Walmart Annual Report

Instructions for final project:

  1. Locate the audited financial statements in the 2019 Walmart Annual Report and 2019 Target Annual Report.
  2. Using the 2019 income statement, prepare a horizontal analysis for both companies. (you will also need 2018 to complete this step)
  3. Using the 2019 balance sheet, prepare a vertical analysis for both companies. You can perform this using only the key accounts/subtotals. Ie. Cash, A/R, Inventory, current assets, PP&E, Total Assets, A/P, current liabilities, Debt, Owners Equity. Each company may have a little different account structure, but the main subtotals will be available for both companies.
  4. Perform the following ratios from chapter 24: Current, Quick, Inventory Turnover, Days of Inventory, Debt to Equity, Interest Coverage, gross profit, operating margin, return on assets,
  5. List 3 observations from your calculations that demonstrate you have analyzed both companies.




Utilize your resources – textbook – chapter 24,, yahoo finance, etc.

Submit your project on an excel spreadsheet.


Assignment turned in using Excel – one sheet for each step answers highlighted. 20%
Horizontal Analysis completed correctly – formulas are in the spreadsheet (0 points if formulas are not used) 20%
Vertical Analysis completed correctly – formulas are in the spreadsheet (0 points if formulas are not used) 20%
Ratios formulas are provided and each number is identified then calculated (see example provided in Moodle) 20%
Thoughtful observations are presented that demonstrate an understanding of the meaning of the ratios. 20%


predominant leadership style

1.  Define your predominant leadership style (authoritarian, democratic, or laissez-faire). Ask those who work with you if in their honest opinion this is indeed the leadership style that you use most often. What style of leadership do you work best under? What leadership style best describes your present or former managers?

2.  Emotions and Decision-Making Think back on a recent decision you made that was more emotionally laden than usual. Were you self-aware about what emotions were influencing your thinking and how your emotions might have influenced the course(s) of action you chose? Were you able to objectively identify the emotions that others were experiencing and how these emotions may have influenced their actions?

3.  Access one of the following references (leave the course and type address into browser, if unable to open via link), read the Mission Critical file and post a critique of the one websites below and the Mission Critical  to the discussion board. In some cases you may need to copy and paste the links below:

1. Judgment and Decision Making:

2. Problem solving tools:

3. Management and Leadership Skills:

4. View Mission Critical file- teaches basic concepts on decision-making

Attached is the mission critical file if needed.

Karl Marx on Alienation

Discussion 4: “Karl Marx on Alienation”

2222 unread replies.2222 replies.

After watching “Karl Marx on Alienation”—and, of course, reading the relevant lecture—submit a post that addresses the following question:

  • In your opinion, does capitalism alienate us from one another?

After you submit your post, respond to the posts of two of your classmates. Ideally, you would respond to one post with which you agree and to another post with which you disagree; in any case, be sure to explain in each of your responses the reason that you agree or disagree.

Note that, in each post, you do not need to write more than one paragraph. However, you may—and probably should!

How is the Gram stain used to classify bacteria?

  • This assignment must be in APA format.
  • The assignment should be in paragraph form using complete sentences and avoiding bullet points and numbered list.
  • Use a Level 1 heading to separate your sections (Page 47 of the APA Publication Manual).
  • Title and reference pages do not count toward the total word or page count.
  • Textbook and outside sources need to be referenced and cited in the paper.

Essays: (at least 300 words per prompt)

1. How is the Gram stain used to classify bacteria? How do antibiotics inhibit the growth of bacteria? Explain how carriers play an important role in the transmission of pathogens. Jan acquired a MRSA infection during a stay at a rehabilitation facility. Jan’s physician tells her that her MRSA was caused by S. aureus. How would you explain to Jan what S. aureus is and how it can cause diseases?

2. Lou had abdominal surgery. During his stay at the hospital a catheter was inserted into his bladder. After returning home Lou was diagnosed with a nosocomial infection. What are the principle routes of transmission of nosocomial infections? What can be done to prevent nosocomial infections? What are three reasons why rates of nosocomial infections are markedly higher in developing countries? What are five things that increase the risk of nosocomial infection?

3. What is the difference between a neoplasm, benign tumor, and malignant tumor? Identify four chronic infections that may cause cancer, and what cancer the infection might cause. Mr. Brown age 63 and Mrs. Brown age 61, are being seen in for a routine check-up. What cancer screenings should Mr. and Mrs. Brown receive (name at least 3 and why)?

4. In Western societies, why is colorectal cancer the most common cancer, but yet there has been a decline in the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer over the last 40 years? Identify and discuss four nonspecific warning signs of cancer and which cancer the warning sign is linked to. Aaron is a 28-year-old who had an EBV infection during high school. He noticed one of his lymph nodes in his neck is swollen but is not painful. He is also experiencing night sweats. What is a possible diagnosis? Give some possible treatments for this diagnosis?

Compensation and benefit philosophy

Assume the role of a highly regarded human resource consultant hired to review, analyze, and revise the compensation and benefit system utilized by your city’s largest employer, Holland Enterprises. The firm employs 3,500 employees, but since 2010 has lost 25% of its staff. Exit interviews indicate the primary reason a majority of these employees have resigned is because of a compensation and benefit system that is perceived to be unfair and noncompetitive in the marketplace.
Present to the management a revised compensation and benefit strategy. Your proposal should include:

  • Description of how an effective compensation and benefit system contributes to organizational effectiveness.
  • Explanation of the principle components of your revised compensation and benefit system for a large-scale organization as well as a recommendation for each component.
  • Provision of a clear and convincing argument to the already skeptical top managers of this organization to increase their compensation and benefit expenses.

