What is the Containment Doctrine?


1. What is the Containment Doctrine?

2. Summarize the main points of the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall plan.

3. On pages 674-675 of you text, you have an article about McCarthyism. Answer question 3 at the end of the article.

4. What prompted the United States to enter into the Korean War? What was the result of that war and is the result still valid today?

“Second Treatise of Government

 For your third EWC Primary Source Exercise, you must read John Locke’s “Second Treatise of Government.” A link to this document can be found in the “Read” section of the October 5th module. After reading the primary source, answer the prompt found at its end and follow the rules listed below.  EWC Primary Source Exercises must be a minimum of 400 words in length. Even if the prompt at the end of the assigned document indicates a shorter length, disregard it and follow the length requirement in the preceding sentence. All EWC Primary Source Exercises must be written with a formal rather than conversational tone. They must present an argument that directly addresses the exercise prompt. DO NOT merely summarize the source, and DO NOT use any outside sources. You will be graded on your ability to analyze the primary source. You may use material from the textbook and lectures to provide context, but focus on analyzing the primary source. Your EWC essays should be free of grammatical errors and all references to the primary source must be quoted and cited appropriately. Cite the source using simple, parenthetical citations at the end of each sentence.

Women’s civilian or military roles in WWII 


Read everything please:

With this assignment, you will learn how to do proper and adequate research and write a short paper and prepare you for writing the research paper.

This short paper is at least three double-spaced pages of text (Times New Roman, font size 12) and you must consult a minimum of two academically credible sources. Bibliographies and citations will be in the Chicago Manual of Style format or APA or MLA.

The short paper needs to be turned in through the assignment section for grading. If you use any of the information from your sources word-for-word, you must cite the source by using endnotes or footnotes. If you read the information and write it in your own words and it is not common knowledge, then you must cite the source because you are paraphrasing someone’s information.

The short paper must include a cover page with your name, course number and course title, instructor’s name, and date. You must also include a bibliography at the end of your paper. While composing your paper, use proper English. Do not use abbreviations, contractions, passive voice, or first/ second person (I, you, we, our, etc). Before submitting your paper, check your grammar and use spell check. Remember, the way you talk is not the way you write a paper. Please label your paper as follows: lastnamefirstnameHIST101ShortPaper.

Information from Lynn:
Remember that: the more specific your topic, the better the paper. In other words, a paper focused on World War II in general will be a less scholarly paper (and not acceptable) than a paper focused on Army battles in Europe in WWII, for example. My topics ideas below are a little vague on purpose, you will need to refine them. If you have a topic in mind that is not on the list, but you really want to write on it, that is fine. Do NOT use tertiary sources like Wikipedia or answers.com.

The aim of the paper is NOT to repeat the basic elements of the topic that you find in textbooks. The aim is to read about your subject and become somewhat of an expert on it (hence the need to narrow it down) and both lay out the basic ideas and elements of it AND analyze it. So, for example: if you wrote a paper on the Iraq War, (which is too recent for this class), you would start by laying out some of the most pertinent elements of the facts of the war. But, the “meat” of the paper would be your analysis. What thinkers or politicians believe that we should stay in the war, what thinkers or politicians want to withdraw our troops? What is the background for these beliefs? You would state your case (backed up by the entire paper’s facts and analysis) – or your argument. This is a much different paper than simply stating statistics and a list of “who’s who”.
Finally, once you decide on a topic listed here, but don’t know what some of the deeper questions regarding it are, just ask me. Make sure to use an American history topic, something covered in the text.

Again, these are just ideas, you don’t have to use them, and they must be narrowed down in all cases:

1. Tuskegee Airmen

2. U.S. Army or Navy in WWII

3. Women’s civilian or military roles in WWII

4. Little Rock Nine

5. American labor movement

6. The Bay of Pigs

7. Stock market crash of 1929

8. 1950’s culture and counter-culture

9. Civil Rights movement of the 1950’s or 60’s

10. LBJ and the Vietnam War/ Kent State

• Students need to cite at least once every paragraph, to acknowledge an author’s ideas. This is done even if there are no quotes, see Chicago guides or APA guides for more information. If more than one author’s ideas are used in a paragraph, then more than one citation needs to be used.

• Any quote needs a citation at the end of it.

• Use both footnotes or endnotes and a bibliography.

• Papers need an intro (with a thesis statement) and a conclusion.

• Papers need a title page.

• Papers should be free of writing errors, there is help available at APUS for writing if you need it. Watch for grammar, typos, etc. in

* No biographies (but you can focus on a person’s work) and the topic must be in American history, in this period – after 1877.

Here are good websites for extra help with Chicago styles. If you take higher level history courses (300 and above) you will have to use Chicago (your syllabus has the standard info):





If you see that two or more submissions are available, it is only if someone accidentally submitted a blank paper, or something like that.

why the US changed from Presidential to Congressional Reconstruction.

