Assumption of administrative reformers
A fundamental assumption of administrative reformers in the late 1800s and early 1900s was that politics could have only adverse affects administration. How valid is that belief and why Woodrow Wilson was concerned with this issue? How, and to what extent, do current administrative structures and practices reflect that assumption? Also discuss the contributions made by Woodrow Wilson, Luthrt Gulick and Herbert Simon to the development of public administration as a discipline. What would contemporary scholars such as Kaboolian, Terry, Kettl, Proven, Koliba and Ferrer say about politics/administration dichotomy? What does James Svara say about the dichotomy and why does he call it a myth? A fundamental assumption of administrative reformers in the late 1800s and early 1900s was that politics could have only adverse affects administration. How valid is that belief and why Woodrow Wilson was concerned with this issue? How, and to what extent, do current administrative structures and practices reflect that assumption? Also discuss the contributions made by Woodrow Wilson, Luthrt Gulick and Herbert Simon to the development of public administration as a discipline. What would contemporary scholars such as Kaboolian, Terry, Kettl, Proven, Koliba and Ferrer say about politics/administration dichotomy? What does James Svara say about the dichotomy and why does he call it a myth? A fundamental assumption of administrative reformers in the late 1800s and early 1900s was that politics could have only adverse affects administration. How valid is that belief and why Woodrow Wilson was concerned with this issue? How, and to what extent, do current administrative structures and practices reflect that assumption? Also discuss the contributions made by Woodrow Wilson, Luthrt Gulick and Herbert Simon to the development of public administration as a discipline. What would contemporary scholars such as Kaboolian, Terry, Kettl, Proven, Koliba and Ferrer say about politics/administration dichotomy? What does James Svara say about the dichotomy and why does he call it a myth?