McDonaldization in Higher Education

Discussion Assignment II – McDonaldization in Higher Education

Discussion Assignment II – McDonaldization in Higher EducationRead Ch. 6 regarding McDonaldization before posting.Blended courses such as this one can be seen in a way as examples of McDonaldization in higher education. In a normal semester, we’d be meeting once a week, having face-to-face interaction, lectures and discussions, and enjoying (or not) the general atmospherics of college life.Now that the option of any in-person aspect of learning has been suspended due to the coronavirus, in general, what do you think are some of the “pros” and “cons” of online classes?  How do you feel about having classes totally online, rather than meeting weekly for lecture, discussion and general interaction?  Is it good thing, a bad thing, or mainly a compromise?Regarding K-12 education, what effect do you think standardized tests like the FSA, FCAT etc., have on the quality of education?  How does emphasis on test preparation detract from the overall educational experience?  Do you have any examples from your own experiences in this regard? What effect does emphasis on things like standardization and “accountability” students and their instructors?Write at least two substantial paragraphs (five sentences each, min.) in your post. E-mail me if you have any questions.

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similarities and differences of leadership and management roles as they relate to human services organizations.

Leadership and management are two terms that are used interchangeably but represent different roles that have different functions. Understanding the differences and similarities is essential for social work administrators as they develop leadership strategies within organizations. Understanding the functions associated with leadership and management roles can influence how social workers supervise and work with colleagues in administrative practice. As you prepare for this Discussion, consider how your understanding of leadership and management roles might affect you when you assume a supervisory position.

Respond to the colleagues by explaining whether you agree or disagree with your colleague’s analysis of the similarities and differences of leadership and management and their application to a potential supervisory position in a human services organization. Provide support for your position.

Colleague VC 

RE: Discussion – Week 1

An analysis of the similarities and differences of leadership and management roles as they relate to human services organizations.

Managers are accountable for the day-to-day operations. Management is a position. Managers are appointed or assigned to specific managerial roles within an agency. Managers keep organizations flowing by safeguarding all team members and allowing all team members to feel like they are in partnership with agency missions. They keep the company stable and current. On the other hand, leaders boost the organization by setting goals, establishing a concept, and encouraging others to join in joint actions to enhance momentum. Leaders focus on what can and will be accomplished for the betterment of all parties involved (Lauffer,2011).

How these roles may affect me as I assume a supervisory position.

Supervisors are part of the team’s supervisory procedures; they provide incentives for group members to participate. Therefore, offering formal and informal views related to successful completion by joint training and support. According to the literature, since it is difficult to identify and reward emerging behaviors without shaping them, these, defined as joint leadership (Lauffer, 2011).

I have never been in a supervisory role, so I am unsure of the leadership style I would implement. However, after reviewing the literature, I would define myself as a super leader. (Lauffer,2011). I can engage others based mainly on my life experience. As a certified peer recovery specialist ( CPRS), I   interact with clients, community organizations, and recovery facilities. My role as a CPRS helps me actively expose needed knowledge-based information related to working with people with a substance abuse disorder.     My colleagues have up-to-date information on the latest Medically assisted treatment or ( MAT). As a leader,  I am available to answer any questions they may have, which allows my colleagues to establish their connection with the recovery community. They think of ways to integrate a less stigmatizing experience. Thus, they remain culturally aware that language matters when addressing the recovery community.    I am making sure my colleagues are respected and valued when working towards understanding the culture of recovery.


Lauffer, A. (2011). Understanding your social agency (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: Sage.Chapter 8, “Leadership, Management, and Governance” (pp. 243–280)

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Colleague KP 

RE: Discussion – Week 1

Post an analysis of the similarities and differences of leadership and management roles as they relate to human services organizations.

