What is your opinion of online recruiting?

  1. What is your opinion of online recruiting?
  2. Find 3 articles that relate to online recruiting and clearly provide a summary for each article. Please state the articles when you are providing summaries. Please be sure these are clear summaries, not just throughout the paper.
  3. What is your opinion of online recruiting?
  4. What are some of the advantages of online recruiting as opposed to traditional recruiting?
  5. What are some of the disadvantages of using Zip recruiter specifically as compared to other online recruiting or traditional recruiting?
  6. Conclusion: Discuss whether or not you think that traditional recruiting still has a place in H.R.

Explain why it is important to use an interprofessional approach in treatment.

Steffanie lituco

  • Provide a full DSM-5 diagnosis of the client. Remember, a full diagnosis should include the name of the disorder, ICD-10-CM code, specifiers, severity, and the Z codes (other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention). Keep in mind a diagnosis covers the most recent 12 months:

F50.02 Anorexia Nervosa, Binge Eating/Purging Type, in partial remission

Z72.4 Inappropriate Diet and Eating Habits

Z60.0 Phase of Life Problem

Z62.820 Parent Child Relational Problem

  • Explain the diagnosis by matching the symptoms identified in the case to the specific criteria for the diagnosis:

Gina matches criteria for Anorexia Nervosa based on the following qualifying symptoms:

A- Not Present, as in scenario Gina’s doctor stated she was in weight range for Gina’s age.

B- Intense fear of gaining weight or of becoming fat.

C- Influence of body weight or shape on self-evaluation

Bing-eating/purging type- within the last 3 months has engaged in self-induced vomiting.

In Partial Remission- Disturbances in self-perception of weight.

  • Recommend a specific evidence-based measurement instrument to validate the diagnosis and assess outcomes of treatment. 

Client self-report Patient Health Questionnaire that covers depression, anxiety, alcohol, somatoform and eating disorder. This assessment is high sensitivity and specificity and is a valid and reliable in assessing the severity of depressive symptoms. It requires the client to be able to read and understand the questions which Cornell displays capabilities of doing so. This scale can also quantitatively assess responses to treatment and can catch any reductions of symptoms.

  • Explain why it is important to use an interprofessional approach in treatment. Identify specific professionals you would recommend for the team and describe how you might best utilize or focus their services.

Some people can benefit from a stand-alone service and others will need to be treated for their physical, psychological, nutritional and functional aspects of their eating disorder. All four of the mentioned components in treatment have to work together in order to show progress in one area which will enable and support progress in the other areas. Some like Gina who has an eating disorder might need a multidisciplinary response to her immediate presenting health problem being the eating disorder. Inviting Gina’s doctor (who can talk through the signs and symptoms of the eating disorder), a nutritionist (who can provide general support to people with eating disorders in relation to nutrition education) and a psychologist (who can conduct assessments and conduct counseling for other problems like social problems) can all work collaboratively in assessment, treatment planning and treatment review to ensure safe treatment options.

  • Explain how you would use the client’s family to support recovery. Include specific behavioral examples.

I would assist the family by encouraging and creating exercises that would demonstrate drawing the family closer together and to re0affirm their love and support for Gina or anyone with an eating disorder. Since Gina mentioned that her parents only reactions to her situation with her boyfriend being “there’s plenty of fish in the sea”, involving them in treatment can help Gina overcome any other barriers and resentments in that relationship by letting them be involved in the treatment process.

  • Select and explain an evidence-based, focused treatment approach that you might use in your part of the overall treatment plan.

I am going to jump from usually using CBT, to utilizing IPT (Interpersonal psychotherapy) as it contextualized eating disorder symptoms as occurring and being maintained within a social and interpersonal context. IPT is associated with specific tasks and strategies linked to the resolution of a specified interpersonal problem area. IPT can help Gina and even her family improve relationships and communications and resolve interpersonal issues in identified problem areas.

  • Explain how culture and diversity influences these disorders. Consider how gender, age, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and/or ethnicity/race affect the experience of living with an eating disorder.

There are cultures where they emphasis on being thin, especially if it linked to success. Across cultures there are different variations on the ideals of beaty as in some culture’s plumpness is considered more attractive and desirable. Attitudes and dynamics can contribute to the risk of a teen developing an eating disorder where they are focusing on high achievement, emphasis on being perfect, concerned about appearance, difficulty talking about or coping with negative emotions, worry about being accepted socially and or concerned about physical appearance.


