human resource management and human capital indicators



5. What specific human resource management and human capital indicators

suggested that a change was needed in how IBM approached its talent

management decisions? If you were an IBM business leader, would you care

about improving talent management at IBM? What would be the evidence you

would probably be seeing that would cause you to desire an improvement? If

you were an HR leader at IBM, why would you care about improving talent

management? Are the answers for a non-HR leader and an HR leader the same?

6. If you were a board member or a member of IBM’s executive team and you were

presented with the vision of the “Workforce Management Initiative” shown in

the case and told that implementing such an initiative would take several years

and cost up to US$100 million, would you embrace the initiative or resist it?


7. Consider the questions posed in the last section of the case study (pages 13-15).

How would you design the change-management initiative and the WMI itself

in answer to these questions? Why would you make those choices? What do you

think Randy and the IBM HR and executive team decided to do?

Describe the identified policy issue and its relevancy in the workplace

For this assessment, select a policy issue that is relevant in today’s workplace. Examples could include, but are not limited to, dress code, employee privacy, social media usage, and workplace romance. Conduct research on your selected policy, including legal implications, and find at least two scholarly or professional resources to support your work.


Include the following in an executive summary to organizational leadership:

  • Describe the identified policy issue and its relevancy in the workplace.
  • Develop a policy establishing employee expectations and consequences for violating.
  • Describe additional information relevant to the policy implementation. Why is the policy beneficial to employees and an organization?
  • Articulate how HR professionals would implement and manage the policy. Consider relevant laws and regulations that may impact the adoption of the policy.

Additional Requirements

Your assessment should meet the following requirements:

  • Length: 2–3 double-spaced pages, including a references page.
  • Written communication: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly and professional. Your writing should be:
    • Concise and logically organized.
    • Free of errors in grammar and mechanics.
  • Validation and support: Provide at least two relevant and credible scholarly or professional resources.
  • APA formatting: Format all citations and references in accordance with current APA guidelines.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Define the employee relations function of an organization and human resources’ role in its development.
    • Describe the identified policy issue and its relevancy in the workplace.
  • Competency 2: Analyze human resource practices that promote positive employee relations and legal compliance.
    • Articulate how HR professionals would implement and manage the policy.
  • Competency 3: Explain the components of managing employee performance for organizational and personal success.
    • Develop a policy establishing employee expectations and consequences for violating.
    • Describe additional information relevant to the policy implementation.
  • Competency 6: Communicate professionally with all stakeholders.
    • Write in a clear, well-organized manner with the required number of resources to support a central idea, with no technical writing errors, as expected of a business professional.

What type of communication strategy would you use to speak directly with an employee accused of stereotyping coworkers from a different culture?

 What type of communication strategy would you use to speak directly with an employee accused of stereotyping coworkers from a different culture?

Respond to the following in a minimum of 185 words:

If you were an HR Director, what type of communication strategy would you create to address stereotypes in the workplace? Consider the following questions in your response:

· What type of communication strategy would you use to speak directly with an employee accused of stereotyping coworkers from a different culture?

· Would the communication strategy differ if you were a direct manager? What about a peer? If you used a different strategy, what would you do differently? Why?

The Journey and the Destination

The Journey and the Destination

In Chapter 10 of Leading Change, Kotter explains that he believes cultural changes must take place after a major change initiative, to support the changes that have been made.

  • Do you agree or disagree with this viewpoint?
  • Share an example from your own professional life where you have seen cultural norms support or impede progress.
  • What actions can HR leaders take to foster a culture that sustains changes that have been made?

Post your initial response by Wednesday, midnight of your time zone, and reply to at least 2 of your classmates’ initial posts by Sunday, midnight of your time zone.​

1st response


“The Journey and the Destination”

In chapter 10 of Leading Change, Kotter explains that he believes cultural changes must take place after a major change initiative to support the changes that have been made.

  • Do you agree or disagree with this viewpoint?
  • Share an example from your own professional life where you have seen cultural norms support or impede progress.
  • What actions can HR leaders take to foster a culture that sustains changes that have been made?

