The Impending Crisis and the Civil War.

Comprehensive APA Analysis Paper

This week we studied The Continued Move West, The Impending Crisis and the Civil War. This week you will write a comprehensive APA analysis paper utilizing all the knowledge you have gained in HIS2000. Use what you have learned from the READ and ATTEND sections throughout the course (including unit 5) and at least three scholarly sources to address the items listed below (minimum 1000 words). If you need support on how to formulate your APA Analysis paper, you may refer to your APA Template under the Resource tab or contact the CPS Librarians. Please refer to your grading rubric for guidance. Upon completion you will click on the Dropbox tab to submit your paper for grading.

Be sure to use in-text citations, at least three scholarly sources. Do not self-plagiarize from the previous weeks.

  • Describe the conquest and development of the West between 1820 and 1850 by European Americans.
  • Discuss the arguments that took place over whether slavery should be allowed to expand into the new territories and explain how the Compromise of 1850 was supposed to settle the issue.
  • Explain why and how the southern states seceded from the Union. Discuss President Lincoln’s reaction, and describe the earliest physical conflict between the two sides. Now describe the events that led to the defeat of the South and the end of the war.

Domestic Impact of World War Two.

IDENTIFICATION:   [ 7 points each; 35 total] Briefly describe five (5) of the following items.  It is not intended that you write extensively or a fully essay as in the next section.  Two or three sentences giving a basic “what is it” identification will be sufficient.  Where appropriate, mention the context as well as significance or consequence of the item.  You should also include your own understanding of meaning, even if that wasn’t explicitly stated in the texts.   For example: What did the term “skyscraper” indicate?   A sufficient answer drawn from page 497 would be something like:

The term “skyscraper” came into use by the 1890s as the use of cast iron and steel beams and elevators made it easier to build taller buildings.  Before this, buildings had rarely been more than four stories high.  This limited the size of a city’s population and the growth of its businesses.  The Equitable Building in New York, completed in 1870, was over sever floors high and one of the first to have an elevator.  Towards the end of the century, buildings as tall as ten and twelve stories became common in the larger cities.  

It’s not perfect but would suffice.  You can, of course, write more.  Resist writing less.  The basic rule here is to give just enough information so the reader gets the basic idea. As always with narratives no matter how long or short, strength comes from coherent development, from not just slamming in information without tying it together.  Remember the “who, what, why, where, when, and how” rule.  Get as much of that in as appropriate.

1.  The Great Migration

2.  The Zimmermann Telegram

3.  Black Tuesday

4.  The passenger ship St. Louis

5.  The “Flapper” of the 1920s

6.  The Sedition Act of 1918

7.  The Tennessee Valley Authority

8.  The Indian Reorganization Act of 1934

9.  New York City’s Central Park as discussed in Kasson

10.  The War Relocation Authority’s “relocation centers”.


(Write on two (2) items.  20 points each; 40 points total; 15points for the basic discussion of the 5 Ws: the who, what, why, where, and when of the item; 5 points for a statement of its significance, impact, or consequence).   I recommend that you review the comments I made on your first the first quiz and Exam 1 and the General Comments posted on Blackboard.    These are worth a fair amount of points so I especially suggest you think about the various suggestions I’ve made on writing essays.

Try not to take the word “Short” too literally.  While it is not intended that you write extensively, you must write enough to demonstrate that you know the item and why it is important.  One or two sentences is not enough!   Be sure to make some statement about the significance, consequence, impact, or results of the thing in the context of the period examined by this exam.  That is, what is MOST important about it?

Note, however, that the statement of significance or importance is worth a substantial number of the points.   A blow-off “this was important because it was . . .” is not good enough.  You have to develop a discussion, not necessarily long-winded but one that clearly tells the reader why this item was significant and what its consequences were.  Keep in mind there are usually several reasons why something is important and there are both immediate consequences and long-term ones.  Don’t confine yourself to one thing.

Be sure to include dates and examples as appropriate.

For many of the items, I provide some prompts to guide your answer.  I do not intend that those are the only things you say about an item. Those merely are specific points you must incorporate into your answers.   Each discussion must describe the item, give enough context, and give a significance or consequence.

REMEMBER:  for each item, it is assumed you will discuss context, the 5 Ws of the item itself, and the significance.  The prompts are simply things that must be part of that larger discussion.

