Application of the Johari Window

Application of the Johari Window

For this final, please apply the Johari Window model to identify and understand the level of self- disclosure in relationships. Additionally, you are asked to use the format described from Enhance Activity with MindTap Ch 3: Models of Self-Disclosure, to draw two Johari Windows representing the relationship between you and one other person. Remember to reverse one of the windows so that your open area and that of the other person face each other.

Then answer the following questions:

1.      Describe which parts of yourself you keep in the hidden area. Explain your reasons for doing so. Describe the advantages or disadvantages or both of not disclosing these parts of yourself.  (1 page minimum)

2.      Look at the blind area of your model. Is this area large or small because of the amount of feedback (much or little) that you get from your partner or because of your willingness to receive the feedback that is offered? (1 page minimum)

3.      Explain whether you are satisfied with the results illustrated by your answers. If you are not satisfied, explain what you can do to remedy the problem.  (1 page minimum)

4.      Through building your Johari Window, what did you discover about your relationship? What, if any, surprises did you discover in your open, hidden, blind or unknown areas? (1 page minimum)

5.      Based on these results, how much will your relationship change?

6.      Will you disclose more information or less information? Explain why. How will you handle your blind area? The unknown? (1 page minimum)

Draw your conclusions.

You are to complete this assignment in a minimum of 7 pages. The title and reference page do not count towards the page count.

Course Project Scenario

Course Project Scenario

You are an economist for the Vanda-Laye Corporation, which produces and distributes outdoor cooking supplies. The company has come under new ownership and management and will be undergoing changes in its product lines and operating structure. As an economist, your responsibilities include examining the market factors that affect success or failure of a product, including the supply and demand for the product, market conditions, and the behavior of competitors with similar products.

Your supervisor, Jorge, has assigned you the task of evaluating a new product. The new product, oven mittens, has several competitors in the marketplace, but your company will be using a new patented material that provides protection from heat and maintains a great deal of flexibility.


  • *******Evaluate what information is needed to assess the market factors that will make this product a success of failure.
  • *******Evaluate what information is needed to assess the market factors that will make this product a success of failure.
  • *******Explain the basic supply and demand aspects that will make the product a success or failure.

Submission Details:

  • Submit a 2-3 page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.

Analyze the use of technology to increase cognitive intelligence and knowledge in business.


Analyze the use of technology to increase cognitive intelligence and knowledge in business.

Student Success Criteria

View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.


You are a manager in an investment company. Your company needs to find a way to react faster to market changes and demands. The current system requires “human research” which is often days or weeks behind market demands. By the time the company is aware of a change in the market, the time to react has passed. The company needs a faster way to react.

Upper management asks that you prepare a White Paper for management sharing with them how the system that now requires human interaction could be converted to use artificial intelligence technology. Discuss how you could change the system to use artificial intelligence. Be sure to support your recommendations with credible resources. Using the assigned readings in this module is a good starting point. Research databases are listed in the Resources area below.


Design a white paper which will discuss, examine, and support the use of artificial intelligence in the investment company. Your company management will not be familiar with this technology so be thorough in your descriptions of the technology.

In Microsoft Word, create the White Paper. The white paper should be 3 – 4 pages, must be problem-solution focused, and should accomplish these objectives:

  • Compares the pros and cons of using artificial intelligence in the investment company.
  • Examines how artificial intelligence would add to business intelligence in the investment company.
  • Explains with support how this change will affect the competitive advantage of the company.

Be sure to include each section below in the white paper:

Introduction: An overview of the white paper which prepares the reader for the content and context.

Problem Statement: A specific statement naming the problem addressed in the white paper.

Solution: The solution is presented clearly and persuasively.

Conclusion: Summary of the significant findings and presentation of recommendations.

References: Cite all sources used in APA format.

NOTE – Be sure the document displays proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.

What is your service philosophy?(the what you do)

In determining your customer service model, there are four core tools to consider: philosophy, standards, service, and a checklist. Include a narrative to answer the following:

  • What is your service philosophy? How does your philosophy define your true service (the what you do) and answer how you should serve your customer (the how you do it)?
  • What are your service standards? Place these in priority order.
  • Complete one service map (submit your second map).
    • What steps are mediocre services?
    • What would excellent customer service look like?
    • Remap your service map with these excellent service blocks.
  • Based on your philosophy, standards, and mapping, what are your service outcomes?