Although often times used interchangeably and overlap as complementary of one another, leadership and management still in some respects represent different roles that have different/varying functions. According to Lauffer (2011), leadership entails inspiring others to action around a shared vision and management functions are to control, coordinate, and oversee an organization’s programs and other operations. A very important similarity is that both are crucial and essential components of successful and efficient administrative practice. Lauffer (2011) mentions that in social agencies, leadership and management are about “starting things up, getting them done, and keeping them moving” (p. 244). Some of the mentioned desired personal characteristics of both leaders and managers are drive, self-confidence, flexibility, charisma, professionalism, and vision (Lauffer, 2011). It is noted that both leadership and management have relational and situational elements (Lauffer, 2011).

A difference that exists is that while management is a position in which one is appointed the role, any one person can be a leader or demonstrate leadership traits and qualities, regardless of their title/role within the agency. Management roles arise out of interactions with other members and the needs of the situation.

Include how your understanding of these roles may affect you as you assume a supervisory position.

As noted by Lauffer (2011), it is important to keep in mind that without good leadership one’s agency would be unable to effectively chart its own directions or to change those directions as needed and without good management, it would be unable to coordinate all the activities necessary to get to where it hopes to be going. There exists distinct leadership behaviors to keep in mind that managers may perform in various organizational situations included, but are not limited to: liaison, monitor, disseminator, spokesperson, resource allocator, and negotiator, in which these roles are all situationally specific and designed to support personnel and organizational efforts to achieve specific program and managerial goals (Lauffer, 2011). By having a good understanding of leadership and management and how they overlap, yet differ, situationally, it will allow for implementation of scientifically efficient strategies and techniques to demonstrate positive outcomes in both categories.


Lauffer, A. (2011). Understanding your social agency (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: Sage.

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Identity and Social Inequality


SOC 301: Identity and Social Inequality


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Distinguish basic sociology concepts such as race and ethnicity, sex and gender, social class, culture, discrimination, and social inequality.
  2. Compare varied theoretical perspectives of social identity, discrimination, and social inequality.
  3. Analyze patterns of discrimination across social identities as sources of social inequality.
  4. Evaluate multiple intersecting identities and their societal experience in terms of social inequalities.
  5. Evaluate advocacy and inclusion practices for the many forms of diversity in society.

Review the Course Learning Outcomes located in the Syllabus (under Course Home in the left navigation toolbar of the online course or in the Course at a Glance section of this course guide) PROVIDED AT TOP OF DESCRIPTION. Next, answer the following questions:

  • What would you like to take away from this course?
  • Are there any questions regarding social identities you would like answered?
  • How do you think social identities are related to social inequalities?

Your initial post is due on Day 1. Respond to three of your classmates by Day 7.

Social Construction of Identities

Social Construction of Identities

Social identities are the categories we use to specify who we are, both to ourselves and to the world around us (Newman 2016). These identities include race, class, gender, sexual orientation, etc. For this discussion, you will explore how these identities are formed and maintained over time.

To help you complete this discussion, review the following resources:

There are also additional resources listed under Recommended Resources that you can review if you would like additional information.

Using the resources above as evidence to support your ideas, address the following:

  • Explain what sociologists mean when they say that identities are socially constructed. Select a particular racial or gender identity, and give an example of a characteristic of that identity that is socially constructed (rather than based on any biological truth).
  • Stratification refers to the hierarchical ranking of individuals within a given group (Newman 2016). Describe the stratification system of either race or gender (use the identity you selected above) and explain how this hierarchical ranking is a social construction rather than based on biology.
  • Chapter 1 in your text argues that what is at stake with these social identities is power and privilege. Using either race or gender, describe how one of the theories of inequality discussed in Chapter 1 (structural-functionalism or conflict theory) would explain why some groups within the identity experience inequalities.

Newman, D.M. (2016). Identities and inequalities: Exploring the intersections of race, class, gender, & sexuality (3rd ed.). Retrieved from

Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7.