Hello Professor Bodam and Classmates,

I agree that cultural changes must take place after a major change initiative to support the changes that have been made. It is crucial that moving forward after a major change initiative that everyone in the organization understands and is in agreement with those change(s). HR leaders can begin by altering the norms and values of the organization. In some cases, the only way to change the culture of an organization is to change some of employees.

I know that this example is different, but it does show the response of management when employees did not agree with culture. I recall a company that used to work for put its clients first which did not go over well with many of the employees working in the service department. Employees were upset by the fact that managements decisions made it impossible to do their job effectively. However, instead of management admitting their error or listening to employee opinion, management got rid of those who were not on board with their ideas.

HR leaders can implement cultural values and practices that allow them to use smaller change initiatives as a proven ground for team building and refining HR’s approach to change leadership (JWI556, notes). HR leaders can accomplish this goal by providing the following:

  1. Voice and Dignity– all people want and deserve to have their ideas, opinions and feelings heard and their work and effort respected.
  2. Candor– the willingness to be open about what they think and to speak up. Candor generates 1- richer ideas, as more people get into the conversation, 2- more speed as ideas are debated and acted upon more quickly, and 3- cost reductions through the elimination of meaningless meetings and reports.
  3. Flat Organizational Structures and Empowerment to Take Action– reflects and reinforces a culture of personal empowerment and accountability.



JWI 566 Leading Change by Putting People First, Week #5 Lecture Notes

John P. Kotter (2012) Leading Change. Harvard Business Review Press

2nd response


Good afternoon Class and Professor,

I agree that cultural changes must take place after a major change to support the changes made because the new initiative will most likely not have the shared values of the old company culture. It is important to realize that a business’ old company culture has been probably been around since its inception and needs to be upgraded to shared values of groups that work the business. Businesses’ have to think about the younger generation of workers and that their viewpoints of the culture are different from the older generation or even the business culture, itself.

The company I work for hasn’t changed its mission and values in 90 years since its inception. The culture hasn’t changed much. The only thing I would say that is changing is how we serve our customers to fit norms already put in place. They are always trying to make the concept of Customer First better and being the best food retailer out of all the competition in the same market. I don’t think the culture has shared values among certain groups because most employees are under the age of 40 or have been there for over 25 years. I think they should focus on employees first because if everyone’s values are being supported in a change initiative they are most likely to stay loyal employees. After all, culture has to benefit younger and older generations, alike.

As Kotter described, their ways to anchor change to make sure it stays sustained, like evaluating the results because management has to focus on the actions of change to see if clearly works and is above the old cultural norms. The other important focus is having consistent communication without talking about the new changes and how it fits into shared values among employees then it will be hard for people to get on board and support the changes. The last one I think that can be hard for management is that if some people just aren’t as supportive of the change and not really attempting then it may be time to reconsider their employment, which means having to let some people go and bring in new employees that will be open to change (1). It is necessary to changes the culture in a business at some point and management has to think about all the different groups and how it will benefit all employees. If not, there could be regression and it will be harder to move on in integrating new change to old norms and shared values.

1. John Kotter. Leading Change. 2012.

 Develop a plan for healthcare advocacy.

HA405-4: Develop a plan for healthcare advocacy.

In this module, you will communicate a healthcare advocacy plan. You will contact either a local healthcare agency (i.e., County Health Department, etc.) or healthcare facility (i.e., clinic, hospital, or nursing home) to research two to three healthcare issues affecting the local community.

Explain the issues facing your community, possible methods to alleviate the concern, and how you would ethically advocate for the respective population. You are required to research the specific issues presented with credible sources (e.g., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute of Health, Census Bureau, etc.). In a 3-page paper, present a healthcare advocacy plan that addresses your research findings. Provide a summary of your findings, including at least three (3) credible references to support your advocacy plan in APA format.


  • Research two to three healthcare issues affecting your local community.
  • Propose a healthcare advocacy plan that addresses your research findings.
  • Include three (3) academic references.

