Explain what sociologist C. Wright Mills meant by the sociological imagination.

Week 1 Discussion: What Is Sociology


Must post first.


Please post thoughtful responses and comments to the following questions.

1. Explain what sociologist C. Wright Mills meant by the sociological imagination. Explain how personal troubles turn to public issues using an example (e.g., sexual misconduct, unemployment, domestic violence, etc.) after watching the video, ‘Sociological Imagination,’ and reading ‘Chapter 1’ (OpenStax, 2017) under the Week 1 Content.

2. What is sociology? Explain how it helps you better understand your life and our society after watching the video, ‘The wisdom of sociology: Sam Richards at TEDxLacador,’ and reading ‘Chapter 1’ (OpenStax, 2017) under the Week 1 Content.

3. State the major ideas of functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. Which of the three approaches strikes you as the most useful? Why? How can you apply your favorite perspective to real-life situations?

4. Which sociological perspective would best explain why there seem to be so many poor people in America although we are among the richest countries on earth?

5. The neighborhood (the environment) where you grew up exerts a significant effect on the rest of your life. How did your family, neighbors, and community influence you? Explain it using the sociological perspective.

6. What sort of career are you interested in? How could studying sociology help you in this career?

7. How would a conflict theorist look at the educational system in the United States? How would a functionalist look at the educational system? What is one commonality between these two perspectives? What is one important difference?

Use APA parenthetical citations in your text and include a reference list at the end of your post. When you refer to and/or discuss any resources, you need to include a citation for that source.  For more information on APA style, go to: https://sites.umgc.edu/library/libhow/apa_examples.cfm

Original question response posts should be a minimum of 250-300 words, and replies to others should each be a minimum of 75-100 words.

Sociological Imagination – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BINK6r1Wy78

The wisdom of sociology: Sam Richards at TEDxLacador –  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWD6g9CV_sc&t=26s

OpenStax Introduction to Sociology

What do toys teach us about masculinity and femininity?

What do toys teach us about masculinity and femininity?

Your assignment for this week is to take a trip to a local toy store (or visit one on-line) and analyze the messages which are communicated through the store’s layout, branding, toy selection, packaging, etc. I find that “mega” toy stores such as Toys ‘R’ Us, Target, and Wallmart work better for this assignment than do small specialty stores, but you are welcome to visit any toy store you like. You can visit the store only if you need or have to go and buy groceries in these stores anyway, otherwise use only the toystore website due to Covid 19 situation. To help you think about what you are seeing I recommend using the “Toystore Research Worksheet” I have attached above.

Once you have completed your investigation, you will write a short paper response. Your paper should be (2-3 pages) maximum. Please address the questions asked on the worksheet (but don’t just turn in a bulleted form of the worksheet-remember, you are writing a research paper!). Additionally, be sure to use any critical terms covered in your assigned readings, and thie class’ lectures.

For full credit you must incorporate at least two sources from class (or relevant sources from outside of class). The two sources must be correctly cited (APA or MLA) in the body of your paper. You must also include a properly formatted works cited.

-here are a few sources from class

– Cynthia Burack –  Gender Socialization

– https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/06/why-gender-neutral-swedish-preschools-could-make-children-more-successful?fbclid=IwAR2o222I4yd5vdyuMRrIW7QgVdl9wLETCYSEdO22tOVh9qGUZool2Q3Da_8&utm_campaign=buffer&utm_content=bufferbcc30&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com

– Class PowerPoint –  Gender Socialization

Explain how the controversial issue has been impacted by the advancement of technology in the media


Prepare a position paper on a controversial issue in the news. Explain how the controversial issue has been impacted by the advancement of technology in the media. Select one of the topics addressed in this class: Race in the media, body image, treatment of women in the workplace (including equal pay and online harassment), public trust in the media, and free speech and hate speech.

You will want your position paper to outline specifically what the nature of the problem is, and demonstrate critical thinking, sound logic, valid claims, personal passion and credible support that is cited correctly.


Write a three-page paper in which you:

  1. In the introduction, include a quote, question or statistic from your text and an overview of the three major points you will cover.
  2. Introduce your position with a thesis statement at the end of the first paragraph.
  3. Provide three major points to support your thesis statement (put each major point in a separate paragraph).
  4. Wrap up your assignment with a strong conclusion in which you re-state the points you made and supported.
  5. Organize arguments and support your claims effectively.
  6. Demonstrate personal passion for your position and critical thinking with persuasive language, sound logic, valid claims and credible support for the claims.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards.  For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. All quotes, paraphrasing, and statistics require a properly formatted source page —even if only using your textbook.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title and the date. Include a source page to demonstrate understanding of the Strayer Writing Standards. The cover and source pages are not included in the required assignment page length. An Assignment 2 Sample [PDF] has been provided for your reference.