The Effectiveness of The Haven’s Services For Battered Women


The Effectiveness of The Haven’s Services For Battered Women

Website for agency:

  • Clearly state your planned site and the planned participants.
  • Using the DHS DPP Form [DOCX] template, complete Section 1.1 of the DPP: Capstone Topic. Use the required details described in section 1.1.
    • In paragraph format, state the topic of the capstone project and include the other details requested for section 1.1.
      • Clearly state the objective of the capstone project (The objective of this project is …..).
      • Clearly state the significance of the topic to Human Services.
  • Using the DHS DPP Form [DOCX] template, complete Section 1.2 of the DPP: The Research Problem.
    • Write a brief statement that fully describes the problem being addressed in the capstone project. The problem to be addressed should be explicitly stated, not implied.  Existing literature and key findings should be summarized and used to support your rationale.  Use at least five citations to support the assertions made in this section.
      • FIRST PARAGRAPH: Write a brief statement that fully describes the problem being addressed. This paragraph introduces the problem that is informing the research and warrants the need for this study. Begin this paragraph with the statement, “The problem is….”
      • SECOND PARAGRAPH: Identify the need for the study (which is related directly to the problem presented in the first paragraph). It must clearly identify a gap in current practice, service, process, policy, or programs. It must clearly identify the need for the research and the desired outcome.
  • Use at least 10 sources to support the assertions and ideas presented in Section 1 of your DPP.  Some of the references should be from journal sources and some should be more directly related to the planned site and local community in relation to the topic.
    • Include the references at the end of section 1.2.

Your work will be evaluated using this criteria.


Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Outline a project to address an organizational problem or secure an opportunity for improvement within a human service setting.
    • Identify a research topic that is appropriate for the specialization.
    • Name a target population.
    • Identify appropriately focused key concepts or phenomena.
    • Identify clearly specified relationships between and among the concepts.
  • Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others consistent with expectation for members of the Human Services profession.
    • Support main points, assertions, arguments, conclusions, or recommendations with relevant and credible evidence.
    • Use paraphrasing and summarization to represent ideas from external sources.
    • Apply the standard writing conventions for the discipline, including structure, voice, person, and tone.
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discuss the impact of the COVID-19 virus on urban areas. 

This paper is designed to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 virus on urban areas.  You may focus on various types of urban areas (cities, suburbs, exurbs, even rural/non-urban areas).  You should use headings to structure your paper around pivotal themes from the class (possible ideas include: economy, social interactions, housing, education, crime, poverty, race, gender, government, etc.).  As you write, discuss in detail how COVID-19 has impacted each theme you select.  Think of all the different ways COVID has impacted urban life.  Be sure your connections to the course material are clear.  Identify and apply several course terms/concepts in your paper.  As you use course terms, be sure to BOLD them.  This assignment must be submitted through CANVAS.  There is no hard page limit, though a rough guideline would be about 4-7 pages (with standard font and margins).  Please see attached rubric below.







Introduction explains the context of the COVID-19 virus in good detail. The Author explains the scope of the paper (e.g. a clear structure is laid-out).

Introduction explains the context of the COVID-19 virus in some detail. The Author hints the scope of the paper, though could have elaborated.

Introduction explains the context of the COVID-19 virus in good detail. The Author fails to explain the scope of the paper.


Information is very organized around important concepts which serve as subheadings. Many course theories and/or terms are used to support the discussion of COVID’s impact on pivotal themes from the course.  The author Bolds terms as they are used.

Information is very loosely organized around important course themes. Some course theories and/or terms are used in the analysis.  The author sometimes Bolds terms as they are used.

Information is very not organized. Few or zero course theories and/or terms are used in the analysis.  The author fails to Bold course terms as they are used.


Author sums up their findings nicely discussing big implications of their conclusions.  The author offers advice based on their analysis for city policy makers on the best ways to handle pandemics.

Author briefly sums up their findings.  The author offers little advice based on their analysis for city policy makers based off the conclusions.

Author does not sum up their findings nor discuss broader implications or ties to public policy based off his/her conclusions.

