Debate on Face Masks Divides Air-Travel Industry


Read this article: Debate on Face Masks Divides Air-Travel Industry

• Gangitano, A. (2020, August 6). Debate on face masks divides air-travel industry. The


You will be creating one paragraph that answers the following question:

• Why or why not should passengers be required to wear a face mask on a plane?

You will write that paragraph in third person (he, she, they, one, it, people) and

not use first (me, us, our, we, my, I) or second person (you, your). Most

academic writing is done in third person rather than first or second person

because the writing is more objective.

The key to this assignment is to make sure that the seven-to-nine sentence

paragraph you write only has one topic and includes evidence to support that

topic. Review the Citing Evidence interactive in this unit for information on how to

include a direct quote in your work. Your evidence should go in the middle of the

paragraph so that you can completely introduce it and explain how it supports

your topic. (See step-by-step instructions about creating a paragraph with



Answer the question above in one paragraph comprised of at least seven (7) to nine (9)

sentences. You should use one direct quote from the article.

1. First, begin your paragraph with a clear topic sentence that states where you

stand on the question above.

2. Next, include supporting sentences that explain and prove your topic. Next,

remember to not use the words “me,” “I,”“us,” “we,” “our,” “you,” and “your”.

3. Then, in the center of your paragraph, include a direct quote from the reading as

one piece of evidence to support your topic with an in-text citation that looks like

this: (Gangitano, 2020, p. #).

4. Finally, comment on and explain the quotation and wrap up your paragraph with

a concluding sentence.


• Please submit a Microsoft Word document or PDF.

• Include a title page, a proper font case per APA standards (Times New Roman

12 font is suggested), and a references page. The document should have 1-inch

margins and should be double-spaced.

• The direct quote should be included within the center of the paragraph (as

opposed to at the start or end).

• Use objective third-person language: “he,” “she,” “it,” “him,” “her,”

“himself,” “herself,” “itself,” “they,” “them,” “their,” “themselves.” (Avoid

subjective language such as “I,” “me,” “you,” “we,” “us,”etc.)

• The paragraph should be at least seven (7) sentences in length.

• Follow proper APA formatting when citing the quote and include the article’s

reference double-spaced on a reference page. For the reference page,

simply label the last page of your document References and add this


o Gangitano, A. (2020, August 6). Debate on face masks divides airtravel industry. The Hill,

• When using a reference, you indent after the first line

of the reference (as seen above).

Research the technology company Lenovo

 Strategic Alternatives [WLOs: 1, 3] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, carefully read Chapters 5 and 6 of the course text.

Strategic intent is an important aspect of maintaining or improving market position and market share. Week 3 looks closely at strategy and the concept of strategic alternatives and strategic alternative bundling. For this discussion, identify and define the various types of strategic alternatives and how the process of bundling might help or harm the strategic motivation of the organization. What is the goal of strategic bundling?

Research the technology company Lenovo. Summarize the history of the organization. Define their current market position and market share. Describe what type of strategic alternative helped to facilitate their current market position. What strategic alternative might the organization use for future growth and improvement?

Guided Response: Your initial post must be specific and significant. The initial post must be between 300 and 350 words. You must support your post with at least two scholarly resources in addition to the text to defend your positions and findings. Use the Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) document for additional guidance.

behavioral factors and chronic diseases

behavioral factors and chronic diseases

What are some of the implications of current research findings for the relationship between behavioral factors and chronic diseases? How does this impact older adulthood? What does the information in The Blue Zones: 9 Lessons for Living Longer from the People Who’ve Lived the Longest (2nd edition) contribute to this discussion? Can individuals learn from the habits of those living in blue zones? Cite two to three scholarly research articles in addition to the book to support your answer.

What Else Is Going On Out There?

 Week 6 DiscussionCOLLAPSE

What Else Is Going On Out There?

Using the Wall Street Journal, or another reputable news source, locate and post an article published in the last 12 months about an organization undertaking a change initiative.

  • What was the driver for the change?
  • What was the nature and scale of the change initiative?
    • Was it a change in leadership? Strategy? Structure?
    • Did it impact the entire organization, or was it primarily focused on one region or business?
  • Was the change initiative undertaken with a “people first” agenda? How can you tell?
  • Is there any mention of steps taken during the change that indicate the use of a particular change model to support the initiative? Explain.
  • What stage is the change at now? What wins have been secured so far, and what still needs to be dPost your initial response by Wednesday, midnight of your time zone, and reply to at least 2 of your classmates’ initial posts by Sunday, midnight of your time zone.  Please include references

1st response

Nat Simmons


What Else is Going on out There?

Uber has changed its UK-based operational model to reclassify drivers as workers. The decision was made after a Supreme Court ruling was made in favor of 35 drivers who had challenged the ride-hailing firm concerning their independent employment status. Since the last week of March 2021, the drivers would start receiving holiday benefits, a workplace pension, and a minimum wages guarantee (Strauss et al., 2021). The change is significant not only for Uber but for the entire industry, given that it put other brands that utilize self-employed models under pressure to follow suit. In addition, the change was only enacted in the UK, yet Uber is a global firm. Such a move is likely to cause drivers from other regions to demand similar treatment, affecting the entire operational model.

