measure risks in construction and aggregate industry.

Continuing with your last report, you will provide measurements and identify critical to quality (CTQs), and provide with how you would measure from the existing process product capabilities, production process capability, and measure risks in construction and aggregate industry.

●  You will list the process definition to ensure that the specific process that is being addressed is clearly defined.

●  You will define the metrics so as to measure the process relative to the project deliverables.

●  You will establish a project baseline of current operations as a means of verifying previously defined business needs and to substantiate improvement

●  You will evaluate the measurement system to validate the reliability of data for drawing meaningful conclusions. This must be very specific right up to the statistical tools you will need and why.

You are not coming up with any solutions at this point but are devising ways to measure your process improvement

Remember, you will need your textbook and six (6) peer-reviewed sources.

Analyze the short term liquidity of the firm.

The company that was chosen is Apple. (

Prepare an eight- to ten-page fundamental financial analysis (excluding appendices, title page, abstract, and references page) that will cover each of the following broad areas based on the financial statements of your chosen company:

  1. Provide a background of the firm, industry, economy, and outlook for the future.
  2. Analyze the short term liquidity of the firm.
  3. Analyze the operating efficiency of the firm.
  4. Analyze the capital structure of the firm.
  5. Analyze the profitability of the firm.
  6. Conclude with recommendations for the future analysis of the company (trend analysis).

Writing the Final Paper
The paper

  • Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
  • Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  • Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
  • Must use at least three scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library, in addition to the text.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.



I have attached what I have done so far.  I’m a firm believer in owning guns as well….


Part 1 – Freewriting prompt:

  • What is my topic?
  • Why does this topic appeal to me?
  • What is my stance on the topic?
  • How can I use logos (facts, statistics, expert opinions) to persuade my audience?
  • How can I use pathos (emotional appeals) to persuade them?
  • How will I establish ethos (credibility) with my audience?

Part 2 – Planning

In terms of organizing your information, consider the following questions. You can make the answers as informal as you like; this planning step is mostly for your benefit, but you should answer and think about each of these questions. However, the more work you do here, the better your connection to your audience will become, simply because you are thinking of them as you work on your Video Argument Presentation.

Part 2 – Planning prompt:

  • How can I hook my audience? What exciting sentence or two can I start with to make them interested in my topic?
  • Why am I qualified to speak on this topic (ethos)?
  • What background will a general audience need to understand my topic?
  • What are my main points in my argument?
  • How can I organize those points most effectively?
  • What is the other side of the issue’s main argument against my side?
  • How can I counter that argument? What are the main benefits to the opposition if they adopt your position?
  • How can I end my presentation with a call to action? What do I want my audience to do or believe after they see my presentation?



Part 1 – My topic is movie ratings, and this appeals to me because I’m a very squeamish movie goer. I don’t like a lot of violence or gratuitous sex on the screen, so I rely on movie ratings to keep me from having nightmares about body parts being strewn about! I also think back to when my kid was younger, and I wanted to be sure he wasn’t going off to see something that was going to keep us both awake all night! I can use logos by checking into some of the conservative film sites that don’t use spoilers but do let me know how bad the movies will be. They have stats and such and provide specific examples. I think the nightmare aspect is pathos. I’m not a big movie-goer, so I will have to establish ethos through finding good sources as I can’t say honestly that I’ve seen hundreds and hundreds of films in my lifetime. I have my work cut out for me here.

Part 2 – My audience is probably more movie-savvy than I am. I can start the story of seeing a four or five year old being taken into the theater when I saw 1917 earlier this year. The little one had to be taken out rather quickly after the movie started. I kept hitting my husband’s arm and saying, “What are those people thinking, bringing that little boy to this movie! Didn’t they know it was rated R?” He kept hushing me….

I’m going to have to establish ethos by talking about how much research I’ve put into this project… I’ll keep thinking about this!

I want to lead up to my main point. I will start with an overview of movie ratings (super fast because everyone knows about them to some degree) and then dig into the specifics of some of the higher ratings so that my  audience understand them the same way I do.

I want to persuade parents to do their research on film ratings so they can preserve the innocence of their children as long as possible. I can talk about the little kid at 1917 walking right by ushers, etc.  Someone sold that family those tickets! That’s going to be pathos because I will get some research about how seeing a lot of violence can be bad for little ones.

Of course the First Amendment says we have freedom. I will counter that by saying that little kids need to be protected; they can’t drive themselves to the theaters or pay for their own tickets, so parents have that responsibility

I don’t have a big ticket call to action. I just want parents to pay more attention to what their kids are watching and be informed about what the movie ratings really mean. If I can get them to think more about the ratings, my job is complete.