Strayer University Library

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Describe the impact of technological advancements on different types of media and social issues.

Capstone Integrative Project Final Solution Assessment

Capstone Integrative Project Final Solution Assessment

In this final capstone project, you will demonstrate your proficiency in your specialization area by completing an analysis of a human services problem in a chosen organization or system. The goal of this assignment is to incorporate prior feedback and recommendations to improve the final version of your Capstone Integrative Project, including:

  • Analysis of a chosen human services problem and an organizational context.
  • Summary of achievements and challenges.
  • Consideration of ethical, cultural, and diversity issues.
  • Theoretical frameworks underpinning the project focus, proposed solutions, and recommendations for collaboration and advocacy.

Assignment Instructions

Present your revised analysis of your chosen human services problem for your selected organization or system. The final product should be a 10–15 page paper, in APA style, supported with scholarly references, two of which should be new for the final project.

Address the following for this last assignment of the Capstone Integrative Project:

  • Explain, using peer-reviewed literature, the achievements and challenges of your selected human services organization in addressing your chosen human services problem.
    • Support your explanation with references to at least three peer-reviewed articles.
    • Incorporate recommendations for improvement provided by the instructor in your earlier submission of this section.
  • Explain the theoretical frameworks that are relevant to your chosen human services problem.
    • Describe a theoretical framework or model that underpins your study of this organization’s effectiveness in addressing the chosen human services problem.
    • Explain why this framework or model is relevant for your study.
    • Support your discussion with at least three scholarly references.
    • Incorporate recommendations for improvement provided by the instructor in your earlier submission of this section.
  • Explain cultural, diversity, and ethical considerations for your chosen human services problem.
    • Describe the cultural competencies required of the human services professionals in the identified human services organization or system for effective intervention and collaboration with partners.
    • Identify the cultural and diversity impacts that should be taken into consideration when solving organizational issues in a for-profit, nonprofit, or government setting.
    • Determine the diversity of stakeholders and partners in your community, and explain how this information is useful for building collaborative relationships to better service the clients.
    • Support your discussion with at least three scholarly references.
    • Incorporate recommendations for improvement provided by the instructor in your earlier submission of this section.
  • Develop specific recommendations for improvement of your chosen human services problem in your selected organization.
    • Describe practical solutions to the challenges identified for your organization or system, based on the theoretical framework or model you selected for the study.
    • Incorporate feedback provided by the instructor in your earlier submission of this section.
  • Propose recommendations for advocacy and collaboration with other organizations on your chosen human services issue.
    • Discuss the value of interorganizational collaboration for delivery of high-quality service to the clients and advocacy on this issue in society.
    • Provide specific recommendations for organizational collaboration to address your particular human services problem in your community.
    • Support your discussion with at least three scholarly references.

Example assignment: You may use the assignment example, linked in the Resources, to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like.

Submission Requirements

  • Communication: Write in a manner consistent with the expectations of the human services profession. Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Headings, resources, and citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.
  • References: 12 references (including 2 new references) formatted according to APA style.
  • Length: 10–15 typed, double-spaced pages.

– Sociological Concepts and Theories Connections:

In order to demonstrate your understanding of the process of socialization and the various topics addressed within the first half of this course, you will write your  “sociological autobiography”. The following criteria is expected:

Criteria #1 – Three Social Aspects’ Influence on Your Self-Identity:  Provide a clear analysis and explanation in detail on how three of the six social aspects listed below in bold specifically influenced the development of your self- identity (who you are, your personality, world view) throughout your lifetime so far.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcThree Social Aspects’ Influence on Self Identity  It is expected that you provide a clear analysis and explanation in detail on how three of the six social aspects listed below in bold specifically influenced the development of your self- identity, (who you are, your personality, world view) throughout your lifetime so far. 