The change in structure and strategy implies that the firm must employ new terms and conditions for the drivers to facilitate business practices. Previously, the drivers worked at their convenience time, depending on their earning goals. However, if Uber is to offer employee privileges, a new structure in terms of working hours and shifts must be formulated to implement the strategy. The initiative was taken with a people-first agenda, given that it concerns the rights of the employees. The brand will be offering holiday benefits and minimum earning allowances.

The firm has already made steps to initiate the change. The holiday benefits will be based on 12.07 percent of the driver’s earnings, and Uber would be making pension contributions amounting to 3 percent of the earnings. According to Welch (n.d), one of the barriers to transformational organizational efforts is loss of focus and allowing business-as-usual to extend the time frame to get the initiative done. Uber countered the challenge by implementing the change immediately after the decision was communicated to the affected stakeholders. The change is in the actualization stage, given that it has been executed.

Strauss, D., Bradshaw, T., & Dempsey, H. (2021). Uber’s UK concessions change game for gig economy. Financial Times.

Welch, J. (n.d). Leading change by putting people first.  Jack Welch Management Institute.

2nd response


As we learned this week, the larger the change initiatives, the more can go wrong (Kotter, 1). This week, the article I found was about Sara Greenstein of Lydell Incorporated:

This CEO Invested Millions to Increase N95 Face-Mask Supplies.

The article is from a series the WSJ highlights entitled “Personal Board of Directors.” The series focuses on CEOs and the other leaders they turn to for guidance and advice. As we have been discussing having guiding coalitions for change initiatives, the series brings light to the importance of having a personal coalition.

In 2020, the pandemic rapidly grew worldwide, spreading disease and death with it. Sara Greenstein was only months into her first CEO role when the world needed high levels of filtering products that only a few companies were producing. The company produced products for a wide variety of industries, including medical and automotive. Like many companies, Lydell began furloughing employees in less demanding areas and finding a way to survive. For Greenstein, the demand for the oil-derived textile nonwoven polypropylene increased, as it was a core component of N95 masks. After rolling old machines back onto the floor, the team did what they could to keep up with orders. By April, Greenstein knew change had to happen in the company to fulfill her professional and ethical obligations. Besides the furloughs, there were no major leadership changes to speak of, but the operational processes had to.

Without knowing how long the pandemic would last or how bad things would get, she knew that it was her duty to shift the company’s focus 100% to PPE and filtering materials. Although an internal need for change wasn’t the driver, but the company put “people first” in the truest sense (the public and its health). After securing a 40 million dollar investment, Greenstein had to convince the board that the change must happen. Lydell expanded its New Hampshire and French production locations. This means workers had to be hired and retrained if they worked in other facets of the business.

There is no mention that I can find so far regarding her specific change steps; however, the sense of urgency and vision were made clear from the beginning. With thousands of people dying globally, workers likely knew the gravity of the power they held. From there, it was making sure the right people were in the right places to grow accordingly. The HR team would need to work closely with her to make sure onboarding processes would be informative and get new workers up and running immediately.

The change efforts have proved successful so far. As of last June, the company was positioned to produce enough material for 125 million N95 masks per month. Today, Greenstein works with President Biden on producing enough PPE to have stockpiles for future medical crises (Clifford). Greenstein depended on her advisors to guide her decisions, making sure she was considering more than just profitability. During times of duress, it’s important to have your own group of guides to keep you on track to see challenges clearly, with people at the center.


  1. Kotter, J. (2012) Leading Change. Harvard Business Review Press.
  2. Hufford, A. (2021) This CEO Invested Millions to Increase N95 Face-Mask Supplies. Wall Street Journal
  3. Clifford, T. (2021). Lydall CEO expects demand boom for filtration material used in N95 masks and indoor systems beyond the pandemic. Mad Money.

 Vulnerability, Dependency, and Resistance

Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.

 Vulnerability, Dependency, and Resistance

When dealing with vulnerability, dependency and resistance with clients, which of these do you feel would be the most difficult to overcome?  In what way does the helping professional fall victim to these issues as well?  Is one more likely than another for the helping professional? Reply in 250-300 words. Respond to a minimum of two of your classmates’ posts.

What avenues do you feel would be useful techniques for managing the stress that accompanies the Helping Profession?

What avenues do you feel would be useful techniques for managing the stress that accompanies the Helping Profession?

Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.

Stress Management

Explore the International Stress Management Association UK (Links to an external site.) website and consider your own strengths and limitations identified in the summary page upon completion of the Coping and Stress Management Skills Test (Links to an external site.). What avenues do you feel would be useful techniques for managing the stress that accompanies the Helping Profession?  How can the Helping Professional remain empathetic without becoming sympathetic? Reply in 250-300 words. Respond to a minimum of two of your classmates’ posts.

