Evaluate interaction between decisions and operational results.


Choose one of the following two assignments to complete this week. Do not complete both assignments. Identify your assignment choice in the title of your submission. Note that while there are two options for this Critical Thinking Assignment, there is only one grading rubric. Review the rubric to confirm that you are meeting the assignment requirements.

Option #1: Review the Capsim Mini-Case Study entitled “Production”

The Capsim simulation is designed to offer you a strategic perspective on the interaction between decisions and operational results. When making Capsim decisions, your team must be alert to the potential challenges associated with production capacity. Many businesses fail to recognize the organizational constraints that may limit growth and create a business risk.

Review the Capsim Mini-Case Study entitled “Production.” To access Capsim case studies, click “eText and Cases” from the left navigation menu, as shown below:

Consider the following questions to ensure you have the necessary production capacity to meet your Capsim team goals:

  • How can you optimize the limited resources your company has available in order to meet demand?
  • Should you hire more employees?
  • Should you utilize forced overtime?
  • Is there increased investment in automation?
  • Should you bring in additional production equipment?
  • What is your strategy to ensure adequate capacity, and what are the possible financial consequences for the company?

Address each of these considerations in your paper.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 5-6 pages in length, excluding the title and references pages.
  • Be formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA.
  • In addition to course resources, use the CSU-Global Library to find three additional resources to support the position you take.

Be sure to check out the CSU-Global Online Research and Writing Lab. Here you can find:

  • Writing considerations and tips
  • Writing resources
  • Sample papers
  • An APA Template for writing assignments

Option #2: Review the Capsim Mini-Case Study entitled “Strategy”

In the Capsim simulation, you receive clear information about customers’ requirements and how they change over time. This allows you to anticipate exactly where a new product should be placed to best capture market share throughout the simulation. Even knowing that, however, doesn’t make the implementation simple.

Review the Capsim Mini-Case Study entitled “Strategy.” To access Capsim case studies, click “eText and Cases” from the left navigation menu, as shown below:

Internal process Flowcharts

Internal processes of a company contribute to the company’s overall effectiveness. Identifying ways to improve internal processes helps build a highly efficient organization. Root causes need to be identified. Methods to identify root causes may require substantial analysis or be apparent based on a major problem within the organization.

For example, review the assigned article, “Inside Chipotle’s Contamination Crisis: Smugness and Happy Talk About Sustainability Aren’t Working Anymore,” from Bloomberg Businessweek. Research several other sources regarding Chipotle’s food contamination crisis. Create a flowchart of the original supply chain and how Chipotle supplies each of the restaurant chains. Provide your own commentary. Create another flowchart that suggests a new way to supply the restaurant chains.

Review another restaurant chain that does not currently have a major public problem but would benefit from evaluating its manufacturing process to improve competitiveness. Specifically, provide recommendations on how to improve the company’s current supply chain. Create a flowchart to illustrate your recommendations. Provide a summary of how you came to your recommendations. Include any formal strategies and informal thought processes you used to reach your conclusions. Provide rationale for either using or not using Six Sigma methodology, ISO quality benchmarking, lean supply chain processes, or TQM.

Submit all three flowcharts and commentary for each flowchart in a single document. Provide three to five resources to support your response.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Controversial Issues in Criminal Justice Administratio


Midterm Essay Question: As a student of human resource management in criminal justice organizations, you have studied the potential effects and cost associations of section 1983 Liability lawsuits arising out of the violation of certain protected Civil Rights. Many times such civil liability risks can be handled with confidence gained through well-informed personnel who have been well trained in the topic. The author of the article you are to read for this essay provides a well-versed paper on the basics of Section 1983 Liability. This article is 8 pages with 29 additional informational pages. Please use accordingly to properly prepare a full and adequate response. This is a policy issue that will have long-term effects on your department. To adequately respond to the question, you will need to write at least 3 pages (not including the title, abstract, and resource pages.) APA Format. As you write your essay, keep these questions in mind: • How much training is enough? • Do I need an attorney to teach this to my personnel? • How often should it be taught? • Should a department policy be updated with each new case? • What policy will you recommend to your chief executive (police), your warden (corrections), your commissioner (state police), your sheriff, and/or any executive role with which you must deal?


