For this assignment, you will choose from one of the articles above. You will read the article and then prepare an APA formatted paper which will include all (4) required pages.
There are four important aspects to this assignment.
Clarity, Accuracy, EvaluatingaStudentLedMentalHealthAwarenessCampaign111and Reference.
Cite the research/author (in-text citations) correctly and record the reference in accordance with APA formatting style.
Write the Introduction section which is a summary of the article and include a problem statement.
Correctly format the overall paper according to the APA 7th edition standards.
Use the template as a guide to assist you in your write-up. Please verify you have all four pages for this assignment:
page 1 – Cover page
page 2 – Abstract (blank)
page 3 – Introduction(write a 150-250 word summary of the article), Review (blank), Critique (blank)
page 4 – Reference