Starting an External Environmental Analysis

BMGT 495 – Project 1: Starting an External Environmental Analysis (Week 2)

NOTE: All submitted work is to be your original work (only your work). You may not use any work from another student, the Internet or an online clearinghouse. You are expected to understand the Academic Integrity Policy, and know that it is your responsibility to learn about instructor and general academic expectations with regard to proper citation of sources as specified in the APA Publication Manual, 7th Ed. (You are held accountable for in-text citations and an associated reference list only).

Project 1 is due Tuesday by 11:59 p.m. eastern time of week 2 unless otherwise changed by the instructor.


This project is the first of four projects. This project provides the first steps in completing an external environmental analysis of your focal company’s strategic management plan. You will use tools and apply concepts learned in this and previous business courses to demonstrate an understanding of how organizations develop and manage strategies to establish, safeguard and sustain their competitive positions in the 21st century’s (rapidly evolving/shifting/changing), uncertain hyper-competitive business environment.

Completing a company overview and assessing the general environment is a key aspect of performing an external environment analysis. This project provides you with the opportunity to evaluate the competitive position of one of the organizations listed below and integrate that information in the beginnings of an external environmental analysis.

The company you will be analyzing operates within the global market. You will assess the company in terms of the global industry. Industries differ widely in their economic characteristics, competitive situation and future profit potential.

In this project, you are presenting a report document. The expectation is that the report provides the level of details to help the audience grasp the main topics and to understand the General Environment.

Analysis is the operative word. In analyzing the external environment, you are expected to thoroughly research and take that research and break it into small parts to gain a better understanding of what is happening in the external environment of the business. In researching an industry, it is important to understand that every company within an industry is different so gathering information on one company does not mean that the collected information is relevant to other companies within that industry. When researching, parsing the material is critical to an accurate analysis. Avoid presenting just any information as that may lead to using irrelevant information.

You will then write the report in your own words to share the external analysis. You are expected to present information and support the ideas and reasoning using the course material and your research. You will not lift any information from source documents without properly citing and referencing. For the technical analysis aspect of the project, you are required to create the technique on your own and may not use from any source material that you happen to find. No work from a clearinghouse or similar website may be used or cited as a credible source.

Outcomes Met With This Project:

utilize a set of useful analytical skills, tools, and techniques for analyzing a company strategically;
integrate ideas, concepts, and theories from previously taken functional courses including accounting, finance, market, business and human resource management;

In completing the report, you will use the chapters in the eBook and other course material. Moreover, you will perform research on the company and its industry before responding, in narrative form, to the information provided in the steps (see below).

Step 1: Specific Company for All Four Projects

In this project, you will complete a Company Overview, an Evaluation of the General Environment and a conclusion.

You will be assigned by your instructor one focal company to complete the analysis. The assigned company must be used for all four projects in this course. You are not allowed to write the report on any other company different from the company specifically assigned by your instructor. If a company other than that assigned to you is used, a zero will be assigned.

The instructor will assign you a company from the list below. (Students may not select the company). All companies can be found on Mergent Online.
Pfizer, Inc. (NYSE: PFE)
BHP Group Ltd. (NYS: BHP)
Tesla Inc. (NYS: TSLA)
Kraft Heinz Co. (NYS: KHC)
Students must complete the project using the assigned company. Deviating from the assigned company will result in a zero for the project. You will look for the company assigned to you in the Announcement area of the classroom.
Step 2: Course Materials and Research

You are required to research information about the focal company and the external environment for this project. You are accountable for using the course materials to support the ideas, reasoning and conclusions made. Course materials use goes beyond defining terms but is used to explain the ‘why and how’ of a situation. Using one or two in-text citations from the course materials and then relying on Internet source material will not earn many points on the assignment. A variety of source material is expected and what is presented must be relevant and applicable to the topic being discussed. Avoid merely making statements but close the loop of the discussion by explaining how something happens or why something happens, which focuses on importance and impact. In closing the loop, you will demonstrate the ability to think clearly and rationally showing an understanding of the logical connections between the ideas presented from the research, the course material and the question(s) being asked.
Note: Your report is based on the results of the research performed and not on any prepared documentation. What this means is that you will research and draw your own conclusions that are supported by the research and the course material rather than the use any source material that puts together any of the tools or techniques whether from the Internet, for-pay websites or any pre-prepared document, video or source material. A zero will be earned for not doing your own analysis.
Success: The analysis is based on research and not opinion. You are not making recommendations and you will not attempt to position the focal company in a better or worse light than other companies within the industry merely because you are completing an analysis on this particular company. The analysis must be based on factual information. Any conclusions drawn have to be based on factual information rather than leaps of faith. To ensure success, as stated above, you are expected to use the course materials and research on the focal company’s global industry and the focal company. Opinion does not earn credit nor does using external sources when course materials can be used. It is necessary to provide explanations (the why and how) rather than making statements. Avoid stringing one citation after another as doing so does not show detailed explanations. Also, page and paragraph numbers are required for all citations in this course. See the Checklist under Step 5 for an explanation about providing this information from this class’s ebook or from videos.
Library Resources

