Perform a vertical analysis of at least one item on the common-size  balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows you  prepared for the most recent year.

Perform a vertical analysis of at least one item on the common-size  balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows you  prepared for the most recent year.

  • Prepare common-size balance sheets, income statements, and  statements of cash flows for your chosen company for the latest 2 years.  Identify one company that competes with your chosen company, obtain  their financial statements for the most recent two years, and prepare  common-size balance sheets, income statements, and statements of cash  flows for your chosen company for the latest 2 years.
  • Explain why common-sized financial statements are a convenient way  to compare financial statement items within the same period, between  periods, and between competing companies.
  • Perform a vertical analysis of at least one item on the common-size  balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows you  prepared for the most recent year. Compare each item to the same item on  the common-size financial statements for the previous period and to the  same item on the common-size financial statements you prepared for the  competing company.
  • Discuss what this comparison tells you about your chosen company’s  current financial condition, how it compares to the previous year, and  how it compares with the financial condition of your chosen company’s  competitor.

Your initial response should be a minimum of 200 words.

When you purchase from online businesses, how do you know that a Web site is secure?

Answer the following questions in a Microsoft® Word document and save the file on your computer with your last name in the file. (Example: module_05_projects_Jones.doc)

  1. The computer lab of a local college needs a one-page document that it will distribute to its incoming students to increase their security awareness. After reading the information presented in this module and other sources, prepare a document, which should include a 10-item bullet list of the things that students must remember to reduce the risks of using information technology.
  2. After reading the information presented in this module and other sources, write a one-page paper about three high-profile companies that faced security breaches in the last two years. Identify two vulnerabilities that enabled hackers to break into these companies’ systems.
  3. Denial of service (DoS) is among the security threats that have been on the rise in recent years. After reading the information presented in this module and other sources, write a one-page paper that outlines four recommendations for dealing with this security threat. Cite three U.S. companies that have been among the victims of this security threat. What is the relationship between DDoS and IoT devices? Discuss.
  4. After reading the information presented in this module and other sources, write a one-page paper that lists three antivirus software applications; include one advantage and one disadvantage of each. Which one do you recommend for the student lab mentioned in Project 1? What are the bases for your recommendation? Is antivirus software alone sufficient to protect the security of a network? Why and why not?
  5. After reading the information presented in this module and other sources, write a one-page paper that identifies three companies (in addition to those mentioned in this book) that are using biometric security measures for authentication. Why has each company chosen this alternative over other security measures? What are two advantages and two disadvantages of biometrics as a security measure?
  6. After reading the information presented in this module and other sources, write a two-page paper that offers five recommendations for improving the security of online transactions. List two companies that provide preventive measures for e-commerce sites. What are included in their offerings? What are the costs? When you purchase from online businesses, how do you know that a Web site is secure?

Which vulnerability enabled hackers to breach the security system at Equifax?

In May 2017, it was revealed that Equifax has joined other high-profile companies including Marriott, Home Depot Inc., Target Corporation, Anthem, Blue Cross, and Yahoo! as a victim of cyberattacks. Equifax is one of the largest credit-rating companies in the United States and operates or has investments in 24 countries and employs over 11,000 employees worldwide. Hackers gained access to the Equifax network in mid-May 2017 and attacked the company for 76 days. In July 29, 2017, Equifax staff discovered the intrusion during routine checks of the operating status and configuration of IT systems. This was 76 days after the initial attack. Hackers accessed Social Security numbers, dates of birth, home addresses, and some driver’s license numbers and credit card numbers, which impacted over 148 million people. The security system at the company did not keep up with the aggressive company growth and the company failed to modernize its security system. According to the report the company did not take action to address vulnerabilities that it was aware of prior to the attack. According to Equifax, hackers exploited a software vulnerability known as Apache Struts CVE-2017-5638. This vulnerability was disclosed back in March 2017. There were clear and simple instructions of how to fix the problem from the software provider Apache. It was the responsibility of Equifax to follow the recommendations offered by Apache right away. According to Apache, software patches were made available in March two months before hackers began accessing Equifax data. In addition to the previously mentioned vulnerability, the hackers found a file containing unencrypted usernames and passwords. Hackers also found an expired security certificate on a device for monitoring network traffic. This indicated that Equifax did not detect that data was being stolen. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) report indicated that the hack took place because Equifax failed to segment its databases into smaller networks. This, in turn, allowed the attackers a direct and easy access to all of its customers’ data. As part of fixing the security issues the company hired a new chief information security officer, Jamil Farshchi, and has invested $200 million on data security infrastructure.