1.  The “Red Scare”.  What was the “Red Scare” and what caused it?  If the Red Scare was directed at any person or group, who were they?   Discuss some of the events that characterized the Scare.  What happened as a consequence?

2.   Technologies of Industrial War.   Both world wars saw dramatic advancements in the weapons and technologies of war-fighting.  Many of these revolutionized how armies and navies  fought and inflicted unprecedented casualties on both the fighting forces and civilians.  Describe about three on these from each war (so that would be about 6 total, even split).  Be sure to discuss what the weapon technology did, why it was different, and what the significance or consequences were.   Your examples do not all have to be in lethal application of force.  Rather, you could draw some from areas like logistics, communications, mass production, etc.

3.   Scottsboro Case – describe the particulars of the case but also, what does it say about the social attitudes of the time? How did it come out, both short- and long-term?

4.   The Chicago Exposition or World’s Fair.  What, when,and when was it?  What did the Exposition say about America, culturally and socially, at that point? Did the Exposition change American culture in any way and, if so, how?  It would be appropriate to contrast the central Exposition with the Midway.

5.   Domestic Impact of World War Two.   The war years between about 1940 and 1946 had significant impact on women and minority groups in the United States.  Discuss the experience of the war years on African-Americans, women, and one other minority group of your choice.   That is, your essay will discuss three different groups.

6.  The role of alliances in bringing on World War One.  By 1914, the major powers of Europe were entangled in a series of alliances.  Describe the basic structure of the “alliance system”, who was involved, the motivations of major powers, and how this led to a general war in Europe.  Eventually, there came to be two major war-time alliances.  What were they and who was included in which?

7.  Coney Island in retrospect.   Towards the end of Amusing the Million, Kasson discusses interpretations of what Coney Island meant to different observers.  For example, critics of the “genteel tradition” welcomed the cultural innovations that Coney Island represented while others saw its larger effect as a new form of subjugation of the masses, an “opiate” in the words of Maxim Gorky.  Kasson mentions at least three such differing perspectives.   Discuss and contrast these views of Coney Island cultural and social impact.

Was dropping the bombs on Japan just or unjust? Why?

Last week, we examined Japanese interment during World War II and thought about the connection between security and liberty. This week we will assess the dropping of the atomic bomb “Little Boy” on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, and “Fat Man” on Nagasaki three days later. As your book states, in March 1945, approx. 100,000 Japanese succumbed from firebombs in Tokyo, and by July 1945, 500,000 people had perished. There were more deaths in these five months in Japan than during five years of war in Europe, and the fighting that took place in the Pacific was among the most barbaric in the war. On July 26, 1945, Japan was given the option to surrender unconditionally but ignored the demand. On August 6, the United States dropped the first of the only two atomic bombs to be used during wartime. A port city of 400,000 people in southern Japan, Hiroshima was a center of war industries and a command center for Japanese homeland defenses. In other words, the city was a military target that, as your textbook mentions, had not yet been bombed. As the reading and video suggest, American intelligence and the experience of the island campaigns in the Pacific convinced leaders that casualties to Japanese civilians and Americans would be painstakingly high should the United States lead an offensive on the Japanese mainland.

For this reason, Truman wanted to avoid an invasion of the Japanese mainland. Also, historians have since concluded that intimidating Russia was another reason for dropping the bombs. To be sure, leaders underestimated the damage that the bombs would cause, and this is something that President Truman would later admit. The “Good War,” as it is often called, officially ended on August 15, 1945, with the Japanese surrendering. (yet, it still was not unconditional) As a result, the United States emerged as the most powerful and affluent nation in the world. The consequences of the war and the dropping of the most powerful weapons the world had seen marked the beginning of a new type of war that would influence foreign policy and last for nearly fifty years.

After completing the assigned reading in the textbook and Cougar Courses, and watching the videos, answer the following:

  1. Was dropping the bombs on Japan just or unjust? Why?
  2. When we consider the intelligence that many more Americans might have died had we continued onto the mainland, and even more Japanese would have perished, were the lives of Japanese civilians worth more than the lives of American military personnel?
  3. Was the use of atomic weaponry worth the Cold War and the subsequent arms race that followed?


“myth” of isolationism in the early 1920s

“myth” of isolationism in the early 1920s


Read the following Discussion question carefully, then submit an original answer.  Your answer should be at least a few sentences to a paragraph in length.  There is no “right” or “wrong” answer, but your opinion should be well-reasoned and based on fact.  (no references needed) this is just an opinion…

Our textbook talks about the “myth” of isolationism in the early 1920s.  Do you feel isolationism was a myth or real at this time.  If it was a myth, when do you feel it became a real force in American public opinion and policy?  Why?