Minimum Submission Requirements

  • This Assessment should be a Microsoft Word (minimum 2 page) document, in addition to the title and reference pages.
  • Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements asked for in the questions. Your paper should be highly organized, logical, and focused.
  • Your paper must be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.
  • Your paper should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose.
  • Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.
  • A separate page at the end of your research paper should contain a list of references, in APA format. Use your textbook, the Library, and the internet for research.
  • Be sure to cite both in-text and reference list citations where appropriate and reference all sources. Your sources and content should follow proper APA citation style. Review the writing resources for APA formatting and citation found in Academic Tools. Additional writing resources can be found within the Academic Success Center.
  • Your submission should:
    • include a cover sheet;
    • be double-spaced;
    • be typed in Times New Roman, 12 -point font;
    • include correct citations
    • be written in Standard English with no spelling or punctuation errors; and
    • include correct references at the bottom of the last page.

If work submitted for this competency assessment does not meet the minimum submission requirements, it will be returned without being scored.

identify key events that marked the three stages of Knapp’s model:

Learning Objectives:

·        Use Knapp’s model to describe the nature of communication in the various stages of a relationship.

·        Identify the three stages of Knapp’s model: coming together, relational maintenance, and coming apart.

·        Reflect on how changes in these three stages of the relationship might have caused the relationship to unfold differently.

PART ONE for this assignment


1. Think of a romantic or close relationship that you had that unfolded through most of the developmental stages, ending in termination. As your text explains, no all relationship move through all of the stages in a linear, predictable order.  However, you’ll likely find that your significant relationships will reflect most of the stages in some way  .

2. In the spaces below, describe a memorable event or conversation that illustrates how your relationship fulfilled that stage of Knapp’s model of communication.












3. Answer the reflection questions that follow. (This will be done in PART TWO for this assignment)

PART TWO for this assignment

1. Review your answers and identify key events that marked the three stages of Knapp’s model: coming together, relational maintenance, and coming apart. For example, what happened that led you to move from Differentiating and Circumscribing to Stagnating?

2. Describe how changes in behavior and events in these three stages of the relationship might have caused the relationship to unfold differently.

***Be as thorough as possible when completing this assignment. This assignment will  need to be at least 7 pages and should follow the rules of APA. You are only required to use the textbook (Chapter 9) as a resource; however, you are free to include the use of reputable online sources.

  • attachment

Case Study on Creating a Wage and Salary Pay Grade System


Case Study on Creating a Wage and Salary Pay Grade System

This assignment will involve the creation of a simple wage and salary program. You will complete this assignment utilizing Excel. You will find the grading rubric for this assignment following the case study.

Case Study:

This organization has 10 different positions; due to the lack of having an HR professional who understands compensation issues, it is without any salary structure for the employees.

The job titles are:

  • Operator
  • Mechanic
  • Electrician
  • Supervisor
  • Administrative Assistant
  • Sales Professional
  • Sales Manager
  • HR Manager
  • Operations Manager
  • President

Your task is to identify the ranking order of these jobs in the business based on least to most value to the organization.

This is accomplished by the following:

1. You will need to do some research at and benchmark these positions using regional data or national data and rank the salaries of the employees.

2. You can use an objective point system to assign points, using compensable factors for the jobs as well.

3. Next, you will tally the points for each position and assign these jobs to specific pay grades.

Now you have created an example of how a compensation professional creates pay grades for internal consistency and external competitiveness.

Here is the assignment grading rubric.

Assignment submission: Before you submit your assignment, you should save your work on your computer in a location that you will remember in Excel format. Save the document using the naming convention Username_Unit3_Assignment.xlxs. Submit your file by selecting the Unit 3 Assignment Dropbox.

Community Policy Proposals

Community Policy Proposals

You will be using the results of your Unit 3 Community Assessment assignment as the basis for this assignment. You have examined the social change and public policy environment of your home community by surveying the population demographics (taking into account gender, race, and sexual orientation, as well as varied nationalities and their social and economic status) and explored public sources of information in order to identify demands for social changes in businesses, non-profits, and government. These demands reflect the possible need for public policy development.