Reconstructions Discussion Board Notes
Reconstruction has two parts:
Presidential Reconstruction
Congressional Reconstruction
You need to be able to answer the following questions about each one:
• What ideas shaped this version of Reconstruction?
• What did Southern States have to do to regain full standing in the US?
• How did this plan treat African Americans?
• How did this plan treat White Americans?
• Who could vote under this plan?
• How did white Southerners respond to this plan?
• How did black Southerners respond to this plan?
• How did northerners respond to this plan?
• Did this plan change American society?
You need to be able to explain each of those points (the why question).
You need to explain why the US changed from Presidential to Congressional Reconstruction.
African Americans went from being slaves to free people in this period. Be able to explain what they did now that they achieved their freedom. What did they value? What did they do? Why did they do these actions?
The Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments are very important to this period and to all of US History. You need to know what each of them did.
The Fourteenth Amendment is the most important one. It contains many key ideas for Americans and the rights of the citizens of the United States. You need to know those points as we will return to them frequently going forward in history.

wo different accounts of the 1770 Boston Massacre and the Declaration of Independence


Guidelines for Part 1 of the Unit 1 Exam:

For Part 1 of the Unit 2 Exam, read the three documents attached above (two different accounts of the 1770 Boston Massacre and the Declaration of Independence) and examine the two images located below and attached above. Using the documents, the images, and the textbook, write an essay answering the questions listed below. Grades will be based on the content of the answer and must be more than 400 words in length. Direct quotes do not count toward the required word count.

Part 1 Questions: 

1. In Document 1 and Document 2, what are the primary differences in how each author described this event? Why do you think each author chose to describe the event in that way?

2. What elements of Image 1 reinforce the account from Document 1? How do you think this imagery affected Bostonians and other American colonists? Why?

3. What message did Benjamin Franklin hope to convey with the phrase, “Join, or Die” and Image 2? Why did that message become even more relevant during the 1770s?

4. Why do you think Image 1 and Image 2 became important pieces of propaganda for American Patriots? In want ways do you see the messages conveyed by these images reflected in the Declaration of Independence (Document 3)?

How did the Revolution’s language of liberty affect slaves and slavery in the 1770s and 1780s?

or Part 2 of the Unit 2 Exam, choose ONLY 1 essay question from the list below, which covers chapters 5 and 6 in the textbook. Grades will be based on the content of the answer and must be more than 300 words in length. Direct quotes do not count toward the required word count.

Part 2 Essay Questions:

1 – What problems did the British government face after the Seven Years’ War, and what solutions did it propose? How reasonable were London’s solutions, and in what ways did the colonists view them as an attack on their liberty?

2 – Revolution is a dynamic process with consequences no one can anticipate. Explain the initial goals of the colonists in 1765 at the time of the Stamp Act and the evolution of their ultimate decision to declare independence in 1776.

3 – Many students believe that the Revolutionary War was a short and relatively painless war. However, for Americans, only the Vietnam War lasted longer than the Revolutionary War. In a thoughtful essay, describe why the war was so lengthy and what the costs involved were for the British and for the Americans.

4 – Compare the relative advantages of the American and the British militaries. How was George Washington able to secure a victory over the most powerful nation in the world?

5 – Discuss the ways in which both supporters and opponents of independence used the concepts of “freedom” and “slavery” during the American Revolution. Be sure to consider the perspectives of Thomas Paine and Samuel Seabury (both in “Voices of Freedom”), the slaves who fought for both sides, and others whose ideas you consider significant.

6 – To what extent did Revolutionary-era Americans agree with Noah Webster’s statement that equality was the very soul of a republic? Your response should define what Americans meant by equality and should consider groups that seemed to enjoy equality as well as those groups that did not.

7 – How did the Revolution’s language of liberty affect slaves and slavery in the 1770s and 1780s? Be sure to include in your response information from “Voices of Freedom.”

8 – How did women react to the language of freedom and liberty? Be sure to include in your response Abigail Adams’s opinions that appear in “Voices of Freedom.”

9 – Not everyone supported the independence movement within the colonies. Explain who supported independence and who did not. Be sure to include a discussion about how socioeconomic standing, race, religion, and gender affected an individual’s support for or opposition to independence. Also consider why the other regions of the British Empire, such as Canada, the Caribbean islands, and Florida, did not also rebel and seek independence.

10 – How did the Revolution transform religion in the new nation? Consider especially issues related to religious toleration, religious liberty, and church-state relations.

9 – What liberties and freedoms of Americans were being violated by European powers prior to the War of 1812?


For Part 3 of the Unit 2 Exam, choose ONLY 1 essay question from the list below, which covers chapters 7 and 8 in the textbook. Grades will be based on the content of the answer and must be more than 300 words in length. Direct quotes do not count toward the required word count.

Part 3 Essay Questions:

1 – Compare the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution. Which document did a better job of protecting liberties? Running a government? Explain your answer with specific examples.

2 – Who became full-fledged members of the American political community under the U.S. Constitution? Fully explain what criteria were used and who was excluded from membership.

3 – Explain the arguments of the Anti-Federalists. How did they define liberty and what role did they see government having in protecting that liberty?

4 – Using Letters from an American Farmer and Notes on the State of Virginia, discuss the reach of American citizenship. What did it take to be free and to have liberties in the new nation? According to Crèvecoeur and Jefferson, would there ever be a time when America might be a melting pot of more than just white Europeans?