Answer the following questions in a Microsoft® Word document and save the file on your computer with your last name in the file. (Example: module_05_case1_Jones.doc)

  1. Which vulnerability enabled hackers to breach the security system at Equifax?
  2. Was the breach preventable? Discuss.
  3. How is the company going to stop future attacks?

systems analysts are involved in managing the implementation of information systems that address business problems.

Systems analysts are accountable for identifying, studying, and developing solutions to business problems. As a result, a systems analyst will collaborate with the stakeholders in the definition of systems requirements. Also, systems analysts are involved in managing the implementation of information systems that address business problems.

Consequently, this class’s final project focuses on delivering a system analysis of a business scenario (real or hypothetic) that can be addressed with the implementation of an information system. Hence, you will use the systems development life cycle (SDLC) as your project’s core methodology.

At a minimum, the project will have the following deliverables:

1. Title Page

2. Table of contents and page numbers indicating where the content it

3. Abstract (Executive Summary / Project Scope) (200 to 300 words)

It contains a summary of the project, including the conclusions and recommendations. Several paragraphs are generally used and should not exceed 500 words

4. Project Plan

a. Company Background (real or hypothetical). It must include a mission statement and the description of the organization or scenario under analysis

b. System Description

i. Problem Statement

ii. Describe the Purpose of the System

iii. Describe the Objectives and Scope of the System[JC1]

iv. Proposed Alternatives, [JC2]

v. Recommended solution (explain the rationale for choosing it) and conclusion

c. Feasibility Statement

i. Economic feasibility (Calculations in Excel/summary figure included in the written report)[JC3]

ii. Technical feasibility[JC4]

iii. Operational feasibility[JC5]

iv. Legal and contractual feasibility

d. Management Plan

i. Team setup

ii. Communication plan

iii. Resource requirements (time, personnel, tools, budget)*

iv. Risk Analysis

1. Type of Threats and quantitative or qualitative evaluation/classification or risk. A chart summarizing the risk analysis (Impact vs. Likelihood of unmitigated risk)

2. Events that can generate those threats

3. Actions that will be taken to mitigate or eliminate threats

e. Requirements & Analysis

i. Plan for requirements definition (interviews, surveys, meeting sessions)

ii. High-level functional and non-functional requirements described

f. Modeling

i. data flow diagrams context, and level 0, and additional level(s) (only if required by the instructor) and data dictionary description of functional primitives

ii. Use case and written description of the main system

iii. BPMN[1]  diagram of the process

iv. Decision table(s) and description of the table if needed (processes that apply / at least one)

v. Sample design of user interface (at minimum, assume you are designing for a desktop/notebook device). Wireframes and storyboards will be used

vi. Sample Design of output(s), report(s)

g. Implementation plan

i. Description of the implementation plan

ii. Gantt chart illustrating the project that supports your development

iii. Network Diagram and Critical path (CP)

iv. A description of how you will manage the CP

v. Test/conditions that you will need to include in a testing plan

vi. Security Considerations

vii. Maintenance activities that will be required

You will upload:

1. Word document with the project info

2. Excel file with economic feasibility

3. MS Project or ProjectLibre file with Gantt and Network Diagram

4. MS Visio or Draw.IO files

Please use MS-Word and format your document using Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman font, 12 pts, 1-inch margins on all sides, and two spaces between lines. APA citation style will be employed


[1] Business Process Management Notation


[JC1]I changed the word goals for objectives to make it more specific.

Scope description

Use a high level perspective and list what is this project supposed to achieve.  If there are things that are closely related describe why you did not include them in the scope.