On the main navigation bar in the classroom select, Resources and then select Library. Select Databases by Title (A – Z). Select M from the alphabet list, and then select Mergent Online. You should also be looking at the focal company’s Annual Report or 10K report on either Mergent or your focal company’s website. Dun and Bradstreet’s Hoovers Database is also an excellent source comparable to Mergent and has significant industry competitor information. The point is, you need not depend on any one resource to complete the analysis. For example, it is impossible to complete a PESTEL analysis by using only course material. (See Dr. Kathy’s Notes for Week Two for how to cite and reference information from Mergent, as well as how to cite and reference information from a company’s Annual Report).
You should not be using obscure articles, GlassDoor, or Chron or similar types of articles.
Research for Financial Analysis: Financial Research
Research for Industry Analysis. Note that your focal company may or may not be found on this link, but your focal company’s industry is. See Dr. Kathy’s Notes for Week Two for which Industry you should be analyzing. CSI Market
UMGC library is available for providing resources and services. Seek library support for excellence in your academic pursuit.
The Analysis provided for this project must be your own. Using Tables or Analyses that are already developed and available on the Internet will result in a zero. Remember all Projects are submitted to Turnitin.
Library Support

Extensive library resources and services are available online, 24 hours a day, seven days a week at to support you in your studies. The UMGC Library provides research assistance in creating search strategies, selecting relevant databases, and evaluating and citing resources in a variety of formats via its Ask a Librarian service at
Scholarly Research in OneSearch is allowed.
To search for only scholarly resources, you are expected to place a check mark in the space for “Scholarly journals only” before clicking search.
Step 3: How to Set Up the Report:

The document must be written in Word or rtf. No other format is acceptable. Pdf files will not be graded. Use 12-point font for a double-spaced report. The final product should be approximately 6-8 pages in length, but should not be longer than 8 pages in length, which includes all tables and matrices but excludes the title page and reference page. Do not use an Appendix.
Create a title page with title, your name, the course number, the instructor’s name.
Use section headings and numbering as outlined below.
Step 4: Write the Report – The Report should be written in sections with section headings and section numbering as outlined in red below (heading numbers and titles are listed below in red font for you ease of identification. Red font should not be used in your assignment).
I. Company Overview – Provide a company overview, which is an essential component to the strategic management process. The company overview includes the purpose(s) for the founding of the company, i.e, what problems was it formed to solve and/or opportunities it was formed to exploit, who are the founders, home country or state, current management, employee headcount, last year’s revenue, etc.).

II. Evaluation of the General Environment

i. Global Industry – Identify the global industry in which the company operates. This will come from Mergent Online. (See instructions above for how to access Mergent Online.) This is a CRITICAL first step for the rest of this course! If multiple industries are identified for your company, click on the link “Business Segments” under Company Details. Focus on the business segment with the most revenue. See Dr. Kathy’s Notes for more details.
ii. PESTEL Analysis – Discuss the company’s general environment by developing a PESTEL analysis. First, use the course material to identify the elements of the PESTEL and what components make up each element. Then, complete the analysis using research on the industry and the focal company. Be sure to thoroughly present and support the reasoning for what is presented. You may not use a PESTEL analysis that is already completed and available on the Internet. A zero will result if used as the analysis has to be the result of your research and your own development. NOTE: A PESTEL analysis is not a table and it is not a bulleted assessment.

iii. Six Key Trends – Identify and discuss one key trend for each letter of the PESTEL for the industry (six in total). Key trends are separate from the PESTEL analysis.
iv. One Key Trend for this Company – Select one of the six trends identified in the previous requirement and discuss how the focal company could be affected by this selected trend. This is different from the last question, which requires a discussion about the trends for the industry.
v. Areas of Uncertainty – Discuss key areas of uncertainty related to the identified trend for the focal company that could potentially impact the company’s strategy.

vi. Strategic Analysis – Perform a strategic analysis of the company’s mission, vision and objectives. (Note in some cases a company may only have a published mission and not a published vision, or vice versa. If that is the case, indicate as such.)
III. Conclusion – Create a concluding paragraph. The Conclusion is intended to emphasize the purpose/significance of the analysis, emphasize the significance/consequence of findings, and indicate the wider applications that are derived from the main points of the project’s requirements. You will draw conclusions about the findings of the external environment analysis.

