Entries by Sarah Kaelo

Build navigation and controls that users would find intuitive.

Part B: Prototype Note: The prototyping guidelines addressed in the Required Resources for this assessment will help inform your prototype development. For this part: Build a prototype that suits the goals and expectations of customers who will be using it. Your prototype should provide the look and feel of your user experience, with all of the following […]

How has the IoT been impacted by the pandemic?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming increasingly popular in both business and everyday life. Explain what the Internet of Things (IoT) is and provide a brief history, in your own words, of the IoT. Discuss the potential impact that IoT can have on how people live. Select a company and explain how the organization […]

Evaluate how controversial topics should be addressed by critical thinkers

how to properly open an Introduction (approximately 150 words) Introduce readers to your topic. Include a brief preview of what you will accomplish in this paper. First Argument (approximately 200 words) Present the best argument on one side of the issue. Put your argument in standard form, with the premises listed one by one above the conclusion. […]

Getting security requirements implemented.

Provide your thoughts and understanding of requirements: 1. Who consumes requirements? 2. Getting security requirements implemented. 3. Why do good requirements go bad? Answer the questions with an APA-formatted paper (Title page, body and references only).  Your response should have a minimum of 500 words.  Count the words only in the body of your response, […]

The Open Group has created an Enterprise Security Architect certification.

#Please review the text book attached At the end of your textbook on page 385, the author mentions several “encouraging security architecture developments”: The Open Group has created an Enterprise Security Architect certification. One of their first certified architects has subsequently created a few enterprise security reference architectures. The SANS Institute hosted three “What Works […]

Write an SQL statement to display the SKU

Home>Information Systems homework help databaseIT 2.40 Write an SQL statement to display the SKU, SKU_Description, WarehouseID, WarehouseCity, and WarehouseState for all items stored in the Atlanta, Bangor, or Chicago warehouse. Do not use the IN keyword. 2.41 Write an SQL statement to display the SKU, SKU_Description, WarehouseID, WarehouseCity, and WarehouseState for all items stored in […]

produce SQL code which scrubs and imports each of the three years’ worth of data

PLEASE READ ATTACHMENT FIRST FOR DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS AND SCREENSHOTS. The details for this assignment are attached. Here are the basics: Attachments: · 2017_product_data_students-final.csv · 2018_product_data_students-final.csv · 2019_product_data_students-final.csv · Candy_part_1_skeleton_for_students.SQL Your company wants to merge its old product order data into a new data mart to facilitate analysis. You have been tasked with writing an ETL […]

how the tools would be used during the entire implementation process.

Revise and expand sections of an EMR Implementation Plan to address how you will use the techniques you have learned thus far: Agile and 6-Sigma, data visualization and handling difficult people and conversations. This is a team project. This project should fully address the potential benefits of new methods to the overall EMR deployment and […]

 Descriptive Research Study10.- Instruments

 Descriptive Research Study10.- Instruments – (Worth 6-points) 11.- Research procedures – (Worth 6-points)1 2.- Data Analysis – (Worth 6-points) NOTE1: You are not required to collect data from the primary source. Make sure you don’t state in your paper that you have collected data through interviews. If you mention in you paper that you have […]