Built-Tight is preparing its master budget for the quarter ended September 30


Built-Tight is preparing its master budget for the quarter ended September 30. Budgeted sales and cash payments for product costs for the quarter follow.

Sales are 20% cash and 80% on credit. All credit sales are collected in the month following the sale. The June 30 balance sheet includes balances of $15,000 in cash; $45,000 in accounts receivable; $4,500 in accounts payable; and a $5,000 balance in loans payable. A minimum cash balance of $15,000 is required. Loans are obtained at the end of any month when a cash shortage occurs. Interest is 1% per month based on the beginning-of-the-month loan balance and is paid at each month-end. If an excess balance of cash exists, loans are repaid at the end of the month. Operating expenses are paid in the month incurred and consist of sales commissions (10% of sales), office salaries ($4,000 per month), and rent ($6,500 per month).

Prepare a cash budget for each of the months of July, August, and September. (Round amounts to the dollar.)

Please explain your work in detail and provide in-text citations. Include the initial situation and the initial assumptions in your answer. At least 5 references are required among which one should be the textbook as the source of the data.

*Please refer to the Grading Criteria for Professional Assignments in the University Policies for specific guidelines and expectations.


1. Paper needs to be formatted in APA 7th edition

2. Explain your work in detail and provide in-text citation. 

3. Include the initial situation and the initial assumption in your answer.

4. Need to have at least 6 peer-reviewed articles as the references (Recommend to find the articles from proquest.

5. Need to include textbook as the references.

6. Please find the textbook and class PPTs in the attachment section.

7. Please find the example of the calculation for July in the attached screenshot “PA 2 Calculation Sample”

8. Please find the image of “Budgeted sales and cash payments for product costs for the quarter” in the attached.

how the United States and the international community are developing a common set of ethical standards

In recent years, there has been an effort to develop a common set of accounting standards for nations and firms doing business around the world. For the Final Project, you are to write a paper discussing how the effort for a global set of accounting standards has increased the motivation, or need, to establish a global set of ethical standards. Your paper should include a discussion on the history of the AICPA, the CPAO, and the IFAC and a thorough examination of corporate social responsibility frameworks including the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 Reporting Guidelines, the UN Global Compact’s Principles, and ISO 26000 Guidelines. You should address how the United States and the international community are developing a common set of ethical standards, specifically referencing the recent revisions of the AICPA and CPAO codes, and discuss some of the challenges faced by the governing bodies in their attempts to converge the standards. Make a recommendation on at least five fundamental guidelines that you believe should be included in a global set of ethical standards. The paper is to be 7–10 pages (of content) and prepared in accordance with APA guidelines. There should also be a title page, a 1–2-paragraph abstract, and a reference page showing a significant variety of current, relevant sources that are used and cited in the paper

describe the financial performances of WoodyTrain?

Jack Uzi, wholesale toys online, operates out of his office in his parents’ apartment, with 0 inventory. Every toy he sells is first purchased then re-sold, but only after the order comes through. You need to help him out with his bookkeeping. The following transactions occurred in October: a. Paid £500 for lease of computer equipment in advance for November b. Cash Sales of £4,847. (for stuffed animal) c. Cash sales of £4,486 (for Educational Toys) d. Cash sales of £4,702 (for Video Games) e. Cash Sales of £1,827 (for Pretend-play toys) f. Purchase of office supplies on account from Bing’s Office Supply, £416. g. Withdrawal by owner (Jack Uzi) of £1,600. h. Payment on account (Bing’s), £390. i. Payment of wages with cash, £2,500. j. Payment for cleaning services with cash, £74 k. Payment to purchase stuffed animal, £4,044 l. Payment to purchase Educational Toys, £3,547 m. Payment to purchase Video Games, £4,169 n. Payment to purchase Pretend-play toys, £1,382  Further, he has account balances for the beginning of October as follows: Cash £ 2,000 Accounts Payable, Bing’s Office Supply Hut £ 75 Office Supplies £ 75 Jack Uzi, Capital £ 2000 Instructions 1. Prepare books of original entries (Sales journal, purchase journal, cash journal) 2. Prepare the general ledger 3. Jack checked his bank balance and he noticed that his actual cash balance was £20 less due to overdraft fees, make the necessary adjustments 4. Prepare a trial balance for October 31 2017 5. Prepare a cash Flow Statement for October 31, 2017 6. Prepare an Income Statement for the period ending October 31, 2017 7. Prepare a Balance Sheet for October 31, 2017 Problem 2 (ACs3.1, 3.2 & 3.3) WoodyTrain has the following income statement (see attachment for details)  Instructions 1. Using the usual ratio categories (Liquidity ratios, Solvency ratios and Profitability ratios), classify the following ratios ▪ Current Ratio ▪ Acid-Test Ratio ▪ Debt-Equity Ratio ▪ Profit Margin ▪ Return on Owners’ Equity 2. Calculate the following ratios ▪ Debt-Equity Ratio ▪ Profit Margin ▪ Return on Owners’ Equity 3. Based on the information provided and your ratio, how would you describe the financial performances of WoodyTrain? Summative Delivery • Completion of tasks 1 and 2 • Indicative word count 3000 words

