Ethical Decision Making And Normative Ethics
ASSIGNMENT ONE (Already Done Needs revision and fluff to reach page count)
Making Biblically-Based Ethical Decisions
For each of the points below, conduct thorough research to answer each point below which can be easily researched by a simple internet search for articles and ebooks. No answer should be based on your opinion. Instead, all answers must be grounded in your research. Ten (10) points will be deducted for each point that is not discussed using research.
Minor Project 1 introduced you to different normative ethical theories. Minor project 2 focuses on understanding how to make ethical decisions using the ethical decision frameworks for the 3 categories of ethical theories in normative ethics. This project should be substantially different from minor project 1.
Write an introduction explaining the type and nature of ethical issues that occur in business include ethical issues faced by businesses operating in a global economy. The introduction should explain the purpose of your paper and not exceed 200 words.
Explain frameworks for analyzing ethical issues in business (How to make an ethical decision based on each of the four below). How would a person that views ethics following (This should be a substantial portion of your project):
Virtue perspective
Duty perspective
Consequential perspective
Christian perspective
(Do not write about subcategories)
Guiding principles are used to make ethical decisions. Explain what guiding principles Christians should follow.
How are these principle(s) deemed relevant to ethical decision-making?
How are conflicts resolved according ethics theory?
Does God ever require us to choose the “lesser of two evils?” [This is not about politics. Things to consider: what is meant by ‘evil,’ is evil, sin, and bad synonymous?
Provide examples** of major themes of the Bible that apply to particular issues regarding ethics in business.
**For the final point, you are free to pick 2 or 3 examples from the bible and then explain based on your understanding of ethics.