Assignment Grading Criteria
Assignment Grading Criteria
Create a PowerPoint presentation based on the final paper you have created( Week 6 research paper) .
Select and describe a target audience for the presentation. Explain the selection in terms of their likely interest in the topic of your paper.
Develop a PowerPoint presentation based on the highlights of your paper. Be sure to select information carefully and emphasize the points you consider important.
Develop a six slide presentation. Use the Notes feature in PowerPoint to support your presentation with details. All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.
Assignment Grading Criteria:
Described intended audience and explained their likely interest in the topic of the paper. |
Selected information for presentation to the intended audience. |
Presented information in a way suitable to the intended audience. |
Used design features such as page layout, fonts, and visual elements. |
Evaluated content and suitability to audience in one presentation. |