  • Your culture,
  • The types of groups in your life and your roles within
  • The effects of technology/social media
  • Your social class status
  • Your race/ethnicity
  • Your gender
  • To  complete this criteria well, for each of the three social aspect you choose to address, you should:
    • Address each of the three social aspects you chose within its own section. Use subtitles above each of their sections in your autobiography.
    • Provide specific background information from your own life experience regarding each social aspect.
    • Then, provide many details about who you are to show how  these experiences influenced the shaping of you as a person.
    • So, in each section after providing your personal information and experiences about a social aspect, ask yourself: Who am I because of this experience involving this specific social aspect? Then, in detail, describe you, your personality, your world views, your behaviors, and etc, to show how each of the social aspects experienced affected the shaping of you.
  • Extra Credit Opportunity – You can earn up to 3 points for each additional social aspect you address beyond the three required (so you can potentially earn up to a total of 9 points extra credit, if you address all 6 correctly). The same requirements stated above apply when addressing each additional social aspect to earn the full amount of extra credit.

Criteria #2 – Sociological Concepts and Theories Connections: Since this is your sociological autobiography, and not just your autobiography, this paper is expected to also contain connections to and application of at least three relevant sociological concepts and/or theories throughout the paper.

  • The connections to and application of the sociological concepts and/or theories are to be explained clearly and correctly in your own words, and linked well with various sections of your autobiography.
  • Support and references should come from at least our textbook.  Additional credible academic resources can also be used.
  • Make sure to cite and include full references for academic resources used for support.

Criteria #3 – This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Guidelines: This written piece is expected to be a minimum of 1000 words.  It is also expected that you use the following college-level writing guidelines:

  • Correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and sentence structure.
  • Double spacing
  • Times New Roman 12 point font
  • Standard format of a 1” each margin on the left and right sides with a .5” setting for
    the bottom and top.
  • Must have a cover page, which includes:
    • Assignment name (centered)
    • Full name
    • Class name
    • Date
  • Correct writing format is to be applied in-text citations and quoted work from other sources, and reference list.
  • Save your assignment only as a PDFWord document, or on Google Docs to upload and submit work through this assignment page. Do not use HEIC to save your work to submit. 

– I have provided Midterm Student Sample Paper #1 and 2 PDFs on the next pages.  Both students received high scores and they may give you an idea of the expectations for this assignment. Please note that these students addressed all six social aspects (old version of assignment). You only need to address three social aspects for your paper. 

– Review the rubric for any additional grading details.

Culture and Context of Trauma

Week 3: Culture and Context of Trauma

Will the trauma experienced by a 6-year-old who has survived a tornado differ from the trauma experienced by an adolescent who has survived the same event? How will their experiences compare to those of an older adult? Imagine a group of individuals who lose all of their resources as a result of a human-made disaster. Will the trauma of losing everything differ between individuals from an impoverished background and individuals who are more affluent? How does culture influence worldview and subsequent perception of the trauma? As you might imagine, there are different levels of traumatization that will, in turn, affect your professional response.

Learning Objectives

Students will:
  • Analyze the impact of stages of development on crisis, trauma, and disaster treatment
  • Analyze the impact of culture on crisis, trauma, and disaster treatment

Learning Resources

Required Readings

James, R. K., & Gilliland, B. E. (2017). Crisis intervention strategies (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
Chapter 2, “Culturally Effective Helping” (pp. 27-47)

Dass-Brailsford, P. (2008). After the storm: Recognition, recovery, and reconstruction. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 39(1), 24–30.

Dunn, E. C., Nishimi, K., Powers, A., & Bradley, B. (2017). Is developmental timing of trauma exposure associated with depressive and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms in adulthood? Journal of Psychiatric Research, 84, 119-127.

Margolin, G., Ramos, M. C., & Guran, E. L. (2010). Earthquakes and children: The role of psychologists with families and communities. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 41(1), 1–9.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2003). Developing cultural competence in disaster mental health programs: Guiding principles and recommendations [Brochure]. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved from https://store.samhsa.gov/sites/default/files/d7/priv/sma11-disaster-01.pdf

Document: Case Study: Jessie (PDF)

Pyles, L. (2017). Decolonising disaster social work: Environmental justice and community participation. British Journal of Social Work, 47(3), 630–647.

Discussion: Cultural and Developmental Implications for Survivors

When working with any client, you must consider the impact of human development and culture. This is especially true when working with survivors of critical incidents. A 4-year-old child’s cognitive processing is different from that of a 35-year-old adult. Thus, you must be familiar with developmental stages, specifically those that incorporate cognitive and emotional understanding, when working with survivors of critical incidents. The cultural context of survivors also has an impact on their responses to critical incidents. For example, Haiti is an impoverished country with limited resources. The earthquake in 2010 devastated this country, the extent of which was at least partially the result of culturally relevant factors. The systems to filter and purify water in this country are not easily reconstructed, resources to rebuild houses and buildings are not immediately available, and food sources that are destroyed from an earthquake are not easily replenished. In an environment where there are more financial and systemic resources, the experience of an earthquake might not have such a significant impact on the continued health of the survivors.

