IP – Groups Teams and Communication

Cameron Mechanical & Automation, Inc. (CMA) is a fictional  company that has been in business and operating in the Silicon Valley  since 1998. The company began as a successful Internet-based company  (dot-com) and experienced great success with the introduction of high  technology. The company also experienced decline with other dot-coms in  2001. As a result, CMA restructured and focused on its primary products;  that is, computer components. The early changes in the company were  done quickly to downsize. Although many other companies failed during  this time, CMA managed to move forward.

CMA rebounded and continued to manufacture and sell its  components to computer manufacturers worldwide. The company structure  was divided into product divisions, with each division focused on  specific components. For the company, this structure was meant to  streamline sales and delivery worldwide.

In 2008, the economy had an effect on company profits, but the chief  executive officer (CEO), Jared Smith, was in a position to focus on  several internal strategic areas, including structure, work design,  motivation, conflict, and company culture as a whole. To stay  profitable, the company had to eliminate several management positions in  an effort to flatten the organizational chart. Many of the  responsibilities fell to the employees, and many people resisted the  change.

As the economy recovers, CMA continues to rebuild. Since 2012, the  company has been divided into a functional structure that includes four  departments: Research and development (R&D), marketing, production,  and finance. Each department is headed by a vice president who has  responsibility over each of the functional areas. The company currently  sells components to computer manufacturers. As technology continues to  advance, the CMA R&D department and its vice president, Kevin Adams,  are feeling pressure to keep up with the competition. However, because  of the differentiation and separation between the departments, the CEO  is concerned that communication is hampered.

Because of the current structure and culture, the vice presidents who  run each division of the company have autonomy and are able to use  different leadership styles. For example, the vice president of  marketing, Jim Stevens, uses a more democratic leadership style, while  the vice president of production, Melissa Simons, is adamant that her  autocratic or transactional style is the only way to get results. Each  leadership style has advantages, but the lack of consistency between  divisions may be causing problems for the company as a whole. Further,  the CEO is concerned that the workforce may not be as diverse as it  should be, but he is not sure how to address the issue.

It is the end of the day, and you are meeting in Jared’s office to talk about his conference with the vice presidents.

Jared, the CEO, says: “We talked about how we can change the  infrastructure so that it helps organizational culture run efficiently  and consistently. Everyone is getting the same message now about how  structure and culture need to work in a healthy company.”
“You know, it would help if I had something that explained the link  between culture and structure. I need to talk to the board about the  changes we’re making, and I will be talking to staff about what they can  expect to happen over the next 6 months. You’re a better writer than I  am, and I could use a well-written explanation for my discussions.”
Jared also says, “Besides explaining the link between culture and  structure in this assignment, and based on the problems that CMA has  had, what additional changes would you suggest for the company? I want  to include your recommendations in the agenda for the next quarterly  meeting with the board.”
If there are any questions on any of this, reach out to your  instructor and also be sure to attend or listen to the chats as that is  where you will be able to ask questions and gain many insights in what  is being asked for here.




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