- Identify topic for research paper!
- The completed research paper is due no later than 6:00PM on Saturday, 10/31/2020 via Blackboard.
Guidelines for paper:
- Papers should be 5 to 8 pages long and cover a topic relevant to this class that is interesting, useful and thought provoking.
- Papers must have at least 3 references cited.
- Papers must be typed, double-spaced, and font size 12.
- Create a short presentation based on your paper (no more than 10 minutes using Microsoft PowerPoint or any other software).
- Students making oral presentations will be given extra credit.
my layout of the paper
- The background of calisthenics
- Where it was originated
- Who was it made for exactly
- Benefits for Calisthenics
- How often are these workouts used by normal people vs athletes
- Workout regimen
- Intensity
- Workouts
- Can you just start off doing Calisthenics if you never worked out ?
- First timers vs experience
- How long does it take for you to get comfortable with calisthenics
- Mental strength vs body strength
- Diet
- Do you eat less or you eat more food?
- Do you consume a lot of carbs ?
- How many meals a day should be recommended?
- Can you hurt your body while performing calisthenics vs weight workouts ?
- Are you prone to get hurt while performing these exercises?
- Which workout takes longer to recover from ?
- Which helps create muscle