For this Discussion, select a critical incident that would require a professional response for survivors and think about a culture in which this critical incident might occur. Consider the different stages of development of potential clients from the following: 6-year-old child, 14-year-old adolescent, 26-year-old young adult, and 50-year-old older adult. Think about how you would respond differently to each of your clients depending on their stage of development when experiencing the event or situation you selected.

By Day 4

Post by Day 4 a brief description of the critical incident you selected and the culture in which it might occur. Then, briefly describe your “clients” in terms of their stages of development. Next, explain how the developmental stage may influence the needs of your clients. Be specific and provide examples to illustrate. Identify any ecological factors that may influence survivors of the critical incident. Finally, explain how intervention with this critical incident might be different if the client(s) was/were of a different culture.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the resources.

Why might an individual choose to enlist in military service rather than seek employment elsewhere?

Why might an individual choose to enlist in military service rather than seek employment elsewhere? In the United States, no one has been drafted or forced into military service since 1973. In other countries, forced military service may occur, and the service members’ reasons for staying in the service may vary. Unlike forced military service, voluntary military service is a personal choice. There are a myriad of reasons why someone would engage in service before self in an institution that requires one to relinquish certain personal rights. To understand military personnel from the lens of a helping professional, it is imperative to understand what motivates a person to choose this career path as a way of life regardless if it is for short or long term.

As you investigate the motivating factors of joining, staying in, or separating from military service, consider how military culture can influence these decisions.

Post a description of one motivating factor for joining the military and one motivating factor for military personnel to remain in the service. Explain how these factors motivate individuals to join and remain in military service. Finally, describe one way military culture might influence a person’s decision to remain in or separate from the military. Justify your response by citing references to the resources and the current literature.

Be sure to support your post with specific references to the resources. If you are using additional articles, be sure to provide full APA-formatted citations for your references.

Organizational Culture and Client Treatment


Discussion 1: Organizational Culture and Client Treatment

After reading the assigned resources about leadership types and skills, as well as information about attending to tasks and relationships, you may be starting to develop ideas about how an administrator’s leadership style and philosophy can either facilitate or limit social change efforts. The way in which social work administrators interact with diverse stakeholders such as clients, staff, board members, and community members, contributes to a model of service delivery that emphasizes quality and effectiveness.

Provide a 300-word discussion Post:

–  How a social work administrator’s personal leadership philosophy and style may influence a human services organization’s culture.

– Explain how the organization’s culture might influence a social work administrator’s personal leadership style.

– Explain how interactions with stakeholders may ultimately impact the organization’s treatment of clients. Be sure to provide specific examples in your explanations.

– Must contain at least 3 references and citations from the “Required Readings” below

Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.

Required Readings

Northouse, P. G. (2021). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Sage.

· Chapter 6, “Engaging Strengths” (pp. 127-158)

· Chapter 3, “Understanding Leadership and Styles” (pp. 57–77)

· Chapter 4, “Attending to Tasks and Relationships” (pp. 79-99)

Required Media

Kayal, R. (Producer). (2010). Raymond Kayal, Ph.D. in management [Video file]. Retrieved from https://class.waldenu.edu

Are Sports Overemphasized in the Socialization Process of African American Males

Before you begin: 


  • 12-inch Font Size
  • Font: Times New Roman
  • Double-spaced
  • Use Microsoft Word to write your paper

Sections in this paper:

  1. Summary of paper
    1. Introduction
    2. Methodology
    3. Findings/results
  2. Connection to the theoretical perspective
  3. Connection to the Chapter
  4. Connection to everyday life


Article citation:

(Beamon: 2010: ###)

Textbook citation:

(Griffiths et. al 2015: ##) If you are using the PDF version, please add a page number. If you are using the online version, do not provide a page number.


