economic disaster the magnitude of the Great Depression

economic disaster the magnitude of the Great Depression


Read the following Discussion question carefully, then submit an original answer.  Your answer should be at least a few sentences to a paragraph in length.  There is no “right” or “wrong” answer, but your opinion should be well-reasoned and based on fact.  (no references needed) this is just an opinion…

Could an economic disaster the magnitude of the Great Depression happen again?  Or have sufficient safeguards and government policies been put in place to prevent it?  If not, what further measures should be taken?

World War II and the global impact of the war

This week, we are examining World War II and the global impact of the war. Along the homefront, the war stimulated the economy and helped to end the depression. In order to fully mobilize and support the war efforts, American’s accepted as part of their daily lives the rationing of basic commodities such as rubber, gas, butter, eggs, and other essentials. Mass migration took place, and the West coast became the focus of military-industrial production. For their part, minorities served in the war, although they did so in segregated units. Many of these units served with distinction, such as the famous Tuskegee Airman, Navajo Code Talkers, and 442nd Regimental Combat Team, who were not only made up of nisei or second-generation Japanese-Americans but also became the most decorated regimental size unit in American history. The phrase “Double-V,” coined by the Pittsburgh Courier, symbolized Black attitudes as they sought victory against the Axis powers abroad and racism at home while the war against Nazism brought America’s racial ideologies to the forefront and influenced the birth of the modern civil rights movement. Even so, the experiences of Asian-Americans was filled with paradox.

On the one hand, China became an ally, and the Chinese Exclusion Act would be repealed in 1943. In contrast, fear that Japanese-Americans were plotting with Japan led to the internment of Japanese-Americans in 1942. Unlike the Japanese, very few Germans or Italians were interned during the war and the American government came to view every person of Japanese ethnicity as a potential spy. In 1942, the U.S. Military persuaded President Roosevelt to issue Executive Order 9066, which called for the relocation and internment of all Japanese descendants, most of them were American citizens. THESE FOLKS WERE AMERICAN! After watching the video and completing the assigned reading in your textbook and Cougar Courses, follow these steps:

1-      After reading the Korematsu ruling, Munson Report, Crisis Article, and Aiko Herzig-Yoshinaga’s interview consider the historical and current issue of domestic security during wartime. (think 9/11 or cyber-security) With the present-day challenge of freedom versus security in mind, answer the following questions:

2-      What can we determine from the video and reading? How were those in the videos and their surroundings portrayed?

3-      What role did race play in the internment of the Japanese?

4-      Is it possible to have freedom without security? To what extent does national security take precedence over civil liberties? Please explain your answer, why or why not?

Discuss the American Revolution’s impact on slavery.

 part A:Take notes on the ones you choose. Provide a summary with some supporting facts and details. Conclude your paper with at least one paragraph with your response or thoughts about the program Papers must be typed, include a Title Page, 12 font, Times New Roman for font style, and a minimum of one full page double spaces.

1-BBC Ancient Voices—Tracking the First Americans (

2-Dr. Runoko Rashidi: The African Presence in Early Europe and Asia (

Part B:Choose one of these two essay questions to complete. Answer the question in complete sentences and answer each part of the question you choose.

  1. Discuss the American Revolution’s impact on slavery. In what ways did the Revolution undermine the institution of slavery? In what ways did the Revolution help to preserve the institution? On balance, did the American Revolution do more to end or to protect the system of slavery in the new United States?
  2. In many parts of the United States, the American Revolution seemed to have placed slavery on the road to extinction. Explain why the promise of abolition was fulfilled in some states and not in others. What factors contributed most to determining whether slavery would be abolished? Why did some states move toward emancipation, and then retreat back to a defense of slavery?

due after 2 days.

Why was it so difficult to resolve such issues as the spoils system, the tariff, and bimetallism, which consumed congressional energies in the late nineteenth century?

Why was it so difficult to resolve such issues as the spoils system, the tariff, and bimetallism, which consumed congressional energies in the late nineteenth century?