F43.20 Adjustment Disorder Unspecified

F50.8 Other Specified Eating Disorder, Atypical Anorexia Nervosa

Z60.4 Social Exclusion or Rejection

Z91.5 Personal History of Self Harm

Gina is a 14-year-old white female who has experienced a breakup with her boyfriend after he decided to date her best friend.   She has been eating less which has caused weight loss and once Gina received compliments about her weight loss, she became focused on continuing to eat minimally.  She counts her food intake and plans at night what she will eat the next day to assure herself she will continue to lose weight.  Gina has topped eating family meals and also makes herself vomit if she believes she has eaten too much.  Gina denies there is a problem, denies depression and is still doing well in school.  Gina was seen by a doctor who stated she is thin but was not in abnormal range for weight.  However, her eating habits have caused her to have arguments with her parents, one of which she became very angry, screaming, and then cut her wrists.

The first place I considered for Gina’s mental health condition was the Decision Tree for Appetite Changes or Unusual Eating Behavior.  Following the boxes led me to consider Anorexia Nervosa as a diagnosis.  However, Gina did not meet criteria “A” because she does not have a low body weight.  She also does not meet criteria for Bulimia Nervosa, because she does not purposely eat larger than normal amounts of food.  The case notes states that she only makes herself vomit if she believes she has eaten more than she wanted.  Gina does not binge eat, only gets fearful she has eaten too much.  I then considered Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder.  It appeared to me that Gina met criteria for anorexia nervosa, except her weight is in normal limits.  The other criteria for anorexia nervosa Gina meets are criteria “B”, she has a fear of gaining weight with a persistent behavior to interfere with weight gain, and “C” she experiences undue self-evaluation regarding her body weight.  Therefore, her specifier is atypical anorexia nervosa.

Gina’s eating disorder did not appear out of the blue but was a reaction to a stressor in her life.  Gina met criteria “A” in that she developed symptoms within three months of the break-up.  She also met criteria “B” in that she has marked distress out of proportion to the severity of the stressor.  She also met criteria “C” in that her symptoms are not present due to a preexisting mental disorder.   Gina is not experiencing normal bereavement due to loss, so “D” is met.  I then had to pick a specifier keeping in mind that Gina is not having depressed mood, nor anxiety, nor a disturbance in emotions or conduct.  Therefore, I chose Unspecified because Gina’s reactions are not classifiable as one of the above subtypes.

I then considered the symptom of self-harm due to her cutting her wrists during an argument with her parents.  After reviewing the self-harm tree, I came to no conclusion, but the impulsivity tree led me to adjustment disorder, which I had already pinpointed.  I wanted to make sure the writs cutting was identified so I went to “Z” codes.  I chose history of self-harm due to this incident, but also came across social exclusion or rejection.  Gina’s whole experience started after her boyfriend broke up with her to be with her best friend, so she was rejected by both.

Importance of Using an Interprofessional Approach: Specific Professionals Recommended

The interprofessional approach is necessary when working with those who are experiencing symptoms of eating disorders.

It is important that the client and family is linking with a medical doctor to monitor physical health, a dietician to guide the client and family on nutrition, and the therapist/clinician to provide psychological interventions (Lewis & Nicholls, 2016).  If I were the clinician for Gina, I would have a consent for release of information obtained so that I, her medical doctor, and a dietician could keep close contact and work together on her treatment.   The doctor could possibly prescribe medication, the dietician would teach the importance of nutrients and a healthy diet, and I would provide appropriate psychological interventions.

Use the Client’s Family to Support Recovery: Specific Behavioral Examples

Gina should have individualized therapy to help her with coping skills, but it has also been proven important for a minors family to be involved in treatment in cases of Anorexia Nervosa (Lewis & Nicholls, 2016).  I have found an article that details family-based treatment (FBT) through adolescent anorexia nervosa.  The article recommends that families go through three stages.  In the first stage the clinician helps the parents develop a plan for restoring the adolescents health by taking over food and activity as well as being taught techniques to encourage their child to eat more.  This empowers the parents to take control and have family decision-making. In the second stage, when there is medical evidence of the child’s physical stabilization, the family gives appropriate control of food over to the adolescent and any other relationship issues are worked out in family therapy.  During the third stage, focus is on the impact the eating disorder has had on the family and recovery as a family unity (Bhatnagar, 2014).  I would choose to use this FBT as well as individualized therapy with Gina in addition to linkage with medical and dietician professionals.

