Describe how the confusion matrix is used for model evaluation.
Describe how the confusion matrix is used for model evaluation.
Describe the definition of accuracy, precision, recall, sensitivity, specificity, True positive rate, False positive rate.
Synthesize real-life examples where you would rely on each one of these measures to evaluate prediction, or classification, performance of your model.
What is a Lift chart? Explain in what situations you would use it?
What is ROC chart? Explain in what situations you would use it?
You are encouraged to help each other in understanding Unit Activities and practicing with scripts and answering the questions in the discussion forum.
While you are watching the videos, and while you are reading the required texts, (Book chapter and articles) in “Unit 6: Activities” experiment with scripts and exercises in the Book chapter and the content and/or similar scripts. Practice with R scripts discussed in those resources using the installed Rstudio on your computer.
Call the libraries you use within every one of your scripts (even if you have called it in your command line) because your professor should be able to run your script on his/her computer. When you use one of the functions from a library, specify the library you are using by ”::“ notation. For example:
Describe how the confusion matrix is used for model evaluation.
Describe the definition of accuracy, precision, recall, sensitivity, specificity, True positive rate, False positive rate.
Synthesize real-life examples where you would rely on each one of these measures to evaluate prediction, or classification, performance of your model.
What is a Lift chart? Explain in what situations you would use it?
What is ROC chart? Explain in what situations you would use it?
You are encouraged to help each other in understanding Unit Activities and practicing with scripts and answering the questions in the discussion forum.
While you are watching the videos, and while you are reading the required texts, (Book chapter and articles) in “Unit 6: Activities” experiment with scripts and exercises in the Book chapter and the content and/or similar scripts. Practice with R scripts discussed in those resources using the installed Rstudio on your computer.
Call the libraries you use within every one of your scripts (even if you have called it in your command line) because your professor should be able to run your script on his/her computer. When you use one of the functions from a library, specify the library you are using by ”::“ notation. For example: