Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions with your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Library Assignment

Read the assigned chapters from the text, and use the CTU library or professional quality sources to describe how social media are used to reach current and potential customers. With an understanding that social media have transformed the way companies interact with customers across all demographic segments, address the following discussion points:

  • What are the differences between traditional marketing and marketing with social media?
  • How is the message conveyed differently between traditional media and social media?
  • Should the message be tailored to different demographic groups? Why?

You are required to write in an integrative manner that fully explores each discussion point, provides a thorough analysis of each, and uses research. All research is to be cited in the discussion and listed at the end of your post. A minimum of 3 scholarly or professional business references for support are required.

Note: Research is to be academic or professional in scope. Use of blogs, personal Web sites, corporate Web sites, wikis, or other social-media-related sources are not acceptable.

how the different demographic segments use and access social media.

how the different demographic segments use and access social media.

Use this week’s reading assignments and your research to write an in-depth analysis and perspective on how the different demographic segments use and access social media. Specific groups to be addressed are Generation X, Generation Y, Millennials, Baby Boomers, and 60+ market segments.

Items suggested for discussion can include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • The use and selection of technology for each segment
  • Types of messaging expected for each demographic
  • Use of the largest, most popular social networks, Web sites, and other social media sites for each demographic segment

Note: Research is to be academic or professional in scope. Use of blogs, personal Web sites, corporate Web sites, wikis, or other social-media-related sources are not acceptable.

This should be an APA-formatted paper with a title page and reference pages. A minimum of 3 full pages is required. Title and abstract pages do not count toward the page minimum. A minimum of 5 professional or academic references are required to support your paper and to provide additional discussion points

Describe yourself in entrepreneurial terms

Describe yourself in entrepreneurial terms

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 1,000 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Describe yourself in entrepreneurial terms using the ideas that are discussed in your reading. Choose at least 5 attributes from the following list:

  • Focused and committed
  • Positive outlook
  • Opinionated
  • Impatient
  • Likes simplicity
  • Autonomous
  • Aggressive
  • Copes well with uncertainty
  • Aloof
  • Opportunistic
  • Problem solver

Research and profile an entrepreneur who has inspired you in some way

Research and profile an entrepreneur who has inspired you in some way

Complete the following for this assignment:

  • Research and profile an entrepreneur who has inspired you in some way. This entrepreneur does not necessarily need to be famous. He or she can be a relative, a neighbor, or someone from your community. Demonstrate how this entrepreneur embodies at least 3 personality or behavioral traits of entrepreneurs.
  • What is your subject’s business?
  • How has your subject’s personality helped him or her to succeed in his or her chosen field?
  • Who does your subject credit with his or her success?

Deliverable Length:  1,200–1,500 words, not including interview transcript

operating systems and information on them

Pick one operating systems and present information on the operating systems.

Pick one of the below operating systems and present information on the operating systems, and your thoughts comparing the selected operating system with other systems. Explain with an example for each OS mangers. You will need to submit both your presentation and project paper (10-15pages Max) and showing your references and citations.

  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Unix
  • Android
  • iOS

ethical behaviors in high-profile events

This assignment involves relating ethical behaviors in high-profile events total of 400 words 200 per question, as well as examining regulatory and sustainability market approaches to business’s environmental responsibilities. Read each of the following questions before answering each one within a Word document.

  1. Based on the response to Hurricane Katrina, what is the relationship between inefficiency and ethical behavior for leaders? How could the response to the Hurricane Katrina disaster have been more effective, and thus more ethical? Your response must be at least 200 words.
  2. In considering the BP Oil Spill, what circumstances would ethically justify a government or private company in restricting information made available to the public during a disaster? At what point might other companies have an ethical right to intervene regarding environmental disasters? Your response must be at least 200 words.

In the Word document, list your answers one after the other. Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, and double-spacing. There is no need to include a title page nor a references page.

Identify the key customer(s) and at least two stakeholders for your project.

Project Proposal


This is the first of four assignments which, as a whole, will cover all aspects of the project life cycle relevant to your selected project. You have been selected to be the project manager (for a project of your choice). The project that you decide to use should meet the key criteria of a project:

  • Has a beginning and an end.
  • Results in something being delivered to someone.
  • Requires a series of activities that must be done to complete the project.
  • Requires resources (e.g., people, materials) to complete the work.

The project must be one of a professional nature and must last for at least 12 months.
Note: You are prohibited from using projects that can found on the Internet, including projects found on sites like Course Hero. All project submissions will be submitted to SafeAssign for review.


