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What does Congressperson Jordan view as the primary concerns for our country?

Read the documents “Barbara Jordan: 1976 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address” and “Jimmy Carter: Crisis of Confidence” from the American YAWP Chapter 28 primary documents. Based on these two primary sources, please answer the following questions in a well-written essay of approximately 750 words: 1 – What does Congressperson Jordan view as the primary concerns for our country? What is the source of these concerns? What does she suggest we do about them? 2 – What does President Carter view as the primary concerns for our country? What is the source of these concerns? What does he suggest we do about them? 3 – Based just on these two documents, delivered almost exactly 3 years apart, to what extent has Carter addressed Jordan’s concerns? Is he talking about the same problems, or different ones? Based solely on the two speeches, would you say the Carter was a successful president?

The effective nurse educator

Learning Needs Assessment: Provide Cystic Fibrosis education to Nurses on Medical-Surgical Unit in hospital