At a minimum, your compensation and benefit system would include the following components:

  • Compensation and benefit philosophy
  • Pay structure architecture (pay grades, pay ranges, and pay width)
  • Ratio of base pay to incentive (bonus) pay
  • Emphases on external equity or internal equity
  • Principle type of benefits to include (example: deferred compensation match, health insurance, vacation and sick leave, etc.)

Guidelines for Writing the Final Paper

  • Paper must be 2500-3500 words in length, exclusive of Title Page, References Page, Appendix, References, Exhibits, etc .
  • Formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide (including title page and reference list).
  • Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  • Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.
  • Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.

What does it mean to be a socially responsible leader?

Question 1

What does it mean to be a socially responsible leader? (see article attached below )

How have globalization’s effects on your city, region, or upbringing influenced your path, directly and indirectly?

How has your education, career progression and family composition equipped you to deal with multicultural diversity?

Question 2:

What traits and skills are required of effective leaders?

Describe a mistake or personal failure in your life – what did you learn from it?

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

How open minded are you?

Question 3:

What change would you like to see on campus, community or globally?

Who is in your sphere of influence? In what areas do you have the power to make something better?

How can you utilize your sphere of influence to create change?

Question 4:

Reflect on the five practices of exemplary leadership (see article : ) Identify which you believe to be your areas of strength and which practices you believe you need to develop.

Ethics in the Workplace

Ethics in the Workplace

This week focused on ethics within the workplace. A company that fails to meet ethical standards can find itself in hot water. Using the real-world as an example, choose an ethical scenario from the media that is less than 1 month old.


We Must Do More to Stop Dangerous Doctors in a Pandemic of COVID 19


By Richard A. Friedman

Dr. Friedman is a psychiatrist and a contributing opinion writer.

You will assume the role of the manager who would oversee the ethical dilemma that has occurred.

Your work should include the following:


Outline what went wrong in this scenario.

· Discuss how you will discipline those involved.

· Develop a plan to avoid future ethical issues.


· Your paper must be a minimum of 4 written pages (not including the title and reference pages).

· Your work must include a minimum of 3 scholarly resources to support your thoughts.

Health Care Organizational Behavior Development and Governance

Health Care Organizational Behavior Development and Governance

MHA510 Health Care Organizational Behavior Development and Governance

1. Must be plagiarism free and on time!!!

2. If done well other assignments will follow!

3. Discussion must be 500-750 words and must have a reference page, no title page needed. (Must be submitted NLT 23 Dec 2020)

4. Case assignment must be as per instructions and include title and reference page in addition to writings.(must be submitted NLT 27 Dec 2020)

5. SLP Assignment must be as per instructions and include title and reference page in addition to writings.(must be submitted NLT 27 Dec 2020)

case study for the Bradley family

The adolescent stage can be described as a time where there is a loss of innocence and a preentry into adulthood. A large part of being an adolescent is beginning that process of stepping out into the world and learning about oneself as a unique and autonomous individual. This movement out into the world is contingent upon the knowledge that this young person will have a safe and secure home to return to at the end of the day. If a traumatic loss or event has occurred in the adolescent’s life, there may be no safe base to which this individual can return. Attachment theory teaches us that a young person’s ability to attach/engage with peers, family, and other potential support systems is an important aspect of the developmental process. During the adolescent stage of development, assessing attachment styles is important because it provides a window into how the adolescent relates to others, which allows the clinician to choose the appropriate intervention.

For this Discussion, choose either the program case study for the Bradley family or the course-specific case study for Brady.

Post an application of the attachment theory to the case of either Tiffani or Brady. Discuss the connection between his or her attachment style and the exhibiting behavior.

Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. M. (Eds.). (2014a). Sessions: case histories. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader]


select a particular child or adolescent with a disruptive behavior

A child’s or adolescent’s disruptive behaviors can be challenging for a clinician. Disruptive behaviors can interrupt the counseling process, and they often signify the existence of emotions a child or adolescent is unable to express verbally. Some prospective child and adolescent clinicians may be ill-equipped to manage disruptive behaviors or recognize that the behaviors are symptomatic of an issue or disorder. This lack of knowledge may elicit a nontherapeutic response from a clinician, which can damage the development of a therapeutic relationship. A therapeutic relationship is vital in order to counsel children and adolescents effectively.

To prepare for this Assignment, review the Disruptive Behaviors Part Two media and select a particular child or adolescent with a disruptive behavior. Consider one strength and one weakness of the therapeutic relationship with the child or adolescent during the counseling sessions.

The Assignment (3–5 pages) is in two parts:

Part One: Ineffective Interventions

  • Identify the less effective counseling session you selected, and explain why it was less effective.
  • Identify and explain the intent of the target goal in the counseling session.
  • Explain one ineffective aspect of the counseling approach and why.
  • Explain one misstep the counselor made that inhibited the development of a therapeutic relationship and why.

Part Two: Effective Interventions

  • Identify the more effective counseling session you selected, and explain why it was more effective.
  • Explain one intended goal the counselor was attempting to accomplish in the counseling approach and why.
  • Explain one ineffective aspect of the counseling approach and why.
  • Explain two critical skills the counselor demonstrated that promoted the development of a therapeutic relationship and how those critical skills were used.

Support your Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the week’s resources for this course.