Evidence-based, Focused Treatment Approach

As of 2015, the only evidence-based treatment proven to be effective for adolescents with anorexia nervosa was FBT (lock, 2015).  As stated above, I would use this treatment along with the interdisciplinary team of medical and dietician professionals.  However, I do believe it would be beneficial to have Gina participate in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).  Through CBT, Gina would learn how her thoughts of being overweight are negatively affecting her feelings and her behavior.  Aiding Gina in changing those thoughts would change the feelings and behavior once she learned appropriate tools (Turner, 2017).

How Culture and Diversity Influence Eating Disorders

It has been proven through past studies that culture and the associated beliefs and attitudes play a significant part in developing eating disorders (Miller & Pumariega, 2001).  Although eating disorders have been present in many places around the world, anorexia nervosa was previously thought to be rooted in western culture and has even been referred to as “culture-bound syndrome”.  As focus of a culture gears more towards physical appearance and fitting in with those in the environment increases in eating disorders are noticed.  Eating disorders have been recognized to be more present in various cultures than previously thought, especially where western culture and values are adopted.  Rates of eating disorders increase where focus on aesthetics become of value (Miller & Pumariega, 2001).

Bhatnagar, Ph.D., K. (2014). The Importance of Family Involvement in Adolescent Eating Disorder Treatment. Eating Disorder Hope. https://www.eatingdisorderhope.com/treatment-for-eating-disorders/types-of-treatments/family-therapy/a-family-force-field-the-importance-of-family-involvement-in-adolescent-eating-disorder-treatment

Lewis, B., & Nicholls, D. (2016). Behavioural eating disorders. Paediatrics and Child Health26(12), 519–526. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paed.2016.08.005

Lock, J. (2015). An Update on Evidence-Based Psychosocial Treatments for Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology44(5), 707–721. https://doi.org/10.1080/15374416.2014.971458

Miller, M. N., & Pumariega, A. J. (2001). Culture and Eating Disorders: A Historical and Cross-Cultural Review. Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes64(2), 93–110. https://doi.org/10.1521/psyc.

Turner, F. J. (2017). Social work treatment interlocking theoretical approaches. New York Oxford University Press.

Which innovation characteristics could apple leverage to manage resistance to the future generations of Apple watches?

Q1 Which innovation characteristics could apple leverage to manage resistance to the future generations of Apple watches?

Q2: Discuss the role of the propagation mechanism in reducing resistance to the Apple Watch.

Q3. What are the consumer characteristics that apple needs to influence to overcome consumer resistance to its smartwatch?

Q4. Discuss the barrier and sources of active and passive innovation resistance in the context of the Apple Watch.

Q5. Discuss various consumer segments that arise from variation in resistance.


Include a cover page, summary of case study, use questions as headings, answering them thoroughly incorporating your MBA knowledge, and citing all resources used.

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Starbucks is Pressured to Intervene in Airport Dispute

Please see the discussion question below. Must be 1-2 pages in length. CAN ONLY USE ATTACHED CLASS RESOURCES. APA format, in-text citation, and reference page.

Starbucks is Pressured to Intervene in Airport Dispute

Starbucks is caught in a workplace culture dispute between its airport store employees and HMSHost, one of its airport store operators, the NYT reports. Unite Here, a union representing airport retail workers, claims that at Starbucks’s airport stores had the following issues:

  • Median wages for black baristas are less than those for white baristas.
  • Managers purposely referred to transgender employees using incorrect pronouns.
  • Employees have been told to only speak English.

HMSHost denied all claims of discrimination. “Our fair treatment policy ensures an open and inclusive environment,” it said in a statement.

Why it matters: Workers at Starbucks’s airport stores aren’t technically employed by Starbucks. So while Starbucks corporate has grabbed headlines for employee bias training and expanded benefits, its franchise locations (like those run by HMSHost) aren’t included in those initiatives. Unite Here wants Starbucks to convince HMSHost to adopt those practices at its airport franchises.

Zoom out: Corporations have deflected blame for employee mistreatment to franchise operators. When accusations of sexual harassment at McDonald’s surfaced in 2018, the company argued it wasn’t liable for actions of employees at independent stores.

Help Starbucks determine the best course of action by supporting an argument from Week 1 – 7’s reading.

