Systems analysts are accountable for identifying, studying, and developing solutions to business problems. As a result, a systems analyst will collaborate with the stakeholders in the definition of systems requirements. Also, systems analysts are involved in managing the implementation of information systems that address business problems.
Consequently, this class’s final project focuses on delivering a system analysis of a business scenario (real or hypothetic) that can be addressed with the implementation of an information system. Hence, you will use the systems development life cycle (SDLC) as your project’s core methodology.
At a minimum, the project will have the following deliverables:
1. Title Page
2. Table of contents and page numbers indicating where the content it
3. Abstract (Executive Summary / Project Scope) (200 to 300 words)
It contains a summary of the project, including the conclusions and recommendations. Several paragraphs are generally used and should not exceed 500 words
4. Project Plan
a. Company Background (real or hypothetical). It must include a mission statement and the description of the organization or scenario under analysis
b. System Description
i. Problem Statement
ii. Describe the Purpose of the System
iii. Describe the Objectives and Scope of the System[JC1]
iv. Proposed Alternatives, [JC2]
v. Recommended solution (explain the rationale for choosing it) and conclusion
c. Feasibility Statement
i. Economic feasibility (Calculations in Excel/summary figure included in the written report)[JC3]
ii. Technical feasibility[JC4]
iii. Operational feasibility[JC5]
iv. Legal and contractual feasibility
d. Management Plan
i. Team setup
ii. Communication plan
iii. Resource requirements (time, personnel, tools, budget)*
iv. Risk Analysis
1. Type of Threats and quantitative or qualitative evaluation/classification or risk. A chart summarizing the risk analysis (Impact vs. Likelihood of unmitigated risk)
2. Events that can generate those threats
3. Actions that will be taken to mitigate or eliminate threats
e. Requirements & Analysis
i. Plan for requirements definition (interviews, surveys, meeting sessions)
ii. High-level functional and non-functional requirements described
f. Modeling
i. data flow diagrams context, and level 0, and additional level(s) (only if required by the instructor) and data dictionary description of functional primitives
ii. Use case and written description of the main system
iii. BPMN[1] diagram of the process
iv. Decision table(s) and description of the table if needed (processes that apply / at least one)
v. Sample design of user interface (at minimum, assume you are designing for a desktop/notebook device). Wireframes and storyboards will be used
vi. Sample Design of output(s), report(s)
g. Implementation plan
i. Description of the implementation plan
ii. Gantt chart illustrating the project that supports your development
iii. Network Diagram and Critical path (CP)
iv. A description of how you will manage the CP
v. Test/conditions that you will need to include in a testing plan
vi. Security Considerations
vii. Maintenance activities that will be required
You will upload:
1. Word document with the project info
2. Excel file with economic feasibility
3. MS Project or ProjectLibre file with Gantt and Network Diagram
4. MS Visio or Draw.IO files
Please use MS-Word and format your document using Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman font, 12 pts, 1-inch margins on all sides, and two spaces between lines. APA citation style will be employed
[1] Business Process Management Notation
[JC1]I changed the word goals for objectives to make it more specific.
Scope description
Use a high level perspective and list what is this project supposed to achieve. If there are things that are closely related describe why you did not include them in the scope.
Then list and describe the specific objectives to achieve and the functionalities of your project that will have to support those objectives
[JC2]For the given scenario there might be different alternatives. If that is the case describe what are those alternatives
[JC3]What tangible and intangible benefits are we getting?
What tangible and intangible costs are we incurring?
Present an economic analysis
[JC4]Do we have the know how of
Programming Languages
Database management Sysems
Web Development
Things that we will have to do to overcome.
· Do we get training, do we hire consultants?
· Is this intended to be outsourced for development or are we to hire cloud services.
· Is our current software and hardware platform adequate>
If cloud services are going to be hired, what type of services IaaS, PaaS, SaaS? Provide and explanation for our choices
[JC5]Is the project supported by management?
Will we reduce our headcount? How do we manage the affected employees?
How will we organize training fo the users>
Do we have users involved in the development process? In what stages?
Do we need to change our operating procedures to implement the new system?
Will there be negative effects that could be experienced by users?
What risks are going to face? Make a matrix with the most important risks and impacts. (Included in section D)