Entries by Sarah Kaelo

Formulating Research Questions

Discussion: Formulating Research Questions Research problems can come from a variety of places. A topic can come up during a discussion with a colleague that motivates you to want to learn more about it. You may have a question for which you cannot find an answer, so you decide to conduct a research study in […]

Explain how the problem can be addressed within the social welfare system

THIS IS MY FINAL ASSIGNMENT WHICH CORRELATES EACH ASSIGNMENT I HAVE ATTACHED. I ADDED FEEDBACK AND GRADES ON PAPERS TO MATCH TO GET AN A ON THIS. This final assignment will be one that culminates the learning of this course and will be built on the previous assignments. Because of this, it is important to […]

Scientism in the Arts and Humanities

Carefully read Roger Scrouton’s essay “Scientism in the Arts and Humanities,” and choose a different question from the previous discussion in the research project list and answer it in relation to an issue in philosophy and technology according to theses of these two articles. Please only reference Scrouton’s essay and refrain from personal opinions. Your […]

Apply Freud’s, Erikson’s, or Maslow’s theory to discuss

The final paper reflects a culmination of your learning throughout this course. Choose one of the following two topic categories: Your life journey The life of a historical figure, such as Florence Nightingale, President John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Ghandi, or Muhammad Ali. (These are just examples; select your example from any period and […]

Ethics in Crisis Assessment and Intervention

Required Readings James, R. K., & Gilliland, B. E. (2017). Crisis intervention strategies (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. Chapter 1, “Approaching Crisis Intervention”“Characteristics of Effective Crisis Workers” (pp. 23-25) “Rewards” (p. 25) Chapter 3, “The Intervention and Assessment Models” (pp. 48-72) Chapter 15, “Legal and Ethical Issues on Crisis of Trauma” (pp. 518-545) National Association of […]

 one important fact each about two different military branches

  While many military personnel may internalize the core values of their perspective branches, not every service member does. Some personnel respect and embrace the values immediately, while others do so over time, and some never do. Some military personnel join, but leave after their first contract, while others remain in the service for many […]

Explain the fundamental differences between active and reserve military.

Assignment: Active and Reserve As you have explored the various military branches, you may have considered how some of the differences might impact the culture of that branch. These differences, furthermore, impact the identity, roles, stressors, and needs of military personnel in each branch. Another difference that significantly impacts the military personnel and their families […]

The Challenges of Parenting in Military Families

Discussion 1: Parenting Parenting can be challenging in any family. There are trials and tribulations related to issues such as parenting styles, life, and development stages. In military families, there are often unique challenges to consider. Reflect upon your knowledge about military culture and think about the challenges that can arise. Review the media,The Challenges […]

Identify different historical definitions of, causal explanations for, and responses to alcohol abuse

 Identify different historical definitions of, causal explanations for, and responses to alcohol abuse Part one: Identify different historical definitions of, causal explanations for, and responses to alcohol abuse Part two: Apply social learning theory to alcohol abuse Part three: Analyze the interactional contexts in which alcohol abuse most often occurs The posts will be graded […]