The demographic site analysis provides a summary of a specific market area

The demographic site analysis provides a summary of a specific market area. For this paper component, your team will choose a specific geographic area (locality, ZIP code, or census tract) and prepare a demographic profile of the people who live in that area from data available at the website of the U.S. Census Bureau ( (Links to an external site.)) or another reputable demographic sources (for example, the local Chamber of Commerce, a state hospital association, or another government source). For online courses, teams will agree upon a specific market to analyze and prepare a profile of that market. For blended courses, teams will analyze and prepare a profile of the local market. This profile should provide specific demographic information about the population, including relevant facts and figures. For example, your team might include information on population growth, gender, race and ethnicity, education level, marital status, age ranges, or income ranges. If available, your team might also include data regarding health characteristics of the market’s population. Data are sometimes available from local or state health departments or from national health registries (such as the CDC). Your team is encouraged to include graphs or charts that help describe the demographics of the geographic area (at least one is required). Be sure to keep track as you go of the sources for any graphs, charts or images used in the the paper and later in the presentation. You will need to cite them in your paper and on your presentation slides, and keeping a list now will save you the work of recreating the information later.

Your team will also include a market profile – a brief overview of the healthcare organizations currently serving this market. Briefly identify and describe the hospitals, clinics, or other healthcare service providers in this area.

After preparing the demographic and market profile, your team will then analyze potential healthcare needs that one might anticipate in this geographic area. The analysis should address the following questions.

  1. What does this demographic profile tell your team about potential healthcare utilization and health behaviors?
  2. What does the profile tell your team about the needed healthcare services or products?
  3. Are all of these needs currently being met by the existing healthcare organizations? If not, which needs represent a market opportunity?

Use Google Docs ( (Links to an external site.) to collaboratively write the paper and as a team, and invite your instructor as a contributor so she/he can view the progress of the paper online. The length of the demographic site analysis should be 600 to 800 words. Your team should cite all sources in APA style, both in-text and at the end of the document. Your team is required to have at least three sources to support this component of the Course Paper. Each member of the team must download a copy of the Google Doc and save it in MS Word for submission to their own Dropbox for grading.

This assignment is due in Week 3. The Course Paper assignments build upon each other and are compiled into the complete Course Project paper, due in Week 7.

Explain the responsibility of the health care manager regarding public health ethics and social responsibility

Explain the responsibility of the health care manager regarding public health ethics and social responsibility

Write a 175-word response to the following:

  • Explain the responsibility of the health care manager regarding public health ethics and social responsibility (requires a reference). Provide examples of how a healthcare manager can support the public health of the community by sponsoring socially responsible activities (critical thinking opinion).
  • Go to the website for your state’s Department of Health (the department that deals with public health whatever it is called in your state). What is the greatest cause of death for your county and community? What are the major public health issues for your county and community? (reference your state’s Department of Health)
  •  What do you anticipate as the biggest legal issues you may face as a healthcare manager (opinion)?
  • How will you deal with those who use ethical egoism as their reasoning theory (reference and opinion)?

Application of the Johari Window

Application of the Johari Window

For this final, please apply the Johari Window model to identify and understand the level of self- disclosure in relationships. Additionally, you are asked to use the format described from Enhance Activity with MindTap Ch 3: Models of Self-Disclosure, to draw two Johari Windows representing the relationship between you and one other person. Remember to reverse one of the windows so that your open area and that of the other person face each other.

Then answer the following questions:

1.      Describe which parts of yourself you keep in the hidden area. Explain your reasons for doing so. Describe the advantages or disadvantages or both of not disclosing these parts of yourself.  (1 page minimum)

2.      Look at the blind area of your model. Is this area large or small because of the amount of feedback (much or little) that you get from your partner or because of your willingness to receive the feedback that is offered? (1 page minimum)

3.      Explain whether you are satisfied with the results illustrated by your answers. If you are not satisfied, explain what you can do to remedy the problem.  (1 page minimum)

4.      Through building your Johari Window, what did you discover about your relationship? What, if any, surprises did you discover in your open, hidden, blind or unknown areas? (1 page minimum)

5.      Based on these results, how much will your relationship change?

6.      Will you disclose more information or less information? Explain why. How will you handle your blind area? The unknown? (1 page minimum)

Draw your conclusions.

You are to complete this assignment in a minimum of 7 pages. The title and reference page do not count towards the page count.

Course Project Scenario

Course Project Scenario

You are an economist for the Vanda-Laye Corporation, which produces and distributes outdoor cooking supplies. The company has come under new ownership and management and will be undergoing changes in its product lines and operating structure. As an economist, your responsibilities include examining the market factors that affect success or failure of a product, including the supply and demand for the product, market conditions, and the behavior of competitors with similar products.

Your supervisor, Jorge, has assigned you the task of evaluating a new product. The new product, oven mittens, has several competitors in the marketplace, but your company will be using a new patented material that provides protection from heat and maintains a great deal of flexibility.


  • *******Evaluate what information is needed to assess the market factors that will make this product a success of failure.
  • *******Evaluate what information is needed to assess the market factors that will make this product a success of failure.
  • *******Explain the basic supply and demand aspects that will make the product a success or failure.

Submission Details:

  • Submit a 2-3 page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.