Go to www.UnleashingExcellence.comto download a customizable copy of the below.

Calculate the NPV of the Electrobicycle project.

When a business considers investing in a new project, the decision must be carefully evaluated. Businesses should invest in projects that are expected to add value to the company. One method to determine the added value of a project is net present value (NPV) analysis. NVP analysis determines the present value of the benefits and costs of a project. If the project’s NPV is greater than $0, then the project is considered to add value to the company. For this discussion, you will practice calculating the added value of project using the NPV.


Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum,

For the initial post, you will complete the NPV problem below. You will not be able to see other students’ posts until you post your initial post.


A large auto company has just completed the research and development (R&D) on a new product, the Electrobicycle. The Electrobicycle is an electronic, climate-controlled bicycle with zero emissions. The R&D efforts focused on developing the capability to utilize electricity to power bicycles. Ultimately, the auto company expects Electrobicycles to be popular for most urban citizens due to convenience and low cost.

The R&D, which cost $3 million, is complete and paid for. The plant and equipment to mass produce the Electrobicycles will cost $2 million. This plant and equipment will be depreciated over 5 years using the straight-line method to zero book value ($400,000 per year). A working capital investment of $1 million will be needed at the beginning of the project. A working capital investment of $200,000 per year will be needed thereafter.

At the end of 5 years, the auto company believes there will be no more sales opportunities for Electrobicycles and will cease all production. Thus, at the end of the project, all working capital investments (the $1 million initial investment and the $200,000 per year) will be recovered at full value. The plant and equipment will be scrapped for a salvage value of $300,000 (after tax).

The company expects moderate sales in years 1 and 2, and then significant growth in each year thereafter as consumers adopt the Electrobicycles. Revenues and earnings will cease at the end of Year 5. The revenues, after-tax earnings, and cash flow for the 5-year life of the project are shown in this table.

Table 1

Projected Electrobicycle Financial Projection

Numbers in $000’s

TodayYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Revenues$1,000$1,500$3,000$6,000$12,000After-tax earnings($500)$100$300$600$1,200Project Cash FlowAfter-tax earnings($500)$100$300$600$1,200Plus: Depreciation$400$400$400$400$400Less: Cost of plant, equipment($2,000)$0$0$0$0$0Less: Working capital($1,000)($200)($200)($200)($200)($200)Plus: Recovery of working capitaln/an/an/an/a$2,000Plus: Salvage valuen/an/an/an/a$600Annual project cash flow($300)$300$500$800$4,000

Note: n/a = not applicable


  • Determine the NPV for the Electrobicycle project. Use the annual project cash flow from the table above. For the required rate of return, use the percent value from your birthday date. For example, if your birthday falls on the 16th of the month, the required rate of return would be 16%.
    • For guidance, review Section 7.1 of the textbook, NPV Example: The Pizza Scooter Delivery Project Revisited.


In your post, include the following:

  • Calculate the NPV of the Electrobicycle project. Be sure to show your NPV calculations.
  • Explain, in your own words, why working capital investments are subtracted each year in the cash flows.
  • Explain, in your own words, the meaning of the required rate of return for the project.
  • Assume the auto company has a required rate of return of 15%. Based on the required rate of return you used for the Electrobicycles (based on your birthday date), is the Electrobicycle project more or less risky than the auto company? Explain your answer.
  • Based on your concluded NPV, should the company invest in this project to build Electrobicycles? Justify your answer.

Guided Response: Review several of your colleagues’ posts, and reply to at least two of your peers by 11:59 p.m. on Day 7 of the week. You must respond to two classmates who have completed different calculations than you. In your written responses to your classmates, address the following:

  • Confirm the calculations or explain a correction to the calculation in the initial post.
  • Compare how the required rate of return you used differs from your classmate’s rate of return.
  • Explain how the different rate of returns impacted the concluded NPV.
  • Explain why the salvage value is added to the cash flows in the final year of the project.

Control Environment

Before a voucher for the purchase of merchandise is approved for payment, supporting documents should be compared to verify the accuracy of the liability. Give an example of supporting documents for the purchase of merchandise.

