Manage Your Health Inc Case Study

A project plan is a document created at the beginning of the project lifecycle that gives stakeholders and everyone else involved a clear idea of what the project will entail in terms of effort, time, cost, and anticipated results.

The methodology or approach the project manager plans to use to manage the project must be identified before the project plan can be created. Choosing a methodology is important because a methodology provides the framework—that is, an overall process and suggested documents and deliverables—that will guide project development from beginning to end. Some project methodologies are more appropriate for some types of projects than for others.

Read attached – Manage Your Health Inc Case Study

Complete the assignment below.

Consider the differences between Agile and waterfall.

Select 1 methodology to use for a project plan for this initiative.

Create a simplified project plan such as the examples listed in the “Tips” section below. Include, at least, the following criteria:

  • Name of task
  • Duration
  • Predecessors
  • Notes

After completing your simplified project plan, write a 175-word paragraph and complete the following:

  • Define which methodology, Agile or waterfall, is most appropriate for this project. Why? Cite at least 2 sources to support your rationale.
  • Describe the following roles for this project: project manager, project sponsor, business analyst, and scrum master or program manager.

You may create your simplified project plan using Microsoft® Excel® or another software application of your choice.

  • Research additional project plan examples online.
  • Consider the application characteristics and requirements when building your project plan. For example, the app will require a search feature so employees can search for available programs, will require security to protect personal information, etc., which will help with the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). Note: This information will be helpful in the Wk 2 – Apply: Work Breakdown Structure assignment.
  • Read the 2 linked examples of project plans implemented as Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheets: Example Plan A and Example Plan B. Use these as guides in creating your own draft project plan. Notice the differences between these 2 examples in terms of length (overall and task length), structure of the work breakdown (iterative vs. non-iterative), and methodology.

Capstone paper  about Business Administration

Urgent . Can you write a 15 pages Capstone paper  about Business Administration including cover page and bibliography page. APA format.

Requirement……..Students will create an applied project based on an administration/management issue relevant to their currrent (or former) workplace or profession.  It should be an examination of an issue that is relevant to operational practice and performance which has a potential solution.  From that perspective, the paper should be prepared as if it was an internal consulting report to be presented to the organization’s decision makers.  This project should include components from every ADM course the student took in the program i.e, “in my Labor Relations course we studied the importance of negotiation, arbitration and mediation in negotiations.  One potential solution to this situation would be to involve a mediator.”  The paper is a minimum of 15 pages with at least five (5 – plus) scholarly references from peer reviewed sources.

Courses Taken: Administrative Theory Practices, Services Marketing, Alternative Dispute Resolutions, Leadership Development, Recruitment and Selection, Quality and Productivity, and Human Resources Management

What steps must you take prior to calling a realtor and what must you be mindful of relative to negotiating during the searching and purchasing process?


  • You have applied for a job in the Washington DC area. You live in Southwestern VA where the cost of living is lower. You and your family of five are excited about relocating. You are happy with the salary that is being offered, but you have concerns over the relocation assistance that the firm is providing. They will provide job placement assistance for your spouse, but are offering very little regarding helping you sell your current home as well as purchasing a new home. You are now at an impasse. Identify what you can propose to get around this impasse.
  • Maybe you want to purchase your dream home. Maybe you want a house on a Caribbean island. Maybe you want a second home to escape to for the winter months. How do you make it become a reality? What must you be mindful of? What must you take into consideration? What steps must you take prior to calling a realtor and what must you be mindful of relative to negotiating during the searching and purchasing process? Etc, etc…
  • Respond to at least one of your classmates with length, content, and substance.
  • Respond to any and all questions asked by your fellow students and the professor.

 A Streetcar Named Desire as a prose narrative from Stella’s perspective

The Assignment (Wide Sargasso Sea’s of Jane Eyre BOOK)

For this assignment, you will write a creative piece which takes the perspective of a character or persona other than the main character or persona of a text, taking Wide Sargasso Sea’s revision of Jane Eyre as an extended example. You may also choose to narrate a portion of a text that is not covered in the original, such as a portion of the eight years when Jane is at Lowood.