Step 5: Review the Paper

Read the paper to ensure all required elements are present.

The following are specific requirements that you will follow. Use the checklist to mark off that you have followed each specific requirement.




Specific Project Requirements



Proofread your paper



Read and use the grading rubric while completing the paper to ensure all requirements are met that will lead to the highest possible grade.



Third person writing is required. Third person means that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first person writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (second person writing). If uncertain how to write in the third person, view this link:



Contractions are not used in business writing, so do not use them.



Paraphrase and do not use direct quotations. Paraphrase means you do not use more than four consecutive words from a source document. Removing quotation marks and citing is inappropriate. Instead put a passage from a source document into your own words and attribute the passage to the source document. There should be no passages with quotation marks. Using more than four consecutive words from a source document would require direct quotation marks. Changing words from a passage does not exclude the passage from having quotation marks. If more than four consecutive words are used from source documents, this material will not be included in the grade.



You are expected to use the research and weekly course materials to develop the analysis and support the reasoning. There should be a robust use of the course material. Material used from a source document must be cited and referenced. A reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa. Changing words from a passage does not exclude the passage from having quotation marks.



Use in-text citations and provide a reference list that contains the reference associated with each in-text citation.



You may not use books in completing this problem set unless part of the course material. Also, do not use a dictionary, Wikipedia or Investopedia or similar sources. You may not use Fern Fort University, Ibis World or any other for-fee website.



Provide the page or paragraph number in every in-text citation presented. If the page numbers in the eBook are not visible to you, include the chapter title and topic heading. Page or paragraph numbers are not required for citations of videos or podcasts in this course.
Step 6: Submit the paper in the Assignment Folder (The assignment submitted to the Assignment Folder will be considered the student’s final product and therefore ready for grading by the instructor. It is incumbent upon the student to verify the assignment is the correct submission. No exceptions will be considered by the instructor).

Self-Plagiarism: Self-plagiarism is the act of reusing significant, identical or nearly identical portions of one’s own work. You cannot re-use any portion of a paper or other graded work that was submitted to another class even if you are retaking this course.
NOTE: All submitted work is to be your original work. You may not use any work from another student, the Internet or an online clearinghouse. You are expected to understand the Academic Integrity Policy, and know that it is your responsibility to learn about instructor and general academic expectations with regard to proper citation of sources as specified in the APA Publication Manual, 7th Ed. (Students are held accountable for in-text citations and an associated reference list only).

Analyze the main clients and stakeholders and build a research method to assess the actual picture of satisfaction of all stockholders.

A Hotel have an interest in creating a new grading system for their customers. This is critical as the hotel wants to delivery high standard satisfaction outcomes to improve and standardize the quality of the service they deliver and to have the possibility to partnership with other hotels in the region. The new system ideally should assess fairly the employees, and the suppliers.

· Analyze the main clients and stakeholders (competitors, customers, suppliers) and build a research method to assess the actual picture of satisfaction of all stockholders. This method will assess the new grading system as soon as the project is put into practice in the hotel.

· Identify and prepare the information to convince your boss that your project makes sense, and it is necessary to put into practice. You need to be convincing.

· Create a project team: tell how you are going to create your team and how you will coordinate it.

· Build up a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) with all the tasks and their duration, resources needed and predecessors.

· Establish a Project Timing and determine how long will be the project and the critical path.

· Estimate a Project Budget (and a justification).

· Assess on the risks of failure.

organizational form

Choosing an Organizational Form – Paper

Sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations are the three most common categories of business entities in the United States. Many health care providers organize as corporations, but many private medical practices operate as sole proprietorships or partnerships. Each organizational structure has benefits, drawbacks, structures, setup processes, and taxation implications that health care entities must consider when deciding how to structure their business.

For each scenario, consider how you would proceed as a manager of this company. Be sure to include the following details to justify your thinking:

  • Do you agree with the organizational form chosen in each of these scenarios? Why or why not?
  • Which type of organizational form would you have chosen, and why?
  • If you were consulted for advice in each scenario, what questions would you ask to help these individuals make the best decision?

