Journal: Leadership and Management—A Personal Perspective

Assignment: Journal: Leadership and Management—A Personal Perspective

Last week, you began exploring the similarities and differences of leadership and management roles and the contributions these roles make to an organization’s functioning. Social workers need to be aware of these similarities and differences in order to determine which management or leadership skills are most appropriate in a given position or situation.

This week, you have focused on the influence of external factors on an organization’s functioning with a special focus on their impact on the leadership of social workers in supervisory roles.

As you have explored leadership and management roles, skills, and behaviors, you may have become aware of how these align, or do not align, with your personal skills, strengths, and interests. You may also have begun to consider how external factors might influence you if you were to assume a leadership or management role in social work.

For this Assignment, you assess your strengths and areas for growth in order to determine what aspects of leadership and management are a good “fit” with your personality, leadership style, and relevant skills. You also address how external factors might influence you as you serve in a leadership or management role.

Assignment (300-words): Complete the following with consideration for an American Male:

  • Assess your strengths and areas for growth with regard to both the leadership and management roles based on what you understand about these roles so far. Be sure to address whether your skills and interests align better with the leadership or management role.
  • Identify at least one area of growth in either of these roles you would like to further develop, and explain why.
  • Identify two significant external factors that might influence your work if you served in a      leadership or management role in social work. Explain why these external factors are significant and how they might affect your work as a leader or manager.

Explain what sociologists mean when they say that identities are socially constructed.




  • “Explain what sociologists mean when they say that identities are socially constructed. Select a particular racial or gender identity, and give an example of a characteristic of that identity that is socially constructed (rather than based on any biological truth)
    • When sociologist say that identities are socially constructed they’re saying that it’s a distinction that has been placed on us by society. The racial identity that I decided to give an example of is the Black Americans. A “characteristic” or stereotype that has been placed among Black Americans is that they are rude and loud. This is obviously a stereotype that is socially constructed because how can you just look at someone and assume that they are rude and loud.
  • Stratification refers to the hierarchical ranking of individuals within a given group (Newman 2016). Describe the stratification system of either race or gender (use the identity you selected above) and explain how this hierarchical ranking is a social construction rather than based on biology.
    • With racial inequality in play Black Americans are on a low scale of the stratification system. Racial inequality is a huge ongoing problem in society today. From slavery to the now public hate crimes against Black Americans it’s a big problem that still plays a big role in society.
  • Chapter 1 in your text argues that what is at stake with these social identities is power and privilege. Using either race or gender, describe how one of the theories of inequality discussed in Chapter 1 (structural-functionalism or conflict theory) would explain why some groups within the identity experience inequalities.
    • Structural-functionalism is basically how society works together in order to function as one (Newman 2016). With that being said this theory suggest that in order to make society function properly there has to be some inequalities to be just. It suggest that some people in the world should be rich, some poor, some unfair, and even some criminals to contribute to society for it to function the way that it is functioning. “


According to McMichaels, how is the concept of “development” (or human development) related to colonialism?


1) First, read the following statement by Frank.

“[O]ur ignorance of the underdeveloped countries’ history leads us to assume that their past and indeed their present resembles earlier stages of the history of the now developed countries. This ignorance and this assumption lead us into serious misconceptions about contemporary underdevelopment and development. Further, most studies of development and underdevelopment fail to take account of the economic and other relations between the metropolis and its economic colonies throughout the history of the world-wide expansion and development of the mercantilist and capitalist system.”

(Random note from prof: In the last 3 weeks, you read multiple summaries of this very history “of the world-wide expansion and development of the mercantilist and capitalist system.” Therefore, you should be able to envision some of this history Frank references!)

Frank was one of the first academics to directly challenge narratives that “development” was a pathway to affluence for postcolonial (underdeveloped) countries. In your own words, what are the “economic and other relations between the metropolis and its economic colonies” that Frank says created the conditions of underdevelopment in South America? (Give one example from the text.)