Riverbend City: Human Services Policy Outcome

Riverbend City: Human Services Policy Outcome

You have viewed and considered the social change controversy in the Riverbend City: Human Services Policy Outcome multimedia presentation. Discuss your proposal for an acceptable policy outcome from a human services professional’s perspective. Your perspective may be different from the Riverbend City community members, but take into account who defined the problem, how the policy was developed, and which entity was or should be charged with implementing the agreed-upon policy. What would be the possible consequences, from a human services professional’s point of view, if no policy was developed? Who would be the winners and losers if the policy is implemented?

Cultural Competence Profile – My Self-Assessment

Cultural Competence Profile – My Self-Assessment

Consider your responses to the 34-item self-assessment you completed in the studies section of this unit and compare them with your earlier ethnic identity assessment measurement from the Universal Ethnic Identity Scale (UEIS), 18 survey questions taken in Unit 1. Summarize:

  • Your understanding of your racial and ethnic identity.
  • Your pride and shame in your racial and ethnic identity.
  • How your racial and ethnic identity influences your cultural awareness of other groups, your cultural sensitivity to other groups, and your cultural action or advocacy for other cultural groups.
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Internet Mental Health Issues

Internet Mental Health Issues

In a two- to three- page paper (excluding title page and reference pages), describe the ethics and issues related to the use of the Internet to provide mental health services. Include guidelines from the National Association of Social Workers (Links to an external site.) and American Psychological Association (Links to an external site.) websites as well as the “Code of Ethics (Links to an external site.)” article for use of the Internet. Additionally, summarize the positions on practicing in states where the provider is not licensed, and the risks and benefits for the client and the professional.

Your paper:

  1. Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in your approved style guide.
  2. Must include a cover page with the following:
    1. Name of paper
    2. Student’s name
    3. Course name and number
    4. Instructor’s name
    5. Date submitted
  3. Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis.
  4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  5. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
  6. Must use at least three scholarly sources, published within the last 10 years.
  7. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your

Develop and write your personal mission statement. 

Assessment 1

• Develop and write your personal mission statement.


A well-written mission statement can provide the momentum and motivation to take a company to the next level. The same is true of personal mission statement. If you thought about yourself as a company, what would you say about yourself? What values drive you? What is your marketing message? What is your reason for doing what you do?

While many organizations have mission statements, few individuals do. What is the purpose of a mission statement? How is it created? What types of things should go into a mission statement?

A lot of thought and reflection should go into the drafting of a mission statement, whether for an organization or an individual. Drafting a personal mission statement forces you to think deeply about your life and your experiences and helps you identify what really matters to you. It also serves to help clarify your values and goals, which then allows you to create a strategic plan for achieving your goals.

Note: Developing a strategic plan requires specific steps that need to be executed in a sequence. The assessments in this course are presented in order and should be completed in sequence.

Develop and write your own personal mission statement. Be clear about your passion, values, goals, and philosophies. Once you have your mission statement articulated, explain how it:

• Expresses your image of yourself.• Expresses your values and philosophies.• Identifies what you have to offer.

Explain how your mission statement answers the following questions:

• What are your economic goals?• What is your philosophy in terms of quality and image?• What are your core competencies and competitive advantages?• What “customers” do you serve best?• How do you view your responsibilities to those who rely on you?

Format this assessment as a research paper, following current APA guidelines for both style and citing sources, making sure that you also use correct grammar and mechanics. There is no required minimum or maximum page length; however, you should strive to be as detailed as possible in addressing each bullet point while also being as clear and concise as possible.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

• Competency 2: Participate collaboratively and respectfully. o Explain how a mission statement reflects personal commitment to responsibility.• Competency 3: Communicate effectively. o Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.• Competency 4: Plan strategically. o Develop a personal mission statement.• Competency 5: Employ high-performance business management techniques. o Explain how a mission statement reflects personal philosophy of quality and image.o Explain how a mission statement reflects personal core competencies.o Explain how a mission statement reflects personal competitive advantage.o Explain how a mission statement identifies a target customer.• Competency 7: Use appropriate financial models and principles. o Explain how a mission statement reflects personal economic goals

Develop a long-term and a short-term plan for yourself using what you have learned about yourself through the SWOT analysis and environmental scan you completed. 

• Develop a long-term and a short-term plan for yourself using what you have learned about yourself through the SWOT analysis and environmental scan you completed.