Here are the three scenarios for your consideration:

  1. Sonya is considering starting a practice in which she will be the sole orthodontist. She owns a home, and her top priority is making sure that she cannot lose her home because of a lawsuit. Her brother told her not to incorporate because it would be very expensive and would lead to more regulatory scrutiny. She chooses to operate as a sole proprietorship.
  2. Bradley and Li Jing have been friends since the beginning of college. Bradley has a master’s degree in Nutrition Science, and Li Jing has a master’s degree in Exercise Therapy. They decide they should combine their skills and open their own wellness center. Upon graduation, they use a verbal agreement to enter into a limited partnership. Bradley’s girlfriend expresses that she opposes this idea because she wants to move back to her home state. Bradley tells her not to worry because it will be easy for him to sell his share of the organization if they chose to move in the future.
  3. May, Paulo, Jordan, and David have been operating their mental health center as a general partnership for almost eight years. Paulo, a psychiatrist, has discovered a revolutionary new kind of therapy that he believes will be extremely popular and effective. He wants to take on investors to help fund the expansion of the center and implement the new therapy program. The four discuss forming a corporation, but Jordan is concerned that it will increase their tax liabilities substantially. She convinces the group they should remain as a partnership.

Your paper should be two to three pages in length (not including the required title and reference pages) and conform to the APA standards. Include at least two scholarly references.

Time Value of Money Internet Search

Unit 3 Discussion: Time Value of Money Internet Search

Unit 3 Discussion: Time Value of Money Internet Search Search the Internet for any short article related to our topics this week of time value of money.  For the purpose of the discussion, avoid sites such as Wikipedia or Investopedia.  Once you find an article, discuss what you’ve learned or what your thoughts are.  Please also post a link to the article so others can access it.

The world and the topic leadership

The world and the topic leadership

Understanding yourself as a leader

Use 2 articles to write a reflection paper, considering the following provocative questions –

What did you think about the article?

How does it help you better understand yourself as a leader?

What insights did you gain about the world and the topic of leadership?

How will you apply what you learned from the article in yourlife and leadership?


Szterszky, Subby. (2018). Pop Culture PantheismFile

Hall, Steve (2005) Secular Humanism vs ChristianityFile

What are 5 effective health information communication methods?

The HITECH Act was incorporated into ARRA to promote the adoption and meaningful use of health information technology. Subtitle D of the HITECH Act, sections 13400–13424, addresses the privacy and security concerns associated with the electronic transmission of health information. It does so, in part, through several provisions that strengthen the civil and criminal enforcement of the HIPAA rules. (OCR, 2017)

Consider the following case from the course scenario on St. Michael’s Medical Center.

Case I: The Blue Wall

Many patients and regulators have accused the hospital of neglecting its organizational responsibilities to respect patient rights. The hospital has established a so-called blue wall to withhold information and protect its employees. The administration and the ethics committee overseeing these ethical issues were accused of cover-up and making decisions that endangered vulnerable people. In most cases, the hospital has failed to meet its responsibilities to patients and to comply with regulations. Some of the violations are the following:

  • Employees have exposed patient information to unauthorized people.
  • Nurses have made unilateral decisions and ignored informed consent mandates.
  • Administrators have covered up instances of medication errors and failed to meet regulatory compliance regarding the handling, storage, and retention of medical records.
  • Visitors have found sensitive patient information in files left in hallways and on laptops left in patients’ rooms. Mobile devices containing patient information that doctors have claimed were missing have been found lying around in public areas.

Few employees have done the right thing. Organizational lapses in policies and procedures occur at all levels.

As the newly hired chief executive officer (CEO), you have been asked to address these issues. You will make a presentation to help managers, supervisors, and general staff members to curb the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) violations in the following areas:

  • Communication
  • Secure storage of information
  • Retention of health information

Prepare a 15-slide PowerPoint addressing the following items:

  • What are 5 effective health information communication methods? What are the advantages and disadvantages of these methods?
  • What healthcare laws guide the sharing and delivery of health information among stakeholders? What type of health information could be shared and with whom?
  • What are the benefits of sharing patient health information? What current applications are available to share patient information?
  • What HIPAA mandates are about the disclosure of patient information, especially the Privacy and Security Rules?
  • What are the benefits of using social media applications for sharing health information? What limitations exist in sharing health information using social media applications?
  • What is the purpose of seeking patient consent to release medical records? What penalty exists for unauthorized release of patient health information as per HIPAA regulations?
  • What communication skills are essential to patient satisfaction? How can lawsuits be avoided?
  • How should healthcare organizations secure patient medical records? Who owns patient medical records?
  • What protocols should be in place to store and share patient medical record information? What are the challenges of storing and communicating patient medical records?
  • What are the benefits of adequate storage and communication of patient medical information? How would St. Michael’s Medical Center staff benefit from this training?