Part 1: Freewriting

50 to >40.0 ptsExcellent
Student takes full advantage of the purpose of freewriting. They have used the guiding questions to freewrite a full paragraph or more of genuine thought with the goal of discovery.

40 to >35.0 ptsDeveloping
For the most part, student takes advantage of the purpose of freewriting. They have used the guiding questions to freewrite responses; however, their paragraph may be short, lack effort, or miss producing genuine thought with the goal of discovery.

35 to >0.0 ptsDeveloping
Student has not taken advantage of the purpose of freewriting. They have neglected many of the guiding questions, and their paragraph therefore may be short, lack effort, or miss producing genuine thought with the goal of discovery.

0 ptsMissing

50 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePart 2: Planning

50 to >40.0 ptsExcellent
Student answers each question in the planning prompt and demonstrates a clear connection to their audience. Student shows insight, reflection, and strong planning in this paragraph.

40 to >35.0 ptsDeveloping
Student answers most questions in the planning prompt and demonstrates a connection to their audience. Student mostly shows insight, reflection, and solid planning in this paragraph, although more thought could produce a stronger result.

35 to >0.0 ptsDeveloping
Student does not answer most questions in the planning prompt nor do they demonstrate a connection to their audience. Student paragraph lacks insight, reflection, and planning; more thought is necessary to produce intended results.

0 ptsMissing

50 pts

Total Points: 100

What kinds of marketing appeals might Harley make to female consumers in both markets?

Case Questions

  1. According to Harley-Davidson’s Africa country manager, Celine Gruizinga, “No one who comes here is going to make a quick buck. It’s no small feat. It’s a type of commitment that takes decades.” Let’s say that you’re the CEO of a publicly owned U.S. company that manufactures fashion footwear. You’re interested in getting involved in the sub-Saharan Africa market, which will eventually total 1.1 billion middle-class consumers—50 years from now. You need to decide which sort of globalization strategy would work best for you: exportinglicensingjoint venture (or some other form of strategic alliance), or direct investment. Generally speaking—and given Gruizinga’s warning—what are the pros and cons of each option?
  2. As it happens, Celine Gruizinga is also Harley’s first-ever female country manager. She’s also an avid Harley rider. The company is targeting women buyers in sub-Saharan Africa, who already account for 26 percent of Harley riders in a region where the company reports “a significant increase in the number of both white and black women riders.” Interestingly, Harley is also targeting women in the United States. What kinds of marketing appeals might Harley make to female consumers in both markets? What kinds of appeals will probably have to be distinctive for each market? Why do you think more women are interested in buying Harleys?
  3. Nigeria has the largest economy in Africa. It’s oil rich, and the economy is growing rapidly, driven by agriculture, telecommunications, and services. The banking sector is strong. Unfortunately, Nigeria is also a serious security risk. How should Harley-Davidson proceed with any plans to do business in Nigeria? (“Cautiously” is a good answer, but try to be more thorough in analyzing the situation.)

Case References

  • Joris Fioriti, “Meet the Elephant’s Bikers, Côte d’Ivoire’s Version of Hells Angels,” Voices of Africa (South Africa), November 27, 2013,, accessed on January 1, 2017; Anthony Volastro, “Harleys, Hogs and Hells Angels Ride on Africa,” CNBC, December 5, 2013,, accessed on January 2, 2017; Elaine King, “Motorcycling: Harley-Davidson Rides into Africa,” Financial Mail (South Africa), May 22, 2017,, accessed on January 2, 2017; Zwelakhe Shangase, “Mike Rides in for Harley,” The New Age (South Africa), March 21, 2013,, accessed on January 1, 2017; Sulaiman Philip, “South Africa’s Black Middle Class on the Rise,” Media Club South Africa, November 22, 2013,, accessed on January 1, 2017; and “The World’s Fastest-Growing Middle Class,” UHY International, July 12, 2012,, accessed on January 2, 2017.

What are the options open to someone faced with an unwanted pregnancy?

You will write a 4–5-page paper in current APA format that focuses on 2 case studies from each week’s reading. Each paper must include at least 4 references in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible. Each week there is a different set of cases for you to review. You must review them separately following the instructions below:

Module/Week 8:

Review the following 2 cases separately.

· In re: Google, Inc. Gmail Litigation

· In re: Student-Athlete Name & Likeness Licensing Litigation v. Electronic Arts, Inc.