5 – Under President Washington, Secretary of War Henry Knox had hoped to pursue a more peaceful policy with the Indians. How did U.S. policy concerning the Indians unfold in the 1790s?

6 – Alexander Hamilton’s plan called for commercial industrialization, which many Americans viewed positively. Explain why some Americans opposed Hamilton’s position. What were some of the alternative plans for development?

7 – Women were increasingly coming to believe that they too had the right to knowledge, education, public discourse, and employment. Discuss the various arguments being made in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries by women regarding their changing roles in the new republic.

8 – In what ways can Thomas Jefferson’s presidency be considered a revolution? Did his presidency deliver an Empire of Liberty as he envisioned? Why or why not?

9 – What liberties and freedoms of Americans were being violated by European powers prior to the War of 1812? How did Jefferson and Madison view liberty in terms of British and French behavior on the seas? How did the War Hawks view liberty? Was war the only answer by 1812?

10 – Did the United States really win the War of 1812? Examine the terms of the peace settlement. What happened to the Canadian borderland? What was gained? What was the greater victory for America?

How did Americans conceptualize the region of the Trans Mississippi West in order to justify settling the region?

How did Americans conceptualize the region of the Trans Mississippi West in order to justify settling the region?

answer those 3 prompts in Essays separately.

each essay should answer the prompt enough so word limit between ( 200-500 words)

need it in 3 hours


1. Western expansion was a significant undertaking. How did Americans conceptualize the region of the Trans Mississippi West in order to justify settling the region? How did rail aid this movement and what ultimately happened to the indigenous people there?

2. Compare and contrast the views of Social Darwinism, the Ideology of Success, the Gospel of Wealth, and Laissez-faire. What do they all have in common and in what ways are they different? Who came up with these ideas? Explain what segments of society identified with each ideology and why each had a popular appeal in America in the late nineteenth century.

3. Between 1877 and 1900 certain factors converged to produce a clear American foreign policy. Discuss those factors and how Josiah Strong, Frederick Jackson Turner and Alfred T. Mahan contributed to this. Cite examples of American Manifest Destiny and the New American Imperialism in the Caribbean, Latin America or the Pacific to demonstrate how they were reflected in America’s move toward a coherent foreign policy.

Was the Civil War Inevitable?

WRITING ASSIGNMENT # 4B: Was the Civil War Inevitable?

The Civil War has been studied more than any other event in American History. One reason for the enduring interest in this war most likely lies in the fact, that the conflict pitted American against American. It should, therefore, come as no surprise that one of the most debated questions in American history has been, “Was the Civil War Inevitable?


Your discussion for this essay will be based on the following readings and map analysis. Use the information that you gather to support your argument/position. The questions in each section will assist you in understanding the content and to prepare for the essay.

  • Review and identify relevant sections of Chapter 15
  • Read John C. Calhoun’s last speech written during the great debate over the Compromise of 1850.
  • Note that at one part of his speech Calhoun claims that the Union is in danger, stating “That the immediate cause is the almost universal discontent which pervades all of the States composing the southern section of the Union…” What evidence have you found in the readings and maps to support or refute his claim?
  • Study the  Kansas Nebraska Act map .
  • Consider these questions when you analyze the document and map:
    • What fears does Calhoun express regarding the future status of the South in the Union?
    • According to Calhoun, what choices do the Southern states have?
    • After studying the map and the events described in “Bleeding Kansas”, what evidence do you find to support or refute Calhoun’s statements?
  • Read Lincoln’s speech titled “A House Divided,”. The introduction which begins with the often quoted proverb from the Bible can be read in Chapter 15 of the textbook. As you read the speech consider the following questions:
    • What argument is Lincoln presenting in his introduction?
    • How does he support his argument in the speech?
    • Compare Lincoln’s arguments in his speech to Calhoun’s arguments. Identify similarities and differences.
  • Review the Chapter 15 section titled Secession, and closely examine the  Secession map which is also available at this link. Consider the following questions when you analyze the map and write your essay:
    • Note the order in which the first states seceded from the Union, and which state led the process. What conclusion(s) can be reached from this information?
    • Note the state of Virginia. What did the western section decide to do?
    • Note the states which did not secede immediately. What factors may have influenced their decision to wait and then secede?
    • Note the slave states that did not secede. What factors may have influenced their decision?
    • Does the pattern of secession support or refute Calhoun’s argument?


Write a well-organized essay, a minimum of 700 words (but not limited to), including supporting details from the documents/textbook/other sources in which you analyze and discuss the material that has been assigned by addressing the following question:

In your opinion, “Was the Civil War inevitable”?

The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain

Your initial post must be a minimum of 150 words. Your response to your classmate must be a minimum of 75 words.

**You are encouraged to respond to more than one peer, but your primary peer response must meet the word count.

Choose 1-2 poems or Hughes’ “The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain”. Explore their meaning and how you may relate to the content and/or how your selection(s) reflects real life situations.


In “Sweat”, Hurston tells the story of abuse and survival. Discuss Delia’s psychological abuse and how it eventually transformed her.



