s use of web networks and social media for e-marketing

6. Evaluate financial requirements and investment opportunities

7. Address government and accountability issues

Propose a strategy for growth

A report (2500 words) with a professional formatting

Propose a strategy for growth, innovation and sustainability, in the age of pandemics, rising nationalism and uncertainty

Students will:

(1) Make recommendations for short-term (1 year) and longer-term (5 years) strategies using the “ambidexterity” model, “Blue Ocean Shift”, “Scamper” and Ansoff frameworks; students recommendations for innovation can range from new products, platforms and markets to changes in supply chains, systems, structures or skill building

(2) Recommend Strategies for Managing techno capitalism Risk and the liability of foreign-ness

(3) Using the 7S model, identify key implications of the new strategy in terms of adjustments to skills, staff, systems, structures and style

A good assignment will include:

(1) a fact-based, structured, insightful analysis of

1a the company’s current performance on the triple bottom line (Profit, People, Planet)

1b the company’s core competencies

1c opportunities and threats in its environment

(2) compelling strategy recommendations for

2a short-term (1 year) and

2b longer-term (5 years)


2c a review of necessary changes in skills, staff, systems, structures and styles needed to successfully implement the recommendations

Students demonstrate they have

(1) mastered the key theoretical frameworks discussed in class,

(2) gathered high quality, internal and external data that help them understand the issues and formulate recommendations; data comes from trustworthy academic and practitioner sources (Hult-library databases, publications by leading thought leaders in HBR, McKinsey, Deloitte, The Economist, FT, and trade press, not random internet searches) and presented in an effective visual format (charts and graphs)

(3) understood the company culture and how it makes decisions based on resources and values; and that recommendations are realistic and specific to the company, leveraging its strengths and working with, rather than against, its culture

(4) mastered the art of developing strategic options, assessing them on a clear range of criteria, and make recommendations

(5) the ability to communicate recommendations and make their case in a compelling and organized way