2) According to McMichaels, how is the concept of “development” (or human development) related to colonialism? In your opinion, do you think he would argue that our global focus on development (popularized after decolonization) is better than colonialism?

3) First, read the following statement.

“But as the contemporary African material shows so vividly, the ‘global’ does not ‘flow,’ thereby connecting and watering contiguous spaces; it hops instead, efficiently connecting the enclaved points in the network while excluding (with equal efficiency) the spaces that lie between the points.”

According to Ferguson, what “hops” and does not flow? (Hint: it is not water and not just “global”. Be specific.) Why is this relevant to the social life of people in African countries? (Give one example from the text.) Also, can you see how Ferguson’s vision and Frank’s vision of capitalism are similar?

4) In your opinion, do you think that Sassen would attribute some of Covid’s disproportionate impact on people of color to globalization?
Explain why or why not. Please see the data here for reference:

A brief Historical background of Each Country.

Please provide the following information for each country you chose in your “Hofstede Scale Upload”

1. A brief Historical background of Each Country.

2. Their 3 dominant Hofstede Dimension Scores and evidence which demonstrates each dimension. 

3. Identify and define the significance of at least 3 cultural artifacts for each country

4. In conclusion, reflect on how the knowledge you gained benefits you intrinsically and extrinsically.  Also, add whether what you’ve learned inspires you to visit the county or not. Be specific and honest

5.Post Your presentation in this assignment on the day of your assigned speech slot.

Note: please use this link to find the country I have choosen and dimension scale,germany,switzerland/

Media, Socialization, and Identities

Media, Socialization, and Identities

The mass media act as an agent of socialization, teaching individuals the social and cultural ideals of their society. As individuals, the media not only teach us about society’s expectations and desired behaviors, but we also learn which social identities our society values the most and which are seen as less desirable.

For this discussion, you will examine what role the mass media play in replicating and reinforcing the stratification systems connected to a variety of social identities.  Read the article, The Objectification of Women in Advertising (Links to an external site.), and review The Role of the Mass Media in Representations of Age, Social Class, Ethnicity, Gender, Sexuality, and DisabilityPreview the document to address the following:

  • For the first part of this discussion, select two of the following social identities: age, class, physical ability, body size, sexuality, and/or ethnicity. For each of the two identities you select:
    • Describe the system of stratification for that identity in the United States.
    • How do the media generally portray this identity group? In particular, do the media representations convey any messages about which members of this group society values most?   Please provide an example for why or why not.
    • Explain how the media representations either reinforce or challenge the associated stratification system.
  • Next, consider gender and beauty ideals.
    • What beauty ideals do the media in the United States reinforce for men? For women?
    • Corporations use the media to sell their products; however, in doing so, they are also reinforcing society’s norms and values about which bodies are most highly valued in our society. Describe a recent commercial or advertisement you have seen, and explain how it reinforces society’s beauty ideals.
    • Describe one real-life consequence for either men or women who do not meet society’s beauty ideals that are reinforced by the media. This short article (Links to an external site.) may help you with this component.

Your initial post should be at least 500 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or scholarly resources, and properly cite any references both in text (Links to an external site.) and in a references list (Links to an external site.) at the end of the post.

Self-Care As a Leader and Advocate

Self-Care As a Leader and Advocate


Leadership is an active role: ‘lead’ is a verb. But the leaders who tries to do it all is headed for burnout, and in a powerful hurry.

– Bill Owens

In this unit, you will be guided to synthesize your work throughout the course to develop a sustainable plan for how you will engage in leadership within the counseling profession. The unit readings examine success strategies to engage in self-care as a leader and advocate. You will identify your plan for finding a leadership mentor, identifying leadership opportunities that speak to your passion, and addressing leadership competencies. You will focus on strategies to become a transformational leader while promoting wellness, preventing leadership compassion fatigue and burnout, and engaging in productive leadership behaviors.


BrainyQuote. (n.d.). Bill Owens quotes.

