analysis of a persuasion-related issue.
This final essay writing assignment is to develop a 5-7 pages(Times Roman, 12pt font, double-spaced, 1-inch margins) analysis of a persuasion-related issue. Reference pages are NOT included in overall page length. Pick one topic below to answer the question highlighted in yellow. There are no right or wrong answers, rather I will be looking for how well your support your argument.The supporting material for this paper should come mainly from our textbook. The four sections highlighted below are required.
Introduction: This section is where your will lay out for the reader your question at issue you intend to address, present your thesis statement (recommended answer to the question), and communicate the main points your will be presenting in the body of the paper.
Body: This section should be a well-organized analysis based on facts and logic.Cite your textbook, including any outside sources (e.g., media articles) to support your analysis.
Conclusion: This section should summarize the question at issue, thesis statement and main points. I should have a clear sense of the logic of your paper. The conclusion is not the place to introduce new information, facts, sources, etc.
References: follow APA style and be free of spelling and grammatical errors
Review Ch14 (pp.416-420) – your textbook lists five categories of compliance-gaining strategies.
First, review Ch3 “Persuasion and Ethics” (pp.64-68; pp.70 first paragraph); discuss different approaches, then develop your own ethical frameworkfor compliance-gaining tactics. Use this framework to evaluate when it is appropriate or not appropriate to employ EACH of these five categoriesto gain compliance.
Second, when it comes to persuading someone to practice safer sex, which technique(s) would be most effective (you may select more than one technique from different categories)? Justify your argument.