If you are struggling with coming up with ideas, try focusing on a particular scene from one of our texts and imagining it from a perspective other than the one from which it is being narrated.

Don’t feel limited by genre; for instance, you might choose to re-write a section of A Streetcar Named Desire as a prose narrative from Stella’s perspective. Or you could rewrite “The Raven” as a poem from the raven’s perspective. Writing a longer poem or series of shorter poems is acceptable and encouraged, though you will need to work with me to determine the equivalent to the required word count.

You are not required to write in the same style as the original text and my general goal is not to hinder your creativity in any way. Please check with me if you have questions about your ideas.

Finally, you must write a 500-word reflection on the process of rewriting the text. What did you learn? What were the difficulties you faced? How did the rewriting enhance or change your view of the original text?


Word count: 1000-1500 words, plus a 500-word reflection

Percentage of course grade: 20% (200 points); creative portion is 150 points, reflection is 50

Submission format: .docx upload to Canvas

Margins: 1” all around

Spacing: Double

Font: Times New Roman or Garamond, size 12

historical significance


For this assignment, you need to visit the National Archives DOCSTeach site. Historians typically use two types of materials, secondary source, and primary source documents. Secondary sources are typically books and articles written on a particular historical event, well after the fact. Primary source documents are usually generated by first-hand participants. Good historians rely heavily on original materials created at the time of the event. For this reason

, historians spend a good deal of time at the archives. There are many types of archives, but by far, the largest in the United States, is the National Archives in Washington, D.C.

The National Archives contains more than 10 billion documents, and they have collected thousands of those in the National Archives DOCSTeach site ( After you have opened the above link, click on “Menu” on the upper left, and then “Documents.” In the “Keyword” box type in the subject you wish to research. Please remember that your topic should fall within the period of history covered by this course. Typical keywords might be something like Jefferson, American Revolution, Madison, Civil War, Lincoln or any number of topics.

After your images have appeared, you need to select five (5) of them that are relevant to your topic. In the upper right hand corner, just above your image, there is an icon to save that image. You will also note that below each image there is some information about that document as well as full citation.

There are two ways that you can complete this assignment. Once you have collected your documents, you can create a PowerPoint, or use them as evidence for writing a 3-5 page essay. Naturally, you will need some other information, and you can gather that through the internet, or other books and articles. As a precaution, avoid using textbooks.

1.  PowerPoint Presentation: To complete the powerpoint you will need to collect your documents from the site. All documents must be cited, so be certain to note the citation at the bottom of each image.

  1. Must include a minimum of five slides.
  2. Presentation must include a narrative that explains the historical significance. There are a few ways to do this, but Powerpoint does have a dialogue box that is available at the bottom of each slide. You can also do this in the slide itself. It is not sufficient to have five slides with an unrelated narrative. Instead, your slides should follow a well-organized argument that begins with a thesis statement on the first slide.

Project Assignment Rubric

2.  Paper Option:

  1. If you are writing a paper, it must be double-spaced (Times New Roman, font size 12), and include a cover page with your name, course number and course title, instructor’s name, and date.
  2. Paper should include a thesis statement, and a narrative and conclusion that defends that argument.

Paper Option Guidance:

Written Assignment Guidance

Written Assignment Rubric

You are allowed to choose your own topic as long as it pertains to the subject of this course. If you have any questions on the subject matter, please contact your professor. This is your opportunity to look a little deeper at a subject that interests you.

All information must be cited. You are welcome to use APA, or MLA, but if you are a history major, you are strongly encouraged to us the Chicago Style format

Does the history of the cotton kingdom support or undermine the Jeffersonian vision of white farmers on self-sufficient farms

Please read Chapter 12 – Cotton is King: The Antebellum South, 1800–1860 – and submit a text response to two of the following questions by Monday, November 9 at midnight.

This a low-stakes assignment, meaning that I want you to start thinking about these questions and preparing for answering complex historical questions on the exams.

Compare and contrast the steamboats of the antebellum years with technologies today. In your estimation, what modern technology compares to steamboats in its transformative power?

