Entries by Sarah Kaelo

Riverbend City: Human Services Policy Outcome

Riverbend City: Human Services Policy Outcome You have viewed and considered the social change controversy in the Riverbend City: Human Services Policy Outcome multimedia presentation. Discuss your proposal for an acceptable policy outcome from a human services professional’s perspective. Your perspective may be different from the Riverbend City community members, but take into account who defined the […]

Cultural Competence Profile – My Self-Assessment

Cultural Competence Profile – My Self-Assessment Consider your responses to the 34-item self-assessment you completed in the studies section of this unit and compare them with your earlier ethnic identity assessment measurement from the Universal Ethnic Identity Scale (UEIS), 18 survey questions taken in Unit 1. Summarize: Your understanding of your racial and ethnic identity. […]

Internet Mental Health Issues

Internet Mental Health Issues In a two- to three- page paper (excluding title page and reference pages), describe the ethics and issues related to the use of the Internet to provide mental health services. Include guidelines from the National Association of Social Workers (Links to an external site.) and American Psychological Association (Links to an external site.) websites as well as […]

Develop and write your personal mission statement. 

Assessment 1 • Develop and write your personal mission statement. Introduction A well-written mission statement can provide the momentum and motivation to take a company to the next level. The same is true of personal mission statement. If you thought about yourself as a company, what would you say about yourself? What values drive you? […]

Develop a long-term and a short-term plan for yourself using what you have learned about yourself through the SWOT analysis and environmental scan you completed. 

Home>Human Resource Management homework help Capstone • Develop a long-term and a short-term plan for yourself using what you have learned about yourself through the SWOT analysis and environmental scan you completed. Introduction Note: Developing a strategic plan requires specific steps that need to be executed in a sequence. The assessments in this course are […]

how should an organization’s strategy influence the business model?

Prior to beginning the discussion, read Chapter 1 of the course text for a tangible understanding of strategic methods. Read the UPS Holiday Season Fiasco: A Failure of Strategic Planning (Links to an external site.) article. Strategic planning is crucial to an organization’s sustainability. According to Abraham (2012), how does strategic planning differ from strategic management, and where […]

analyze these two types of trauma, describing potential interventions and their effectiveness.

Individuals can experience trauma from public events at the national level or extremely private ones at the interpersonal level. In this Discussion, you analyze these two types of trauma, describing potential interventions and their effectiveness. To prepare: Read the DSM-5 section on trauma and stressor-related disorders and review the Learning Resources on PTSD, disaster response, and […]

Supporting Document 1: Memorandum to the CEO

Supporting Document 1: Memorandum to the CEO Overview Using the same scenario from Identifying the Organizational Learning Issue, as the vice president of human resources, you must create a memorandum to the CEO on the issues you discovered from the research. This memorandum serves as your communication to share the discovered problems and request for permission […]

Evaluating Mission Statements

Evaluating Mission Statements [WLOs: 3, 4] [CLOs: 2, 5] Prior to beginning this assignment, read Chapter 2 of the course text and review the Mission Statements (Links to an external site.) web page. The Week 1 written assignment is Section 1 of the Capstone Paper for the course. The full description and instructions for the Capstone Paper can […]

Discuss the relationship between the concepts of employee relations and performance management

Discuss the relationship between the concepts of employee relations and performance management. Include in your response the following: The impact of employee issues on individual and organizational performance. Discuss at least one example. The difference between performance issues and conduct issues and how to ethically and effectively handle each situation, including terminations. How workplace privacy, […]