Give an example of a form of advertising or labelling on a product that promotes the environmental benefits

Give an example of a form of advertising or labelling on a product that promotes the environmental benefits

Module Eleven Discussion Forum

As Australians, living in a wealthy industrial society, we have freedom to consume an immense array of commodities. Wilk argues that consumption is the key ecological issue that needs to be addressed by anthropologists. In this module our personal environmental choices are examined by our guest lecturer Justin See in light of the vast differences in global consumption patterns. Justin also highlights the vast discrepancies between producers’ and consumers’ emissions. We also examine some of the global ecological consequences of our own consumer behaviours; charting the relationship between the global economy and global ecology.

After you have viewed the lecture and completed your reading  please the question below. We suggest you write 160-200 words for your forum post.

Give an example of a form of advertising or labelling on a product that promotes the environmental benefits (or promotes ethical and / or sustainable aspects) of consuming a particular product. What kind of claims are made on the label? Do you think these claims are legitimate or not? How would/could you test whether or not these claims are legitimate? Bring your labelling or advertising example to the tutorial this week for discussion.

What is your leadership potential score?

Please begin this assignment by reviewing the section concerning Self-Assessment Tests on pages 16-21 in the course syllabus.  This section covers information on your rights as a participant in the Self-Assessment Tests and what to do if you would prefer to skip one or more questions on a given test, plus guidelines on writing a suitable response.  See also Appendix B in the syllabus for helpful examples of excellent SAT responses.

With all of the self-assessment tests from the book, there are no correct answers in terms of right or wrong. Be as honest as you can in answering the questions so that you can better understand yourself and your behavior related to leadership.

The link to the electronic survey is located at the end of this section.


What is your leadership potential score? In a one-page (maximum) argument, explain in more detail the meaning of this score to you. Keep in mind that larger organizations need “people” leaders and “individual contributor” leaders or a combination of the two. Some organizations even have separate “career tracks” that depend on a person’s preferred leadership style.

“People” leaders enjoy working with people in team settings and/or as individuals. Literature in the management area contends that there will be a “people” leadership void as the Baby Boomers retire in the next five to ten years. This may indicate an abundance of opportunities for those who diligently work to develop and/or sharpen their leadership skills.

Sometimes, people have a skill(s) that are rare in the workplace. Some people with a specialized skill set are not interested and/or capable of managing others. However, “individual contributors” are just as valuable to organizations as “people” leaders and they need to be recognized and rewarded for their work. “Individual contributors” tend to manage critical organizational processes in functional areas like finance and/or accounting or technical areas like scientific research and/or computer information technology.

Keeping these two types of leadership style in mind, what type of leadership role(s) do you see yourself working in for the future? Take a look at Chapter One for additional information regarding this self-assessment test. Make at least three assertions about the meaning(s) of this self-assessment test to you and support them with examples. Write a convincing case that presents a strong defense for your argument.

bank failures and bank diversification

1. Review the below two articles about bank failures and bank diversification that are found below this. Economic history assures us that the health of the banking industry is directly related to the health of the economy. Moreover, recessions, when combined with banking crisis, will result in longer and deeper recessions versus recessions that do occur with a healthy banking industry

2. Locate two JOURNAL articles which discuss this topic further. You need to focus on the Abstract, Introduction, Results, and Conclusion. For our purposes, you are not expected to fully understand the Data and Methodology.

3. Summarize these journal articles. Please use your own 500 words. No copy-and-paste. Cite your sources.

importance of workplace diversityimportance of workplace diversity

importance of workplace diversity


Your company has been nominated for a national diversity award associated with your efforts and dedication to diversity initiatives in the workplace and their impact on the organization and community. You have been asked to summarize your efforts for the year in a slide presentation for the diversity committee who selects the winner. Be sure to include details of the changes you made in your organization and the impact the changes made.


As part of your nomination, you have been asked to create a powerpoint slide presentation. Remember your audience when giving your presentation and include the following slides:

  • Title slide
  • Highlighting the importance of workplace diversity
  • Discussing the points that were included in your diversity plan
  • Describing how culture and inclusion impact your organization
  • Providing examples of how diverse workgroups work together in the workplace
  • Gives examples of strategies used to incorporate Hofstede’s cultural dimensions in a global workforce
  • Provides best practices for managers associated with managing a diverse, global workforce
  • Conclusion slide that includes a summary of why you should win this award
  • Any additional, relevant information
  • References