Entries by Sarah Kaelo

Write a professional memorandum outlining

  This is a continuation of the Disciplinary Assignment Part 1. Students read the following journal articles found in the Reading and Study section of Module/Week 7. Judge, Lisa A. (November 2005). Disclosing Officer Untruthfulness to the Defense: Is a Liars Squad Coming to Your Town?. The Police Chief, 72(11). Serpas, Ronal, & Hagar, Michael. (August […]

“Great Composers and Color Analysis”

HUM 112: World Cultures II: Discussion  question Wk 7, Week 7 DiscussionCOLLAPSEOverall Rating: “Great Composers and Color Analysis” Please respond to one (1) of the following, using sources under the Explore heading as the basis of your response: Please respond in a primary posting of at least 200 words. In addition, please make a substantive comment of at least 100 words to […]

elements of negligence and apply them

elements of negligence and apply them A strength and conditioning coach for ABC University was instructing a basketball player on the proper technique to lift weights. In the middle of the instruction the coach’s cell phone went off and he left the weight room to take the call. While the player continued to lift weights, […]

discuss how multiculturalism and diversity impact the application of those philosophical approaches by the criminal justice groups

discuss how multiculturalism and diversity impact the application of those philosophical approaches by the criminal justice groups Regardless of the philosophical approach one embraces with regard to the criminal justice system (due process vs. crime control, consensus or conflict model, or individual rights vs. public order), the police, courts, and correctional components must operate within […]

A.  Analyze and explain specifically how and why GC could face risks under product liability for use of EPI cleaning products to clean GC clients’ commercial property. 

During a monthly Lunch and Learn Seminar at TLG offices, all TLG business consultants are discussing various client cases.  During the Discussion of GC’s new business, the group discusses the following question: Whether GC should resell EPI cleaning products from its public place of business and over the internet, or whether the risk of potential […]

Summarize the facts associated with Johnson Bank v. George Korbaken Company.

Summarize the facts associated with Johnson Bank v. George Korbaken Company. Read Case 40.3, Johnson Bank v. George  Korbaken Company, LLP. 472F.3d 439. Web2006 U.S. App.Lexis 31058 (2006) United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. Using the IRAC Method of briefing cases found in the Appendix, prepare a document that outlines the legal […]

to research, analyze and apply tort law. 

Purpose- THIRD PERSON WRITING ONLY The purpose of this project is to research, analyze and apply tort law. This project requires you to identify and assess legal issues, apply law to facts and make recommendations.  The issues will relate to the concepts covered in weeks 1, 2, and 3 about the legal environment of business […]

various types of contract agreements relevant to their business.

Background:  Contracts are essential for business, and will be an integral part of GC operations, so the owners now want to focus on contract law.   Each of the owners has experience with contracts in their own businesses, and appreciate the probable risks and liabilities associated with contracts. The GC owners know that there are various […]