Evaluate The guidance system of a ship

Problem 4S-5 The guidance system of a ship is controlled by a computer that has three major modules. In order for the computer to function properly, all three modules must function. Two of the modules have reliabilities of .97, and the other has a reliability of .87.   a.What is the reliability of the computer? (Round your answer to 4 decimal places.)     b. A backup computer identical to the one being used will be installed to improve overall reliability. Assuming the new computer automatically functions if the main one fails, determine the resulting reliability. (Round your intermediate calculations and final answers to 4 decimal places.)    c. If the backup computer must be activated by a switch in the event that the first computer fails, and the switch has a reliability of .92, what is the overall reliability of the system? (Both the switch and the backup computer must function in order for the backup to take over.) (Round your intermediate calculations and final answers to 4 decimal places.)  Determine the availability for each of these cases:   a. MTBF = 60 days, average repair time = 6 days. (Round your answer to 2 decimal places.)    b. MTBF = 290 hours, average repair time = 11 hours. (Round your answer to 2 decimal places.)   Problem 4S-19 Determine the availability for each of these cases:   a. MTBF = 60 days, average repair time = 6 days. (Round your answer to 2 decimal places.)   b. MTBF = 290 hours, average repair time = 11 hours. (Round your answer to 2 decimal places.)   Problem 4S-21 A manager must decide between two machines. The manager will take into account each machine’s operating costs and initial costs, and its breakdown and repair times. Machine A has a projected average operating time of 139 hours and a projected average repair time of 6 hours. Projected times for machine B are an average operating time of 69 hours and a repair time of 5 hours. What are the projected availabilities of each machine? (Round your answers to 3 decimal places.)     Availability Machine A Machine B

Discuss Influence of Politics and Power

Discuss Influence of Politics and Power

Create a double spaced  5 to 7 page report that addresses the following


In business, power and politics greatly influence an organizational culture in turn hinder organizational productivity. In your role as consultant you observed power and politics influence on the corporate culture.

Influence of Politics and Power

Explain how politics and power – play may have influenced the  organization’s


Sources of Power

Explore the sources of power and describe how management could use this

influence to benefit your department and improve organizational


Leadership Behavior and Culture

Make recommendations that support how the study of power  and politics

could influence leadership behavior and improve  the organization’s


Leadership Influence

Discuss the importance and complexity of leadership behavior.

How does it influence organizational structure and performance?

References and Citations

Provide at least 2 quality resources.

In text citations are required when paraphrasing or quoting another


Formatting and Writing Standards

Formatting and writing standards are part of your grade.

Align your formatting to the APA Writing


Business communication

Meeting notices should include the:

A. day, date, time, and location; and an agenda.

B. name of the committee or meeting group; day, date, time, and location; purpose of the meeting, and an agenda.

C. name of the committee or meeting group; day, date, time, and location; and a agenda.

D. name of the committee or meeting group; day, date, time, and location; purpose, any other applicable information, and an agenda.

Question 12 of 20

The last paragraph(s) of formal and informal minutes should:

A. be initialed by the president.

B. focus on the important business of the day.

C. give the date and time of the next meeting as well as the time of adjournment.

D. indicate the time the meeting was called to order by the facilitator.

Question 13 of 20

A type of equipment that allows a facilitator to write, draw, or type to a board and print the information is a(n):

A. computer.

B. overhead projector.

C. electronic writing board.

D. electronic paging system.

Question 14 of 20

An advancement in technology that allows a variety of people to come together for a meeting without being in the same location is:

A. electronic paging.

B. the World Wide Web.

C. videoconferencing.

D. a graphics presentation.

Question 15 of 20

To make sure that attendees are prepared for a meeting, the meeting notice usually includes:

