Entries by Sarah Kaelo

Martha Ballard’s

nursing APA FORMAT at least 750 WORDS 3 pages  That it exists at all is rarity.  Martha Ballard’s life was both unique and ordinary and the pages of her diary reveal how men and women acted or reacted to the mundane and in some cases horrific aspects of life in Hallowell, Maine.  Ballard and her […]


1. Compare and contrast settlement patterns, treatment of Indians, and religion of the Spanish and English in the Americas. 2. For English settlers, land was the basis of independence and liberty.  Explain the reasoning behind that concept and how it differed from the  Indians’ conception of land. 3. Describe the factors promoting and limiting religious […]

Managerial hubris

managementhistorycase study The 1920 Farrow’s Bank Failure: A Case of Managerial Hubris In the case, as presented by Hollow (2014), Thomas Farrow had been evaluated as having been inflicted by managerial hubris at the time of the collapse of Farrow’s Bank in 1920. This work is based on the case and explores some pertinent issues […]

The Diary of Anne Frank

pub   You may have heard of The Diary of Anne Frank, a personal journal that brought to countless readers a young Jewish girl’s experience in hiding during the Holocaust. Those who read Anne Frank’s account learn the reality of genocide in a manner that brings to life the historical event. During the COVID-19 pandemic, several […]


  Discussion: Three Waves of Feminism Imagine you are a historian exploring one of the three waves of feminism discussed in this week’s resources. Select one wave of feminism and identify an artifact associated with the goals of the movement. Note: Please pick an artifact other than a ‘pussy hat’ as that has been provided as an example. By Day […]

The political parties always try to pull the local people in their side by hook.

Gov   Response posts have a 75-word minimum (about 1 paragraph) – it is not enough to agree or disagree, explain why or what you found interesting in the way they responded. political advertising does in fact manipulate public opinions especially when voting. The political parties always try to pull the local people in their side by […]

Daniel Malan letter excerpt and The Freedom Charter)

pleaseThanks   After reading the primary source materials posted in Week 10 (Daniel Malan letter excerpt and The Freedom Charter), answer the following questions: What are some of the ways that Prime Minister Malan justifies apartheid? (worth 5 points; your response should be 2-3 sentences long) What do you think of Malan’s statement about it being the […]

analysis of the image

urgentfast What does the image listed above reveal about the time period in which it was produced? In order to answer this question, you may consider addressing the following: Who produced the image? When was the image produced? Who was the intended audience? What is the purpose of the image? What messages does it convey? […]

The Sixties”

  Write at least five substantial paragraphs (300-500 words) addressing the following: Describe what “The Sixties” means to you and why. Imagine you must pick one movement from that time with which to get involved. Explain which movement from the sixties you would choose and explain why. Include at least one of the movement’s goals and […]