A Money-Management Guide for Students
You can earn up to 30 points of extra credit by reading a book on reserve in the library and completing an assignment. The book is titled: Financial Basics: A Money-Management Guide for Students by Susan Knox.
The assignment requirements are to complete this FORM and submit it for this assignment. See instructions below for completing the form:
· 1. One paragraph for each of the first 12 chapters. Include in the paragraph, 2 or 3 sentences stating what the chapter is about. Also, write 1 or 2 sentences explaining if that chapter covered material that was good for you to learn and consider in your own life.
· 2. List 3 money strengths that you have and a compliment for yourself for each strength (see page 126). You might want to take the quiz starting at the bottom of page 123 first.
· 3. List 3 money weaknesses that you have, including why you think you have them, and the consequences of those weaknesses (see page 127).