Note: Developing a strategic plan requires specific steps that need to be executed in a sequence. The assessments in this course are presented in order and should be completed in sequence.

In business, having a plan is a critical element for growth and expansion. However, successful businesses do more than simply plan to earn millions within the next five years; they develop detailed plans that have realistic goals. Typically, these plans include both long-term plans and short-term plans.

Developing your personal long- and short-term plan can help you chart the road to your own success. A well-prepared plan can help you focus your professional efforts, identify resources to help you achieve your goals, prioritize the actions you need to take, and anticipate obstacles.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies:

• Competency 1: Create organizational value. o Describe long-term professional objectives.• Competency 2: Participate collaboratively and respectfully. o Describe the human resources available to achieve long-term objectives.• Competency 3: Communicate effectively. o Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.• Competency 4: Plan strategically. o Explain a short-term plan to achieve long-term objectives.• Competency 5: Employ high-performance business management techniques. o Explain how industry trends influence change.• Competency 6: Solve problems within professional standards. o Describe the skills necessary to achieve long-term professional objectives.o Describe strategies to overcome obstacles to long-term objectives.• Competency 7: Use appropriate financial models and principles. o Describe long-term financial objectives.o Describe financial resources available to achieve long-term objectives.

Note: Developing a strategic plan requires specific steps that need to be executed in a sequence. The assessments in this course are presented in order and should be completed in sequence.

Success in any endeavor requires focus, long-term planning, and effort. Most long-term objectives require short-term achievements.

Use what you have learned about yourself through the SWOT analysis and environmental scan you completed to develop a long-term and a short-term plan for yourself. Complete the following:

8. Start by describing your 5-year professional and financial objectives. o What title or position would you like to have?o Where would you like to be financially?9. Based on the results of your SWOT analysis and environmental scan, determine the following: o What skills do you need to develop to achieve your 5-year objectives?o Is your industry changing? What do you need to do to grow with it?o What resources do you have to help you achieve your 5-year objectives? (Hint: Resources can mean more than financial; are there people you know who can help you achieve your objective?)10. Now develop a short-term plan that will help you achieve your long-term objectives: o What will you need to accomplish each year to achieve your 5-year objectives?o What monthly/weekly/daily steps will help you reach your long-term objectives?o How will you address obstacles that occur along the way?

To successfully complete this assessment, you may need to do some research on developing long-term and short-term plans. Format this assessment as a research paper following current APA guidelines for both style and citing sources, making sure that you also use correct grammar and mechanics. There is no required minimum or maximum page length; however, you should strive to be as detailed as possible in addressing each point, while also being as clear and concise as possible.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies:

• Competency 1: Create organizational value. o Describe long-term professional objectives.• Competency 2: Participate collaboratively and respectfully. o Describe the human resources available to achieve long-term objectives.• Competency 3: Communicate effectively. o Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.• Competency 4: Plan strategically. o Explain a short-term plan to achieve long-term objectives.• Competency 5: Employ high-performance business management techniques. o Explain how industry trends influence change.• Competency 6: Solve problems within professional standards. o Describe the skills necessary to achieve long-term professional objectives.o Describe strategies to overcome obstacles to long-term objectives.• Competency 7: Use appropriate financial models and principles. o Describe long-term financial objectives.o Describe financial resources available to achieve long-term objectives.

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how should an organization’s strategy influence the business model?

Prior to beginning the discussion, read Chapter 1 of the course text for a tangible understanding of strategic methods. Read the UPS Holiday Season Fiasco: A Failure of Strategic Planning (Links to an external site.) article.

Strategic planning is crucial to an organization’s sustainability. According to Abraham (2012), how does strategic planning differ from strategic management, and where does planning fit in the development of a strategy? According to research, how should an organization’s strategy influence the business model?

After you have read the UPS Holiday Season Fiasco: A Failure of Strategic Planning (Links to an external site.) article, describe the problems in UPS and FedEx’s strategic planning process. Supporting your findings, how did the fear of losing market share affect the implementation and management of their organizational strategies? Research UPS and FedEx and describe the strategic changes made since the 2013 event. Based on the strategic models described in the course text, what type of strategy supports growth and sustainability during an ever-expanding or changing demand?

Guided Response: Your initial post must be specific and significant. The initial post must be between 300 and 350 words. You must support your post with at least two scholarly resources in addition to the text to defend your positions and findings. Use the Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) document for additional guidance.