Self-Care As a Leader and Advocate

Analysis of a Nonprofit Organization

Analysis of a Nonprofit Organization (4+ pages)
for this assignment, you will introduce your new nonprofit organization. The purpose is to create a development plan that describes your organization’s mission, objectives, services or programs, marketing strategies, and use of volunteers.  The development plan represents your nonprofit: created, developed, and led by you.

Be sure to read these handouts:
* Publicity
* Planning Community Programs


  1. Identify a community need that is not being met (or not being met sufficiently) in the Middle Tennessee area, and develop an idea and plan for a nonprofit to address this need.
  2. Come up with one service program this nonprofit will offer to the community.
  3. Identify marketing strategies you can apply to build your program or service.

Assignment: The steps to completing this assignment are as follows:

Research: Pay attention to the news, social media, conversations with family and friends, etc. as a starting point. Then, dig into data about the issue you care about. What is the status of the situation (e.g., rates of homelessness among LGBT youths; number of shelter dogs euthanized each year)? What other organizations are addressing this need, and what types of services do they provide? How will you differentiate yourself?

And, remember: There is a difference between a problem and an issue. A problem is a broad area of concern, such as health care, pollution, racism, unemployment. An issue is a solution or partial solution to a problem. The first step is to analyze the problem and decide what kind of solution to work toward. Then decide how to frame it in a way that will gain the most public support.

Describe the different historical definitions, causal explanations, and responses to white collar crime


Part one: Describe the different historical definitions, causal explanations, and responses to white collar crime
Part two: Apply anomie theory to white collar crime
Part three: Analyze the interactional contexts in which white collar crimes most often occur
Part four: Explain the ways in which white collar offenders manage the stigma of white collar crime

The posts will be graded according to the following criteria:

  • Relevance: the ideas expressed indicate that the student has read and comprehended the assigned material.
  • Clarity, coherence: the ideas are stated clearly and coherently.
  • Critical thinking: there is evidence that the student has adequately analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated the assigned material.
  • Poses a question for discussion: the posting articulates a question for discussion that pertains to the assigned material.
  • Spelling, grammar: the posting must meet university-level standards of spelling and grammar.                                                                                    submission must be no less than 250 words in length; there is no maximum length.The word count must be listed at the end of each post.

What happens to our brain as we  age?

What happens to our brain as we  age?  What is dementia?  Is it a necessary part of the aging process? Is  Alzheimer Disease typical of late adulthood?

In addition to your textbook, view the YouTube videos below in order to respond to the questions above.

Literature review about Social Influence in Psychology

Literature review about Social Influence in Psychology

Research Report (individual work that could be written in a group topic with the same workload per student), the work volume is given per person, groups with up to 6 group are recommended: Assessment 3 – Research Report: Topic Presentation (200 words) and Brief literature review of academically 4 credible sources with a bibliography in Harvard style with Conclusion (800 words), 1000 with +/-100 words waiver, words per student, without counting the reference list (30%), You should work on your topic associated with social psychology by developing your understanding of it though academic sources. 9 You should ideally use the findings of references you have evaluated as useful during an Annotated Bibliography exercise, which would optimise your efforts. Yet, you are welcome to use other sources, too. Please note that this is a Research Report assignment called a BRIEF LITERATURE REVIEW, meaning that your work will be evaluated on the basis of literature sources that you will synthesize to discuss a specific theory explaining one of the aspects of your topic. In general, the Research Report should have approximately 1’000 words: – an explanation of topic importance should contain about 200 words per individual student, – and a brief literature review may should contain about 800 words per individual student, excluding bibliography. Credibility of literature sources plays a particularly important role for the quality of your brief literature review. For doing a brief literature review on a theory from social psychology of your choice, use primarily credible academic sources (academic journal publications, book chapters, and academic research papers). Alternatively, you can use other sources, such as STR hotel analytics, HVS hospitality industry reports, industry reports, statistical publications, newspaper articles, and/or recognized professional association websites. However, the other sources do not count towards the credible academic source count.