In today’s class, individuals were broken out into one of four groups to work on one of the following questions:
Group 1: What is NIKE’s brand strategy, personality, and brand position? Who are their top three competitors and how do they differentiate their products?
Group 2: Create a FULL SWOT Analysis of NIKE
Group 3: Create a PESTEL analysis of NIKE
Assignment Part I
Depending upon the group you were in for this week’s assignment, submit what was required for your group, whether you were in the group working on the SWOT, PESTEL, or answering the questions given. You can use the materials your group came up with and you should include your own research, thoughts, and insights, expanding upon what your group did.
Assignment Part II
Please answer the following questions in clear, concise, and detailed paragraph format (thinking this will be a one-page summation):
Nike is considered to be one of the most recognized and reputable brands in the world. In the case that was assigned for this week, the focus was on Nike’s brand activism and the use of Colin Kaepernick. For those who haven’t yet seen the Dream Crazier video, I encourage you to watch it before writing your summation. The key message in the ad was “Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything”. This isn’t the first time Nike has taken a stand by using its brand as a message for activism whether focused on ageism, women’s rights, racism, or a host of other social ills. At the time of its release, there was great debate about whether Nike should continue to use Colin as part of their advertising or if they should “fire him” as a result of his taking a knee or seat at the presentation of the national anthem before sporting events. Nike was faced with a tough decision as the controversy around Colin was occurring while they were negotiating a contract with the NFL. There were many opposing viewpoints on the debate at the time with some feeling as though Nike should refrain from using him, while others thought the messaging and use of him as an ambassador was spot on.
Fast forward to today, with the events happening around the country, and around the globe in support of Black Lives Matter and overall a message of anti-racism. Nike just released its “For Once Don’t Do It” campaign ( ), making exceptional use of their brand statement “Just Do It” which has been around since 1988 in this new campaign.
Question 1
In your opinion and in light of what has happened over this past summer do you think Nike made the right decision to use Colin?
Question 2
Do you think they should continue to use their brand for activism or do you think they should refrain from doing so?
You need to support your opinion with reasoning and you also need to include what Nike’s brand strategy, brand message, and brand position are and how that influenced your opinion.
Case: 30 Points
Quality of Content and Detail for Part I and II: 25 points Grammar/Spelling/Punctuation: 5 points