Determine the material variances using the Excel template provided.

In this assignment, you will be looking at both material and labor variances for Dr. Mitchell Olander’s Orthodontic practice and providing the doctor with recommendations based on your analysis.

Dr. Mitchell Olander has established a standard of 4 labor hours per device.   He pays his technician $25.00 per hour even though the market rate for technicians is $23.00 per hour since the technician has over 10 years of experience.   During the most recent month 1,280 devices were made and it actually took the technician about 60% more time to make these devices. In addition, Dr. Olander changed to a new vendor for the material that goes into the devices.  He was paying $17.20 per unit but the new vendor is selling the material for $15.00 per unit.  Each device typically takes (standard) 3 units of material to make but Dr. Olander notices that this month it actually took 5 units of material per device.

Prepare a 6 page narrative report (including exhibits) in Microsoft Word (using the template provided) with at least 2 scholarly sources. You will embed a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet with your calculations into your Word document. Follow the template provided for the calculations. The narrative explanation requires the use of proper APA format, complete sentences and citations in APA format. Written in third-person perspective. New Times Roman, Size 12.

1. Determine the material variances using the Excel template provided. Be sure to calculate total quantity.

2. Determine the labor variances using the Excel template provided. Be sure to calculate total hours.

Review the results and discuss what these results indicate to you as a manager and how you will use this information to assist Dr. Olander making future decisions about the materials and labor costs used in his practice.  Be sure to include in your discussion a detailed explanation how you would investigate the unfavorable variances further and/or how you plan to improve performance in areas with unfavorable variance.

Submit your work in the “Week 6 Case Format Template.docx” document embedding the calculations from the “Week 6 Case Excel Template.xlsx” spreadsheet provided.

outline your marketing objectives

For your Milestone 2 paper about your chosen organization, you will outline your marketing objectives, describe any research you would do, and describe your target market(s). Paper length: 3-4 pp. not including title page and references.

Your text does not go into exhaustive detail on marketing objectives, but they really form the basis of your marketing plan. You should read the box on page 249 of your text on how to tell a good objective from a bad one. Basically: specificity and detail. It does not reference SMART objectives, but all the pieces of SMART are there: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound. If I give you feedback on your Milestone 2 paper that you have not been specific enough, you will need to rectify that before incorporating Milestone 2 into your final paper.

Remember, papers may only be submitted as Word documents.

PLEASE NOTE: These milestone papers and your final marketing plan are not intended to be “term papers” in which you simply report what has already happened. What we are looking for is your analysis and your ideas. Your assignment is to identify a company with a marketing problem that needs to be solved, and develop a marketing plan of your own to solve the problem.

Discuss the implications of each of these account changes

Discuss the implications of each of these account changes

  • Prepare a comparative balance sheet, income statement, and statement  of cash flows, and perform a horizontal analysis of the company’s  balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows for the  most recent 2 years. Identify at least one significant change (increase  or decrease) from one year to the next in a balance sheet account,  income statement account, and statement of cash flows account.
  • Identify the causes of the change in each of these accounts.
  • Discuss the implications of each of these account changes, and your  assessment of the company based on these changes. Do these changes  reflect positively or negatively on the company, and what is your  assessment of the outlook for the company?

Your initial response should be a minimum of 200 wordsDiscuss the implications of each of these account changes