Then list and describe the specific objectives to achieve and the functionalities of your project that will have to support those objectives


[JC2]For the given scenario there might be different alternatives. If that is the case describe what are those alternatives


[JC3]What tangible and intangible benefits are we getting?

What tangible and intangible costs are we incurring?

Present an economic analysis


[JC4]Do we have the know how of

Programming Languages

Database management Sysems

Web Development

Things that we will have to do to overcome.

· Do we get training, do we hire consultants?

· Is this intended to be outsourced for development or are we to  hire cloud services.

· Is our current software and hardware platform adequate>

If cloud services are going to be hired, what type of services IaaS, PaaS, SaaS? Provide and explanation for our choices


[JC5]Is the project supported by management?

Will we reduce our headcount? How do we manage the affected employees?

How will we organize training fo the users>

Do we have users involved in the development process? In what stages?

Do we need to change our operating procedures to implement the new system?

Will there be negative effects that could be experienced by users?

What risks are going to face? Make a matrix with the most important risks and impacts. (Included in section D)

Netflix’s Stock Performance

Discussion 1: Netflix’s Stock Performance – 2017-2018 AttachmentCOLLAPSE

Netflix’s stock price has seen sharp growth from Oct 2017 (see attached file). The company’s stock is valued at $184.45 per share on October 4, 2017. The price on April 3, 2018 is $283.67. This means, if you have invested $1,000 in Netflix in early October 2017, you would have more than $1,500 by Apr 2018.

Read Netflix’s letter to shareholders and this Wall Street Journal article on Netflix and briefly discuss factors contributing to its stock performance during Apr 2017 – Oct 2018.

You could also comment on previous posts in this thread or ask questions for others to answer, which also counts toward your participation.

Discussion 2: Netflix & International Accounting AttachmentCOLLAPSE

Refer to Netflix’s letter to shareholders and this WSJ article, discuss the problems that Netflix may have that are related to international accounting.

You could comment on previous posts in this thread or ask questions for others to answer, which also counts toward your participation.

Discussion 3: Netflix’s Stock Performance – 2020 AttachmentCOLLAPSE

Research recent news articles (using Google News) and briefly discuss Netflix’s recent stock performance. You can discuss (but not limited to) the following:

  • What may have caused the big drop in March
  • What are some factors that could explain the recent rally in Netflix’s stock price

Alternatively, name another company that you are familiar with, which is engaging in international trade/business. Briefly discuss what the company does and its recent financial performance. Include links/references if necessary.

You could comment on previous posts in this thread or ask questions for others to answer, which also counts toward your participation.

Systems analysts are accountable for identifying, studying, and developing solutions to business problems.

Systems analysts are accountable for identifying, studying, and developing solutions to business problems. As a result, a systems analyst will collaborate with the stakeholders in the definition of systems requirements. Also, systems analysts are involved in managing the implementation of information systems that address business problems.

Consequently, this class’s final project focuses on delivering a system analysis of a business scenario (real or hypothetic) that can be addressed with the implementation of an information system. Hence, you will use the systems development life cycle (SDLC) as your project’s core methodology.

At a minimum, the project will have the following deliverables:

1. Title Page

2. Table of contents and page numbers indicating where the content it

3. Abstract (Executive Summary / Project Scope) (200 to 300 words)

It contains a summary of the project, including the conclusions and recommendations. Several paragraphs are generally used and should not exceed 500 words

4. Project Plan

a. Company Background (real or hypothetical). It must include a mission statement and the description of the organization or scenario under analysis

b. System Description

i. Problem Statement

ii. Describe the Purpose of the System

iii. Describe the Objectives and Scope of the System[JC1]

iv. Proposed Alternatives, [JC2]

v. Recommended solution (explain the rationale for choosing it) and conclusion

c. Feasibility Statement

i. Economic feasibility (Calculations in Excel/summary figure included in the written report)[JC3]

ii. Technical feasibility[JC4]

iii. Operational feasibility[JC5]

iv. Legal and contractual feasibility

d. Management Plan

i. Team setup

ii. Communication plan

iii. Resource requirements (time, personnel, tools, budget)*

iv. Risk Analysis

1. Type of Threats and quantitative or qualitative evaluation/classification or risk. A chart summarizing the risk analysis (Impact vs. Likelihood of unmitigated risk)