Post by Michael Vitale

(a) Name and describe the five elements of internal control. (b) Is any one element of internal control more important than another?


The five elements on internal control are

1.       Control Environment

2.       Risk Assessment

3.       Control Procedures

4.       Monitoring

5.       Information and Communication

Control Environment is the overall attitude from the company and management as to the importance of controls and can include management philosophy, organizational structure, and personnel policies.

Risk assessment is identifying potential risks, knowing the threat that they could cause, knowing how likely they are to occur, and minimizing in advance the damage they could cause.

Control procedures help ensure that goals will be met by taking precautions in operations like having competent personnel, separating responsibilities, and security measures.

Monitoring helps to locate weaknesses and improve control.

Information and communications helps ensure that the previous four controls are documented appropriately and communicated out.

All elements of internal control work based off the others ones, thus making them all equally important and necessary to the process.

Post by Trisha Jennison

Why should the employee who handles cash receipts not have the responsibility for maintaining the accounts receivable records? Explain.


The  employee that employee who handles the receipts should not be the ones that are recording the transactions in the accounting records.  These should be separated in order to reduce the chance of fraud being committed.  If they are not it  would make it easy for an employee to hide the fraud he/she committed within the accounting  records.  By separating them the fraud committed by the cash receipts  clerk would most likely be caught by the accounts receivable clerk.

In ‘Managing 21st Century Political Risk

 Candidates must answer any TWO (2) questions. All questions are equally weighted.

1.  In ‘Managing 21st Century Political Risk’ (HBR, 2018), Rice and Zegart argue that for companies, 21st century political risk is essentially the probability that a political action will significantly affect their business—whether positively or negatively. Assess political risk in explaining how to tackle it in emerging markets.

2.  In ‘New business models in emerging markets’ (HBR, 2011), Eyring et al argue that ‘targeting the middle market can be lucrative’. Assess their new business models and the management challenges confronted by MNCs in emerging markets.

3.  In ‘The role of the EU in shaping FDI flows to East Central Europe (ECE)’ (Journal of Common Market Studies, 2014), Medve-Balint argues that the EU has actively shaped foreign capital flows to the region. Assess the locational advantages of ECE in explaining the dynamic interaction of EU’s approach to FDI and ECE’s response to it.

4.  In ‘The rise of middle kingdoms: emerging economies in global trade’ (Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2012), Hanson argues that specialization serves as a vehicle for middle income nations to transform the global economy. Assess specialization in relation to comparative advantage and the new trade theory/strategic trade policy.

Firm’s strategic stance using the BCG

Firm’s current strategic stance using the BCG matrix.

Analyze the firm’s current strategic stance using the BCG matrix.

you are required to conduct a strategic analysis of a product (only one product that is Airpods pro ) for apple company. You will need to:

Analyze the firm’s current strategic stance using the BCG matrix.

(No need introduction of apple company and Airpods, just analyse the firms current strategic stance using BCG matrix)

200 words reports and

one page powerpoint only.

Performance report on Barry Computer Company 

Prepare a performance report on Barry Computer Company

This must be in excel and word document to explain.

  • Prepare your performance report to show calculations for the 14 ratios listed on page 141, as well as a comparison of your computed ratios with the listed industry averages.
  • Write a short memo to your supervisor explaining your findings and your recommendations for improvement.
  • Suggest some ways in which the company can plan to improve below industry average ratio performance.
  • Explain why your recommendations would be effective.
  • Be sure to list your computations in an appendix to your report.
  •  The memo portion of this assignment will typically be 2 pages in length as a general expectation/estimate. You can show your calculations of financial ratios in a supplemental appendix to your memo.

The history of the Ponzi scheme

1- Conduct a search of the internet (be sure to use reputable sources) and locate four examples of Ponzi schemes.

2- Write a paper double spaced (12 font) that should include the following:

* The history of the Ponzi scheme.

* A paragraph about each of the examples found. (be sure to include the timeline, the location, and enough information.

* A summary conclusion with details of the history and the four examples.

APA Style

A minimum of 5 references should be included. Be sure to cite all of your sources. The paper should be between 4-5 pages in length excluding the cover page and references. No abstract is required.