A. the menu for the meal function.

B. an itemized list of the Board’s expenses.

C. a list of materials to bring to the meeting.

D. the date of the next meeting of the Board.

Question 16 of 20

Minutes that are written in chronological order are in the order in which the:

A. business was conducted.

B. participants suggested topics.

C. topics were received.

D. reports were given.

Question 17 of 20

For effective meetings, an agenda should be:

A. distributed at least three to five days before the meeting.

B. not distributed at all.

C. mailed to the participants.

D. posted prior to the meeting.

Project Scope Management

Prior to beginning work on this learning activity, review the learning activities and assignments where you will be working through the project you choose. These are: (1) Week 2 learning activity – Project Planning: Project Scope Management, (2) Week 3 learning activity Time and Cost Estimation Exercise, and (3) Week 5: Final assignment

Next, read pages 98-102 from Chapter 3 of your text. Additionally, read ProjectLibre—Project Management Software Alternative to Microsoft Project (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., and watch the Learn the Basics of ProjectLibre—Your Quick Start to Project Management With ProjectLibre (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. video. You will be using this software throughout this course.

Over the next five weeks, you will be working on a project of your choice, which will eventually become part of the Final Paper in which you create a Project Management Training Manual. This week, you are in the project initiation stage of project management, where you will choose your project and propose it to the class. Come up with a project idea that you would like to complete during this class. You can start by downloading and completing the “PRM300 Week 1 Project Selection Form”Preview the document located in your online classroom. In this form, you will identify a clear project name, define the problem that you are trying to solve as a problem statement, and create a project charter statement.

Additional project selection criteria:

  • Your project must last at least two weeks.
  • Your project team must have at least five members.
  • Your project budge must be at least $5,000.
  • Your project must have at least 12 tasks.

Tip: Over the next few weeks, you will be sharing your project with your classmates so make sure you choose a project that you can both explain to others and break down into manageable tasks and subtasks. For more information, please review the “PRM 300 Week 1 Project Selection Form Sample”Preview the document and the Weekly Lecture located in your online classroom.

Once you have completed your Project Selection Form, embed a copy of it into this discussion thread so the entire class can see your work without downloading anything. For help on embedding an image into the Canvas discussion forum, review the video tutorials How to Embed Images Inside Canvas’ Discussion Threads (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and How to Use Snipping Tool in Windows 10 [Tutorial] (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Guided Response: Read at least two of the project proposals by your classmates and provide feedback on these proposals. Are the proposed projects and their parts clear and easy to understand? Do they pass the “airport test” discussed in the Week 1 Weekly Lecture? What can be done to make them clearer? After reviewing (1) the final assignment, (2) the week two learning activity (Project Planning: Project Scope Management), and the week three learning activities (Time and Cost Estimation Exercise), do you feel that your chosen project is able to meet the Final Paper and Learning Activities requirements? Identify any potential concerns or difficulties. Ask any questions needed for clarification. Your replies should be at least 100 words and add to your peers’ body of knowledge. Initial replies need to be made early in the course week to provide suggestions and feedback to other students in a timely manner. Continue to monitor the discussion forum until 5:00 p.m. on Day 7 and respond with robust dialogue to anyone who replies to your initial post.


1- What are some of the means by which borrowers raise capital?  What is the unit of measure by which borrowers calculate the cost of borrowing and by which lenders calculate their rate of return on money loaned?

1-9 The president of Southern Semiconductor Corporation (SSC) made this statement in the company’s annual report: “SSC’s primary goal is to increase the value of our common stockholders’ equity.” Later in the report, the following announcements were made:

a. The company contributed $1.5 million to the symphony orchestra in Birmingham, Alabama, its headquarters city.

b. The company is spending $500 million to open a new plant and expand operations in China. No profits will be produced by the Chinese operation for 4 years, so earnings will be depressed during this period versus what they would have been had the decision been made not to expand in China.

c. The company holds about half of its assets in the form of U.S. Treasury bonds, and it keeps these funds available for use in emergencies. In the future, though, SSC plans to shift its emergency funds from Treasury bonds to common stocks.

