Case Study (Marketing)
Read the two Wall Street Journal articles:
- Campbell Rethinks Soup as It Prepares to Enter Russia and China (PDF)
- Campbell Soup To Exit Russia (PDF)
Question 1: Why did Campbell’s soup fail to attract the Russian soup market in spite of favorable initial market research results and a seemingly suitable product for the targeted market? (Response length: 1 paragraph)
- Instructions: Identify, define, apply, and underline three (3) relevant concepts from chapters 1, 3, 4, and/or 8 in your response to question 1. Avoid vague generalizations. Be specific and stick to what the question is asking. Avoid irrelevant arguments. Be sure to analyze this issue from the viewpoint of international marketing strategy (segmentation, target market, product development, marketing research, etc.) and the marketing environment.
Question 2: What could the Campbell’s soup company have done differently to successfully attract Russian consumers to its product? (Response length: 1 paragraph)
- Instructions: Be specific and use accurate terminology to describe your strategic recommendation. For example, if you recommend a product formulation change, then you should use product strategy-related terminology.
Question 3: Why would your proposed solution improve Campbell’s chances of success? (Response length: 1 paragraph)
- Instructions: Identify, define, apply, and underline two (2) relevant concepts from chapters 1, 3, 4, and/or 8 in your response to question 3. Avoid vague generalizations. Be specific and stick to what the question is asking. Avoid irrelevant arguments. Be sure to analyze this issue from the viewpoint of international marketing strategy (segmentation, target market, product development, marketing research, etc.)
- 1-inch margins, single-spaced 10- or 11-point Arial font.
- Label each section of your paper using the question numbers (1, 2, 3, etc).
- Proofread. Each and every spelling error, grammar error, and/or incorrect term usage after the fifth (5th) occurrence will incur a 1 point deduction from the total assignment score.
*Feedback and grades will be posted within 1-2 weeks of your submission.
Use clear, concise sentences in your postings. Think through your ideas. Check grammar and spelling.