Write a 4–6 page paper in which you define the scope of your chosen project. In your paper you must:

  • Provide a brief summary of your chosen project.
  • Describe at least three project goals and three project objectives.
  • Identify the key customer(s) and at least two stakeholders for your project. Remember, you are delivering the project to your customer(s), however the stakeholders have a vested interest in your project.
  • Describe at least three key milestones and/or deliverables for your project.
  • Describe a high-level timeline that includes key tasks and deadlines.
  • Estimate the project’s overall costs and any key staffing and non-staffing resources needed.
  • Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Create a comprehensive project proposal that includes an overview, timeline, costs, and staffing requirements.

Managing Diversity and communication

Current Events Article

Post a link to your article and write a minimum of two paragraphs relating to the article. The first paragraph should be a quick summary of the article and the second paragraph should be about how the article relates to class and/or your personal experience. APA format is not required, but a reference is. The article must contain your point of view and does not have to be more than two paragraphs. Instructions are the same for all weeks. Can be article from online or library, please contain link to each article as well.

Week 6: Managing Diversity (2 paragraphs)

Week 7: Managing Communication (2 paragraphs)

Write a letter to the hiring manager explaining your acceptance of another offer

Letter 2: Negative Message


You are a recent college graduate and are applying for a number of jobs. Unfortunately, you receive two offers on the same day and need to accept one and decline the other. Write a letter to the hiring manager (see below) explaining your acceptance of another offer, keeping in mind the five goals of delivering bad news. You select the scenario that is most applicable to your current situation.


Review Chapter 11: Bad-News Messages


Use the modified block letter format for this assignment. There are two main ways to format a negative message letter; directly or indirectly. For this exercise, you will be utilizing the direct approach, since you do not need to maintain any formal relationship with the organization you are declining.

The format of your letter tells the reader a lot about you and your professionalism. Since you do not want to completely cut ties, it is important to leave a lasting respectful impression. Pay particular attention to your letter’s margins, line spacing, font type and size, and placement of letter parts such as the return address, date, inside address, salutation, complimentary close, and signature block.

The information for the job you are declining is Assistant Manager, Hilton Corporation.

The contact person for this position is Terrence Walters, Hiring Manager, Hilton Corporation, 555 SW 8th St., Miami, FL 33199.

Recommended Organization

Introduction/Opening: Begin your letter with the bad news. The indirect approach includes a buffer, however, the direct approach does not. Be sure to remain professional and concise in this section to not sound rude or ungrateful for the opportunity.


In the first paragraph of the body include your reasons for the decision, without too much detail about the other position. Having the right balance of ambiguity is respectful to the employer you are declining. Use creativity when developing reasons for taking the other position over theirs.

Maybe the schedule was more flexible or the other position better for your skillset. These are just a few examples to consider when writing this section. In the second paragraph, you can add a positive spin to the situation if you desire. This could be as simple as saying you’ll keep this employer in mind for future endeavors or that you will recommend a qualified friend who should apply for the position.


Begin your closing paragraph with a courteous transition and thank the employer for the opportunity. Conclude your letter by indicating how the reader may contact you if he has any question

Research peer-reviewed journal articles on how to achieve clinical quality in ambulatory care and identify best practices.

Ambulatory care encompasses a diverse and growing sector of the health care delivery system. Physician services are the chief components. Hospital outpatient and emergency departments, community health centers, departments of health, and voluntary agencies also contribute important services, however, particularly for underserved and vulnerable populations.

Today, patients have many options for how and where they spend their money. That includes selecting a health care provider. Hospitals seek to achieve the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award to excel in improving quality patient care and to be more competitive in health care. (For more information, see What is the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA)?)

St. David’s HealthCare reviewed its operations and knew it was critical for the organization to continually improve. St. David’s HealthCare adopted Baldrige criteria.


Recall, in the SWOT PowerPoint assignment, you were hired as the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of We Care Hospital and one of your first tasks was to conduct a SWOT analysis of the HIT system at the hospital. Review your SWOT. You have now been working at the health care facility for several months. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) would like to become more competitive in the health care market and to show their patients that they are one of the top-rated hospitals. The CEO asks you to review the Malcolm Baldrige requirements to help improve emergency room waiting times. Your research found a trend analysis at St. David’s HealthCare facility that earned them the Malcolm Baldrige Award. According to the ASQ Knowledge Center, in 2008, wait times were over 45 minutes and steadily declined to just over 15 minutes in 2014.


Write a three to four-page paper in which you:

  • Research peer-reviewed journal articles on how to achieve clinical quality in ambulatory care and identify best practices.
  • Analyze the triage status of emergency department visits in the United States. (Hint: See Figure 5-3 in the textbook.)
  • Provide a recommendation to the CEO on whether We Care Hospital operations can potentially meet the Malcolm Baldrige award criteria. Why or why not? Justify your response.
  • Use at least three recent (within the last five years) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.
  • Prepare a recommendation for achieving clinical quality in ambulatory care based on research of best practices.





HSA 545: Long-Term Care Management