  • Draft and present two possible policy proposals that respond to the specific public demands you identified in your community in the previous assignment.
    • These demands may apply to businesses, non-profit organizations, or government.
    • Utilize the document entitled, “Elements of a Standard Policy Statement,” which is located in your Social Policy Toolbox, to guide your development of these proposals.
    • Include a title for each proposal.
  • Write a 750-word summary of your two possible policy proposals, emphasizing these elements:
    • State the proposed policy on which you have decided, with the following:
      • A descriptive title.
      • A statement of the public entity for which the policy is intended.
      • The beneficiaries of the policy.
      • The human service outcome for social change.
    • State which actors in the home community may play a constructive and active role to advance the policy process, and identify the actors or factors that may pose as obstacles to your proposed policy.
    • State the key discussion points raised by your peers in support of or in opposition to your proposed policy.
    • State your rationale for choosing the policy proposal.

Assignment Requirements

  • Summary Length: 750 words.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
  • Formatting: Present your paper in APA format.
  • Written communication: Written communication must reflect graduate-level writing skills and successfully convey the message.

Create a complete job description for the benefits manager position using O*NET.


Review the SHRM case: “Designing a Pay Structure

You will prepare the SHRM case analysis on “Designing a Pay Structure,” which consists of your completion of Tasks A–J that simulate the creation of a compensation system for an organization in meeting its goals and supporting its mission. In your analysis, respond to the following tasks found in the case study by using Excel.

Your case analysis should consist of:

  • Task A: Create a complete job description for the benefits manager position using O*NET.
  • Task B: Calculate the job evaluation points for the administrative assistant, payroll assistant, operational analyst, and benefits manager jobs. Provide a rationale for assigning specific degrees to the various jobs.
  • Task C: If there were any outliers (i.e., extreme data points) in the data, what would you recommend doing with them? From this point forward, assume no extreme data points exist in the dataset.
  • Task D: Conduct a simple regression in Excel to create a market pay line by entering the job evaluation points (on the X axis) and the respective weighted average market base pay (on the Y axis) for each benchmark job.
  • Task E: What is your R squared (variance explained)? Is it sufficient to proceed?
  • Task F: Calculate the predicted base pay for each benchmark job.
  • Task G: Because your company wants to lead in base pay by 3%, adjust the predicted pay rates to determine the base pay rate you will offer for each benchmark job.
  • Task H: Create pay grades by combining any benchmark jobs that are substantially comparable for pay purposes. Clearly label your pay grades and explain why you combined any benchmark jobs to form a grade.
  • Task I: Use your answer to Task H to determine the pay range (i.e., minimum and maximum) for each pay grade.
  • Task J: Given the pay structure you have generated, consider the following: Does this pay structure make good business sense? Do you think it is consistent with the organization’s business strategy? What are the implications of this pay structure for other HR systems, such as retention and recruiting?
  • Your analysis of this case and your written submission should reflect an understanding of the critical issues of the case, integrating the material covered in the text, and present concise and well-reasoned justifications for the stance that you take. You are to complete this case analysis using Excel in a spreadsheet analysis format.

You may discuss your case analysis assignment with the class, but you must submit your own original work.

Case analysis tips: Avoid common errors in case analyses, such as:

  • Focusing too heavily on minor issues.
  • Lamenting because of insufficient data in the case and ignoring creative alternatives.
  • Rehashing of case data — you should assume the reader knows the case.
  • Not appropriately evaluating the quality of the case’s data.
  • Obscuring the quantitative analysis or making it difficult to understand.

Typical “minus (–)” grades result from submissions that:

  • Are late.
  • Are not well integrated and lack clarity.
  • Do not address timing issues.
  • Do not recognize the cost implications or are not practical.
  • Get carried away with personal biases and are not pertinent to the key issues.
  • Are not thoroughly proofread and corrected.

Make sure your document includes:

  • Your name
  • Date
  • Course name and section number
  • Unit number
  • Case name
  • Page numbers

The case analysis should contain Tasks A–J stated in the case in Excel. Check for correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage. Citations should be in APA style.

Here is the assignment grading rubric.

Assignment submission: Before you submit your assignment, you should save your work on your computer in a location that you will remember in Excel format. Save the document using the naming convention Username_Unit4_Assignment.xlsx. Submit your file by selecting the Unit 4 Assignment Dropbox.

why is it critical to the success of an organization in meeting its goals and mission globally?