Analyze how laws are applied or created based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, and social class

Write a 5–7-page essay comparing the approaches of two U.S. states to either same-sex marriage or immigration policy.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:


  • Competency 1: Describe theoretical ideas of power in relation to policy.
    • Discuss how sociological theories of power might explain differences in how state governments address a social issue.
  • Competency 3: Analyze the effects of social policy using aggregated data.
    • Explain how the demographics of state populations might influence the policy decisions of state governments.
  • Competency 4: Analyze how laws are applied or created based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, and social class.
    • Compare law, policy, or politics in states with varying approaches to a diversity issue.
  • Competency 5: Apply diversity strategies in professional, educational, and personal contexts.
    • Analyze discrepancies between state and federal law and the strategies used to resolve such discrepancies.
  • Competency 6: Apply in text the standard writing conventions for the discipline, including structure, voice, person, tone, and citation formatting.
    • Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format and with few errors of grammar, usage, and mechanics.

How can sociological research help us understand how laws and policies are made and how they change over time? How might we use the sociological perspective to develop more effective solutions to political and social issues or create policies that are effective and based on sound research? These are questions to consider as you explore the connection between political and economic power and legislative decision making.


Sociologists studying cultural diversity are also very much interested in how our beliefs about diversity are reflected in the law-making and policy-making process, including laws and policies that pertain to immigration and same-sex marriage. Something to think about is whether the policies and positions maintained by those in power actually reflect the research and data on the topic or issue they address. In other words, does the rhetoric match the evidence gathered through careful research?

As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.


  • Which sociological theory of power best explains the political decision-making process in today’s society?
  • How does cultural diversity influence policy making? For example, how do state policies pertaining to social issues like immigration and same-sex marriage differ depending on the cultural diversity and demographic and socioeconomic composition of that state?
  • Why is the sociological approach to cultural diversity useful for understanding how policy decisions are made and how political debates over social issues are articulated by key stakeholders?

Building on your research and analysis of a diversity issue in relation to policy developments, this assessment asks you to more closely examine the connection between power, policy, and law making by comparing and contrasting how two states of your choosing have handled one of the following policy issues: same-sex marriage or immigration.

To understand the link between power and political and legal decision making, you will place this process in each state in the appropriate context. That means that you need to assess the historical, demographic, cultural, and socioeconomic factors that have influenced each state’s different approach to immigration policy or same-sex marriage. You will also reflect on the consequences of state-to-state discrepancies in policies and laws regarding controversial social and political issues like these.

This assessment combines the key components of studying cultural diversity from a sociological perspective: placing current social issues in historical context, understanding how demographic and cultural trends influence public opinion, and applying sociological theories to determine the role of power in shaping policy-making decisions.


Write an essay addressing each of the following parts:

  • Compare how your two states have approached policy, politics, or law surrounding immigration or same-sex marriage:
    • Policy (principles or methods used to achieve a particular goal or make decisions about political or social issues).
    • Politics (the key political players in the policy-making and law-making processes).
    • Law (rules and standards enforced by a particular institution).
  • Discuss how sociological theories of power might explain the differences between how each state has addressed your issue.
    • Examples of theories of power include power elite theory, the four networks theory of power, pluralism, Marxist theory, and state autonomy theory.
  • Discuss how the demographics of each state’s population might influence how each state’s government has approached your topic.
    • Demographics include age, race/ethnicity, gender, education levels, religious beliefs, political beliefs, and the percentage of the population in urban versus rural areas.
  • Analyze discrepancies between state and federal law and whether and how these discrepancies have been resolved or should be resolved.
    • Consider any historical precedents that provide insight about how to resolve these kinds of discrepancies.

Describe theoretical ideas of power in relation to policy.