1.1 Introduction

  • The introduction will focus pages 282-285.
  • Paragraph 1: Summarize paragraph 282 – 283. In this paragraph, you must clearly state the purpose of this article and what it is attempting to find.
  • Paragraph 2: Summarize pages 283 – 284. In this paragraph, you must clearly define Beamon’s interest in the topic of socialization. Moreover, you must clearly explain the theoretical framework Beamon uses to support her research. (Beamon citation)
  • Paragraph 3: Summarize pages 284 – 285. This will be a quick paragraph that defines what scholarship Beamon is pulling from to ground her research on. (Beamon citation)

Example of an opening sentence for paragraph 1:

In “Are Sports Overemphasized in the Socialization Process of African American Males,” Krystal Beamon (2010) argues… [write an opening sentence that states Beamon’s overall argument].

Citation note: You do not need to provide a citation at the end of Paragraph 1.

1.2 Methodology

  • Paragraph 2: This paragraph will focus on the research methods used by the author(s). In this paragraph, focus on what methods are uses and how the data is collected.
    • Review: Specific research methods used by Sociologists are found in Chapter 2.

Example of an opening sentence:

Beamon uses qualitative/quantitative methods for her research. Beamon uses [method] by… Also, Beamon uses [method] by…

Citation: Beamon citation should be placed after the paragraph.

1C. Findings/Results

  • These paragraphs should summarize Pages 287 – 296. It is important to provide a summary of each section Beamon mentions in her findings.
    • Each sections in the findings should be written as a paragraph.
    • Paragraphs should consist of a topic sentence, example(s), and commentary sentences that elaborate your point.
    • DO NOT SKIP A SECTION! Each section in the findings should be mentioned in your paper.
    • This should not be one large paragraph that stretches beyond two pages. It is important to learn how to situate this information into multiple paragraphs.
    • At the end of each paragraph, a citation from the article should be accompanied.

Example of an opening sentence:

Beamon argues that the family is a key source of socialization for African American males.

  • By writing the sentence as this, you are informing me you are only focusing on 334 – 335 in this paragraph.

Connection to a theoretical perspective

  • Review Chapter 1. Identify a theoretical perspective that would be applicable to the article. Make sure to provide a definition of this perspective.
  • Explain how the theoretical perspective is demonstrated in the example.

Example of this paragraph:

Opening sentence: In Beamon’s article, [Choose a theoretical perspective] is present.

Definition: [Theoretical perspective] is defined as… (Griffiths et. 2015: ##)

Example: In Beamon’s article, [write a specific example from the findings where the theoretical perspective shown] (article citation).

Commentary: Explain the connection between the term and example.

Commentary: Explain the connection between the term and example.

Connecting to Chapter 5

  • Review Chapter 5. Identify a vocabulary word/theory that would be applicable to the article. Make sure to provide a definition for your selection.
  • Explain how the theoretical perspective is demonstrated in the example.

Example of this paragraph: 

Opening sentence: [Term] is demonstrated in Beamon’s article.

Definition: [Term] is defined as… (Griffiths et. 2015: ##)

Example: In the article, [write a specific example from the findings where the theoretical perspective shown] (article citation).

Commentary: Explain the connection between the term and example.

Commentary: Explain the connection between the term and example.

Connection to everyday life

  • Write how the article’s central argument is present in everyday life. This paragraph should be a minimum of five sentences. This is the only paragraph that you are allowed to write in first person.

How does the violation of human rights happen among different races due to police brutality

1.  This component is the beginning of your literature review. In this piece, you will find important articles related to your question. In your write up, discuss the tactics you took to find your articles. What search databases did you utilize? What search terms did you use and were they successful in finding articles that were directly related to your research question? Did you have a hard time finding articles on your topic, or is there a lot of research already done on your topic?

For each source, create an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography includes both a bibliographic citation and a summary of the article. First, list the source that you found, properly cited using ASA style guidelines (as shown in your ASA handbook). Then, summarize this article (go beyond the abstract, including as much of the following information as possible):

·  What are the main arguments? What is the point of this book or article? What topics are covered? If someone asked what this article/book is about, what would you say?

·  Is it a useful source? How does it compare with other sources in your bibliography?

·  Is the information reliable? Is this source biased or objective? What is the goal of this source?

·  Was this source helpful to you? How does it help you shape your argument? How can you use this source in your research proposal? Has it changed how you think about your topic?

You need a minimum of five scholarly publications (books or peer-reviewed journal articles – newspapers or magazines are not recognized as academic sources). Please keep in mind that the final research proposal requires ten academic sources total.

I need you to find 5 peer articles based on my research question.

My research question is: How does the violation of human rights happen among different races due to police brutality