Prepare a case analysis on the following case study on global HRM strategic management and why it is critical to the success of an organization in meeting its goals and mission. In your analysis, respond to the following question: What is strategic management, and why is it critical to the success of an organization in meeting its goals and mission globally?

Your analysis of this case and your written submission should reflect an understanding of the critical issues of the case, integrating the material covered in the text, and present concise and well-reasoned justifications for the stance that you take.

Tesco® — Entry Into and Exit From Japan

In September 2011, Tesco, the British supermarket group and the world’s third-biggest retailer, announced its exit from Japan after 8 years in the country. In the event, Tesco became the latest in a long list of foreign retailers to exit from Japan. This case study highlights why many international supermarket chains like Tesco have been unsuccessful so far in a difficult Japanese market.

“Let’s be honest, Japan was a short, expensive adventure for us.” — Jose Luis Duran, Chief Executive of Carrefour in March 2005 on its exit from Japan.

“These retailers brought into Japan their business formats without adjusting for Japan. It’s not as if a wholesale-club-type concept will not take off here, but there has to be some modification.” — Masayoshi Saotome, research director at Mitsubishi® Research Institute Inc.

Japan, the world’s third-biggest grocery market, remains a difficult country to make money from, as international retailers Walmart® and Carrefour have found out. Walmart has not done very well in Japan with its presence since 2002 through Seiyu. When Carrefour entered Japan in 2000, it made huge claims on revolutionizing retailing in the country. However, in 2005, Carrefour swapped its Japanese assets for Tesco’s assets in Taiwan.

Seven & I Holdings® and Aeon® dominate Japan. Even British drugstore chain Boots pulled out of Japan owing to increased competition and deflation. Additionally, Japan’s Byzantine distribution system of closely knit web of suppliers and consumers’ fickle taste is the reason behind many retailers struggling. Many analysts attribute the failure to misreading Japanese consumers’ mindset. However, the competitive Japanese retail market is a tough arena, not just for foreign retailers but also for local Japanese department stores. Local stores also have been struggling with price deflation and ever-increasing specialty stores.

Case Study Questions:

  1. Why are the Japanese retail markets so difficult to compete in?
  2. Why are Japanese customers reluctant to shop at foreign retailers versus local retailers?

Case analysis criteria: Your case analysis should consist of:

  • A brief analysis of the situation and pending decision problem, as presented in the case, and as relevant to your answer. This should be exceptionally brief, and you should assume the person reading the assignment is familiar with the details of the case.
  • Identification of the major issues surrounding the organization or individuals involved with the organization.
  • Identification of alternate courses of action to address the issues identified.
  • The decision or recommendation for action, with the appropriate supporting arguments.

The case question is designed to guide the direction of your analysis in the case. Your analysis should address and ultimately answer the question.

You may discuss your case analysis assignment with the class, but you must submit your own original work.

Case analysis tips: Avoid common errors in case analyses, such as:

  • Focusing too heavily on minor issues.
  • Lamenting because of insufficient data in the case and ignoring creative alternatives.
  • Rehashing of case data — you should assume the reader knows the case.
  • Not appropriately evaluating the quality of the case’s data.
  • Obscuring the quantitative analysis or making it difficult to understand.

Typical “minus (–)” grades result from submissions that:

  • Are late.
  • Are not well integrated and lack clarity.
  • Do not address timing issues.
  • Do not recognize the cost implications or are not practical.
  • Get carried away with personal biases and are not pertinent to the key issues.
  • Are not thoroughly proofread and corrected.

Make sure your document includes:

  • Your name
  • Date
  • Course name and section number
  • Unit number
  • Case name
  • Page numbers

The case analysis should be a minimum of 2–3 pages long, double-spaced. Check for correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage. Citations should be in APA style.

Here is the assignment grading rubric.

Assignment submission: Before you submit your assignment, you should save your work on your computer in a location that you will remember. Save the document using the naming convention Username_Unit5_Assignment.doc. Submit your file by selecting the Unit 5 Assignment Dropbox.