Create an informative public information piece that presents research on institutional discrimination within a specific social institution.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:


  • Competency 1: Describe theoretical ideas of power in relation to policy.
    • Create an effective public information piece that conveys a clear, cohesive message about institutional inequality.
  • Competency 2: Identify historical and contemporary influences of discrimination in U.S. culture.
    • Analyze data on the factors contributing to racial, ethnic, or other disparities within a specific institution to make valid sociological arguments.
  • Competency 3: Analyze the effects of social policy using aggregated data.
    • Explain ways in which public policies are linked to racial, ethnic, or other disparities within a specific institution.
  • Competency 4: Analyze how laws are applied or created based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, and social class.
    • Assess the impact of institutional discrimination on minorities and minority communities.
  • Competency 5: Apply diversity strategies in professional, educational, and personal contexts.
    • Describe policy strategies for reducing institutional discrimination.
  • Competency 6: Apply in text the standard writing conventions for the discipline, including structure, voice, person, tone, and citation formatting.
    • Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format and with few errors of grammar, usage, and mechanics.

Often, discrimination is discussed as a primarily individual phenomenon—one-on-one actions in which one person discriminates against another. But as you have learned through your studies and research, some discrimination occurs at the institutional level, despite laws and policies that have been created to reduce or eliminate structural racism.


It is important to consider how different experiences for minority groups may reflect a dominant culture that practices systemic discrimination in terms of treatment or access to valued resources. In other words, if there are many individuals in a society who are not racist or discriminatory, can the same also be said of the institutions in U.S. society as a whole? Often, institutional discrimination involves the intersection of race or ethnicity with other variables, like social class and gender. For example, patterns of residential segregation may be connected to both race and ethnicity, as well as socioeconomic status.

As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.


  • What are some examples of institutional discrimination in U.S. society? To what extent are these examples the result of historical patterns of relationships between whites and minorities or among upper, middle, or lower classes?
  • Why do discussions of discrimination often focus on individual acts of discrimination rather than systemic discrimination built into institutions like the education or health care systems?
  • What factors, in the justice system, explain why certain racial or ethnic groups are more likely to be stopped, searched, or arrested by the police? What is the connection between policing strategies and incarceration rates?

Building on the reading, research, and analysis you have done in the previous assessments, this final assessment asks you to more closely examine the causes and consequences of discrimination that occurs within one of society’s core institutions. For this assessment, you will explore both the causes and consequences of institutionalized discrimination, from the perspective of the individuals it directly affects, the institution you have chosen, and society as a whole.

To complete this assessment, presume that you work for a think tank that conducts and publishes social and economic research to inform economic decisions and local, state, and federal policy making. Your manager asks you and the other members of your team to create a public information piece based on research and analysis of the prevalence and persistence of discrimination in a particular social institution.


First, choose one of the following major institutions for this assessment: criminal justice system, health care system, educational system, housing market, or the U.S. workplace. Then complete the following:

  • Research institutional discrimination in your chosen institution, locating reliable, scholarly sources. Examples are provided in the Resources for this assessment.
  • Choose one of the following public information pieces in the list below. It is your job to create a public information piece that highlights your findings regarding inequities (based on race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability status, or sexual orientation) within your chosen institution. You will need to support your conclusions with credible data and scholarly research, rather than relying on opinion, and demonstrate your ability to apply sociological thinking to your topic.
    • Information booklet targeted to the general public.
    • Position paper or brief targeted at state or federal legislators.
    • Mock website or blog.
    • Public service announcement (a script for a radio or television program).
    • PowerPoint presentation targeted to a specific audience, with a description of the audience and detailed speaker’s notes (in PowerPoint, use the Notes area below each slide to provide speaker’s notes and explain the information on your slides in more detail).
    • A recorded speech to be given at a national meeting of practitioners who work in the institution you are researching. If you choose this option, include your script and references in a Word document along with your audio file.
  • Create a final, professional-quality product in which you accomplish the following:
    • Create a public information piece that effectively conveys the causes and consequences of the problem of institutional discrimination in one of society’s major institutions, with support from data and scholarly sources.
    • Describe factors contributing to racial, ethnic, or other forms of inequality within a specific institution.
    • Analyze data on the factors contributing to inequality in a specific institution.
      • Keep in mind that, to be accurate in your assessment, you will need to look at raw data and percentages as well as to consider the data in relation to each racial or ethnic group’s percentage within the overall U.S. population.
  • Explain ways in which public policies are linked to inequalities within a specific institution.
    • Consider any historical or contemporary influences that may have contributed the disparities you have identified. Example: If you are studying institutional discrimination in the justice system, you would need to consider national policies such as the War on Drugs, as well as law enforcement policies.
  • Assess the impact on minorities and minority communities caused by institutional discrimination within a specific institution.
  • Describe specific, measurable policy strategies for reducing institutional discrimination.
    • These can be community based, legislative (at the local, state, or federal level), or law enforcement strategies.
    • These strategies should focus on institutional policies, not individual solutions.