There are four sections in this exam, with four questions each. You are required to answer only one question in each section. Be sure to include as much information as possible to support your answer. Each answer should be 3-5 paragraphs in length. Be sure to cite your sources.


Be complete! All must have an intro, body, and conclusion. Use specifics. Show context, show you understand the “whys” – why something happened. A handful of paragraphs is customary. Do not use generic sources. Each question must be answered. 

1. Why was it so difficult to resolve such issues as the spoils system, the tariff, and bimetallism, which consumed congressional energies in the late nineteenth century?

2. How did popular culture—whether in the form of best-selling novels, games, films, or radio programs—reflect and respond to the ravages of the Great Depression?

3. Many historians feel that Harry Truman as much as Joe McCarthy gave force to the postwar “Red Scare.” Explain why you agree or disagree.

4. Compare the achievements and shortcomings of President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society with Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal.

Souls of Black Folk

Book: Souls of Black Folk is due tomorrow (October 29th) by 11:59 p.m.

2 pages

should do more than inform the reader as to what the book is about. Truly effective book reviews provide a critical analysis of the author’s core argument and the ideological structure of the book. In the reviews that you will write for this class, you must provide a clear and well-written analysis of the two books presented. Each review should clearly define the author’s argument, discuss strengths and weaknesses, as well as provide commentary on the overall presentation and effectiveness of the work. I do not simply want

you to regurgitate what the author has written nor do I want you to merely summarize the books; each review should showcase your ability to critically analyze historical arguments, identify suppositions and dissect points of view. Both reviews should also discuss the relevancy of the arguments and solutions the authors present for the problems of their time to those same problems today or whether you believe the issues discussed continue to be problematic. Plagiarism and Citation: In this course, you are required to cite sources for any material quoted or paraphrased in any written work or assignment. Please use the citation style relevant to your academic major. Those using footnotes, please use the Chicago style manual for citation

Common HR Metrics and Their Formulas 

Before beginning this discussion, read 20 Common HR Metrics and Their Formulas (Links to an external site.). Human resources (HR) departments are becoming more data-driven in order to justify larger budgets and make recruiting more effective. Measuring the effectiveness of recruiting activities is important to ensure the organization is as informed as possible as to how the HR department doing relative to talent management. In preparation for this discussion, research HR metrics and their importance to the organization.

  • Identify and define five to seven HR metrics.
  • Rate three to five of the most important HR metrics and justify why they are the most important.
  • Explain how HR departments, large or small, should leverage HR metrics.

Your initial post must be a minimum of 300 words.

Support your plans with the discussion article and at least one other scholarly and/or credible source. The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.

Employee Retention

Prior to beginning this interactive assignment, review the Employee Retention 101: How to Keep a Talented Team Intact (Links to an external site.) article. This is a small sampling of the content available on employee retention, how to keep employees satisfied, and how to avoid turnover. For this discussion, you are tasked with describing key factors in a retention plan. Your retention plan must include a minimum of five key points and strategies to retain employees in your organization. Describe your rationale for each strategy. Support your discussion with a minimum of one scholarly and/or credible sources.

Your initial post must be a minimum of 300 words.

Support your plans with the discussion article and at least one other scholarly and/or credible source. The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.

Develop a forced ranking performance evaluation system

Develop a forced ranking performance evaluation system

Prepare a 10–15 slide PowerPoint presentation in which you:

  • Provide a title slide (as indicated in the formatting requirements below).
  • Develop a forced ranking performance evaluation system to improve the overall performance of the selected organization.
  • Prioritize the pros and cons with the greatest impact on the  effectiveness of the forced ranking performance evaluation system.  Provide a rationale for your response.
  • Suggest three key implementation steps for the forced ranking performance evaluation system.
  • Propose three ways in which the selected organization could  use technology as an enabler for the forced ranking performance  evaluation system.
  • Provide a summary slide that addresses the key points of your presentation.
  • Narrate each slide, using a microphone, and indicate what you would say if you were actually presenting in front of an audience.
  • Use four external sources to support your responses. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as academic resources.