Does the history of the cotton kingdom support or undermine the Jeffersonian vision of white farmers on self-sufficient farms? Explain your answer.

Based on your reading of William J. Anderson’s and John Brown’s accounts, what types of traumas did slaves experience? How were the experiences of black women and men similar and different?

What strategies did slaves employ to resist, revolt, and sustain their own independent communities and cultures? How did slaves use white southerners’ own philosophies—paternalism and Christianity, for example—to their advantage in these efforts?

What are the major arguments put forward by proslavery advocates? How would you argue against their statements?

Consider filibustering from the point of view of the Cuban or Nicaraguan people. If you lived in Cuba or Nicaragua, would you support filibustering? Why or why not?

impact of the extremist group on the fabric of contemporary society

The paper will examine extremist groups.  Students will choose an extremist group in the extremist movement and conduct a full analysis.  This analysis will include a full historical, ideological, operational, and outcome-based evaluation.  The analysis will further include a reality-based perspective of the impact of the extremist group on the fabric of contemporary society and the potential for this menace to grow as well as succeed in their stated (and unstated) goals.


he paper must include at least seven full pages of content with normal margins (this does not include a cover, abstract, references or any pictures/charts).  Scores for papers that do not meet the minimum length requirement will be marked down by five points for each half page or portion of a half page short, and ten points for three-quarters of a page short.  Tables, graphs, or charts should be presented in an appendix, but is not counted toward the minimum paper length.

The paper must have a title page and must follow APA style.  Pages must be numbered.  An abstract is not necessary but may be included.  It does not count towards the required pages.

A minimum of ten sources must be researched and cited in the paper.  Only sources referenced throughout the paper will be counted towards the ten.  The paper will be partially evaluated on the quality and appropriateness of your sources.  Generally, academic sources, e.g., books, journals, government-sponsored studies and reports, are of better quality than newspapers and magazines.  Web sources, other than government web sites, may not be used, unless it is a NJCU database article.  The course texts may be cited.

The paper must be typed, double-spaced.  Times Roman font style should be consistent throughout the paper (Italics and boldface are permissible).  A twelve-point font size should be used.  Exceptions to the font requirements may be made for tables and exhibits, or in cases in which the nature of the paper warrants such deviation.

The paper should be written in a style appropriate to college-level work, that is, proper grammar, syntax, spelling, and appropriate vocabulary are expected.  The paper will be evaluated based on these criteria as well as on content.  Papers that are judged to have not been proofread and grammatically sound will not be graded. Papers are due for submission on the last day of class and MUST be sent via E-MAIL.  Late papers will not be accepted.

specific sex offender registration laws

explain the specific sex offender registration laws in your state

Provide a brief history of the sex offender notification/registration in the United States and explain the specific sex offender registration laws in your state (or a state that you are curious about). Review the presentation titled, “Corrections (Part 2)” found in the Reading & Study folder of Module/Week 7. Expound upon ways to effectively manage high-risk sex offenders in our communities; consider challenges they may experience when attempting to reintegrate back into society. From a Christian viewpoint, justify whether or not life-long sex offender registration is a just concept.

how Friedman portrays the impact of the flattening of the world on the global movements of people

Section 1, Lectures 1 – 6; Section 2, Lectures 1 – 4 and Thomas Friedman’s text (2007), The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the 21st C [3.0] Chap 1 through Chapter 8, pg. 348. In this course material, there are some views of the process and impact of globalization that are in agreement between lecture and Friedman’s book, and others where differing view points are explored.  In Section 2, Lecture 1, pg. 16 Taken from several sources, I wrote that “..advocates of population control share a concern for mass migration of the poor to their countries as well as for social unrest that could upset economic and political stability in the countries of the periphery.” After considering the materials you have read so far in this course, (listed above), address the following questions in your essay exam: In his book, Thomas Friedman discusses and analyzes what he calls “10 flatteners” and a ‘triple convergence’ that are, in his opinion, central aspects of the process of globalization in the 21st C. 1. From your reading so far, list the global “10 flatteners” that he presents. Identify what a “flattener” and a ‘triple convergence’ actually are according to Friedman. Briefly, how does he define the process of each? 2. Explain how Friedman portrays (through his own writing and other people’s views that he includes in support of his position) the impact of the ‘flattening of the world’ on the global movements of people (emigration, legal and illegal immigration) to America and Western Europe. 3. Compare and contrast his position, and others that he includes, with the views reflected in the lectures you have read so far. (See pg. 2)  – 2 – As you write your essay, do not argue from emotion. Identify and evaluate your position and statements based on the materials you have read so far. And, keep in mind that this is not a place to argue your personal views on politics, history, or economics. Use your reading materials to validate your arguments. Again, be specific.