  1. State the facts of the case
    • What       happened in this case?
    • Who       are the parties?
    • What       motivated the parties to take this action?
    • List       the facts by level of importance.
  2. Discuss      the Issue:  Discuss the issues or      problems presented by the case. The legal issue is the question of law on      which resolution of the case turns. An issue should be presented in the      form of a question. While most cases revolve around a legal issue, you      should also consider issues of public policy, values in conflict, and      practical reality. For example, a case study involving abortion might      involve the following issues:
    • Legal:       Is abortion legal? If so, under what circumstances?
    • Public       Policy: Should abortion be legal? Why or why not?
    • Values       in Conflict: Which value is more important, a woman’s right to privacy or       an unborn child’s right to life? Why?
    • Practical:       What are the options open to someone faced with an unwanted pregnancy?       Where can someone in this situation go for help and advice?

3. Discuss the Arguments:  Now that you have defined the facts and issues, develop and discuss the arguments that can be made for each of the various points of view. For example, what are the arguments, both Pro and Con, for each point of view, which side provides the most compelling argument, and why, and what are the consequences?

  1. Conclusion:  Each of these cases has a court ruling. Do you      agree with the court’s decision (why or why not?). From a Christian      prospective, how does this decision impact Christianity and society? If      the impact is negative, what recommendations would you make to overcome      that impact?
  2. References:

Integration of Chapter Concepts to the Organizational Setting

Integrative Learning Project – General Instructions

You will submit a final version of your Integrative Learning Project on Walt Disney Studios The body of the paper must be at least 14 pages (title page, table of contents, abstract, references, and appendices are required but not included in the 14 page minimum) and incorporate at  least 10 sources.

· Title Page – COMPLETE

· Table of Contents – COMPLETE

· Abstract – COMPLETE

· Introduction – COMPLETE

· Organizational Setting – COMPLETE

· Integration of Chapter Concepts to the Organizational Setting


§ For each concept, provide a comprehensive description, what benefit it may offer to your organization, and what needs to be done in order to successfully implement this topic into your organization.

§ For each concept, integrate appropriate biblical references. Explain how these concepts magnify God’s plan for you.

§ This section of your project requires at least 14 pages of graduate-level content and analysis. No more than 1 block quote is allowed in the paper.

· Conclusion

o It should be no more than ½ page in length.

o Provide major recommendations and summative conclusion for the organization.

  • References: You must include at least 10 scholarly      sources formatted in current APA style. Each reference must be current,      having been published within the last 3 years, or, if older, must      contribute important information relevant to historical background.

See Attached Annotated bibliography if needed as a source for the references

  • Appendices: Include 3 well-developed and      professional documents. Appendices often include information that is      somewhat confidential, detail-oriented, and/or tends to change often. :
    • a. SWOT       Analysis

Strategic Analysis Data: This includes information generated during the external analysis (e.g., environmental scan) and internal analysis (e.g., SWOT analysis). It also includes a list of strategic issues identified during these analyses.

  • b. Budget       Planning

Budget Planning: This depicts both the resources as well as the required funding for obtaining and using the resources needed to achieve the strategic goals. Budgets are often depicted for each term of the year of the strategic plan.

  • c. Operating       Plan.

Operating Plan: This describes the major goals and activities to be accomplished over the coming fiscal year.

Submit the Integrative Learning Project – Final by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday of Module 8.

The Risk Management Department

Read “The Risk Management Department” case on pages 641–642 of your textbook. As you complete the analysis, address the topics below in your case analysis.

  1. Financial risk, strategic risk, operational-technical risk, and operational-safety risk represent project risk sources within an organization. Discuss each from a theoretical aspect.
  2. Evaluate which of the sources/risks above with which Cooper Manufacturing is involved. Explain the amount of risk associated with each.
  3. Explain scheduling techniques that Cooper Manufacturing might use to mitigate its risks.
  4. Explain specific tasks that Cooper Manufacturing should use to manage its project risks.

In formatting your case analysis, do not use the question-and-answer format; instead, use an essay format with subheadings. Your APA-formatted case study should be a minimum of two full pages in length (not counting the title and reference pages). You are required to use a minimum of three academic sources that are no more than 5 years old (one may be your textbook). All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased material must have accompanying in-text citations. A minimum of three in-text citations are required.


Managing Suppliers

Module 2: Managing Suppliers

This module unlocks the receiving department, putting players in charge of managing the supply chain and material inventories to meet client needs. (15 Turns). Please go to the assignment titled Unit 3 – Simulation for instructions on how to access the simulation.

