Exploring the moderating role of gender in juvenile hacking behaviors.
Exploring the moderating role of gender in juvenile hacking behaviors.
Hackers use tools such as trojan horse, which are software that looks good, but in a real sense, they are made to give access to attacks. The virus is a program that self-repeats and creates duplicates. There are worms, vulnerabilities, exploits, sniffers, social engineering, and rootkit. The types of hacking are also discussed in this article, including rogue access points, inside jobs, anarchists, crackers, and kiddies, and sniffing and spoofing.
Holt, T. J., Navarro, J. N., & Clevenger, S. (2020). Exploring the moderating role of gender in juvenile hacking behaviors. Crime & Delinquency, 66(11), 1533-1555.
This article mainly discusses the role of gender in juvenile hacking behaviors. This article uses gender as a moderating factor and analyses juvenile hacking behaviors. This article helps to
realize the cases of young people who are hackers and why they have those behaviors. The differences between rural and urban areas are also studied. This is to establish the number of cases in rural and urban areas of juvenile hackers.