A fundamental expectation of college writing

Policy Paper Project (*Mandatory)


This activity is an opportunity for you to closely examine a contemporary policy issue between the state of Texas and the United States federal government. Over its history, the Texas government has had many conflicts with the national government as part of the dynamics under a federal system of governance (federalism).

Completing this activity is a mandatory component of this course. It serves as the standard course assessment for all GOVT 2306 students. Failure to submit and complete this project in its entirety will result in a grade of F for the course.

There are four steps to completing this project:

Step 1 – Identifying the Issue

The purpose of the paper is to identify and address a federal issue between the US government and Texas state government. This requires examining the history, application and effectiveness of laws at both levels. Choose one of the following topics:

 Infrastructure development and funding Disaster management and funding Federal oversight of special education in Texas Environmental policy and air pollution control permitting Environmental policy and deep-water drilling Unaccompanied migrant children in state shelters Effects of redistricting on minority voter turnout in Texas Death penalty and intellectual disabilities Security of state elections from foreign interference

Step 2 – Gathering Sources

Conduct research to locate three academic journal articles (aka: peer-reviewed or scholarly sources) that specifically address issues within the foreign policy relationship you selected and meet the following criteria:

• The articles must be no more than ten (10) years old.• The article must have more than five (5) pages of actual content (without graphs, charts, footnotes, citations, etc.).• Books, dissertations, and theses will not count toward this minimum research requirement.

Carefully choose sources that provide a variety of perspectives on your selected topic. In addition to the minimum research requirements, you should use high quality sources for essential current events information relevant to your topic. These include academic sources that are not peer-reviewed (position papers), newspaper articles, magazine articles, and other quality or reputable sources.

The course textbook, encyclopedias (including Wikipedia), and almanacs, are reference materials and are not to be listed as sources at the college level.

Step 3 – The Proposal

Submit a one to two page proposal to the appropriate dropbox by the date specified in the course calendar. The proposal must:

• Identify the topic in one or two paragraphs:o Summarize the central issues of the policy topic you will be addressingo Describe the current status of the policy or topico Describe the current status of the policy or topic as it relates to the differing roles and/or positions of the federal and state governmentso Cite each of your academic journal articles at least once in the paragraph using correct MLA in-text citations.o Include the Works Cited or Reference section with the three (at a minimum) peer-reviewed academic journal articles that will form the basis of your policy paper.• These three references must be cited in the final policy paper.• Additional sources can be added (and should if a good grade is desired), but they cannot beremoved without permission after the proposal is approved.• In-text citations and the Works Cited or Reference section must be formatted using MLA citation style. Other MLA formatting elements (e.g. header, page number format, etc.) are not used in this assignment.• Do not use block quotations (or any quotation that exceeds three lines of text) or first person in the proposal or final policy paper!

References provided in the proposal cannot be changed at a later date without approval (see Step 4 below).

A fundamental expectation of college writing is that all key arguments, facts, assertions and claims are supported with research (i.e. parenthetical citations). When a source has been cited, you are expected to acknowledge the source in the body of your text and on a Works Cited page using formal MLA citation format. The paper must be completed using the formatting guidelines provided in the syllabus as

I do not allow students to recycle or use essays from other courses. You must receive consent from me in order to do so and you will need to provide a solid justification. Please do not simply submit an assignment that you have used in another course as it will not be accepted unless approved.