To gain access to this module, please log in to your McGraw-Hill student account and select the MGMT345 Master (Cape & Cullen), then select “Click here to launch MH Practice.” On the next screen, select “Play” to gain access to the various modules. Find “Module 2: Managing Suppliers” on the list and select “Play Game.” From that point, follow the instructions in the simulation.

Primary Discussion Response is due by Friday (11:59:59pm Central).

Within the Discussion Board area, write 200-300 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

There are many reasons why a company should pay attention to their reputation as it relates to their future vendor relations and product supply costs and availability. Complete the following:

  • Discuss why it is important for organizations to manage their reputation by answering the following questions:
    • What impact could a poor quality product have on a company?
    • How does reputation help a company to be more competitive?
    • How do you think a company can improve their vendor and customer relations?
    • Summarize 3 examples of what goes into the reputation of a company.

Be sure to include your required references, and format your submission in APA format.

Business Plan

Final Business Plan Submission:
Using Assignments 2 and 3 as the basis of your final project
This is the first section of your business plan. This section of your business plan will also include the executive summary, which will be written last. This section of the business plan should be 2-3 pages. Most of this information will come from your assignment 2 submission.

Section 1: The Business Model

Executive Summary
Product or Service Description
Potential Customers
The Opportunity
The Owners
Legal Status of the Organization
This section of the business plan demonstrates the depth and breadth of your research. The bulk of this section will come from Assignment 2. It should be roughly 6 pages. Use bullets and concise language to keep it short and to the point. This is the section where you will want to include reference to your strategic tools such as SWAT, PEST, Porter’s 5 Forces and other appropriate tools.

Section 2: Feasibility Analysis

Site Issues
Home based business? Leasing/Renting/Ownership?
Industry & Market Potential:
Defining the industry – size, growth, potential
Who is the competition
Defining the market – potential customer base
How much of the market to reasonably expect
Protecting your business Potential:
Intellectual property
This section also relies heavily on your research, and should be roughly 2-3 pages in length. This research will support decisions you make to create your marketing plan.

Building Brand Image
Naming your business
Revenue Streams
What combination of things will you sell
Service/Product Strategy
Sales Process
This section requires some research, but relies mainly on your understanding of “how your business will run”. It should be roughly 4 pages in length.

Managing Space & Equipment
Special items? Where do they come from, how will you acquire them?
Office/Retail space
Managing the Process
Quality Control and Customer Service
Managing Information
Managing People
Managing Restrictions and Regulations
Financial Plan
This section describes how your business will manage its finances. This will include three years worth of pro-forma financial documents: Monthly Income Statement, Monthly Cash-Flow and Annual Balance Sheet. You will include a short synopsis (roughly two pages) of your financial projections but the bulk of the information will be in the form of a spreadsheet that you will attach separately.

How will I fund the business – Startup Costs
Cash position (based on cash-flow analysis)
How will the business manage finances – outsourcing.
Ratio Analysis
Spreadsheet including Income Statement, Cash-Flow, Balance Sheet

What is your own leadership style?

Additional Information: Earlier today, you attended a meeting with Shawn Williams, the new VP of global human capital management at Atlantis Global Corporation (AGC), and John Dawson, the company’s chief executive officer (CEO). John was very concerned about the financial losses at AGC. John’s main concerns were product market share and the threat of losing AGC’s market position as the top manufacturer of electronic circuit boards for high-definition television screens. However, John did not mention any issues relating to the employees who work at AGC. Last month, the general manager of one of AGC’s global subsidiaries told Shawn that it is difficult to recruit talent for AGC, that employees are not happy, and that many are leaving AGC to work for other organizations. Shawn discussed developing a new recognition-and-rewards program to attract talent, motivate employees, and improve job satisfaction. When Shawn brought the up human capital concerns at AGC in the meeting, John was not very interested and thought that employee-related issues are not critical to AGC’s performance. Shawn thinks that it will be challenging to work with John to implement a global human capital management strategy.

You and Shawn are scheduled to meet next week with John and the board of directors at AGC. Due to the urgency of the company’s situation, you and Shawn decide to create a briefing about the value and need for an optimized program for the management of global human capital.

Review the AGC scenario for this course and with your classmates; discuss the following questions that will help you and Shawn prepare for the briefing:

  • What are the differences between the leadership styles of Shawn and John? What are the pros and cons of each style?
  • What is your own leadership style? During the briefing, how will you use your leadership style to illustrate the intrinsic value of human capital?
  • What human capital management strategies will you recommend to John and the board of directors? What examples from other organizations can you provide to strengthen the board’s knowledge of global human capital trends and problems?