Entries by Sarah Kaelo

how effective is the Carnegie Classification at characterizing the institution you have selected?

discussioneducation   how effective is the Carnegie Classification at characterizing the institution you have selected? Starting in 1970, the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education developed the Carnegie Classification of colleges and universities to support its program of research and policy analysis. It is widely considered the leading framework for recognizing and describing the diverse types […]

Describe the governing board according to statute and policy.

Paper Topic: Santa Barbara Community College For this question, complete the following: 1. Describe the governing board according to statute and policy. 2. Appraise the most recent accreditation discussion on the governing board. 3. Summarize your observations of the board meeting you observed.   1. Include any observation of specific roles played by any member of […]

how community colleges have changed since the early years and how they are now more than ever in the spotlight.

how community colleges have changed since the early years and how they are now more than ever in the spotlight. Use attachment to help with answer. College: Santa Barbara Community College In Reed’s 2017 article, “Community Colleges, Shared Governance, and Democracy,” several questions are discussed about community colleges. In the article, the author mentions how […]

you will synthesize the information about indoor environments

The AssignmentReview what each of these age groups seeks developmentally. From there, you will synthesize the information about indoor environments, including the perspective that outdoor environments are an extension of the indoor environment, to discuss opportunities in the outdoor environment for mobile and non-mobile infants, toddlers, and twos.  For example, in the lecture, you learned […]

Evaluate a Quantitative Study

Final Project, Part II: Evaluate a Quantitative Study For Part II of your final project, you will comprehensively evaluate an article of your choice that reports on a quantitative study. (Remember, a quantitative study uses numbers as data.) Locate an article in the professional literature that addresses a topic you are interested in. Remember to use […]

Why do students need to learn information literacy?

Information Literacy and You [WLO: 2] [CLO: 1] Prepare: Read Module 1 in your course textbook and At Sea in a Deluge of Data from the Chronicle of Higher Education. Complete the TATIL Exam (Links to an external site.) and view your report. Accessibility Statement: If you have a disability that impacts your ability to successfully participate in this or any other […]

What similarities or legacy do you see of the educational policies implemented during the 1983-1993 reform period to today’s reforms?

What similarities or legacy do you see of the educational policies implemented during the 1983-1993 reform period to today’s reforms? 4 PAGES OR APPROXIMATELY 1100 WORDS EXCLUSING COVERPAGE AND REFERENCES DEADLINE 10 HOURS MAXIMUM APA FORMAT 0% PLAGIARISM Purpose: After reading Tyack & Cuban: Tinkering Toward Utopia, Chapters 3 and 4, and Spring: The Politics of American Education, […]

Ethical Parameters Paper 

Ethical Parameters Paper Assignment Content Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that describes the potentially important ethical considerations of beneficence, autonomy, and justice for a study (either a study you used for a previous assignment in this course or your proposed dissertation study). Review the instructions for accessing the IRB Application via IRBNet as a resource to address […]

Document Analysis Paper

Document Analysis Paper [due Mon] Assignment Content Choose a construct or process, such as motivation, empowerment, isolation, goal-setting, problem-solving, and so forth, using your Wk 5 TV observation and your interview data set from Wk 6 as possible sources of context. Find an archive of transactional documents that contain evidence of your chosen construct. Transactional documents may […]

Describe some of the strategies implemented by the U.S. government to improve the U.S. economy during the Great Depression (1929-1941)?

. Describe some of the strategies implemented by the U.S. government to improve the U.S. economy during the Great Depression (1929-1941)? Provide specific examples of President Roosevelt’s New Deal programs or legislations. What drug law reforms were made during this era and why? What economic programs did the U.S. government undertake during the 1930s to […]