Discuss how SSC’s stockholders might view each of these actions and how the actions might affect the stock price.

1-3 Suppose three honest individuals gave you their estimates of Stock X’s intrinsic value. One person is your current roommate, the second person is a professional security analyst with an excellent reputation on Wall Street, and the third person is Company X’s CFO. If the three estimates differed, in which one would you have the most confidence? Why?

Health Care Finance

Case Study: Chapters 9 to 12.

ObjectiveThe students will complete a Case study assignments that give the opportunity to synthesize and apply the thoughts learned in this and previous coursework to examine a real-world scenario. This scenario will illustrate through example the practical importance and implications of various roles and functions of a Health Care Administrator. The investigative trainings will advance students’ understanding and ability to contemplate critically about the public relations process, and their problem-solving skills. As a result of this assignment, students will be better able to comprehend, scrutinize and assess respectable superiority and performance by all institutional employees.


Students will critically measure the readings from Chapters 9 to 12 in your textbook. This assignment is planned to help you examination, evaluation, and apply the readings and strategies to your Health Care organization, and finance.
You need to read the article (in the additional weekly reading resources localize in the Syllabus and also in the Lectures link) assigned for week 4 and develop a 3-4 page paper reproducing your understanding and capability to apply the readings to your Health Care organization and finance. Each paper must be typewritten with 12-point font and double-spaced with standard margins. Follow APA format when referring to the selected articles and include a reference page.



1. Introduction (25%) Provide a brief synopsis of the meaning (not a description) of each Chapter and articles you read, in your own words that will apply to the case study presented.

2. Your Critique (50%):  Case Study

To say hospital and health system operating margins are different today than they were a decade ago may be an understatement. Medicare reimbursement reductions, cuts to state Medicaid programs and rising tides of uncompensated care have created an atmosphere where some hospitals, particularly smaller, community hospitals, are simply happy with a break-even balance sheet.

The environment is unlikely to change in the short term. The super committee was unable to reach a bipartisan agreement to cut $1.2 trillion over 10 years, and it will cause sequestration cuts of 2 percent to Medicare starting in 2016.

While 2012 may appear to be a grim time for hospitals to keep their finances positive, there are several things hospitals can do to go beyond just maintaining solvency. Hospitals and health systems essentially have two options: They can either cut costs or create new revenue streams. Here, several healthcare leaders share their thoughts on how this can be done and offer one recurring theme: Hospital and healthcare leadership needs to evaluate a multitude of planes rather than relying only on across-the-board savings cuts.

Production And Operations Management

In the event that any outside resources are used, those should be cited in APA format. Submissions should be a maximum of 500 words or 125 words per question/prompt.

  1. What are you research interests in the area of business? Why are you inspired to research in this area, and why do you think it is important to research in this area?
  2. Why did you select to pursue a doctoral program in Business? Why did you select University of the Cumberlands?
  3. As an individual, what are your strengths and weaknesses? How will these impact you as a doctoral business student?
  4. Where do you see the practice of business heading, and where do you see yourself in leadership after obtaining a doctorate from UC impact your contributions to the practice of business?In the event that any outside resources are used, those should be cited in APA format. Submissions should be a maximum of 500 words or 125 words per question/prompt.
    1. What are you research interests in the area of business? Why are you inspired to research in this area, and why do you think it is important to research in this area?
    2. Why did you select to pursue a doctoral program in Business? Why did you select University of the Cumberlands?
    3. As an individual, what are your strengths and weaknesses? How will these impact you as a doctoral business student?
    4. Where do you see the practice of business heading, and where do you see yourself in leadership after obtaining a doctorate from UC impact your contributions to the practice of business?