BUS 420 Paper (2)BUS 420 Paper (2)CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMastery of strategy concepts and tools30.0 ptsExcellentThe writer has very effectively mastered the strategic analysis by drawing from provided class frameworks and concepts and presents analysis that is very thoughtful, reasonable, and substantive.24.0 ptsGoodThe writer has effectively mastered the strategic analysis by drawing from provided class frameworks and concepts and presents analysis that is thoughtful, reasonable, and substantive.21.0 ptsSatisfactoryThe writer has mastered the strategic analysis by drawing from provided class frameworks and concepts in a satisfactory way, and presents analysis that is somehow thoughtful, reasonable, and substantive.15.0 ptsNeeds WorkThe writer has mastered the strategic analysis by drawing from provided class frameworks and concepts in an unsatisfactory way and presents an analysis that needs substantive additional work.0.0 ptsMissingThe writer has not sufficiently worked on the expectations of the assignment.30.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeData and Analysis supporting recommendations20.0 ptsExcellentThe writer offers outstanding supporting evidence and data in the form of charts, tables and excerpts; it is selected from highly appropriate sources, such as company materials (annual reports, investor presentations and CEO speeches, as well as external sources (case studies from highly reputable economic press, such as the Economist and HBR; The report applies the external research sources and online databases very effectively. Evidence is compelling and presented clearly, fully, and in context, and properly sourced and referenced16.0 ptsGoodThe writer offers strong supporting evidence and data in the form of charts, tables and excerpts; it is selected from very appropriate sources, such as company materials as well as external sources (case studies from reputable economic press. The report applies the external research sources and online databases effectively. Evidence is strong, comprehensive and presented clearly, and in context; it is properly sourced and referenced14.0 ptsSatisfactoryThe writer offers appropriate supporting evidence and data in the form of charts, tables and excerpts; it is selected from reputable sources, such as company materials as well as external sources; evidence is somewhat convincing but may have areas that are not fully covered; The report applies the external research sources and online databases somewhat effectively. It is presented clearly, and on the whole, in context, although context could have been more fully fleshed out; it is properly sourced and referenced10.0 ptsNeeds WorkThe writer offers some supporting evidence and data in the form of charts, tables and excerpts; but it is not comprehensive enough or comes from somewhat dubious or unrecognized sources (for example, just lifted off the internet without proper discussion of why this data is accurate; it leaves doubts in the readers’ mind, due to holes or factual inaccuracies/weaknesses; some areas of the argument are backed up by outdated or incomplete data, or not backed up; The report applies few external research sources and online databases. It is presented somewhat clearly, but lacks context; it is properly sourced and referenced0.0 ptsMissingThe writer offers little or supporting evidence and data in the form of charts, tables and excerpts; it lacks a discussion of whether the writer and the company itself has adequate information; The report applies no external research sources and online databases very effectively. Little context and few sources and reference20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of recommendations and ability to make the case persuasively40.0 ptsExcellentWriter offers outstanding analysis of existing data and opportunities/risks, and offers compelling, engaging and innovative recommendations; it is extremely well structured and organized for maximum clarity and persuasion, exhibiting a strong understanding of the art of writing (report includes an abstract; a clear, concise and meaningful introduction presenting the issue and setting the stage; has a clear thesis and well-constructed argumentation, with transitions, clear statements, compelling evidence in the form of data and examples, and a conclusion that states the author’s final thoughts on best options and the limits/risks of these recommendations32.0 ptsGoodWriter offers extremely solid analysis of existing data and opportunities/risks, and offers engaging and well-thought-out recommendation; it is well-structured and organized for good clarity and persuasion, exhibiting a good understanding of the art of writing (report includes an abstract; a solid introduction presenting the issue and setting the stage; has a clear thesis and convincing line of argumentation, with some attempt at transitions, clear statements, strong evidence in the form of data and examples, and a conclusion that states the author’s final thoughts on best options28.0 ptsSatisfactoryWriter offers decent analysis of existing data and opportunities/risks, and some good recommendations; it has a clear, though not optimal, structure and exhibits a satisfactory understanding of the art of writing (report includes an abstract; an introduction presenting the issue and setting the stage; has a clear thesis and reasonably convincing line of argumentation; transitions are there, though often implicit; author provides solid evidence in the form of data and examples, and a conclusion that summarizes recommendations20.0 ptsNeeds WorkWriter offers some analysis of existing data and opportunities/risks, but recommendations are too general, not specific to the company, and weak overall (would not pass the “executive presentation test) ; the structure is somewhat unclear and argumentation weak; report includes an abstract; an introduction presenting the issue but insufficient in contextualization; and/or thesis and line of argumentation are there, though they lack punch, clarity and logical flow; transitions are weak or absent; and/or author provides some evidence in the form of data and examples, but their quality or relevance are not assessed; conclusion lacks a clear statement0.0 ptsMissingWriter offers little or no analysis of existing data and weak or no recommendations; The writing skills need major work, with weak or no introduction, clear thesis, logical flow and line of argumentation; author provides no or subpar evidence for his analysis and recommendation;40.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSentence editing2.0 ptsExcellentThe report contains very few or no errors in spelling, proofreading, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, word choice, and formatting. Also, quotations, paraphrases, and summaries are very carefully documented and introduced with signal phrases that identify the author or speaker. Finally, sentences are very clear, logical, and flow nicely from one to the other.1.6 ptsGoodThe report contains few or no errors in spelling, proofreading, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, word choice, and formatting. Also, quotations, paraphrases, and summaries are carefully documented and introduced with signal phrases that identify the author or speaker. Finally, sentences are clear, logical, and flow nicely from one to the other.1.4 ptsSatisfactoryThe report contains some errors in spelling, proofreading, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, word choice, and formatting. Also, quotations, paraphrases, and summaries are mostly carefully documented and introduced with signal phrases that identify the author or speaker. Finally, sentences are in most places clear, logical, and flow nicely from one to the other.1.0 ptsNeeds WorkThe report contains many errors in spelling, proofreading, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, word choice, and formatting. Also, quotations, paraphrases, and summaries are not always carefully documented and introduced with signal phrases that identify the author or speaker. Finally, sentences are in some places unclear, illogical, and do not flow nicely from one to the other.0.0 ptsMissingThe writer has not adequately refined the assignment in terms of spelling, proofreading, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, word choice, and formatting. Many sentences are unclear, illogical, and do not flow nicely from one to the other.2.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferencing and Citations2.0 ptsExcellentThe report very consistently uses the APA format to reference all citations.1.6 ptsGoodThe report consistently uses the APA format to reference all citations.1.4 ptsSatisfactoryThe report somewhat consistently uses the APA format to reference most citations.1.0 ptsNeeds WorkThe report somewhat ineffectively and inconsistently uses the APA format to reference only some citations.0.0 ptsMissingThe report has not been turned in and /or the requested citation style has not been applied adequately.2.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization and flow6.0 ptsFull Marks0.0 ptsNo Marks6.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0

