Entries by Sarah Kaelo

make an argument about this novel’s importance as a historical source as it relates to Japanese internment during World War II. 

Write two well-formed essays (with introduction/thesis statement, body paragraphs with topic sentences, and conclusion) addressing the following two prompts: 1. Primary Source Analysis: Using the 6 C’s of Primary Source Analysis as a guide, make an argument about this novel’s importance as a historical source as it relates to Japanese internment during World War II. What themes, background information about […]

economic disaster the magnitude of the Great Depression

economic disaster the magnitude of the Great Depression Instructions: Read the following Discussion question carefully, then submit an original answer.  Your answer should be at least a few sentences to a paragraph in length.  There is no “right” or “wrong” answer, but your opinion should be well-reasoned and based on fact.  (no references needed) this […]

World War II and the global impact of the war

This week, we are examining World War II and the global impact of the war. Along the homefront, the war stimulated the economy and helped to end the depression. In order to fully mobilize and support the war efforts, American’s accepted as part of their daily lives the rationing of basic commodities such as rubber, […]

Discuss the American Revolution’s impact on slavery.

 part A:Take notes on the ones you choose. Provide a summary with some supporting facts and details. Conclude your paper with at least one paragraph with your response or thoughts about the program Papers must be typed, include a Title Page, 12 font, Times New Roman for font style, and a minimum of one full […]

Why was it so difficult to resolve such issues as the spoils system, the tariff, and bimetallism, which consumed congressional energies in the late nineteenth century?

Why was it so difficult to resolve such issues as the spoils system, the tariff, and bimetallism, which consumed congressional energies in the late nineteenth century? Introduction There are four sections in this exam, with four questions each. You are required to answer only one question in each section. Be sure to include as much […]

Souls of Black Folk

Book: Souls of Black Folk is due tomorrow (October 29th) by 11:59 p.m. 2 pages should do more than inform the reader as to what the book is about. Truly effective book reviews provide a critical analysis of the author’s core argument and the ideological structure of the book. In the reviews that you will […]

 A Streetcar Named Desire as a prose narrative from Stella’s perspective

The Assignment (Wide Sargasso Sea’s of Jane Eyre BOOK) For this assignment, you will write a creative piece which takes the perspective of a character or persona other than the main character or persona of a text, taking Wide Sargasso Sea’s revision of Jane Eyre as an extended example. You may also choose to narrate a portion of a […]

historical significance

*****PLEASE REVIEW THE ASSIGNMENT BEFORE CONTACTING ME****** For this assignment, you need to visit the National Archives DOCSTeach site. Historians typically use two types of materials, secondary source, and primary source documents. Secondary sources are typically books and articles written on a particular historical event, well after the fact. Primary source documents are usually generated by first-hand […]

Does the history of the cotton kingdom support or undermine the Jeffersonian vision of white farmers on self-sufficient farms

historyenglish Please read Chapter 12 – Cotton is King: The Antebellum South, 1800–1860 – and submit a text response to two of the following questions by Monday, November 9 at midnight. This a low-stakes assignment, meaning that I want you to start thinking about these questions and preparing for answering complex historical questions on the exams. Compare […]