Why does Farish Noor compare historical records that might appear contradictory in the way that they boastfully acknowledge OR erase colonial violence in Southeast Asia?

lease respond to both of the following two (2) questions (minimum 250 words).

1) Why does Farish Noor compare historical records that might appear contradictory in the way that they boastfully acknowledge OR erase colonial violence in Southeast Asia?

2) Mann mentions that a “domestic racism” and an “international racism” are connected. What does this mean? How did the connection between these influence suffragists’ views of imperialism?


Please look at the pictures and illustrations at bottom and respond to both of the following two (2) questions (minimum 250 words).

3) Said says that, “The relationship between the Occident (the West) and the Orient (the East) is a relationship of power, of domination, of varying degrees of a complex hegemony…” (highlighted on p. 49).”

How do you believe that the Picture #1 (at bottom) of a Singapore port might illustrate this, alongside Said’s thesis of Orientalism?
Now, look at Picture #2, which is taken by a Chinese photographer. How do you think this picture might have challenged Orientalist views of its time?

Note: I found Pictures #1 & 2 during archival research and limited information is available on them. Picture #1 includes no British or white people. The manual laborers (without shirts) are Chinese. The public officers (working for the British colonial government; in white dress) are likely Malay (who are native to the peninsula where Singapore is located). Picture #2 is a Chinese laborer in Singapore. (Links to an external site.)

4) Maryam Khalid states that: “[G]endered and orientalist identities, meanings, and images construct and organise the way we give meaning to and interpret our world, its people and events, and ‘the positions and possibiities for action within them’.” and then declares that “gendered narratives in the War on Terror have also relied on the (re)production of orientalist stereotypes.” Please provide (with brief explanation) two examples used by Maryam Khalid to support these statements.

Human Services Organizations as Systems

Assignment: Human Services Organizations as Systems

Social workers use the person-in-environment approach to understand the relationship between individuals and their physical and social environments. This ecological perspective is a framework that is based on concepts associated with systems theory. Systems theory guides social workers when they assess how factors in the environment such as school, work, culture, and social policy impact the individual. Although social workers commonly use the systems approach to focus on the individual, they may apply this approach to human services organizations as well. Human services organizations exist within the context of the social, economic, and political environments, and any type of change in one aspect of the environment will influence the organization’s internal and external functioning.

For this Assignment, consider how administrators of human services organizations may apply systems theory in their work. Also, consider what you have discovered about the roles of leadership and management and how these contribute to an organization’s overall functioning.

Assignment (600-word in APA format):

–  Explain how systems theory can help administrators understand the relationships between human services organizations and their environments.

– Provide specific examples of ways administrators might apply systems theory to their work.

– Finally, explain how leadership and management roles within human services organizations contribute to their overall functioning.

Must contain at least 4 references and citations. At least 2 of the references and citations Must use the following.

Lauffer, A. (2011). Understanding your social agency (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: Sage.

· Chapter 1, “Where Your Agency Came From and Where It’s Going” (pp. 2–31)

· Prequel to Chapter 2, “Meet the Staff Members” (pp. 35–37)

· Chapter 2, “Concepts, Theories, and Classifications” (pp. 38–65)

· Chapter 7, “Organizational Culture” (pp. 210–240)

· Chapter 8, “Leadership, Management, and Governance” (pp. 243–280)

Mulroy, E. A. (2004). Theoretical perspectives on the social environment to guide management and community perspectives: An organization-in-environment approach. Administration in Social Work, 28(1), 77–96.