benefits of training employees on a new and innovative online web-based platform


You were recently hired as the manager of a third-party company that provides online training to other companies. The problems that most companies face are mobility, cost-effectiveness, relevant training content, etc. Your job is to create a PowerPoint presentation to address the issues and show the benefits of training employees on a new and innovative online web-based platform. Considering the current circumstances of Covid 19, this seems to be very relevant.

The following are high-level points that should be addressed in the  presentation:


· Saves your company money

· Reduces learning time

· Better employee retention for most training topics

· Accessibility for Nationwide employees

· Provides employees with ongoing access to key resources

· Allows employees to complete training remotely

· Allows for Nation collaboration

· Fits your employee’s flexible lifestyles

· Scalable for any number of employees

· Provides your employees, and managers, with timely feedback

· Ensures training consistency and standardization

· Reduces your company’s environmental impact


Your assignment should be a PowerPoint presentation of 6–12 slides, including 100–125 words of speaker notes. This should be a professional presentation, limited in verbiage, and balanced in graphics.

Describe the channels of communication used by the firm’s leadership.


When a potential crisis is realized, the news may come from the leader’s own investigations, a consultant, or from subordinate leaders or personnel. In any case, the challenge is then to determine the cause(s) of the potential crisis, prepare a remedy(ies), and communicate the remedy(ies) through appropriate communication channels to subordinate leaders and personnel.

Resolving the cause or causes of the potential crisis will require a candid conversation between all persons involved in the planned change and their leaders. From these conversations, a resolution plan can be designed, and the implementation plan can be communicated through channels to leaders and other personnel.

For this assignment, research and select a large organization that recently went through a significant planned change that was not successful. Extend your research to discover how the organization eventually resolved the crisis.

After carefully considering the facts of this event, write a paper reporting on the experience of this organization addressing the following:

  • Analyze what occurred within the firm leading to the crisis.
  • Describe the channels of communication used by the firm’s leadership.
  • Recommend the proactive leadership measures you would have provided and implemented to prevent the crisis. If the crisis was unforeseen, what would you have done to limit and end the crisis?

Support your assignment with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages APA 7 FORMAT

Labor Unions and their place in the 21stCentury

Labor Unions and their place in the 21stCentury. This subject needs academic research and then personal observations.  Remember to base the personal comments on your research and stay away from sources that are for or against unions.  Make sure the sources are objective.  Your response should include:

  • A summary of why an organization, such as unions, was needed in the 20th century.  Why did employees seek the protection of a union in the 1930s?
  • What part did the National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Acct) play in union organizing?
  • What were some major union highlights – needed to show you have a good understanding of the creation of unions?
  • After your research, do you feel that employees still need unions in the workplace?  If YES, explain why and if NO, explain why.