2. Events that can generate those threats

3. Actions that will be taken to mitigate or eliminate threats

e. Requirements & Analysis

i. Plan for requirements definition (interviews, surveys, meeting sessions)

ii. High-level functional and non-functional requirements described

f. Modeling

i. data flow diagrams context, and level 0, and additional level(s) (only if required by the instructor) and data dictionary description of functional primitives

ii. Use case and written description of the main system

iii. BPMN[1]  diagram of the process

iv. Decision table(s) and description of the table if needed (processes that apply / at least one)

v. Sample design of user interface (at minimum, assume you are designing for a desktop/notebook device). Wireframes and storyboards will be used

vi. Sample Design of output(s), report(s)

g. Implementation plan

i. Description of the implementation plan

ii. Gantt chart illustrating the project that supports your development

iii. Network Diagram and Critical path (CP)

iv. A description of how you will manage the CP

v. Test/conditions that you will need to include in a testing plan

vi. Security Considerations

vii. Maintenance activities that will be required

You will upload:

1. Word document with the project info

2. Excel file with economic feasibility

3. MS Project or ProjectLibre file with Gantt and Network Diagram

4. MS Visio or Draw.IO files

Please use MS-Word and format your document using Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman font, 12 pts, 1-inch margins on all sides, and two spaces between lines. APA citation style will be employed


[1] Business Process Management Notation


[JC1]I changed the word goals for objectives to make it more specific.

Scope description

Use a high level perspective and list what is this project supposed to achieve.  If there are things that are closely related describe why you did not include them in the scope.

Then list and describe the specific objectives to achieve and the functionalities of your project that will have to support those objectives


[JC2]For the given scenario there might be different alternatives. If that is the case describe what are those alternatives


[JC3]What tangible and intangible benefits are we getting?

What tangible and intangible costs are we incurring?

Present an economic analysis


[JC4]Do we have the know how of

Programming Languages

Database management Sysems

Web Development

Things that we will have to do to overcome.

· Do we get training, do we hire consultants?

· Is this intended to be outsourced for development or are we to  hire cloud services.

· Is our current software and hardware platform adequate>

If cloud services are going to be hired, what type of services IaaS, PaaS, SaaS? Provide and explanation for our choices


[JC5]Is the project supported by management?

Will we reduce our headcount? How do we manage the affected employees?

How will we organize training fo the users>

Do we have users involved in the development process? In what stages?

Do we need to change our operating procedures to implement the new system?

Will there be negative effects that could be experienced by users?

What risks are going to face? Make a matrix with the most important risks and impacts. (Included in section D)

Global Finance and Free Trade Limits and Possibilities 

Global Finance and Free Trade Limits and Possibilities

Essay – Global Finance and Free Trade—Limits and Possibilities   

Considering  the readings, video presentations, and your own research, draft a  quality  6 pg. research paper on the logic, rationale, and effectiveness  of Global Economic Governance in accordance with the following prompts, answering in a separate or integrated manner as you wish.

  • Reasoning with clear ideas and examples, explain at least 3 reasons for the authority and legitimacy of the IMF and World Bank?  According to their defenders, what is their stated role and rationale?  In reverse, mention at least 3 criticisms of these institutions. Is  there a particularly Christian approach to international finance or  micro-finance, or might Christians split left to right on this issue?  Explain.
  • Reasoning with clear ideas and examples, discuss the pros and cons of the free trade  regime established after WWII. Most Western economists defend free  trade as a religious mantra, believing it a partial remedy for the ills  of inequality between peoples, states, and regions like the North-South  divide for example. Many Christians endorse free trade as one of the  only ways to reconcile capitalism, freedom, and Christian faith.  Providing 3 pros and 3 cons, offer a more balanced view of free trade.

compute financial statement ratios.

