Carbon Footprint
A / Choose a company that designs products or services and analyze how it manages its carbon footprint, via its official website and via internet research:1. What is the company communication about carbon footprint and/or GHG emissions?2. Is the company working to reduce its GHG emissions?3. If yes, how? By what means?4. What goals has the firm set for the coming years? B / Now select a product or service provided by this company. You are responsible for this product / service and you are looking to improve its carbon footprint:1. How do you do it?2. To what extent do you reduce your product / service carbon footprint?3. What are the economic advantages / disadvantages?4. What are the impacts (positive and negative) on consumers?5. How do you communicate on your new low carbon strategy?6. To what extent can this communication damage the image of the company?Expectations:1500 words minimum.A / Choose a company that designs products or services and analyze how it manages its carbon footprint, via its official website and via internet research:1. What is the company communication about carbon footprint and/or GHG emissions?2. Is the company working to reduce its GHG emissions?3. If yes, how? By what means?4. What goals has the firm set for the coming years? B / Now select a product or service provided by this company. You are responsible for this product / service and you are looking to improve its carbon footprint:1. How do you do it?2. To what extent do you reduce your product / service carbon footprint?3. What are the economic advantages / disadvantages?4. What are the impacts (positive and negative) on consumers?5. How do you communicate on your new low carbon strategy?6. To what extent can this communication damage the image of the company?Expectations:1500 words minimum.