Be specific in your response – use data from academic sources and news outlets such as the Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek, New York Times, etc.  Make sure that your sources have authors – and please don’t use any sources that are for or against unions.  Verify that the reporting is objective.

relationship between risk and return

Capital Investment

For the purpose of this assignment, a project is defined as any endeavor that had a capital outlay. Pick a project you have recently completed or one you would like to complete in the near future. This could be a project in your home, place of work, or even church or other organization with which you are familiar. Respond to the prompts below.

  • Introduce your project with a reflection on the importance of selecting the right projects in which to invest capital. Do we always select those projects that have the highest return on investment (ROI)?
  • Describe the relationship between risk and return and how you would measure for both in your project. What other factors play into capital budgeting decisions?
  • Explain how you would calculate the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) and its components for your project.

Your essay should be at least two pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. You are required to cite and reference at least your textbook. Use APA format to cite in-text and reference citations.

net present value

Your neighborhood laundromat is for sale and a friend is considering investing in this business. Your friend has asked for your financial advice regarding this endeavor.

For the business alone and no other assets (such as the building and land), the purchase price is $250,000. The net cash flows for the project are $30,000 per year for the next 5 years. The plan is to borrow the money for this investment at 5%.

You will need to submit a presentation sharing your recommendation. You will need to address the following questions:

  • What is the net present value of this project? Use the calculations covered in this week’s Video to calculate the net present value.
  • Calculate the simple payback period for this project. Your desired payback period is 5 years. How long is the payback period for this project?
  • How would you evaluate this investment? What would be a good price at which to purchase this business?

Prepare the calculations to determine if the laundromat is a good investment. In a 15 slide presentation, show your calculations and recommendations on whether to purchase the laundromat. Be sure to address the questions above in the presentation.

How would you differentiate a discrete from a continuous random variable?

Many business activities generate data that can be thought of as random. An example described in the textbook is the servicing of cars at an oil change shop. Each car entering the shop can be considered an experiment with random outcomes. A variable of interest in this experiment could be the amount of time necessary to service the car. Service time will vary randomly with each car.

We can often capture the most relevant characteristics of a stochastic process with a simple probability distribution model. We can then analyze the model to make predictions and drive decisions. For instance, we could estimate the number of technicians the oil change shop needs to service demand on a Saturday afternoon. Discuss the following:

  • What is a random variable?
  • How would you differentiate a discrete from a continuous random variable?

A laptop manufacturing company has implemented a 2-step process to test the quality of each production batch. In the first step, a technician randomly selects 15 laptops from the batch and determines whether they meet specifications. The batch is considered acceptable provided no more than 1 laptop fails to meet specifications. Otherwise, the entire batch must be tested in the second step. Historical data shows that 95% of the laptops produced adhere to specifications. Discuss the following:

  • What are the 4 characteristics of a binomial experiment?
  • Can we use a binomial distribution to model this process?
  • What is the probability that the entire batch unnecessarily has to be tested if in fact 95% of its laptops conform to specifications? (Hint: Use Excel’s =BINOMDIST() function to find the probability.)
  • What is the probability that the batch is incorrectly accepted if only 75% of its laptops conform to specifications?

Market Analysis Research


One of the most important elements in a business plan is the market analysis. A market analysis is a qualitative and quantitative assessment of a market. It includes data collection and estimation in reference to the market size and value, characteristics of the intended customer base, in-depth evaluation of the competition, barriers to entry, and the regulatory environment. An accurate and detailed market analysis allows entrepreneurs to determine whether the market is sufficiently large to build a sustainable, profitable business. In this assignment, you will complete a market analysis for your proposed organization and create a report that can be included within a business plan.


Write a 525-word report that includes the following sections:

  • Section 1: Business overview, mission, and vision
  • Section 2: A Market analysis that includes the following components:
  • Market overview/needs analysis
  • Target market
  • Competitive analysis
  • Value proposition
  • Section 3: Recommendation

Use the Market Analysis Research document for details on what to include in each section.

Cite references to support your assignment.

Format your citations according to APA guidelines.