CSR in Multinational CorporationsCSR in Multinational Corporations

Option #1: CSR in Multinational Corporations

Companies doing business internationally deal with complex sourcing and supply chain issues. Unfortunately, many multinational corporations have failed to include CSR practices in their global operations. Due to a number of international human rights disasters resulting from lack of supply chain auditing, corporations are rapidly becoming more transparent and are adopting globally accepted codes of conduct.

  • Explain why a firm is responsible for its supply chain. If the answer is that a firm is not responsible, discuss an organization that exemplifies this. If the answer is that the firm is responsible, then how far down the supply chain does this extent (i.e., to immediate suppliers, the suppliers’ suppliers, or beyond)? Support all claims or assertions with scholarly research according to the CSU Global Writing Center.
  • Why does Apple continue to source its production to overseas firms such as Foxconn? What advantages, if any, does this generate for Apple? What are the disadvantages, if any, that result from this relationship? How could Apple have avoided the threats identified? Overall, do the benefits of Apple’s decision outweigh the costs? Support your opinions with scholarly research according to the CSU Global Writing Center.

Your well-written paper must adhere to the following parameters:

  • Be 4 pages in length, not including the title and reference pages.
  • Be supported by six, with at least four scholarly references. Remember, you must support your thinking/opinions and prior knowledge with references; all facts must be supported; in-text references used throughout the assignment must be included in an APA-formatted reference list.

Identify potential weaknesses from either the Aircraft Solutions or Quality Web Design Company

Phase I – Identify potential weaknesses from either the Aircraft Solutions or Quality Web Design Company

In this phase you will choose either Aircraft Solutions or Quality Web Design as the company you will work with. The scenarios are in Doc Sharing in the Course Project select area. You will then identify potential security weaknesses.

Security weaknesses – You must choose two from the following three areas (hardware, software, and policy – excluding password policies) and identify an item that requires improved security.

To define the asset or policy with sufficient detail to justify your assessment, your assessment must include:

* the vulnerability associated with the asset or policy
* the possible threats against the asset or policy
* the likelihood that the threat will occur (risk)
* the consequences to mission critical business processes should the threat occur
* how the organization’s competitive edge will be affected should the threat occur

To clarify an item that requires improved security, you must identify one of these items:

* one hardware and one software weakness
* one hardware and one policy weakness
* one software and one policy weakness

Other required elements include:

* Cover sheet
* APA-style
* In-text citations and Reference section
* Minimum length 3 pages, maximum length 5 pages (not counting cover sheet, diagram(s), references). Do not exceed the maximum length.

Phase II: the Course Project (comprised of Phase I and II) – Recommend solutions to the potential weaknesses from either the Aircraft Solutions or Quality Web Design Company

In this phase of the project you will include Part I (presumably improved as needed based upon Week 3 feedback) and then you will recommend solutions for the security weaknesses you identified in the Phase I.

Definition of the solution – Hardware solutions must include vendor, major specifications with an emphasis on the security features, and location of placement with diagram. Software solutions must include vendor and major specifications, with an emphasis on security features. Policy solutions must include the complete portion of the policy that addresses the weakness identified. Any outsourced solution must include the above details and the critical elements of the service level agreement.

Justification – You must address the efficacy of the solution in terms of the identified threats and vulnerabilities; the cost of the solution, including its purchase (if applicable); and its implementation, including training and maintenance.

Impact on business processes – You must discuss any potential positive or negative effects of the solution on business processes and discuss the need for a trade-off between security and business requirements using quantitative rather than simply qualitative statements.

Other required elements include:

* Cover sheet
* APA-style
* In-text citations and Reference section
* 5 reference minimum
* Minimum length of solutions: 6 pages, maximum length 10 pages (not counting cover sheet, diagram(s), references). Do not exceed the maximum length

P.S. Phase 1 is done and attached. Just need help with phase 2.