The purpose of the second part of the comprehensive project is to compute financial statement ratios. Based on the company you selected in Part I, complete the following:

Based on formulas in your textbook, compute the following ratios for two years. You may use Excel to compute your ratios.

Debt ratio

Gross profit margin

Free cash flow

Times interest earned

Accounts receivable turnover

Inventory turnover

Prepare a DuPont Analysis of ROE for two years, including computations of

Return on Sales

Asset Turnover

Return on Assets

Financial Leverage

Return on Equity


Briefly evaluate the ratio trends. Indicate on your worksheet whether each ratio is:

stronger / weaker

quicker /slower

more / less liquid

more / less risk

Write a 3-6 page report evaluating trends in all of the above ratios. Discuss whether your company’s profitability, efficiency, liquidity, and solvency are improving or deteriorating. Suggest ways the company can improve the ratios that show problems. The report should be well written with a cover page, introduction, the body of the paper (with appropriate subheadings), conclusion, and reference page. References must be appropriately cited.

Suggest a methodology to supplement the traditional methods for evaluating the capital investments of your selected company in the emerging markets to reduce risk.

  1. Use the Internet and/or Strayer Library to research a publicly traded manufacturing company of your choice. Review the current plans that your selected company has identified for capital investments in emerging markets. Note: You can find useful information on a company’s capital investment plans from their website and/or press releases.
    Write a 5–6-page paper in which you:

    1. Suggest a methodology to supplement the traditional methods for evaluating the capital investments of your selected company in the emerging markets to reduce risk. Provide a rationale for your suggested methodology.
    2. Assess one way in which inflation could potentially impact planned capital investments in emerging markets and examine one (1) approach to perform an accurate evaluation of the investments. Suggest how this knowledge may impact management’s decisions.
    3. Contrast the modifications you would make in evaluating the projects to increase internal capacity in the largest market in which the company currently operates with the modifications you would make in evaluating expansion projects into secondary markets. Suggest one way that this information will impact the decisions made related to expansion.
    4. Examine two benefits of using sensitivity analysis in evaluating the projects for your selected company. Suggest how this approach can provide a competitive advantage for the company.
    5. Use at least three quality academic resources in this assignment. Use the Strayer Library to conduct your research. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not qualify as academic resources.
    6. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
    • Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
    • This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
      The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
    • Create a recommendation for evaluating a company’s capital investments in emerging markets that includes the potential impact of inflation, modifications to evaluating projects, and benefits of using sensitivity analysis.
  2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.
  3. Institution Release Statement

Appraise valid sources of data in regards to sustainable energy (if any), skilled labor, raw materials, utilities, and shipping conveyances in the Atlanta area.


Describe the process of creating data sets.


You are the facility manager for EnVision, a high-tech vehicle maker located in Atlanta. This new company designs, manufactures, and sells electric vehicles and charging units. EnVision’s unique designs, technical prowess, and limited competition has placed them in the enviable position of having a high demand for their line of products. This demand has generated over a billion dollars in pre-sale orders, and facility expansion will be required to meet customer needs. Due to space limitations within the existing plant and surrounding property, the firm’s CEO, Mark Hammel, has asked you to assist him in selecting a new site that will accommodate a new state-of-the-art facility.

The CEO has stated that retention of current employees is paramount which limits your selection to the local area. He also stated that it would be highly desirable to use sustainable energy in the plant’s operations. Resources in the form of additional personnel, raw materials, utilities, and shipping conveyances also need consideration.


In a written memo to Mark Hammel, address the following issues in regards to your site research.

  • Appraise valid sources of data in regards to sustainable energy (if any), skilled labor, raw materials, utilities, and shipping conveyances in the Atlanta area. You must cite the source(s) of the data you use.
  • Discuss the relationships between the sustainable energy, skilled labor, raw materials, utilities, and shipping conveyances for a manufacturing facility in the Atlanta area.
  • Evaluate potential gaps or issues with the identified datasets. Share how you plan to go about closing these gaps, including identification of further sources of data or research that might be necessary.
  • Using Excel, organize your sources of data into datasets. Include as part of your submission.

Data Files

For this deliverable, please reference the following data files as necessary: